V4vapid Presents: Tin Foil Raps - A Paranoid Rhymes Contest

in tinfoilraps •  7 years ago  (edited)

Tin-foil-hat @animate.gif

Image by @animate


Oxford English Dictionary

tinfoil hat


Used in allusion to the belief that wearing a hat made from tinfoil will protect one against government surveillance or mind control by extraterrestrial beings.

The Urban Dictionary

tinfoil hat (1)

Propoganda designed to cover up a massive government conspiracy. Begining in the late 1970's, the United States government tried to cover up its radio-wave thought-control program by circulating a false rumor that people could shield their minds from government intrusion by wearing a tinfoil hat. In truth, a tinfoil hat only improves reception and makes it easier for the government to read your mind. Speak truth to power!

Take off that tinfoil hat, you fool, the black helicopters are coming!

by Shep Pettibone May 22, 2009

Tin Foil Hat (2)

Tin Foil Hat, also tinfoil hat, or tfh, a general term for a piece of headgear made from one or more sheets of tin foil, aluminium foil, or other similar material. Some people wear the hats in the belief that they act to shield the brain from such influences as electromagnetic fields, or against mind control and/or mind reading. The concept has become a popular stereotype and term of derision; in Internet culture, the phrase serves as a byword for paranoia.

that guy is so paraniod he needs a tin foil hat.

by bkdouble October 05, 2006

tinfoil hat (3)

Number 1 fashion accessory for unemployed conspiracy theorists around the world!

The illuminati was scanning my brain, but not since I got this tinfoil hat!

by Bas April 08, 2005

tinfoil hat (4)

Derisive attempt on behalf of blind conformists to discredit and stigmatise those who dare to question authority.

"You honestly believe the war is all about oil? Where's your tinfoil hat?"

by Cara_Drina July 01, 2005

The Urban Dictionary

This installment is a variation on my ongoing
Conspiracy Writing Contest
and meant to be little more lighthearted in nature.

It's important not to take ourselves too seriously and
be able to have some fun with the subject.

In order to claim the tin foil crown,
you’ll need to come correct and throw down your best rhymes


Tin Foil Raps


Take two seemingly unrelated conspiracies and wrap them together in rhyme.

Limited to 1 entry per account ONLY

Submissions MUST be made in a seperate post not in the comments

Be sure to use the Lead Tag - "tinfoilraps" - for your submissions

Acceptable submissions

Written Rhymes / Spoken Rhymes (DTube – Video uploads)

Try to limit your submissions to a reasonable length (no novellas please)

7 days from posting (UTC = 04:00 Saturday January 6th, 2018)

Winners will be announced within 48hrs of deadline.


Overall Best (quality rhymes and merging of topics)

  1. First place – 50 STEEM
  2. Runner Up – 20 STEEM

Most Humorous

  1. First place -20 STEEM
  2. Second place – 10 STEEM

The Realness (most accurate and realistic)

  1. First Place – 20 STEEM

Most Original Entry

  1. Unique / Creative – 20 STEEM


  1. Fluidity - 20 STEEM

As Always - Bonus V4Vapid Upvotes in the Mix :)

This contest is open to everyone.

Just have fun with it!

Possible Themes

Tin Foil Hat Use / Pizzagate / The Illuminati / Aliens / The Finders /
9-11 / Nibiru (planet X) / MK-Ultra / Chem Trails / Surveillance State /
Eugenics / Biometrics / Reptilians / JFK / Arkancide / Moon Landing /
Media Ops / False Flags / Fluoride / RSA / Flat Earth / Sandy Hook /
Area 51 / Roswell / Vaccines / Monsanto / Boston Bombing / ...


Once again, a special thanks to @fortified / @animate for the original contest gif

Images giphy.com

edits: more theme suggestions



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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Fuck anyone who didn't listen to this track ;

LOL. It really is a fucking awesome track. All truth in the first part and the second half is ours if we want it enough. :)

Cheers mate. Hope your having a good one. :)


Damn son, get ya Grammy right here!

Fuck ... flossing?

That was an awesome video...

Damn. Just fuck everything.

There are laws against that. :)

You sir just gained a new follower 👊😎

Well, I won't be into sex with Obummer, but I got the point.

NoNWO avatar92.jpg

I love this here!,here! 1 is to many &1000 is never enough!

Way more than two!

Thank you for making me aware of Tiller Wills. Both Tiller and I had a response to Eminem, Tiller had a video freestyle rap and I made a short film on Twitch TV channel efthemiap called Breast Health Awareness as my response to Marshall after that parking garage so not genuine rap. I freestyle rap a little too.


What eye-catching animations!

True buddy

Lol where did you find the animation we want to get some of these dude

Hi. I made the first animated gif. Glad you like. Thanks



Lyrics on the post. Appreciate you doing this competition man, had a lot of fun making this. A lot of emotions really, but was a good topic.

