Homegrown Tomatoes.

in tomatoes •  7 years ago 

I thought i would post some photos of my Tomatoes. Tomato plants need a sunny position and planty of water and fertilizer to grow a good crop of fruit. Here in Sydney ,we have fruit fly and the Tomatoes can have grubs inside when they are ripe, which makes eating them a bit yukky. So we have to spray them with insecticide to prevent the fruit fly. Make sure you leave 2 weeks after spraying before you eat the fruit. Homegrown Tomatoes are the best !! I put mulch around the bottom of each plant to prevent weeds from growing and to keep the water in the soil so you don't have to water them as much. Here, i have used Sugar Cane Mulch, but you can use hay or straw too. NEW 3 044.JPGNEW 3 046.JPGNEW 3 125.JPGNEW 3 126.JPGNEW 3 129.JPG

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  • Worldwide most producing countries at the beginning of the US, Turkey, India, Egypt and China income.
  • Tomatoes are thought to come from Peru.
  • When they were introduced to Europe in the 1500s, they said France Love Garden Almals Paradise Elm.
  • The US Department of Agriculture says there are 10,000 to 25,000 tomato varieties.
    The heaviest tomatoes recorded are 3.51 kg.


  • The largest tomato tree passed by the Guinness Book of World Records The experimentally grown tree of Walt Disney World Resort has given up to 32,000 tomatoes.


  • Tomato juice is the official drink of the Ohio state.
  • The biggest tomato producer in the world is China.
  • 150 million tons of tomatoes are produced annually in the world.
  • Calcium, potassium, lycopene, vitamins A and C are available.
  • Protect against prostate by the lycopene it contains.



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Congrats, you have won the Fav. comment award. This is very interesting information and also nice pics. Well done. Next time, give your source for the info and photos/pics.

Ohh thnks a lot ! ı am sorry. ı am so new for steemit . and next time i will do !


Oh yeah, great photos and you tomatoes look healthy and with a good harvest. Mulch - this is any material that is laid on the surface of the soil, in order to regulate its air and water regime. As it can act natural components or artificially created substances.
The benefits of mulching tomatoes in the open ground or in a greenhouse are: protection of the earth's surface from drying out; Under the layer of mulch, sunlight does not penetrate, which does not allow us to grow weeds;
the layer that comes into contact with the soil begins to rot in time and feeds worms, naturally fertilizing the soil under the tomatoes.

What is useful for mulching tomatoes with straw?
It is great for filling row spacing, not just covering the open ground in beds with tomatoes. In addition to all other advantages of mulch, straw enriches the soil with organic substances.
In addition, it creates the optimum soil temperature. This is especially important when growing tomatoes in the open ground. Because the straw does not allow the soil to cool quickly after a sudden spring frost. So, the metabolism between all parts of the plant will not be disturbed, because the root system will function normally.
Another benefit of straw is that stunted plants, whose fruits fall to the ground, are protected from the effects of the earth. Tomatoes lie on the straw, which means they do not deteriorate.


Hi sir @ctrl-alt-now I always wait for your post,it makes me feel good.Tomatoes is a very popular vegetable.Now a days it used in different kinds of recipe.Here is some interesting information about tomatoes.
Fast facts on tomatoes:
1-Including tomatoes in the diet can help protect against cancer, maintain healthy blood pressure, and reduce blood glucose in people with diabetes.
2-Tomatoes contain key carotenoids such as lutein and lycopene. These can protect the eye against light-induced damage.
3-Eat more tomatoes by adding them to wraps or sandwiches, sauces, or salsas. Alternatively, eat them cooked or stewed, as these preparation methods can boost the availability of key nutrients.
4-Tomatoes are in the top ten fruits and vegetables for containing levels of pesticide residue. Wash tomatoes before eating.29694766_2048712032037036_6407852329985375393_n.jpg
Tomato sauce is very popular all over the world.Thanks for the post.@upvoted and resteemed
Information source google.

I agree with you @ctrl-alt-nwo sir,
Homegrown tomatoes are the best. Every year I plant a cherry tomato and have always had success in getting a bumper crop. Last year, for the first time, squirrels had been stealing lots of tomatoes as soon as they ripen. So while you can try to keep them out of your yard, it’s usually better to outsmart them. To protect your homegrown tomatoes against squirrels wrap individual plant of tomatoes in small pieces of bird netting. Squirrels seem to be most interested in stealing tomatoes just as The Big Boy tomato is a classic variety that has great flavor. This is a big, sandwich-type slicer with smooth, bright red fruit. Big Boy tomatoes are resistant to cracking.

Extra-large fruit
Rich flavor
1 slice covers a sandwich
Indeterminate, grows tall and produces throughout season

Cherry tomato plants produce sweet, small gems that are easy to grow, and they ripen quickly. So flavorful, it's tough to resist eating them straight from the vine. They're wonderful as a healthy fresh snack or tossed into salads.

Bright orange, red or yellow when ripe
Intensely sweet flavor
Indeterminate, grows tall and produces throughout season
Disease resistant

Thank you for posting. Lovely photographs of your stroll and well written missive of your musings. So enjoyed hearing about your gardening and how you appreciate it.


Every tomato lover dreams of growing the ultimate tomato. Firm, but juicy. Sweet, but tangy. Aromatic and blemish free.


Unfortunately there are few vegetables that are prone to more problems than tomatoes. The trick to growing great tasting tomatoes is to choose the best varieties, start the plants off right, and control problems before they happen. Start here with some time tested tomato growing tips, to ensure your tomato bragging rights this year.


