Why I Just Put $1 Million of My Money Into Penny Gold Stocks

in trading •  8 years ago 

Just sharing this article for those who want to invest in Gold Stocks! Ck

Why I Just Put $1 Million of My Money Into Penny Gold Stocks

How I’ve made 86,900% using the “Casey Method” for gold investing, and why it could make you 5x your money this year.

Dear Reader,

I don’t consider myself a “gambler.”

But in 1993, I put $80,000 into a mining stock called Paladin.

The stock was so volatile, shares fell to a penny per share.

But I held on because I knew the stock was fundamentally sound. In fact – I forgot I even owned it. Finally, my broker called me out of the blue and reminded me. By then, the stock had shot up from a penny to $8 per share… a rare 86,900% gain.

At a glance, this may seem like a lucky accident.

In fact, many of the folks who’ve interviewed me (like Merv Griffin… Maury Povich… and Regis Philbin) have no idea there’s a method to how I pulled this off, and that I’ve spent my life putting my money in situations like this… where “lucky accidents” happen all the time.

For example, that same year, I took a position in a $1 gold explorer called Bre-X.

This, too, may seem like a “lucky accident”… because the company was later exposed as a fraud. Yet I made over 5,000% on the stock.

And that wasn’t all...

I invested in two more resource stocks: Diamond Fields and Nevsun.

On these, I made 60 times my money and 20 times my money, respectively.

In other words, I’ve made a fortune on some of the world’s smallest resource stocks, by using a method most people have never heard of before… which I’m going to share with you, immediately.

In fact, several months ago, I invested $1 million into small gold stocks… because today, I see the same opportunity developing yet again… which I believe could make you 10 times your money if you get in soon.

I admit, my success may seem “random” at first glance... and gains like this don’t happen every day.

But the fact is, I’ve done unusually well with gold stocks by following one very particular method that’s so contrarian, I didn’t even mention it in my best-selling book back in 1979.

It’s an outdated book… but 40 years ago, I was a well-known economist… with a financial book that, to my surprise, spent 19 weeks at #1 on the New York Times best-seller list.

Since then, I’ve made so much money that I’m retired from all that nonsense… and focus exclusively on my gold stock method.

It’s responsible for many of my biggest predictions going back to 1979, like my prediction of the 1980s bull market… the savings and loan crisis… the China boom… the dot-com bubble… and the 2008 crisis.

Gold stocks, of course, are risky and notoriously hard to predict – and nobody’s perfect, including me. But my method has worked for 45 years… and once you understand what makes it possible, it’s the difference between blind gambling – and having a real shot at making 1,000% gains in the gold stock market.

My name is Doug Casey. I’m a speculator who’s been in the industry for decades.

I’ve done a lot of things in life people consider “important.” For example – I got an expensive degree from Georgetown (where I was classmates with Bill Clinton)… worked as a stockbroker… and ran my own insurance business.

But to me, all that stuff was pointless.

So, in 1985 – I gave it all up… quit my job… and began a lifestyle most people find a bit puzzling…

For example, I’ve spent weeks traveling America as a hobo, jumping freight trains. I bought and sold Ferraris to pay for my travels in Europe… In the ’80s and ’90s, I spent most of my free time playing polo in New Zealand, Palm Beach, and Argentina…

And then there’s my main hobby: trying to privatize an entire country. Years ago, I developed a radical plan to overhaul the economy of small, developing countries by privatizing the entire government. I’ve had fun trying to make it happen by meeting with a dozen heads of state – mostly dictators (like Fidel Castro) most “establishment” economists would avoid.

It’s hard to believe these things really happened. But they did… as the result of an investment method I stumbled onto in the 1970s. It was this method that created a tremendous amount of wealth for me, giving me the freedom to pursue my somewhat idiosyncratic lifestyle.

My method revolves around gold stocks… in a highly unorthodox way.

You see, most people make a huge mistake when they buy gold stocks.

