In the DeFi space, Total Value Locked - TVL (TVL) is the most important fundamental term. TVL is the total value of digital assets pledged to provide loans and other DeFi services. The TVL indicators are used to measure the size and growth rate of each DeFi ecosystem as well as globally.
BitcoinDeFi is a rookie in the DeFi industry. This unique DeFi model is designed based on the deep understanding and application of Game Theory by John Nash - a professor at Harvard University, Nobel Laureate in Economics. Operating mechanism within the BitcoinDeFi system promotes and binds interests among the participants.
Players together voluntarily lock their BTCDeFi in the Staking Node to seek compound profits from staking interest + community contributions + increase in coin value.
BitcoinDeFi's keen investors have recognized and proven this intelligent DeFi mechanism enables them to receive short-term returns and expect big profits in the long term. Earned Investment Benefits = Earn strong immediate income + Long-term profit outlook (staking interest + coin value increase).
The community participating in the BitcoinDeFi ecosystem operation has reaped achievements and specific profits. Those are the core reason that motivates BTCDeFi's TVL to surpass $ 3.2 million (2 million BTCDeFi x $ 1.6 = $ 3.2 million) after less than 2 months of launch. We note that BitcoinDeFi just launched Testnet in recent days, has not officially launch Mainnet and Listing on exchange yet.
Rookie BTCDeFi owning a machine with double growth engines. The project has got off to a good start and with the community's enthusiastic endorsement, it is poised to catch the pace on the track of the global DeFi playground.
This is the article of a veteran trader, one of the BitcoinDeFi investors
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