1.Don't Crowd Tomato Seedlings
2.Provide Lots of Light
3.Put a Fan on Your Tomato Seedlings.
4.Preheat the Soil in Your Garden
5.Bury Them
6.Mulch Later
7.Remove the Bottom Leaves.
8.Pinch and Prune for More Tomatoes
9.Water the Tomato Plants Regularly.
10.Getting Them to Set Tomatoes


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow !! Great agricultural related post.....and great job @ctrl-alt-nwo.
I always like agricultural related post...because i love it.

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I planted seedlings of peppers, eggplants and tomatoes.
We already have no snow and soon there will be a plus temperature.


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Mulch is a covering placed over the soil around your tomatoes. It's key step to take in effective tomato care.
It keeps moisture in. A layer spread over bare soil allows the area to soak up more water. The outer layer dries faster than the soil below it. That reduces the rate of evaporation from the soil, plus it lets the soil to retain moisture for your tomato plants.
It regulates soil temperature. In hot summer months, a layer helps keep the underlying soil cooler. In the fall when temperatures fall off, the layer around your tomato plants keep roots warm.
It smothers weeds. Fewer weeds sprout because seeds are buried beneath the surface. And the weeds that sprout are weak and easy to pull.
It prevents disease and fruit rot. A layer keeps water from splashing on the soil, absorbing bacteria and fungi, and bouncing up onto your plants. Likewise, when a tomato falls onto a layered area, it is less likely to rot quickly than if it falls onto soil.
It improves the soil. Organic varieties can be turned into the soil at the end of the season.

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Thanks for reading @ctrl-alt-nwo


Tomato, is today the most popular garden vegetable in America. For many years, however, tomatoes (then called "love apples") were considered poisonous and were grown solely for their ornamental value. Tomatoes are usually easy to grow and a few plants provide an adequate harvest for most families. The quality of fruit picked in the garden when fully ripe far surpasses anything available on the market, even in season. The tomato plant is a tender, warm-season perennial that is grown as an annual in summer gardens all over the continental United States. Spring and fall freezes limit the outdoor growing season.

Recommended Varieties
Hundreds of varieties of tomatoes are now available for the home gardener. They range widely in size, shape, color, plant type, disease resistance and season of maturity. Catalogs, garden centers and greenhouses offer a large selection of tomato varieties and choosing the best one or two varieties can be extremely difficult. Evaluate your needs, then choose the varieties best suited to your intended use and method of culture.

Tomato plants fall into one of two types that affect ultimate plant height and cultural requirements. Tomatoes are determinate if they eventually form a flower cluster at the terminal growing point, causing the plant to stop growing in height. Plants that never set terminal flower clusters, but only lateral ones and continue indefinitely to grow taller are called indeterminate. Older varieties are almost all indeterminate. These can be counted upon to produce abundant foliage and to ripen flavorful fruit. They may, however be extremely late in maturing. The first determinate varieties developed had real problems with inadequate foliage cover and taste, but they ripened very early. Newer determinates produce better foliage, may grow taller and ripen fruit of similar quality to modern indeterminate varieties. They still tend to ripen their fruit over a shorter period of time, so successive plantings may be desirable with determinates to keep the harvest coming through the entire season. Determinate vines are easier to control and support during the growing season. Some of the extreme dwarf types are determinate as well as dwarf, producing some truly tiny mature plants.

Days to harvest are generally determined from the time transplants are planted in the garden.



Tomatoes is an exceptionally famous vegetable.Now a days it utilized as a part of various types of recipe.Here is some intriguing data about tomatoes.

Quick actualities on tomatoes:

1-Including tomatoes in the eating regimen can help secure against tumor, keep up solid pulse, and diminish blood glucose in individuals with diabetes.

2-Tomatoes contain scratch carotenoids, for example, lutein and lycopene. These can ensure the eye against light-actuated harm.

3-Eat more tomatoes by adding them to wraps or sandwiches, sauces, or salsas. Then again, eat them cooked or stewed, as these arrangement strategies can support the accessibility of key supplements.

A tomato is a solar powered sugar factory. For the first month or so, all of the sugar it produces is directed towards new leaf growth. During this stage, tomato plants grow very rapidly, doubling their size every 12 to 15 days. Eventually, the plants make more sugar than the single growing tip can use, which signals the plant to make new branches and to flower. This usually happens after 10 to 13 leaves have expanded, at which time the plant is 12 to 18 inches tall. In the next few weeks, the entire character of the tomato plant changes. If unsupported, the increasing weight of filling fruit and multiple side branches forces the plant to lie on the ground. Once the main stem is horizontal, there is an increased tendency to branch. Left to its own devices, a vigorous indeterminate tomato plant can easily cover a 4- by 4-foot area with as many as 10 stems, each 3 to 5 feet long. By season's end, it will be an unsightly, impenetrable, disease-wracked tangle.

Once flowering commences, all tomato vines must be tied to their supports. Although vigorous, the plants are also easily damaged, so take care in how you tie them and what you use. Cloth strips work well as long as they're not too old and threadbare. Pieces of panty hose cause the least damage to plants, but they're not biodegradable. Twine should be at least 1/8 inch thick, or else it can cut into the tomato stems.

With tomatoes, we want to maximize the efficiency of photosynthesis and minimize the risk of disease. This is best accomplished by ensuring that each leaf has plenty of room and is supported up off the ground. When a tomato plant lies on the ground, or when its growth is extremely dense, many of its leaves are forced into permanent shade, greatly reducing the amount of sugar they produce. If a leaf uses more sugar than it makes, eventually it will yellow and drop off. A pruned and staked plant will produce larger fruit two to three weeks earlier than a prostrate one.