They treat gold companies as normal businesses… when the reality is, gold stocks are more like “burning matches” than investments. They typically have a very limited amount of capital. And if you hang on too long, you’re going to get burned. Every time.

That’s what led me to develop my method of gold investing. It’s a method that’s allowed me to live a life as a globe-trotting economist and speculator.

For example, I’ve visited 145 countries. Just weeks ago, I was in Zimbabwe meeting with Gideon Gono – the world’s most radical central banker – discussing a 100% gold-backed banking regime that could transform his country into a global financial center.

But I should tell you upfront… my method is very unusual. This is a completely different kind of investing. But the best gains from it are frequently life-changing.

Like a 4,329% gain on Altius Minerals, which my team and I told thousands of people to buy in August 2001.

Or a 711% gain on Northland and a 487% gain on Wolfden Resources… two of the dozens of other stocks we’ve shared over the years.

Frankly, when you make gains this big, the exact numbers don’t matter.

I can’t even remember all of the individual stocks I’ve made money on in my life. I’ve made huge profits in every gold boom since the metal began trading on January 1, 1975.

And right now, I can see that gold is about to take off again. Gold is a cyclical market. It booms about once every decade or so.

And I believe this coming boom – powered by the world’s central banks, who have foolishly printed $10 trillion out of thin air and brought us to the edge of a currency collapse – will be the biggest gold mania we’ve ever seen.

I’ve created this presentation to give you a simple warning. Quite simply: Investing in gold and gold stocks isn’t like buying regular companies. Being successful often means doing the opposite of what you’d normally do.

I’ll show you exactly what I’m doing in the gold market right now… and how you could make a lot of money doing the same yourself.

Some people call my approach the “Casey Method.”

I suppose it’s flattering to have an investment approach named after me. But I couldn’t care less what other people think. Success breeds resentment. Not everyone likes what I believe in…

I’ve been booed on The Phil Donahue Show… panned by The New York Review of Books… and panned by The New York Times.

But the bottom line is this: My method works.

We even ran a back test and found that in December 2008, the last time we saw a gold market like today’s, my method found 16 stocks. The stocks more than doubled within 12 months, with an average gain of 313%.

So far in 2016 alone, my team has found 12 different stocks that have already doubled.

But trust me: This is only the beginning. The really big gains in this coming gold mania won’t be made until several more months.

Let me warn you, though… As good as the results can be using my method, it’s not easy. The hardest part will be simply explaining it to your wife… or your investment adviser… or your friends. A lot of people will think you’re crazy when you tell them how it works.

But there’s no doubt in my mind – the Casey Method could make you more money than any other investment approach I know of.

My method requires no options trading… no private investing… and no phone calls. Nothing but your computer… a brokerage account… and a willingness to learn about the unique way I’ve been investing in mining companies.

For me, this coming gold boom is very personal… because it’s tied into the possibility of a U.S. dollar collapse, which I’ve been watching since the 1970s.

That’s why, so far this year, I’ve put well over $1 million of my money into gold stocks, and I’m urging everyone I can to take a position before it’s too late.

So let me give you the full story… because quite frankly – what’s about to happen this year is one of the best opportunities I’ve seen for regular investors to make a fortune, almost overnight.

A Secret to Massive Gold Stock Gains

It all started when I was a young man.

And it was an accident.

You see, back in the late 1970s, I made a huge mistake – the biggest financial mistake of my life.

A friend of mine was starting his own company. He offered me a 10% stake in the company for a $10,000 investment. I won’t go into detail… but I said no… because I felt the deal was a “blind gamble.”

In other words – there was no easy way of analyzing data and predicting a profit.

It was a terrible decision.

If I had accepted his offer, today my share of the dividends alone would be worth $3 or $4 million. And the stake itself would now be worth $50 to $100 million.

Can you imagine making a mistake like that…?

Well, it happened to me. And it changed me.

