Tingo (OTC:TMNA) up 51% today as investors start to figure out that the market cap of both Tingo companies combined is less than one times 2022 earnings and less than the cash in the bank.
Tingo also has zero revenue or earning exposure to the coming series of crashes in the USA. Tingo serves poor people and has both low costs, and provides multiple sources of income for its customers, who are in 18 African countries plus China.
Tingo uses mobile phones and the Nwassa app to empower 11.4 million farmers to sell their food directly to hundreds of millions of families, bypassing parasitic middlemen, reducing the cost of food and post-harvest waste and increasing the profits of organic farmers who are mostly on the scale of gardeners and need all the technology and fintech help they can get.
That value remains even if and when the stock price goes up or down.
It’s a no brainer to me that EVERYONE should be buying fresh whole organic food directly from farmers the day it’s harvested.
I’m also happy to have almost no exposure to what I fear will be the coming crash of the US economy.
This is not financial advice. I’m just sharing what I value and do with part of my time.