Good information here !


Love the idea of growing tomatoes, but not sure where to start? Grab a pot and some cherry tomato seedlings. They're amazingly easy to grow, and even one plant will bear a steady crop of bite-size fruits all season.
There are a few varieties you can choose from when planting cherry tomatoes. A popular variety of cherry tomatoes is Sweet Million, which bear long clusters of sweet yet tomatoey red fruit; SunSugar, which produces super sweet, richly flavored golden fruit; and an heirloom called Black Cherry, whose tomatoes have a complex, rich, sweet flavor.
All three are what are called "indeterminate" varieties, meaning they will continue to grow taller and produce more until the plants are killed by frost, which—if they really like where they are means the plants may grow to six, eight, or even 10 feet tall. If you don't want to deal with that much plant, you can ask if your local organic garden center has any dwarf or patio varieties of cherry tomatoes for sale.
Red or yellow pear tomatoes are fun because of their shape, though their skins tend to be a little thicker than your average cherry tomato. You can also often find grape tomato plants, which bear very sweet oblong fruits similar to those sold in supermarkets.


@ctrl-alt-nwo, That's most important letter you sharing. Everywhere can grow tomato plants. I've found some information from website article. I decided to share like that.
Tomatoes are sub tropical plants and therefore require a position in full sun. This is especially important in most areas of the UK and Ireland where sunlight and warmth are at a premium even in mid summer. A position against a wall or fence will give a better chance of success as long as they can receive sufficient water; avoid hedges as the soil will be too dry. Tomato plants also grow very well in raised beds, they appreciate the soil conditions which provide moisture without water logging.


Medium sized tomatoes of the size you are likely to see in the shops. Smooth, round tomatoes usually red or yellow skinned. They are good all purpose tomatoes. Large mediterranean style tomatoes excellent for sandwiches and salads. Be aware large tomatoes need a long season to ripen so not suitable for growing outside in cooler climates. Beefsteak are well worth growing if you have a polytunnel or greenhouse for their interesting and unusual variations and good flavor.


omatoes are one of the most rewarding crops for the home gardener to grow simply because their flavour is so much better than their shop bought cousins. Tomatoes grown for the supermarket shelf have been bred to travel well and look good on the shelves for as long as possible; tickling your taste buds is not their number one priority.
Many commercially produced tomatoes are also grown in soilless environments using an artificial fertilizer solution and are picked before they are ripe; both of these practices result in tomatoes that look nice but don’t taste great. Research has also shown that organic, homegrown tomatoes have a much more complex chemistry than commercially produced fruits. Not only does chemistry equal a greater depth of flavour, it is also likely that homegrown tomatoes are healthier with higher levels of the pigment ‘Lycopene’. Lycopene has been shown to help unclog blocked arteries and is thought to be one of the reasons the Mediterranean diet is so healthy.

Source: https://www.quickcrop.co.uk/learning/plant/tomato


A very important vegetable plant you discuss today.

Tomatoes are one of the most rewarding crops for the home gardener to grow simply because their flavour is so much better than their shop bought cousins. Tomatoes grown for the supermarket shelf have been bred to travel well and look good on the shelves for as long as possible; tickling your taste buds is not their number one priority.1-2.jpg

Many commercially produced tomatoes are also grown in soilless environments using an artificial fertilizer solution and are picked before they are ripe; both of these practices result in tomatoes that look nice but don’t taste great. Research has also shown that organic, homegrown tomatoes have a much more complex chemistry than commercially produced fruits. Not only does chemistry equal a greater depth of flavour, it is also likely that homegrown tomatoes are healthier with higher levels of the pigment ‘Lycopene’. Lycopene has been shown to help unclog blocked arteries and is thought to be one of the reasons the Mediterranean diet is so healthy.1-1.jpg

Tomato white wonderThe other big bonus with growing your own tomatoes is the amazing variety of size, shape, colour and flavour there is available. A bit like the potato (they are, of course, close relations) there are a huge range of different types for very large ‘beefsteak’ varieties to small and sweet ‘cherry’ fruits. They are fun to grow and give such a great reward that they have to be one of stars of the home vegetable plot1.jpg

Source all


Thanks for the information of Homegrown Tomatoes. the word wide garden.your great garden experience and great work.

100% like and resteem


Tomato; It is a herbaceous, one-year-old vegetable plant of the Oceans class, the Eggplant family. It is known for the first time in South America. After the discovery of America, Spain, Portugal, Italy spread to the world. He likes warm and warm humid climates. Mediterranean and tropical countries can be cultivated all year. It grows everywhere except the high places in Turkey. It is 50-200 cm long with a very branched, feathered body, the leaves are green with feathers. Body and leaves are specially fragrant. In the case of flowers, yellow, clusters, flowers are covered with leaves and sex organs. Fruit is meat (flat, round, oval and sliced) raw while green, maturity red, purplish or yellow. The seeds are buried in the fruit. The root is the fringed side root. The fruit contains protein, carbohydrate, calcium, beta carotene, vitamins B, C and K, minerals. Tomato plants have 12 species that naturally grow.


With no commercial significance than tomatoes in Turkey, commercially grown species of indeterminate tomato with indeterminate tomatoes produced bifsteyk culture, bonnibest, varieties grown as Ponderoza. Tree tomato grows in tropical America. This tree, 3-4 m long, is sweet and slightly bitter, like tomatoes, eaten fresh and preserved. Balkan tomatoes and Baltimore tomatoes are also widely known species. Production is done with seed, the fidelity obtained is surprising when it has two leaves. Then the garden, fields and greenhouses are planted. It is attached to poles in all sizes, all kinds (sandy soil, heavy soil) are grown in the soil. He likes fertile land. In recent years, tomato greenhouse is given importance.


