Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey and the Portal seen from a military academy Commander and Chief Trump attended. Who are the #AntPeople?

in timetravel •  2 years ago  (edited)

In looking at a series of books Ingersoll Lockwood wrote. . .

In playing off of Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Adventures. . .It is interesting there is a Russian component because. ..

Is the 2nd largest tunnel system in Eastern Europe in Ukraine? World's largest urban labyrinth: Odessa's Catacombs set world record! Used during Nazi Germany. Tourists advised not to enter without a guide.

#UkraineTunnels, #KievUndergroundTunnels, #Kiev, #OdessaCatacombs

To see more concerning Ingersoll and his family history see sources at bottom.

Remember when Ingersoll Lockwood wrote 1900 or The Last President?

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How about this collection?

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Now consider that in telling the adventures of Baron Trump who happens to in this time period in which Ingersoll Lockwood lived. . .so we are talking about over a century and a quarter ago. . .Baron Trump lives at Castle Trump which is located at the very same address as Trump Tower.

Consider. . .

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In Lockwood’s story, Baron Trump is a young aristocrat suffering from ennui. Then a friend of his father’s gives him a
15th century manuscript penned by a man named Don. The manuscript details a mystic “World within a World” near
the center of the Earth, and the only way to reach it is through a portal in Russia.

There is no map to the portal, but Don explains that as the reader travels through Russia, “the people will tell thee”
where the portal is and how to get there.

This is interesting in light of the fact that the tunnels were not known about during Ingersoll Lockwood's time on the continuum, but this is a current article,

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It states the following,

Ural Mountains (Russia) When a team of archaeologists conducted a “geological survey of gold mining” in the Russian Urals, they were shocked to discover numerous strange and mysterious microscopic objects near the banks of the Kozhim, Narada and Balbanyu Rivers. The strange nano-pieces like metal coils, spirals and similar objects are part of a list of unidentified components discovered during geological missions in the Urals. The strange part is that these pieces were embedded in 100,000 year old rock, so they can’t be part of modern machinery. The age of these mysterious nanostructures put them on the list of “Out of Place Artifacts (OOPArt)” given that researchers estimate them to be 300,000 years old. The miniature metal parts were found at a depth of 3 to 12 meters.

An OOPArt (Out of Place Artifact) is a unique and poorly understood object that can be found in historical, archaeological, or paleontological records that fall into the anomalous category. These objects were found when and where they shouldn’t be, thus challenging the conventional understanding of history.

Although researchers have always drawn a simple and rational conclusion about these strange artifacts, many believe OOPArts may even reveal that humanity had a different level of civilization or sophistication than that described and understood by officials and scientists. Some even think that extraterrestrial intelligent beings are the reason for the existence of OOPArts. To date, researchers have found dozens of OOPArts that include the Antikythera Mechanism, the Maine Penny, the Shroud of Turin, the Baghdad Battery, the Saqqara Bird, the Ica Stone, the Stone Balls of Costa Rica, the London Hammer and many more.

The Russian Academy of Sciences in Syktyvkar had run several tests on these mysterious nano-objects and the results were quite interesting as they found that the largest pieces were made from pure copper. The smaller ones are made of tungsten and molybdenum, the same metals that have been used in spacecraft and rockets due to their ability to withstand high temperatures. The smallest length is only 1 / 10,000th of an inch. Scientists involved in the study agreed that there was no technology to make these items 300,000 years ago.

Later these strange materials were subjected to extensive research at institutions in Helsinki, St. Petersburg and Moscow to learn more about their origins and compositions. Now it is clear to the scientists that the metals did not arise naturally in nature, which means that they are components that have an artificial technological origin, in other words, they were manufactured. Initially, there was speculation that the macro- and nano-sized structures were parts that had fallen from missiles from a launch site in Plesetsk. However, a 1996 report ruled out that possibility, saying that these structures were found at too great depth.

Plesetsk Cosmodrome is a Russian spaceport located in Mirny, Arkhangelsk Oblast, about 800 km north of Moscow and approximately 200 km south of Arkhangelsk

Since the time of the World War, the Urals have frequently triggered a number of mysterious events, the most famous of which is the Dyatlov Pass incident, where a group of trained Russian hikers were found dead under very mysterious circumstances. Since then, there have been many conspiracy theories, but to date the incident still remains a mystery. The area is also associated with numerous UFO sightings.

