Top Ways to Dramatically Uplift Your Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health

in tops •  3 years ago 

Spending time outdoors, getting plenty of sleep, and doing exercise are all good ways to improve your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. But what about the more obvious things? Are you neglecting these? Read on for some tips. You will find them useful! And remember to practice them too, to boost your mental, emotional, and spiritual health! Listed below are 3 surefire ways to dramatically uplift your mental, emotional, and spiritual health!

Spending time in nature can boost your mental and spiritual health
Research has shown that spending time in nature has numerous benefits for our physical, emotional, and mental health. For adults, it speeds up the healing process and reduces high blood pressure and stress. It also lifts our spirits. In a classic study done in a suburban Pennsylvania hospital from 1972 to 1981, patients with window views of nature recovered from surgery faster and had fewer negative evaluations from nurses. They also took fewer pain injections. Researchers also discovered that people who spent time in nature also had better attentional and cognitive function than those who spent the same amount of time in an urban environment.

Getting enough sleep
Getting enough sleep can make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Research shows that sleep is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, and getting enough of it can dramatically uplift your overall well-being. In fact, getting enough sleep is one of the top ways to dramatically uplift your mental, emotional and spiritual health. If you have any doubts about whether you're getting enough sleep, speak with your doctor. They will likely suggest a sleep study or a treatment plan that will make you feel better in general.

Sleep and mood are intimately related. Inadequate sleep can lead to irritability and increased stress. Research suggests that inadequate sleep can increase the risk of depression, and is a contributing factor in a number of mood disorders. Treatments for insomnia can involve behavioral interventions or assessing your sleep disorder. Chronic insomnia is a common symptom of a sleep disorder and can be treated with behavioral interventions or an evaluation by a sleep specialist.

Getting enough exercise
Exercising has numerous benefits for your mental health. It improves your cardiovascular health and overall physical condition. Additionally, moderate exercise can boost your mental health. Moderate exercise isn't necessarily strenuous, but can be as simple as talking fast for a few minutes. It can also improve your sleep and reduce stress. Exercise is a proven stress reducer, and Plato and Alexander Pope believed that exercising strengthens the mind.

Regardless of your physical ability, you should be able to find time to do some form of physical activity at least three times a week. It's also possible to start small and gradually increase your time. Try walking for at least two miles a day. For those who have kids, this might be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. Try different activities, or even take short breaks while exercising. You'll soon see the benefits.

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