What should be considered when growing tomatoes?
1.Slightly till the soil warms to prevent the growth of weeds, then lay the mulch so that the weeds are dead and the soil is kept.
2.It is better to water the tomatoes in small quantities a few times, and once in the depths.
3.Avoid wetting the leaves because wet leaves are more likely to catch disease.
4.Coating the plant around with the fertilizer 2-3 times during the growing season will increase the growth and health of the vegetable.
5.If you connect the grains to the grate, you may need to prune to get higher yield. Pruned tomatoes take up less space and produce 2 weeks earlier than non-pruned ones.
6.Tomato pruning is different from tree and shrub budamount. You just have to do it with your fingers. You should take absorbents that are derived from the main or lateral stems of the leaves and in the form of small shoots.
7.If you live in a warm place, leave some absorbents on top and in the middle to protect the tomatoes from scalding. When boiled, they form light gray spots on the tomato, which causes the disease.
8.Once the tomatoes reach the top of the rim, you can cut off their tips to give them more flowers and fruit.
9.If you grow tomatoes in pots, you need too much sun, plenty of water and fertile soil.


How should the tomato be collected?
1.If the tomatoes are ripe, begin to check the sprouts every day for the best when they are the best. Gently bend or cut the tomato you decide to sum up, supporting the sprouts to avoid damage.
2.Mature tomatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks, but their taste decreases over time.
3.Green tomatoes mature when kept in a warm place without exposure to direct sunlight. Wrap it in the newspaper to slowly ripen it. Put it in a dark, cool place. Check frequently to be sure they are decayed.
4.To continue to obtain fresh tomatoes, cut off a few healthy sprouts and plant. Then take a big pot. Place warm and sunny place one time. If you care, you get fresh tomatoes for winter.



Another wonderful and interesting garderning post by @ctrl-alt-nwo sir...
Tomatoes are available in a huge range of sizes and colors. To narrow down the choices, figure out where you are going to grow the plants.
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Some like them red, some like them yellow, orange or even purple. Some prefer tomatoes as tiny as a dime and some want them as big as a melon. Some like them juicy, some like them dense and pulpy. Fortunately, there are mroe than 700 different tomato varieties in cultivation today. Plenty of choices for everyone.
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If you're trying to decide which tomato varieties to grow, here's what I think about:

  1. disease resistance
  2. growth habit
  3. time to maturity
  4. flavor and texture

I think Disease resistance is important, because tomatoes are vulnerable to a number of diseases that can weaken the plant and reduce yields. Look at the seed packet or plant label to see if the variety has resistance to verticillium and fusarium wilt, two very common soil-borne diseases that affect tomatoes. Resistance to these diseases is designated by a V or F after the variety name. If tomatoes in your region suffer from root-knot nematode (N), Tobacco Mosaic virus (T) or Alternaria (A), look for resistance to these diseases as well. Late blight is a problem in many areas, so choose a variety that's resistant...
Wel done and perfect work sir...

Once I tried to plant Tomatoes in my home garden but it didn't work well! I think climate was the reason for that! Anyway you made it and that would be a great work!


@ctrl-alt-nwo sir...
Actually I think Not only do you save money by growing tomatoes at home, but you also get the reward of plucking perfectly ripe fruits from the vine. Unlike their supermarket counterparts, vine-ripened tomatoes have sweet, juicy flesh that contributes unmistakable depth of flavor to any salad, pasta, or BLT. With a few tips for planting tomato seedlings, you'll be on your way to a tomato bonanza...
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  1. Find a sunny spot. Tomato plants thrive in six to eight hours of daily sunshine. Containers can be moved throughout the growing season and are a great choice for home growers who have limited garden space. Be sure to provide enough room for each plant's growth. One tiny seedling can reach an astonishing height of ten feet and will need at least two cubic feet of soil.

  2. Consider climate, size, and cooking use. Each cultivated variety (cultivar) offers a unique set of characteristics. Meaty tomatoes with few seeds, like San Marzano and Amish Paste, are ideal for sauce making. Short and stocky cultivars adapt well to containers, as do types that produce smaller fruits. All heirloom cultivars are open pollinated, meaning that year after year their seeds can be saved and will grow into identical plants. Like a precious piece of grandmother's jewelry, heirloom seeds are often passed down from one generation to the next. Hybrids, on the other hand, are combinations of two or more different tomato plants, bred together for traits such as disease resistance or uniform shape.

  3. Plant young seedlings deeply in nutrient-rich soil. Fill containers with equal parts planting mix and potting soil. Combined together, the two provide an aerated, medium density environment for roots to expand and access nutrients. Dig a hole deep enough to cover all but the top three to four inches of the seedling. It's okay to bury the lowest leaves. Those fuzzy white hairs on the stem will form a sturdy adventitious root system.
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  4. Water only as needed. A simple way to tell if your plant needs water is to stick your fingers into the soil. It should feel damp several inches below the surface, but "tomatoes like to have dry feet," says Allison Melanson, who works for Tomatomania, a community of enthusiastic tomato lovers that organizes tomato seedling sales in California, Maryland, and Virginia. "Imagine if you had to wear soggy socks for days at a time!" she explains. Her recommendation is to soak the roots once every three days, and then to water less often as the plant begins to form green tomatoes.