Daaauummm! Powerful! Nice the bass on that beat as well. Big topics, powerful visuals too.

Thanks man, really appreciate it.

Wow. This is an awesome song. Congrats. Im following you!

Thanks, I really appreciate it!

It could be a bit late now dude but you should use http://d.tube for an future work of this quality!

image/say dtube exclusive so they know its original content and i'm sure you'll get some fat votes for stuff like this!


Yea man, I have to hit up dtube. I've only ever uploaded one thing to there, it takes quite a while and sometimes the videos don't work for people when they want to watch it. I really want people to be able to see the content, but when Dtube is more streamlined and has some better streaming, then I will definitely be hitting it up more.

Yes I've had similar issues but this past week things seem to be better.

Hope to see some of your content up there soon!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I liked the video and rap as well. Thank you @abh12345 about d.tube recommendation. For some reason I can't log in to d.tube yet

There is something wrong with login on d.tube because I was using correct password thingy and then I generated a new password thingy and re logged in to Steemit but the d.tube gave me "Error Private Posting Key is wrong" flag on bottom right of screen

I hope you can get this issue resolved soon. Good luck!

Thank you. I figured out how to log in, now uploading!

It is faith and not hope that gets us to live our dreams :) Thank you. I was determined to figure it out around 2AM and did. I had a hunch another passkey was what was being requested. At least I learned how to generate an new pw too.

My entry on compartmentalization, drug trade and the new world order not really crazy when I lay it all out:

Wow @v4vapid.

You are really going above and beyond with this one trying to pull the talent and creativity out of the Steemians like a dentist with a molar.

It makes me wish I paid more attention in poetry class instead of starting at Dawn's nice caboose. Oh well, there is always a price to be paid for not doing out best in school.

Maybe if I spend the weekend listening to some Snoop or Dr Dre I'll get the rhyming down.

Where there is a will there is a way.

Great contest.

You are really going above and beyond with this one trying to pull the talent and creativity out of the Steemians like a dentist with a molar.

I like this image... trying to force fun on others.

Maybe you can write about how Dawn's booty was a psy-op?


I like this image... trying to force fun on others.

It is an awful job but someone has to do it. People would rather revel in their misery it seems.

Man I havent thought about Dawn in decades.....wow what stimulating thoughts.

Haha, nice one mate, a great idea for a contest.
I can't wait to see what people come up with.

LOL!!! Man, this is way to cool and even more funny!

I simply LOVE these ideas put together as one. I can't wait to see the results!Thanks a lot for this set of incredible ideas.

Namaste :)

You simply cannot invent any conspiracy theory so ridiculous and obviously satirical that some people somewhere don't believe it. - Robert Anton Wilson

With too much information available with just one click of the button, it has become very difficult for humans to clearly differentiate the truth from the falsehood. Governments have been using propaganda technique to create a public opinion that favors them and current times, it has become easier to do so. That's a bitter reality.

Now, on a lighter note, running a contest about rhymes of conspiracy theories is a very novel and interesting idea.

This is also a great way to help spread the message for our own decentralized video app -Dtube. I've recently known about it. I was going to launch my YouTube channel but I read here at Steemit that they are now paying far less and have bit tough criteria for payments. So, I'm planning to start my Dtube channel. Wish me luck! :)

Excellent contest @v4vapid. Shared.

Steem On!

I think this is the first entry, thanks!

Sandy Hook and 9-11.

I weigh in at 120 and I'm scrawny and weak

Awe hell let's just 'pull it' Tower 7 now deceased

Call in the tags on what MSM said was Lanza's momma's
but Newtown Po Po radio transmission say it's ole Chris Rodeo's

Just a day prior Rumsfield announced 2.3 Trillion $ was missing- had bounced
then along comes stage actor like the stuffed animal guy- as he gathered the kids and made sure they'd not cry.

cameras galore -the most heavily ever guarded -yet no video footage of that seven five seven would ever be viewed.

Then theres Lanza's SS entry that showed the poor soul leaving Earth one full day before Sandy Hoax-

awe heck I give up!

You could get unstuck like a train on the amtrack with concrete slabbed up or bolts stuck in the rails.

The cars they couldn't hold and they had to bail & At 90 miles per hour they were starting to sail.

It was supposed to be safe it was only the first time, Now they have spend a year investigating looking for russian hacking.
Pensions hang in the balance with engineers grappling, They have to justify this incompetence on the virgin ride,
like Kevin Spacey when he said it was just a pat on the back and he's a normal guy.