I turned down the deal because it didn’t neatly fit into the “conventional boxes” most investors use to judge opportunities.

So I began asking myself a few simple but profound questions about economics and investing.

I wondered: “How can I make smart speculations… in situations where there’s no way to gather reliable data, but huge potential?”

And that led me to the gold market…

You see, as a kid, I’d always loved geology… and later I studied economics. So I put the two together and turned to gold stocks… stocks with real potential to create vast wealth for passive investors.

But to be a successful gold investor – you have to manage huge amounts of uncertainty and unreliable data. As Mark Twain once said, “A gold mine is a hole in the ground with a liar at the top.”

So I needed a method where I could still profit even if I couldn’t penetrate all the facts of each company. In other words, I studied uncertainty… and looked for ways to use it to my advantage. I had to learn to make “volatility” my friend – something most investors never master.

And gradually, I hit upon an idea…

At a glance – it’s an idea most people don’t appreciate. You won’t find it in any investing course or MBA program.

But I began testing this idea everywhere I could… like real estate.

For example, I speculated on real estate in Spain’s Costa del Sol and doubled my money.

I bought a condo in China for $30,000… and sold it for $950,000.

This idea led me to bigger and bigger deals. At one point, I bought a parcel of land in Aspen, Colorado, back in the 1980s when I was certain the town would become famous… and have seen the value of my land double.

In short, I discovered a method to speculating.

And, as well as I’ve done in real estate, the gains I’ve been able to make in stocks have been even bigger and have happened a lot faster.

Like 154% gains in 10 months on Alberta Star

118% gains in 9 months on JNR Resources… and dozens more.

The entire method is built around a few key observations I’ve made by watching gold decade after decade...

Only the Smallest Stocks…

For example, I discovered early on that my method doesn’t work well on blue chips… REITs… dividend payers… or any other conventional stock.

But I found one exception…

Of all the stocks I analyzed, the one type that made me MORE money than any other was gold and resource stocks. In particular, small gold companies called “junior explorers”… often with such low market caps that Wall Street doesn’t cover them.

Take Northland Resources, for example…

It was trading for 45 cents per share when my research team marked it as a “buy” on June 1, 2005…

When we marked it as a “sell” on August 1, 2007, it was $4.60 per share… which may not sound like much…

But if you crunch the numbers, that works out to a 711% gain, enough to make you 8 times your money in two years.

Compare that to a massive blue chip like Apple or Wal-Mart, where a $5 move is barely a blip in the share price.

In other words, my method only works if there’s tremendous volatility in the underlying stock. And that’s why I focus on precious metals. In particular, the most volatile stocks in the sector.

This means that the potential to make the most money with my method, as fast as possible, is always greatest in very tiny gold and resource stocks. These are the stocks that have the power to generate huge amounts of wealth almost overnight and can truly change people’s lives.

Why do these stocks shoot so high?

Well… as the price of gold goes up, the largest gains in value accrue to the properties with the most “marginal” assets.

It’s these “fringe” deals that, strangely enough, have the most upside.

You see, these mines are of such low quality that they’re typically worth almost nothing in a flat market. That’s why investors can buy them for such incredibly low prices – as low as $1 per share. Sometimes just a penny or two.

But when a commodity boom arrives, it’s these “marginal” properties that have the most to gain. They can literally go from being worthless to being worth hundreds of millions… or even billions of dollars… overnight.

That’s why “normal” companies – the big mining firms, for example – simply can’t offer you this much upside this quickly.

For example, in 1998, I predicted a uranium boom. At the time, it was $10 per pound, and I wrote a 16-page report insisting it would soon take off.

Sure enough, uranium went up 1,300% over the next 8 years.

But by applying the Casey Method, I saw a leveraged way to play the metal… using tiny resource stocks.

In this case, I urged thousands of people to buy a uranium penny stock. A man named Carl L. later wrote me: “I bought at $0.009 a share and just cashed out with a 3,100% profit. My mortgage is now paid off. Thanks, Doug.”

