The increased control of Rockefeller/Rothschild establishment.

in totalitarian •  4 years ago 


The efforts to chip people and digitize currency is real. But, Trump has intervened in this. It can be stopped.

The main thing to understand is that we already live in a totalitarian system that is run by the big bank establishment. They track us with our phones, already. 5G does it even better.

The COVID vaccine alters our genetic material by splicing in a vaccine into our genes. That’s nuts. But, viruses do this to us all the time. That’s why people who get chicken pox as children get shingles in old age. Shingles is that chicken pox virus re-emerging.

Bill Gates (WHO) included a vaccine against a critical reproductive protein in tetanus vaccination programs in Africa.

Don’t let your kids get new vaccines.

What we are looking at is an attempt at increased totalitarian control, by the Rockefeller/Rothschild big bank establishment of the US and EU. Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation (etc.) want to improve it.

New and improved totalitarian control.

The Rockefeller-run establishment banks and corporations already finance the campaigns of members of Congress and tell them what to do. We just vote for which of their minions will get the job.

Trump is rebellious, against the establishment, just like Kennedy was. Trump has some military support. And, voter support.

The Rockefeller commercial banks were among the top donors of both Obama and McCain in 2008. The Rockefellers supplied Obama with his advisers on US foreign policy (oil wars in eight nations) and banking policy (big bank bailouts with no help for most homeowners).

The Rockefellers created their private organization to influence US foreign policy (including oil wars) in 1921. It’s called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds run the major oil corporations.

The Standard Oil monopoly was broken up in 1911. But, the Rockefellers controlled large and small percentages of the stock in the companies derived from Standard Oil, including Exxon and Mobil, which have now merged to form the world’s largest oil corporation.

The Rothschilds run BP, which acquired the Standard-derived Amoco oil company. And, the Rockefellers own shares in BP.
The Rockefeller/Rothschild oil corporations now control Iraq’s oil. They sell it mostly to China.

The CFR coordinates the interests of the biggest international bankers with Presidents, Vice Presidents, members of Congress, military leaders, the Bush/Rockefeller-run CIA, and Hollywood producers, etc.

Joe Biden is a long-time CFR man.

The CFR is the hub of totalitarian control in the US.

What is bad for American kids is that the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, etc., are pivoting to China as the economic powerhouse of the world.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds have their fingers deep into running China. They are behind the One Child Rule and “modern medicine” in China. They are developing the stock market in China.

The big bank establishment’s NAFTA trade agreement, TPP, and agricultural deals helped to grow China’s economy at the expense of the US economy. Trump resisted this.

The Rockefeller and Rothschild oil corporations control Iraq’s oil. Trump resisted their oil wars in other nations.

Rich people in America are sending their young children to private schools that teach Chinese for half of every day.

Also, the biggest international bankers and their friends are behind the efforts to reduce the world’s population. Bill Gates says that he wants to reduce it by 10% to 15%. But, it’s hard to do this with viruses. Bill Gates (etc.) was behind the release of COVID.

One real problem is that oil production will not keep increasing, indefinitely. It will start to go down. This might already be happening. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds also run the biggest oil corporations. They know all about this. This is one of the reasons that they want to reduce the world’s population.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds are also behind the exaggeration of global warming. This is in order to tax Americans in order to develop their industrial infrastructure in Third World nations, using “carbon swaps”.

The big bank establishment runs the news on TV.

What we should worry about is that Russia is not on board with big bank establishment control over the entire world, through control of the flow of all of the oil in the world.

Trump refused to start new oil wars in Venezuela and Iran. The Rockefellers used to control their oil but they were ousted in revolutions.

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