money tips

in tips •  7 years ago 

When I talk about gratefulness having to do with money others periodically stare bewildered. Monetary appreciation is being thankful for the assets you have now rather than spotlighting what you do not have currently. Focusing mostly one what you don't have, gives your attention to unfavorable thoughts instead of acknowledging the good you have at this time.

An example I can give is if someone you cared for listened to you grumble about what you didn't receive as a Christmas present when this person gave you a beautiful gift they used their resources getting for you. After listening to you do you think, they would get you another gift next year? The chances are slim. The person may not even put effort into a gift in the future. Universal order is the same way, meaning, if you give attention to what you do not have, you are releasing a negative energy that acts as an obstacle impeding affirmative things from coming to you.

I am going to use myself as an example. A couple of years ago, I bravely started my business, which has been challenging at times. Regular pay is not secured, and I have devoted a lot of my money to my profession and business growth. Currently, I have less money than when I opened by business, and I have incurred more debt from business related investments. Although my monetary bottom-line decreased, my self-worth expanded rapidly and it feels good to know that I am now on the right path. I decide each day to pay attention to all the resources I have access to now. I have nurturing friends family, colleagues, and I love my life. What more can I ask for?

As you read this you might be asking, "How can I feel monetary appreciation particularly in a challenging time?" I have an answer for you.

Money Tip #1: Focus on what is right with you and stop replaying what is not right in your life!

When did you last grip about something? It wasn't that long ago that I moaned often unhappily. I was unhappy with my work, and in my personal life and for these reasons, I complained to others. My friends were also sad - it was a group pity party and we supported each other about feeling discontentment. To be honest, I was envious of other people who were satisfied with their lives. This is a revealing truth.

With time, I learned to pay more attention on what was working in my life and acknowledge the resources I did have more than I complained. Overtime, I felt a change happen, and more good things and people came into my life.

Try this tip for yourself and plan a time when you acknowledge what is working in your life. Visit the a complaint free world website to assist you with stop complaining

Money Tip #2: Write down what's working

After identifying some good resources in your life, record them maybe in a journal. When we are working on changing your habits, sometimes we are not able to remember the good things in hard times. Changing takes time, so it is important to have a reminder written down of the good when we are going through a challenge.

Money Tip #3: Ask for what you want

While working on tip number one, surely stuff you want and do not have right now will become a need. This is a human reaction.

Choose one thing that you need help with and ask for help. Consider who can help you and how you will you ask?

Release fears and ask. Asking is like a lost concept especially for women. Exercise your courage and ask because you might be amazed how affirmatively people are willing to help.

These money tips start the process of building monetary appreciation in your life. An additional money tip is to give others when you can truly assist them. This action might initiate a word of mouth effect of financial gratitude that continues to expand.

Beth Marshall, CPA and MBA, is the founder and owner of Financially Authentic, and is inspired to serve others by helping them learn how to proactively manage their financial lives. Her passion is to work with busy, successful, and self-motivated professionals and small business owners to teach them that finances can be friendly and fun and that using their money in an intentional and proactive way can lead to freedom and choice to live an authentic life of their dreams.

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