Reasons Assumption is a Waste of Time

in time •  4 years ago 

"Assumption is a waste of time" is a popular saying to use because it is accurate. Assumption can create the need for another assumption. When you make an assumption, you are not always correct or when you are correct, you often make more assumptions to try to be correct in that situation.

For example, if someone thinks that they are smart and successful, they will often make more assumptions based on that thought. They are going to assume that they have done something good enough to be successful and they are going to assume that they are going to be in that position at some point in their lives.

This is the same thing as making many different people up and believing what you think about them. You have not studied any particular person. You just have this idea that they should be good. It is important to realize that your assumptions are often based on false information and are therefore not going to create the right situation for you.

It is important to realize that assumptions are not just going to get you to where you want to go in life. They are a waste of time.

Instead of being afraid of making more assumptions, it is important to realize that the things that we have done so far are not the results that are going to give us what we want. If you believe that you can only get to where you want to be if you make more assumptions, then you will end up going with your assumptions.

The good thing to do is to start being yourself instead of trying to be someone that you are not. Once you can do that, then you will find that being yourself is not a waste of time.

Making too many assumptions is a waste of time, but doing things that do not work are also a waste of time. Making assumptions is going to cause you to do things that are not going to work for you.

On the other hand, if you believe that you can get to where you want to go by doing nothing, then that is just going to get you to where you want to be. If you believe that it takes a lot of thinking to make something happen, then you are going to have to put some effort into finding out what that will work. and putting it will take you a while to learn how to do it. This will give you more time to learn.

Your time is your money and you can be sure that you are wasting it if you are not careful with it. If you do not spend it wisely, then you might waste it on doing things that do not work.

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