  5. Provide support as the plant grows. In the wild, tomato plants ramble along the ground but when cultivated vertically in home gardens, they require physical support from stakes, trellises, or cages. Generally, they also need nutritional support in the form of fertilizer. Melanson and other experienced home gardeners prefer organic fertilizer to synthetic fertilizer, which she describes as the botanical equivalent to a candy bar. "Synthetics offer a big burst but then lead to a sugar crash," she says. Apply organic fertilizer every two weeks to tomato plants growing in containers, and less often to plants growing directly in the ground. Crushed eggshells both fertilize the soil and deter soft-bellied pests from feasting on your tomatoes.
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  6. Enjoy the harvest. After transplanting a seedling into a larger growing space--a patio container, an expansive garden, or something in between--pinch off the first yellow flowers that it produces. By pruning away this early production, you will encourage the plant to grow taller and wider before it produces fruit, ultimately leading to a more bountiful harvest. Pick the fruits when they give slightly and eat them as soon as possible. Some heirloom tomatoes have such high levels of natural sugar that they will burst on your kitchen countertop if ignored for too long. In the case of irresistible homegrown tomatoes, that shouldn't be a problem!

Happy garderning....take fresh foods...enjoy your life...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So as to develop great tomatoes that are free from malady, have a decent full delicious body and are abundant on the vine there are 3 scratch angles you have to deal with to get the best from your plants. It includes a little thinking ahead and anticipating your part however the outcomes will try. So precisely what do tomatoes need to develop?

To start with, as is commonly said about land, its area, area, area, tomato plants are genuine sun admirers and should be in the sun for no less than 6 hours daily keeping in mind the end goal to give a lot of organic product on the vine.

Second, they have to get the right supplements to prosper and the place they get them from is the dirt aided along by the right watering program. On the off chance that you are planting the tomatoes in the garden it is fundamental that the ground is appropriately arranged for planting with a lot of manure and additionally compost delved into the dirt to help development. Once planted they ought to be returned to reasonably as often as possible with some kind of nourish and I would suggest this is done at any rate once every week, particularly on the off chance that you see that your plants are hailing a bit. You can either buy authority tomato bolster (bear in mind to allude to their directions) or you can utilize your left finished ground espresso and place this around the base of the plants. Do this and before you know it you will have heaps of dazzling crisp tasting tomatoes.

Try not to think little of exactly how parched your tomato plants are, the point at which I specified the right watering program, this implies never enabling your plants to dry out, particularly critical on the off chance that they are in pots or a develop sack and furthermore make an effort not to stun them with icy water. In the event that you can, store cans of water alongside the plants so the water achieves encompassing temperature then when you have to, move the water into a watering can with a rose fitted so the water can be sprinkled on tenderly. In a perfect world you will water like this a few times per day, recalling that tomatoes likewise don't prefer to be in completely immersed soil.

In the event that that all sounds a bit work escalated, you could introduce a trickle sustain watering framework, there are extraordinary frameworks you can buy for this assignment or you could make up your own framework. One route is to cover plastic water bottles between the plants that have been punctured around the boundary and through the bottoms, the tops are left over the level of the dirt with the goal that they can be re-filled. Its a harsh and prepared however extremely powerful method for guaranteeing the dirt doesn't dry out, as long as you make sure to top the contains obviously. Likewise recollect that when you do water there must be sufficient for a decent profound drench, too little and you will urge your underlying foundations to the surface.

Third is the best possible help of the plant, they should be off the ground and uncertain. Leaving shoots running over the ground will abandon them open to contagious assault and malady. Many individuals take care to prune their plants, evacuating any development beneath the blooming fronds. Ensure that you utilize either a reasonable and sufficiently solid stake or you can utilize tomato confine whichever is your inclination and do it while the plants are as yet youthful with the goal that the roots are not bothered at a later time.

This is the most ideal approach to develop tomatoes that I know, clearly there are some presence of mind moves you have to make also to keep up your plants in a sound condition, for example, expelling dead or dried out leaves and disposing of bugs, yet basically focus on these 3 key angles and you will be well while in transit to a lot of delicious new tomatoes.


Wow !! Gardening is one person passion ..A tomato is a nutrient-dense superfood that offers benefit to a range of bodily systems. Its nutritional content supports healthful skin, weight loss, and heart health.

I have an tomato garden ... In my garden i Cultivate many types of tomato ...Here some of simple




I am collecting some data from internet those are contain tomato.. Here it is


Dear @ctrl-alt-nwo I agree with you....
Beefsteak (heirloom) tomatoes are delicious, flavorful, meaty fruits have smooth shoulders, not as rough and ridgy as Beefsteak and the blossom end scars are smaller.

Delicious, flavorful, meaty fruits.
Luscious red fruits averaging 17 oz.
Prefers full sun (6+ hours) and well-drained soils. Grows to be 6-8 feet tall. Fruit size is large and will weigh about 1 pound
Plant 2-3 feet apart with 3-4 feet between rows.

All three varieties of homegrown tomatoes are perfect combination with salad. Our family’s favorite classic cucumber and tomato salad just got better with the addition of avocado, a light and flavorful lemon dressing and the freshness of cilantro. Easy, excellent avocado salad.

The best time for when to plant tomatoes in the UK is around the end of May unless you want to grow from seed. No chance of growing from seed at this time of year because you would have to add a further 4 to 6 weeks onto the schedule and you just haven’t got enough time left to do that.

So if you haven’t already cultivated your tomato plants from seed so they are ready for the end of May, you will have to go and buy some tomato plants and quickly. Because they need to be in the ground, a growbag or a 12″ plant pot no later than the 1st week in June.