All the little things that try to put us in this track
reality denial by fiction is a just a reincarnation lap,
of sheep herded to progressive Jim Jones copout fade to black.

thanks @thelightreports, if you want to officially enter please put your Sandy Hook/9-11 submission in a seperate post, thanks :)

I think i should add both of these in the suggestions, cheers

Oh man, I'll see what I can do. I'm hoping for a spurt of creativity! Perhaps if i fashion a tinfoil hat I can come up with an idea.. or I'll just look rediculous and get a sweaty head? 😁

Haha, do what ya gotta do!

Done 😎

Great idea, and of course I cannot wait to see all of the entries! Good Luck Everyone! xoxo

Love it. Will put my tinfoil thinking cap on and come up with something. Happy holidays

Great idea! now I'm thinking of ideas, seeing if i might want to join in lol

i hope you do! There's a whole week so take your time.

Let's DO THIS! I was in the mood for some poetry, but I'll let you in on a secret: I read verses in Eminem's voice no matter what form they are.

In other words, I'm always rapping when writing poetry.

Nice! I'm glad to see that you found the contest. I can totally relate rapping verses in your head when writing. While I don't hear Eminem, I often have a beat stuck on repeat and try to overlay whatever it is I'm reading or writing.

Welcome to the contest! Always happy to see familiar names in here. I happened to see you were already bustin' rhymes in the rap battle channel, looking forward to reading this :)

Ok... Here is my entry!... Dig it you will... Dug it I have!

They hand us labels, we give them tin foil raps!! What a genius trade ;) loving this idea and equally really interested to see who our fellow lyrical miracles, slice and dice with their steem powered spice :D Great work as always@v4vapid

ahahhahaha! That hat... I need to wear it around town, I think it will also keep my head warm :P

what an excellent challenge ! here's my entry

It is done! At last!

With your contests you keep making my head spin,
And I don't think rap's ever been my best thing,
But here you go, enjoy my wokest rhyming.
No doubt, I hope, maybe something I will win!


Once again,

Thank You @v4vapid, for another very cool contest.
Your contests always seem to inspire me. ;)

Here's my rhyming entry for this one:

Table of Contents

Transparency, or "I Hate Fiat, But Can I Learn to Love The BlockChain Gang?"





It sounds great and interesting, however, I can't get idea what the entry would look like, can you point some examples?

2179266 (2).gif

You can just write standard lines of poetry if you'd like ;)

add some images

maybe some people will recite their rhymes in a video or add a beat?

It's really up to you ;)

create examples- YOU ARE A CREATOR

Absolutely awesome idea for a contest! I had so much fun writing this 😂
My entry:

Lol this will be fun. Expect my submission shortly after these aliens stop probing my brain!! Hahaha :)

Am I contending for the tin foil crown? I think this is the new controversy.

Here's my entry in case it can dispel all clouds of controversy and can be considered as a valid entry:


Just saw Podesta the molesta
Cruzin the playgrounds with confused looks and frowns, trying to work out his pizza related map with a kid in his lap...

Wascherman ordered the hit, and seth rich died, just so these filthy pedos can continue to hide...

Clintons and Obama's doing the same, little do they know it's nearing the end of the game! All these filthy pedos are soon going down, hopefully 10 foot into the ground!

Here is my entry

I hope I still have make it to the deadline 😊.
Hope you like it.
2179266 (2).gif

I just heard about this contest sounds like fun i hope i have enough time too put together some rhymes by saturday! thanks @V4vapid :D

This a great writing provide..I think content capable for contest...I wish you win this contest...Carry on ..Best of luck..

My submission for the tinfoilraps contest:


Hey @maneki-neko, I can't get the DTube video to play :(

Is anyone else able to view the video?

The message reads "video cannot be loaded" and that it my be an unsupported format, maybe try to upload the video once more with a supported format. You might have to make a fresh post.

I read the rhymes, solid! Try to upload it again...maybe chack for a DTube tutorial to see if it supports your file format, cheers

Hey I am watching it just fine! And I got comments that other folks did as well - maybe try refreshing in a moment - DTUBE is still working out the kinks!

Hhmm... no dice for me atm. Tried refreshing and logging in from another pc.

This is the message I get -


I'll keep trying - seems like a server issue.

Feeling tin foil raps on my memory that is keeping me from doing any poetry. So, I'm trying to sing Unrhymes at the moment. They say, self-belief is the first step toward victory. Surety in belief is what it takes to the next level. The belief is the start point and it comes from inside you but the outside of a man keeps crushing it until it fully dominates it or gets dominated. So, singing Unrhymic conspiracy theories is creating the best environment that will create the belief required to participate in this contest. I think I'm on track.

great post like it and upvoted....
keep it up!



I always want to look at your post how did you do that .Your are amazing and your website also very helpful thanks @v4vapid

thanks for sharing stories, videos and photography.

Great post, thanks for sharing!

