Top 5 most-read stories last week: Silverthorne manhunt, monsoon conditions and moose stalks golfers

in top5most •  3 years ago 

Stories in this list received the most page views on in the past week.

  1. Manhunt for wanted felon begins following search of abandoned camper in Silverthorne on Friday morning
    Officers shut down part of Colorado Highway 9 and Exit 205 of Interstate 70 on June 24 as they drew guns and aimed them at a vehicle that reportedly belongs to a wanted felon. Police suspected the individual was armed and inside the vehicle, according to Silverthorne Police Department spokesperson Kim Jardim.

Around 8 a.m., armed and armored officers from Colorado State Patrol, the Summit County Sheriff’s Office, Frisco Police Department and Silverthorne Police Department gathered at the scene. Police positioned themselves to face a white pickup truck that had a camper and pull-behind cargo trailer attached. The vehicle was parked in front of the Appliance Factory store.

  1. Moose stalks golfers in Breckenridge; officials urge caution during calf-raising season
    Who would win in a race, an electric golf cart on a downhill slope or a moose in full stride?
    Average golfers and Hope College tennis players Justin Fay and Taylor Truman never had an exact finish line in mind June 18 when they found themselves trying to outrun a moose, but they definitely learned who was faster.

“If it wanted to catch us, it could’ve easily caught us,” Fay said.

Fay and Truman were playing a round at Breckenridge Golf Course late in the evening. Fay said no one had tee times before or after them, and the pair were likely the last ones on the Elk Course. It was just after 7 p.m. when they reached Hole 7. The hole has a long, downward-sloping fairway leading to a small ravine just before the green. Players have to launch their drives just up to the edge of the ravine and chip their ball over the shrubby scar and onto the green. After losing a couple balls in the bushes, Fay and Truman eventually made their way onto the green.

  1. Man rescued near site of Rainbow Gathering
    STEAMBOAT SPRINGS — A 57-year-old man got lost on Saddle Mountain, 1 mile south of Adams Park, and prompted Routt County Search and Rescue to send a team into that remote corner of Northwest Colorado.

According to Search and Rescue, the man called 911 asking for help at about 11:30 p.m. June 15. The man had set up camp in the area and went for a walk wearing only a T-shirt, shorts and boots.

Rescuers were uncertain if the man was in the area to attend the Rainbow Gathering but said he was found within walking distance to the gathering’s site — close enough that the rescue helicopter would have been visible from the Rainbow Family’s camps.

  1. Plagiarism, policy and money woes: Republicans Heidi Ganahl and Greg Lopez race to challenge Colorado Gov. Jared Polis
    In the race to be the Republican nominee to unseat incumbent Democratic Gov. Jared Polis, two candidates are revealing some important positions through what they say — and what they don’t.

For the leading fundraiser and establishment favorite, Heidi Ganahl, that’s because there are certain questions she refuses to engage with. The 55-year-old from Lone Tree launched her campaign in Monument last year by refusing to respond to press inquiries about the extent to which she sympathizes with the baseless and increasingly popular GOP position that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.

  1. Meteorologists expect early monsoon conditions to hit Summit County this week
    Precipitation for Summit County and much of Colorado is expected to be above average for the next 14 days, likely the result of monsoonal conditions coming in from the southwest.

The Climate Prediction Center with the National Weather Service is predicting that over the next week or two, rainfall across the mountain west and into the midwest will be above average for the time of year. Over the same period of time, temperatures are likely to remain the same, and parts of the southwest part of Colorado will see lower temperatures while the Eastern Plains will see hotter weather.


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