For some, these artifacts are proof that the human race experienced a technologically highly developed period in the Pleistocene (Ice Age), for others they are the work of aliens. Further research must have come to a standstill with the death of Johannes Fiebag, a leading expert in this field, so the mystery of the origin of these strange objects has not yet been solved.

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Do you remember when something similar happened recently in Utah?
See some interesting info in here pertaining to Arches National Park, the Delicate Arch and the Devil's Garden inside of here. Do you remember what was on the news and found there in Utah?

Remember where Gabby stated in here instagram she and Brian had gone on a highly trafficked hike to Delicate Arch? Remember what his insta name was? It was @bizarre_design

Do you remember the monolith in the desert?

Back to the the Adventures of Baron Trump. . .

Baron Trump then sets off for Russia with his trusted dog, Bulger, and finds
the portal with the help of the Russian people.
In this World within a World, he encounters four strikingly different lands:

  1. The Land of Transparent Folk
  2. The Land of the Sodopsies or Ant People
  3. The Frozen Land of King Gilead
  4. The Land of the Rattlebrains or Happy Forgetters

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See more inside of here,

Do you find this interesting in light of. . .

This photo when Commander and Chief Trump went to a military academy in High School?

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Check this section out again from Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey

There is no map to the portal, but Don explains that as the reader travels through Russia, “the people will tell thee” where the portal is and how to get there. Baron Trump then sets off for Russia with his trusted dog, Bulger, and finds the portal with the help of the Russian people.

So WHERE is the portal?

Let's break this down. . .
How about the Sodopsies or Ant People?

Did you know. . .

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From Ancient Origins,

The Hopi Indians have lived on the high desert of northern Arizona for thousands of years. This barren but beautiful landscape was the place where Hopi gods directed them to build a number villages made up of pueblos—what we today would call stone apartment complexes. Here the Hopi managed to flourish by simply growing corn, beans, and squash with very little rainfall and almost no irrigation.

One of the most intriguing Hopi legends involves the Ant People, who were crucial to the survival of the Hopi—not just once but twice. The so-called “First World” (or world-age) was apparently destroyed by fire—possibly some sort of volcanism, asteroid strike, or coronal mass ejection from the sun. The Second World was destroyed by ice—Ice Age glaciers or a pole shift. During these two global cataclysms, the virtuous members of the Hopi tribe were guided by an odd-shaped cloud during the day and a moving star at night that led them to the sky god named Sotuknang, who finally took them to the Ant People—in Hopi, Anu Sinom .
The Ant People then escorted the Hopi into subterranean caves where they found refuge and sustenance.

The constellation Orion also has a thin waist. When Orion dominates the winter skies, the ants are deep in their small underground hills. These structures are similar in form to the Hopi kivas, which are subterranean communal prayer chambers. Coincidentally the Sanskrit word ki means “ant hill” and va means “dwelling.” Each February inside their kivas the Hopi perform the Bean Sprouting Ceremony, or Bean Dance, called Powamu. During this time the fires are continuously kept ablaze, turning these structures into superb hot houses. The ritual commemorates a time when the Anu Sinom taught the Hopi how to sprout beans inside caverns in order to survive.

It is interesting to note that the Babylonian sky god was named Anu. The Hopi word for “ant” is also anu, and the Hopi root word naki means “friends.” Thus, the Hopi Anu-naki, or “ant friends,” may have been the same as the Sumerian Annunaki—the beings who once came to Earth from the heavens.

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The Ant People may have also lived in ancient Egypt. Akhenaten, the 18th Dynasty pharaoh who ruled from 1351–1334 BC, is shown in some depictions with an elongated skull like the shape of an ant’s head. His almond-shaped eyes and neck are like the ant’s, and either the serpent or the vulture on his uraeus resembles the ant’s mandibles. He also has spindly arms and legs like those of the ant, and his upper body resembles the ant’s thorax while his lower body mirrors the ant’s abdomen. Akhenaten’s body type can be specifically compared to the Pharaoh Ant ( Momomorium pharaonis ), which originated in West Africa. It also has an elongated head, a yellow to reddish brown body, and a darker abdomen with a stinger.

Perhaps it is more than a coincidence that the Egyptian word sahu means “stars of Orion,” whereas the Hopi word sohu means “star,” the most important of which are those in the constellation Orion. #ThereAreNoCoincidences

What's been going on throughout time, here is what is known. . .