It is the span of the tomatoes that basically directs to what extent they take to develop, cherry tomatoes for the most part opening into the early season assortment, fair size, for example, plum tomatoes have a tendency to go in the mid season gathering and bigger tomatoes like beefsteak fit in the late season gathering. It's a smart thought to have plants from the diverse assortments to guarantee that you have tomatoes developing all through the entire season.

Considering when you are probably going to see the last ice of the winter, you can really stun when you get your plants into their last spot to additionally expand the season. Reasonably you are likely just going to have the capacity to take one more month in light of the fact that even after April has gone there is still somewhat of a possibility of a late ice.

We really observed snow this year in the South of France amid the principal seven day stretch of May, somewhat of a catastrophe from the tomato developing point of view, particularly on the off chance that you are planting straight into the ground. So as it's been said in Yorkshire, 'ner cast a clout till May is out' which implies don't expel any garments until May is (out significance arrived) so actually you need May to have touched base before you can consider the cool climate has totally wrapped up. this year being an exemption to that govern; such a great amount for an unnatural weather change.

So in outline an opportunity to plant tomatoes in the UK is amid the long stretch of May, however taking consideration not to be gotten by a late ice toward the start of May. Seeds should be developed around a month to a month and a half before that, contingent upon assortment which puts you at the center of to the finish of March. In the UK that may mean you have to begin your seeds inside or in a warmed nursery to get the perfect germination temperature of 16C (61F), yet ideally by then you will be OK.

Obviously in the event that you have the offices accessible, for example, a warmed nursery, you can begin seeds significantly prior maybe around the finish of January, yet you should have the capacity to shield the consequent plants from ice as they are probably going to be prepared toward the start or center of March. They will likewise require some sensible times of sun, preferably no less than 6 to 7 hours per day, not generally simple to drop by amid March, but rather still doable in spite of the fact that they might be somewhat slower developing.


wow tomatoes look so good ....i would like to one i love tomato with salt and papper its nice to put in salad... delicious in any country tomatoes rock21371265_2331357813572982_8664898244285944091_n (1).png


Yes...agree with you @ctrl-alt-nwo sir..
Tomatoes is best plant in my home garden...and Homegrown Tomatoes are the best...
This is my tomatoes from my garden...

How exactly, do tomatoes help you? Let’s look at the numerous health benefits of eating them and find out:

  1. Low in fat and calories: At just 18 calories per 100 grams, they are low in calories as well as fat, with zero cholesterol. Which makes them great for your waistline and your heart.

  2. Heart healthy: 0 cholesterol, plus high levels of potassium, niacin, folate and fiber make tomatoes great for your heart. Fiber is known to lower cholesterol and tomatoes have 9% of the recommended daily dose.

  3. Fight cancer: Lycopene, which is an anti-oxidant, can help fight different types of cancers and slows the growth of cancerous cells. Numerous studies show that eating tomatoes daily can reduce your risk for stomach, prostate and colorectal cancer.

  4. Good for your eyes: Besides beta carotene and lycopene, which are both good for your vision, tomatoes also contain lutein. Combined, these 3 elements protect your eyes from light-induced damage, which is a leading cause of cataracts, and macular degeneration brought on by age.

  5. Improve bone density: Believe it or not, when it comes to building strong bones, tomatoes are just as effective as milk. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin K, which has been proven to activate osteocalcin; osteocalcin anchors calcium deep within bone, making them stronger and less prone to becoming brittle with age.
    So you may want to pour a glass of tomato juice instead of milk for breakfast- just not with your cereal (unless that’s your thing).

Hey! They are so ripe and you have a lot of them :D
Have a look at mine. I don't have enough space to grow much of them as I am living in a rented house.



They look like they will be nice too.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We also have been lately growing the tomatoes but yours seem to be pure green plants .you seem to be more than interested in planting things.so am i .i love gardening stuff

Kuta apuz

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
The shots are good, they make me remember my kitchen garden

Ba ladai wani

You have an excellent harvest. For us, unfortunately, in the last 2 years tomatoes are sick with late blight, this disease begins after heavy rains, after which the tomatoes are covered with black spots and can not be eaten. The only way to plant tomatoes in greenhouses. But greenhouses are expensive and not all have.

Late blight of tomatoes: (

Yes i had that on some of my plants.


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a very important vegetable used in almost all meals and is consumed in diverse ways. In Ghana, farmers and consumers of fruits and vegetables face immense risk of exposure owing to the use of toxic chemicals that are banned or restricted in the country or in other countries. The objective of this study was to ascertain farmers’ access and use of recommended agro-chemicals for the production of tomatoes in three sampled farming communities in Northern Ghana. Sixty semi-structured questionnaires were administered and data analysed using Minitab Statistical package with T-test for significance. Various agro-chemicals were used by farmers which include: those not suitable for tomatoes production; unapproved or banned agro-chemicals and those suitable for tomatoes production. Communities which produced the “Burkina” variety used about 70% of the sampled pesticides compared with 30% for the “Wosowoso” variety. The agro-chemical most used (32.8%) was Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) though banned from the Ghana registered list of pesticides. Farmers have access to, and use agro-chemicals for tomato production in the study areas. Farmers therefore need to be sensitized on the use of recommended and appropriate agrochemicals and the hazards associated with the use for the crop, farmer and environment.
Chemical Treatment for Diseases
While some diseases that attack tomatoes do not react to chemical treatments, some may subside if plants are treated with bactericide and fungicide compounds. You can use sprays that contain copper and sulfur to ward off a number of tomato diseases that damage foliage, fruit and stems. The sprays act as a protectant and help to control the spread of bacterial speck, bacterial spot and powdery mildew. The best time to apply copper spray is during cool, moist periods before diseases develop or at the first signs of infection and at 10- to 14-day intervals. Use sulfur spray as soon as symptoms of powdery mildew appear on plants.

