TokenPay and Efin: Shake the Champagne Before We Pop?

in tokenpay •  7 years ago 

Would anyone be interested in working together on an unofficial, promotional Telegram channel for Tpay/Efin? Its directive: Focused and coordinated posting and commenting , across various social media platforms. With repo groups for twitter, robotic comment regurgitations look way plastic and fanboy-ish. I believe most woke individuals will see thru such artificial flavors and additives.

The admins in the TokenPay group are really cool and nice. Furthermore, they are well informed, pleasantly approachable, and always helpful. They are also very lenient and forgiving, almost too the extreme.

Even with such an open eared disposition, I feel that the system has much room for improvement. I'm starting to arrive at the conclusion, that PoS(Proof of Stake) protocols, are extremely difficult to decentralized. There is a steep-ass slippery slope on the horizon. At least PoW(Proof of Work) algorithms allow for hashing power to act as a community voting mechanism. Moreover, miners can easily bail, jumping ship at any time. A flip of the switch, and off goes the hardware. There are a few more forks in the road with PoW. Extra paths to redemption. If they want to completely go south, then the miners can sell their GPUs and be done with it. I don’t advocate this avenue, but the way I see it, with more options, comes more freedom. Ultimately, there are more choices.

The Efin white paper will be released this Tuesday July 10th. Once things start popping off, let us best prepare ourselves for an easy transition to the big top. Shall we scale as gracefully as possible, with TokenPay and Efin? How are we going to keep it 100? Keep it chill, but keep it ril? Can we stay the sad clown, wearing a shit eating grin on the inside? And at the same time, can we save our fellow tokers from boiling in their tanks, like those stubborn hippopotami.

If nurtured to grow organically, without censorship, then things are about to get hectic as a MF in here (the telegram channel). I'm drawing from my experience with Verge XVG. There are some great human beings involved with Verge, but XVG hate is brutal and often overbearing. Telegram admins at the top, who are stoked with FUD fires and scam bots, will taste that bit of power that comes with the ban hammer, and in my humble opinion, they tend to abuse it. That practice is dismissive as hell. Any newcomers to the group, may see such action as a major red flag, which may then turn into a big red candle.

I really do wish for Tpay and Efin to thrive. It’s not just about shilling a project and making some short-term gains. I see massive potential in these networks. There are values here, with which I melodically resonate. I am bursting with ideas, and I'm sure you all are too. So sincerely I am asking:

"How can I help?"

Admittedly, I am looking for some direction here. I don't want to be the Bossman. I don't want to be Caposhi. I don’t even want to be El Capitan. I want to be a team player, because this is a team sport, and we badly need to fill the roster. Conversely, I cannot blindly follow the crowd, ask permission for my thoughts, or have my ideas snatched up left and right, without even a meager head know. If I'm going to put in the time, I really don't want to be taken for advantage.

Sorry for the short novel, I just feel compelled to voice my thoughts Today.

So here it is:

  • This is the first of 5 rogue marketing channels for tango_pay and echo_fin, one for every day of the week. Alpha squad is Monday.
  • This is UNOFFICIAL and has nothing to do with Tpay's core team or tele admins, although I encourage them to join.
  • It is open to the public and there are no rules, other than no spamming and don't be an asshole.
  • To become an admin, just be active and ask
  • Discussions are ok, but the focus is on helping the word get out. They are focused on Tpay and Efin, but are not limited to them.
  • These are just some rules that Cobra thought of, so anyone can contribute.

What do yins think?

Thanks for reading. Have an outstanding day, take care, and as always, God bless.

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