Facebook Frames, Check out Barron Trump! Are there parallels to a book written in Victorian Times about journey's, portals and tunnels? You decide with the evidence that is out there!" #WhatLiesBeneath, What do we know, what is proven?
Little Barron was only 10 when going to White House originally!
Now 14 he sure resembles a certain Military School Cadet who stood front and center years ago before an important sign

#TimeTravel, #Portals, #BaronTrumpsUndergroundJourney, #IngersollLockwood, #DonaldTrump, #BaronTrump, #HopiIndians, #Annunaki, #Monolity, #GabbyPetito, #BrianLaundrie, #HaylenaHutchins, #NewMexico, #Arizona, #Utah, #Monolith, #ArchNationalPark, #Devils, #UralMountains, #Urals, #Tunnels, #OdessaTunnels, #KieveTunnels, #DelicateArch, #DevilsGarden


Ingersoll Lockwood

Lockwood Revolutionary Family

Ant People Rescued Native Americans

Caves Ural Mountains,

Mysterious Ancient Nanostructures Discovered in the Ural Mountains in More Than 100,000 Years old Rock

Day Zero - Family Matters

There may be something wrong with me. My therapist told to stop drinking and wean off my meds. He advised me to confront my demons... namely my alcoholic father and my co-dependent mother. When the undead filled the streets outside my family's apartment, I toolkit as a welcome--if terrifying--distraction from my daily life.Which is worse... relentless domestic abuse or the hungry undead threatening our lives at every one of our barred windows? It wasn't all that tough a choice.My name is Jude Sawyer. Welcome to my world.

Method of gravity distortion and time displacement

Nikola Tesla Tesla Quotes Tesla's Lost Inventions the Amazing Tesla Tesla's Flying Machine Tesla's Wonderworld Tesla Turbine Tesla's Black Box Tesla Chronography Tesla's Earthquake Machine Greatest Hacker? Machine To End War Radiant Energy Receiver Magnifying Transmitter Viktor's Patents Viktor Schauberger The Airship Power From Oceans Dynamic Hydropower Vortex Science Sympathetic Vibratory Physics Walter Russell Water Power WhirlPower Joe Fuel Cell Help Frank Global Energy Tech Applications The Bookstore Products

Applications of a Schauberger Vortex, with the Tesla Turbine
(some fresh air for a dying planet)

Dynamic Hydropower

Ant People Rescued Native Americans

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This ended a few weeks ago. . .just interesting is all as I had asked questions and watched it for a while!

Seller is out of Alaska

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UPDATE from 11.15.2022

Well, let's see if THIS post stays up today.
Yesterday they Tore my Entire sourced post down though Verified and Vetted! Why do you suppose that is? #youknowwhy [Encodes 19 and we WILL flip it on them!]

No worries. .. archived it all including their LIE about the "technical difficulties lol, I'll BET! Do you suppose it was the part about the Blo*d Dia&mond$ though also reported in Business Insider? Too many connections for them?

No matter what it was about I have it archived! Will drop a link Soon!

In the meantime, check this out!
Anons and Guardians will remember our discussions from back in the day on platforms they Couldn't Censor!
Discussions about ravels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and his Wonderful Dog Bulger, Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey, The Last President (or 1900).

During the height of the dem surrounded by Pan and all that is ICKY. . had a woke worker from Barnes and Noble uncomfortable with my naked face so I kindly offered to wait outside and he would look up a book for me. Guess which book I was after?

He found out there were more books in the series, printed them off then came out and got awfully close to me in his excitement when his corporate and woke codes stated. . .6 ft apart.

I just smiled in his excitement as he practically had a research paper. Then told me they could order them. I told him I would consider it, but was really looking for an immediate copy of the entire collection. Needless to say he was far kinder to me after that day and I've always wondered if he got the Collection.

Since that time many seekers of truth who work outside of the Matrix have broken the incredible info from these. . .shall we say Uncanny if not a little Eerie. . .books down.

Even sent some to a person who has asked me for help as their rights were taken away, but sadly the owned by the Agenda and Beast System have more than likely taken it away. They will only allow those they control to look at information they approve. This is how the conned and controllers operate.

That is OKAY for the truth resides inside of each Warrior no matter how much the other side tries to Hide it!

Check out what a H-wood producer has been working on!
We WILL manifest it into existence because Nothing, I mean NOTHING they do can stop what is comin! #NCSWIC and we have been Prevailing whether there or the weary realize it or not.
It is all in Due Time and that is God's time as Time is NOT what people Think it is!

