😀😀Tips on Preventing Fire at Home😀😀

in tips •  6 years ago 

If you hear the word "fire safety" or fire prevention, your mind may immediately drift in fire drills in offices or fire extinguishers that must be owned office buildings, malls and hotels.

*However, the danger of fire lurks anywhere, including on private homes or apartments. You may often read or watch the news of a fire disaster that befell your home or private apartment. Home fires can be caused by a number of things, ranging from short-circuit, the stove exploding to flammable objects placed in the wrong place.

Of course, any disaster, including fires, can happen unexpectedly. However, you can minimize the risk of home fires that generally occur due to human error.

[bctt tweet = "You can minimize the risk of house fires that are common due to human error!"]

Here are some simple tips that are expected to help you prevent and protect your family and your home from danger of fire at home and the fatal consequences of fire:
Keep flammable objects from sources of ignition
Objects that can trigger fire are not just kerosene, matches or lighter and gas cylinders. Candles, perfume bottles and hairspray are also flammable, especially wax that easily fall or collapse and about the objects around it. Therefore, avoid lighting candles near paper, wooden fabrics and furniture and keep other ignition objects away from gas cylinders or stoves.

Be careful when smoking indoors or better yet, smoke outside
Smoking indifference in indoor smoking can trigger fires. Because the embers in the cigarette butts sometimes do not really die when placed in an ashtray or thrown into the trash. Although small, this embers can cause sparks and risk of burning objects around it. So make sure the embers are completely extinguished when you throw cigarette butts.

Also, clean the ashtrays regularly so that the cigarette butts do not accumulate and increase the chance of a small embers in the ashtray.

Provide a simple fire extinguisher
Fire extinguisher is not only needed in public areas, but also in private dwellings. This is an important precautionary measure in preventing fires in the house or apartment. Put a fire extinguisher in places close to the source of fire, for example in the kitchen, so that when a fire you can easily extinguish it.

One thing that is not less important is making sure the tool is working properly. Note the expiry date of the appliance and replace the jar if it is rusty. Do not let a fire extinguisher can not be used properly when a fire hazard occurs.
Install the smoke detector
Smoke detector or smoke detector is now commonly used in homes or apartments. Typically, this tool is installed in the ceiling and works with the sensor. If there is high intensity smoke that indicates an unusual source of fire, the smoke detector will issue a warning and emit water to extinguish the fire.

Plan a clear evacuation path
No one wants a fire disaster. However, if it is unavoidable, you should be able to minimize the fatal impact. So, if the fire is too big to extinguish itself, you should immediately save yourself and your family. That's why the evacuation route plan is needed.

One way is to install a rope or ladder near a window, especially for the windows upstairs, so you can easily get out of the house when a fire occurs. Communicate this with other family members, especially your child, so they can save themselves from fires even if you are not at home. You can also do self-preservation exercises with the family to make sure they memorize the evacuation route.

Do not underestimate the risk of home fire and assume it will not happen to you and your family. As the owner of a house or apartment, you have an obligation to minimize the danger of fire in order to avoid things that are not desirable.

➡️For homecomers Avoid Home Fire With Advice From The Head of Fire Service Here⬇️
1.➡️ To prevent potential fire when the house left long enough, replace the house lamp with low power when going to Lebaran.

Ferdi Ligaswara said, when left homecoming, Indonesian people's habits that let the house lights remain in a state of fire.

Lights with high power, potentially conduct heat, and can cause electrical zipper, causing a fire.

Suggestion :➡️

  • Use lower light voltage. Ideally for home use with a power of 5 or 10 watts.

  • For lamps outside the house, replace with automatic lights that turn on at night and die during the day. In addition to preventing fire, the use of automatic lights can also prevent crime.

  • Set up a house on RT / RW, the closest relative who did not go home. So it can be checked at any time, whether there is a problem in the house or not.

2.➡️ Before leaving for home check back the contents of the house. Do not let other electronics be left in a lit position.

3.➡️Remove the gas regulator.

According Damkar, during the season and Lebaran this year, officers will not be off. They will be ready 24 hours to anticipate the fire.


➡️Some Cause of Electricity Fire🔽
Until now the case of fire disasters due to electricity is still common. This disaster affects almost all types of existing buildings. From the type of buildings to public facilities, offices to residential buildings, which resulted in loss of property and life. The cause of the fire caused by electricity is very complex and diverse.

Many of the violations committed by electrical installation actors by using electrical materials and installations that do not refer to the rules and standards apply. This leads to a reduction in the quality of existing electrical installations to customers and communities.

The impact for the wider community is the insecurity and safety of the installation for users and users of electrical energy. With reference to regulations and standards on installation installation and electrical materials used, it is expected to minimize the occurrence of victims due to electricity.

As a provider of electrical energy services, PLN has only installed KWh meter as a measure of electricity consumption of its customers, and installing MCB as a limiting power connected to customers. Therefore it is expected to the consumer and the electric installation actors, in order to design and install the installation in accordance with applicable standards and regulations. Also as early as possible the possibility of fire generated by electricity. Thus cases of causes of fire due to electricity can be further minimized. image

➡️There are four possible causes of fire, namely:

Due to unintentional events
Natural occurrences
Deliberate incident
The presence of a large harmonic current
A fire may occur if three elements are fulfilled:

Flammable materials
The energy that generates a heat source with sufficient power and in a relatively long span of time.
The presence of adequate oxygen gas
If any of the above three elements are not met, then a fire will not occur. From this theory it can be concluded that, fire due to electricity is not possible. But electricity can generate heat and be able to spark fire. This spark is what is possible as a trigger element of fire.

The process of occurrence of thermal energy due to electricity can occur from several causes. And it is one of the early triggers of fire caused by electricity.

Quick Instant Connection
The direct short circuit is a short circuit between the phase conduction and the phase or between the phase conduction and the direct neutral conduction. This incident is generally short and very fast because the circuit safeguard (Sekring / MCB) will work, so as not to cause excessive heat in the delivery. Problems will be different if the safety MCB has a large enough capacity to exceed the safeguarded CRCs.

For example, an HaA conductor with a 2.5 mm2 portion has a maximum KHA of 23 Amperes. An MCB has a capacity of 35 Ampere as a safety. Things like this will make the conductor to overheat so that triggered the initial fire. Because of the safety MCB capacity exceeds the safeguarded CRCs.

Indirect Indirect Connection
An indirect short circuit is a short circuit that occurs due to a material linking the phase intermediate with a neutral conduction, but the contact current has not activated the safety device to work. So happened Tracking and Sparking in a long time. So it can cause warming in the area around the Tracking and Sparking, which is pointed out as the main trigger of the occurrence of fire due to electricity. image

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thats great [email protected] useful for all,thanks for sharing:)

Thanks @hanseljoy