Alright! Here's mine! :Put's on Tin Foil Crown: =]

Got your entry @hazem! I haven't chose a winner yet, anyone can still win one of the categories ;)

cant wait to see who wins !

Ha ha ha !!! Man, this cool way and even more fun!

I simply love to put together as one of these ideas I do not wait to see the results! Thanks a lot for this set of incredible ideas.


You always upload nice and helpful post. and your website also so much helpful sir....
Resteem done....

Consider me inspired by this clever mashup challenge!

I like this contest @v4vapid

My eyes are broken :)

fantastic post greetings



Well since I saw the themes Bellow I don't know, how many stanzas do I write? Or should I just go with the tide? I mean is there a licence to follow my rules? Please reply

Initially I was going to make a recommended number of bars but I'll leave it up to the contestants. Just try not to write a manifesto or a book!
Good luck :)

will love to try out some rythms. fingers cracking

eye catching animations

What a nice contest I am from Venezuela I will strive to have if I can participate :D


Interesting try.

Bagus sekali suka saya

This is hilarious and original

This contest is awesome!! I love this so much. I'm going to have so much fun ah!!!!!!

Good poetry

Congratulations @v4vapid!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 6 with $ 340,41

I had to give it a go as I made this track this past summer and it barely got any views. Your contest is a chance for at least a few folks to hear it. Prepare to take a wild ride. :) https://steemit.com/tin/@clarityofsignal/v4vapid-s-tin-foil-raps-comp-submission-do-the-isis-hegelian-dialectic-the-globalists-game


Challenge accepted @v4vapid ! This is a very cool contest to get everyone's opinion about the shit that's going on in our society . I have the perfect conspiracy theory to talk about and I would like it if everyone can give an input or their perspective. Thumbs up !

My Tin Foil Raps: The Russian Collusion Theory and Flat Earth Theory


This looks like fun! Thanks for hosting another awesome contest.

very nice visit me

Woow nice post you

Haha rap contest it is quitly awesome :) it will help many people me tooo.

This was off the hook.

This is a freakin great idea! Oh man i hope these keep going

Your posts are good. very beneficial for those who see your blog. sorry I can not vote you. my powor steam is crumbling. this is the love of recovery phase. if there is a solution of lamu please in love solution.



wow you are amazing..i think you are a multi talented one

So, I was thinking about tin foil. A dull metal made into foil, long ago before aluminum became easy to smelt out of of alunimum oxide. And then I read

Lead tag - ?? A heavy soft metal "tag"?? What could that be? Where would you use it?

Once again english, you have failed me!

It's a contest

if you make a poetry or rap entry into the contest - then use "tinfoilraps" as the lead (first) tag when you make your own post.

I hope that helps ;)

Nope, my mind is totally leaden. It will never change now that it has read it wrong. :-p

I'd suggest you to go for a mind transplant, if that helps 😜

Omisego! Why didn't I think of that??!! ^_^

Wow... Brilliant.. Lets see what you are made of...just can't wait to see the results... Let the entries keep coming!..

what a creativity!! lol

Will post a tin foil hat rap now.

Please see the contest rules - if you want to make a submission you need to make a post of your own, thanks!!

T'in foil hat for the Americans, what kind of hat is for Nigerians? Our governments are the incredible to say the least. Nice one though, it was an interesting piece.

ahaha !! I want to do this! D:

This is interesting ! Great initiation my friend !!

Thank you very much for your kind support.
I submitted more of a poem than a rap I suppose... but hopefully it’s original in concept enough to please and amuse a few people.
Yours aye,

Here my entry combining my two loves social media and science. This is for illuminati and Eugenics

Best contest ever! I'm resteeming so I can do some rapweaving tomorrow as I must be off in search of the cool side of the pillow...

Thanks! And good luck everyone!

Lol, the cool side is the only side.

Yes it is ;)

Woah this contest kicks ass!

None can beat you when it comes to animation @v4vapid.

Thanks a lot for exchanging the meanings of Tin foil Raps by different sources.

Much appreciable tasks you are doing on steemit. This contest will refine many talented brains for sure.

Keep the high work up and Stay blessed.

Steem On!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I felt a little sad seeing Sandy Hook in list. Real live human parents lost their children, my mother worked at Blue Colony Diner at the time, knew the families. Witnessed in so called reality the realness of that incident. Please in all kindness be gentle and compassionate about making a rap about that -insert sad tearing and crying face

Omg I’m so curious to hear these!

awesome post great work... thats why this post is in trending... the post is really unique...

Awesome idea ! and personally i like your sharing thank you so much

Thanks for hosting this amazing contest!
Here is my entry:

ILOVE these ideas put together as one. I can't wait to see the results!Thanks a lot for this set of incredible ideas.