If you dare take some time to learn more. I will be putting further info in the comments of this post on my page and What an Eye Opener for those who do Not let the gatekeepers keep them from Expanding Their Thinking! #ExpandYourThinking, #openyourmind

Then ask yourself, WHY don't they want you to know?
Do you have a right to know and make your own decisions?
Are you not sovereign?
What makes Them better than or above you to Tell you what to do?
Are you the Master of your own Ship/Vessel?
Only YOU can decide that. Don't give your consent Away!
Don't let them dictate what information you can or cannot look at!

Check out the info in the frames and we'll see if the overlords Allow this to stay. Evidence on sidebar. Godspeed Light Warriors!

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The photo frames inside In Case they make this go missing on their DARPA Lifelog platform!

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One of the links is this article here and this,

This CIA Document Literally Explains Time Travel (practical steps included)

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Remember when Roman Polanski raped the 13yo, said it was consensual Hollywood Elitists and many from the DNC supported him? France NWO harbored him, now the Patriots there are fed up!


#Ingersoll, #Trump, #IngersollTrump, #IngersollTrumpPocketWatch
I was watching this watch on Ebay for some time.
Finally sold,

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Time is a Curious thing. Check this out. ..if you have Time! Radium for Radiolite in Ingersoll Atomic Number is 88. Ingersoll Trump watch wold for almost $2,000 recently!

#Time, #Ingersoll, #TheLastPresident, #Radium, #Cesium, #Fisher, #TimeandSpace, #Space, #Geostorms, #SunStorms, #Ions, #IngersollLockwood, #TheLastPresident, #TimeIsACuriousTHING #TheUndergroundBaronTrumpsMarvellousUndergroundJourney,
#GodSPEED, #WeWILLprevail, #TheBESTisYetToCome

How to recalibrate a chronograph watch.The Timex Field Expedition Watch and Ingersoll watches.

Rite in the Rain pocket pensField Notes Ingersoll 1892 themed

Hear some iconic history concerning Ingersoll watches, a poem about their Radiolite pocket watches and some interesting info concerning another Ingersoll, Ingersoll Lockwood and the Last President.

runnin on reddit under Bitchute

Never mind. . .permanently suspended there too for telling the truth about Pedos and globalists with verified links. I guess everyone like Reddit is "In The BIG CLUB!"

See his short bit here. Beware. . .he uses language at times so protect little ears.


#ChildSexAbuse documented way back when,
This is an old #SallyJesseRaphael show from what appears to be the 1980's or 1990's

Ericka Ingram Satanic Ritual Abuse

Sexual abuse victim recounts horrors of foster care

Special Report: Hollywood Child Abuse

Out of Darkness, Into Light: Child Sexual Abuse - A WLRN Original Production

See a Facebook post from 9.1.2022 with more examples and verification here,


Victim of Hillsong Church founder's father says childhood was destroyed by sexual abuse

Watch live here,

How does the Large Hadron Collider work? [CERN]

In the Large Hadron Collider. . .

Particles race around a 17 mile track guided by a series of super conducting magnets.

The detector is 80 feet tall and 140 feet long.

Everything wrong with the young blood injection craze

Went over this inside of here,
#Cannibalism, #Adrenochrome, #Ambrosia, #parabiosis

Cannibalism being heralded as a solution to Climate Change by the same elites who Won't give up their private jets, but hey average people can help them out by eating each other in their goal of Population Control!


This all was happening around the same time period these books were written.
Think about it. ..the date 1893 encodes 993

Chicago World's Fair Near the Turn of the Century. The Columbian Exposition. Daniel Burnham, John Root and a close friend Millet who was on the Titanic and the other on the Sister Ship the Olympia. Juxtaposition of Burnham and Holmes the serial killer!

#TheDevilInTheWhiteCity, #HHHolmes, #SerialKillers, #HolmesSerialKiller, #WhiteCity
H.H. Holmes Serial Killer History, Murder Castle with secret passages, tunnels and a cadaver workshop basement. Would Daniel Burnham the considered Hero architect of the Chicago World's Fair and Devil in the White City have known Holmes?

#Ooparts, #AncientComputer


The ancient 'computer' that simply shouldn't exist - BBC REEL

Check out this amazing artistic depiction done by Warrior Michael Meredith,

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You can find his artwork on his page.