Chemical Treatment for Pests
Broad- and narrow-range chemical pesticides include one or more synthetic active ingredients. These commercially available spray insecticides and miticides control and kill sap-sucking insects, mites, leafhoppers, garden centipedes, beetles and other insects. Chemical ingredients may include carbaryl, abamectin, acetamiprid, cyfluthrin, cyromazine, dimethoate, dinotefuran, endosulfan, esfenvalerate, fenpropathrin, imidacloprid, indoxacarb, malathion, methamidophos, methomyl, methoxyfenozide, oxamyl, pymetrozine, pyrethrin, pyriproxyfen, spinosad and spiromesifen. Some of these chemicals, including carbaryl and dimethoate, may affect the population of beneficial insects, such as honeybees, for weeks or months. Diazinon is available in granular form and has no long-term affects on beneficial insects.

Low-Toxicity Treatments
Some low-toxicity pesticides from natural ingredients may help control insects such as whiteflies and stink bugs. They include spray oils of neem, rosemary or peppermint. Insecticidal soap and kaolin clay also help manage pests. Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt, is a naturally occurring bacteria used to treat crop-feeding insects. Insecticide sprays contain Bt help to control tomato pests such as looper caterpillars, hornworms, tomato fruitworm and western yellowstriped armyworm.

Cultural Control
Cultural control is the most effective means to deal with many pests and diseases, especially those that do not respond to chemicals. Rotate crops to help prevent disease. Crop rotation helps plants escape the seasonal cycle of soil-borne pathogens that may be dormant in the winter but attack plants in spring and summer. Avoiding overhead watering helps to keep plants dry so accumulated water does not lead to the development of mold. Cleaning and disinfecting garden tools in between use can prevent the spread of fungal spores from plant to plant. If you want a better chance of fewer disease problems, plant disease-resistant tomato cultivars.

Dear @ctrl-alt-nwo sir, I have started my home grown garden this year and am proud to say I have tomatoes growing!!! 😄😄😄🍅🍅🍅 Hope they taste good! 😋

"Homegrown Tomatoes" by John Denver
There ain't nothing in the world that I like better
than bacon and lettuce and homegrown tomatoes.
Up in the morning, out in the garden, get you a ripe one, don't pick a hard one.
Plant 'em in the spring, eat 'em in the summer. All winter without 'em is a culinary bummer.
I forget all about the sweating and the digging every time I go out and pick me a big one.
Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes, what would life be without homegrown tomatoes?
Only two things that money can't buy and that's true love and homegrown tomatoes.
You can go out to eat and that's for sure, but there's nothing a homegrown tomato won't cure.
Put 'em in a salad, put 'em in a stew, you can make your own, very own tomato juice.
You can eat 'em with eggs, eat 'em with gravy, You can eat 'em with beans, pinto or navy.
Put 'em on the side, put 'em in the middle, homegrown tomatoes on a hot cake griddle.
Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes, what would life be without homegrown tomatoes?
Only two things that money can't buy and that's true love and homegrown tomatoes.
If I was to change this life I lead, you could call me Johnny Tomatoseed.
'Cause I know what this country needs is homegrown tomatoes in every yard you see.
When I die, don't bury me in a box in a cold dark cemetery.
Out in the garden would be much better 'cause I could be pushing up homegrown tomatoes.
Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes, what would life be without homegrown tomatoes?
Only two things that money can't buy and that's true love and homegrown tomatoes,
homegrown tomatoes, what would life be without homegrown tomatoes?
Only two things that money can't buy and that's true love and homegrown tomatoes.

Didn't knew there would be a song about this, it's cool though

Choetul kya chuy...PC


My organic home-grown tomatoes
It's the very end of tomato season, and I am savoring the very last tastes of my favorite crop. A couple of weeks ago, nighttime temperatures in my area turned low enough that I knew it was the end of tomato season. Tomatoes ripen between temperatures of 60-85 degrees. " They will not ripen when the nighttime temperature is below 50 and the daytime temperature below 60 for 14 days or more." Source.

Instead of watching the last tomatoes on the vine slowly rot away, I was determined to pick them all and have them ripen inside. I spent a day picking all of the green tomatoes, pulling out the rest of the tomato plants, and tossing them in the compost.
Tomatoes do not need sunlight to ripen. They do need heat. Place your green tomatoes inside a paper bag or cardboard box in a place that is warm. I have mine sitting in a cardboard box in my living room. Another factor that helps the ripening process is a gas called ethylene. Ethylene is naturally released by ripening fruits and veggies like tomatoes, bananas, and apples. I placed some red tomatoes inside of the cardboard box along with all of the green ones in order to provide needed ethylene. If you don't have any red tomatoes, a ripening banana or apple will work as well. In order to capture and contain the ethylene, I placed newspaper over all of the tomatoes.

Enjoy your bounty! I have been making an amazing tomato sauce/soup with my tomatoes. I roast some garlic cloves, add them to a large pot with olive oil, add my unskinned tomatoes, mash the tomatoes with a potato masher, and then let them simmer for 2 hours. Sometimes I add truffle oil and basil. If you want a more creamy soup, you can puree it all at the end. If some of your tomatoes never ripen, you can make some delicious fried green tomatoes!

Wow! Your own tomatoes!!
Could I have two kilos of your fat red tomatoes?!
I can eat these like eating apples all day!
Glad to see your post today! Sometimes you had such a long absence! Life is never the same without your new post and photos!

Keep them coming!

Thanks, i am too busy sometimes, but i will try to post regularly.

I am glad to hear this!! I checked for your new post countless times the whole week!
Love to see photos of plants, shrubs, trees and flowers in Sydney!

You planted tomato plants in your home, that's great . Tomato looks very fresh and healthy .

Haaha... Thats a good.shot... We have the similar ones in our.farm .. But we dont use wood as support ...

Trath chai..
Che nachan chukh nebra

Masa aaen walith ...karsa panin kaem...

Amis waen me che duah kharaab chalaan... Bi wiraswaen czotti chuirr @hanief @obaidb2

Awesome photo, Homegrown Tomatoes are the best Is this any varity of tomato and also can you explain which insectcide you used in this process Its nice to see your post about the information Its good for me and also for those how use kitchen gardening thanks

tomato is a fruit that's all for today 🤣😜 lol

Asun cha

Homegrown Tomatoes are the best Is this any variety of tomato and also can you explain which insecticide you used in this process Its nice to see your post about the information Its good for me and also for those how use kitchen gardening thanks.

Your local garden centre should be able to recommend a suitable insecticide for you.

you are answering to a copy/paste spammer who only wants an upvote from you. The comment for example is from travellingwoman. And there are many more in the comments which is very sad because your tomatoes are looking awesome and I would love to have some of them for my pizza and sauce bolognese ;-)

Wow this amazing pictures of tomatoes, seems very naturall plant. 💕

After ages iam seeing this home made tamatoes.with globalization lot has changed in my life,great job dear.

Isn't there any other way to keeps the flies away?? Pesticides are harmful for humans also..

Yes, you can use fruit fly traps, you can make them yourself. Non toxic.

thanks for this great post its really great to see the ripe tomato this time because in our area tomatoes are ripe so late so once again thanks for sharing this post.

Beautiful things. I am sure they taste better than those from shops. A refreshing salad from those is the best cool down in hot times.

Wow fantastic garden . wonderful work. i like this tomatoes .


Wonderful garden and well explain about tomatoes plants.

@ctrl-alt-nwo - Sir this is a good idea to make our own vegetables... Nice photography & this article helps me to plant vegetables instead of flowers in my garden too Sir...


I am not a very big fan of Tomatoes but I like to have them in the Salad :)

While they do looks pretty fresh and colorful :)

You did indeed took great care of them :)

that's cool, you have homegrown tomatoes, it looks pretty naturally

Lots of interesting tomatoes this looks special :D

Awesome tomatoes. I really like to take tomato. Tomato is also solubrious food.

Nice neat tomato patch, I see yields fine results.

wow they looks so yummy are they are organic tamatoes.

It is pretty nice technique to hold tomatoes in good .
You have placed the tomamtoes in great odour frels like it is the army of tomatoes lined up for you and you as a captain.
Nice pic Vege.

So beautiful garden, thanks for sharing

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow amazing & beautiful tomatoes garden.
For your post propagation.

This is great article and wonderful photography.
Upvote Resteem

Many people simply don’t have access to a decent patch of soil and as a result think that growing tomatoes is beyond their reach. But tomatoes, being what they are, can be easily grown in containers of some sort and are very well suited to being grown in grow-bags.

Ideally you should select a fit for purpose grow-bag, but alternatively a 60 litre bag of multi-purpose compost will serve just as well and will easily support the growth of two tomato plants, three at a stretch. In the UK you can plant your tomatoes in May if you have a greenhouse or June if you are planting outside on a patio or some other suitable spot that gets plenty of sunshine. The planting schedule is effectively driven by the risk of a late frost, or rather ensuring you avoid being caught out by a late frost.

Make sure the grow bag is laying flat with the compost evenly distributed, a quick shake of the bag before laying it down and opening it up for the plants should sort this out. Also make sure you puncture a few small drain holes in the underside before putting the plants in.
Tomatoes have a relatively unique feature in that they can develop roots from their stems and as such it is a good idea to plant them deeply into the soil. Also once planted they will need to be properly supported and when it comes to grow-bags (or compost bags for that matter) there are some nifty devices available on the market that will greatly assist you in that task. These come in the form of Grow-Bag Cane Frames, the frames sit underneath the bag and a cane slots down through the frame into the compost.

Then it is simply a case of loosely tying off the trusses to the cane with a soft garden string as they develop. The weight of the bag on the frame keeps it in place and the frame in turn keeps the cane upright and rigid. All being well, and with the support of a regular watering and feed program, you should start harvesting your tomatoes anytime from mid July through to September.

Remember to pinch out any little side shoots as they appear to ensure the main fruit bearing trusses get all the energy they need from the nutrients.

Awesome photo, Homegrown Tomatoes are the best Is this any varity of tomato and also can you explain which insectcide you used in this process Its nice to see your post about the information Its good for me and also for those how use kitchen gardening thanks

oh it's really interesting ...👍 amazing work...☺

After ages iam seeing this home made tamatoes.with globalization lot has changed in my life,great job dear.

Great Post @upvoted

Yes you are correct that homegrown tomatos are always best to consume...but do you think pesticide or insecticide are inevitable....dont we have other ways...I hope the time has come to think other wise and to me even after you eat after 2 weeks ..there is likeliness of a part of those insecticide we are consuming.