In fact, friends of mine made tens of millions of dollars off the uranium boom.

In other words: If you can take advantage of uncertainty in the resource market, you can get huge leverage – and have a real chance at making a fortune on small stocks. And that brings me back to my method of speculating…

Because the fact is – I’ve made tens of millions of dollars by looking at penny gold stocks. I don’t buy the same stocks I recommend… but the stocks I find all come from the same arena, with the same massive potential. And I find these stocks by doing one simple thing…

4,329% gain on Altius Minerals

Take 2001, for example…

Within months of the dot-com crash, gold became hugely popular – as it often does in times of market turmoil. For the first time in a decade, I became convinced we were on the verge of another major move in gold.

In fact, I knew we were due for a gold bull market when I saw that many Vancouver gold promoters had foolishly changed the names of their companies into dot coms, overnight.

At the time, you had two choices.

1) You could grow your wealth slowly by buying gold bullion…. which saw a 300% gain over the next 7 years. Not bad...


You also had a second choice:

2) You could use the Casey Method to make a lot more money, faster.

So in August of that year, I looked at the smallest and most obscure stocks trading in the resource sector. In fact – out of 2,000 stocks, I looked for only 10 to 20… stocks trading for less than $1 per share… and I applied the method I’ve used again and again throughout my life to make millions of dollars.

Well… watch what happened next…

Working with my research team, we recommended a stock called Altius Minerals trading for 51 cents per share… which soared over the next 6 years to $22.59… a 4,329% gain. Enough to make you 44 times your money… and 14 times more than bullion over the same time span.

In fact, the same day we recommended Altius, we found a second gold stock, Anatolia Minerals, for just 48 cents per share…

Within days, Anatolia began a 667% jump.

And that was just the beginning. Take a look…

154% Alberta Star

390% AuEx

243% First Majestic Silver

434% Gammon

233% Golden Queen

118% JNR Resources

711% Northland Resources

263% Osisko Mining Corp.

106% Sanu

155% Strathmore Minerals

158% Virginia Mines

487% Wolfden Resources

193% Brett Resources

104% Bear Creek Mining

123% Eagle Plains Resources

198% Fronteer Gold

681% Glamis Gold

335% Iam Gold

258% Lundin Mining

282% Northern Peru Copper

622% Quest Capital Corp.

129% Sherwood Copper

324% Tenke Mining

102% West Timmins

The last time I saw gold conditions the way they look today – you could have doubled your money 15 different times altogether, and quadrupled your money on 10 occasions.

ALL by using just one single idea, which took me decades to develop in the gold market and could make you multiple times your money in the coming months… no matter who you are or what your experience level is.

That’s why, with today’s market pointing at what could be the biggest gold boom of my career, I believe right now you have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a fortune on gold stocks.

It’s all based on one simple fact…

Most Gold Stocks Are WORTHLESS

At least 95% of publicly listed gold companies will never mine a single ounce of gold – and are complete garbage. They don’t have any recognized deposits or mining permits… and have terrible management.

In fact – some gold CEOs are outright crooks who fudge the data and will lie to the public about the existence of their gold discoveries.

It’s a difficult business… where it’s often hard to get data. And the little data you get is often unreliable. Believe me, I don’t make these criticisms lightly…

I’ve been visiting gold mines for 40 years. I’ve probably seen about 100 mines in about 30 different countries. I’ve met with hundreds of executives, miners, geologists, and even laborers at the rock face. And often – I’ve seen that what’s REALLY happening at the mine is a totally different story from what you’d read about in Forbes or The Wall Street Journal.

In other words – the uncertainties in mining are so great and the outcomes so random, that you can’t approach gold stocks with the kind of fundamental analysis you might use on more conventional stocks.

That’s why Warren Buffett would never touch small gold stocks.

But as I said earlier – I’ve made uncertainty the focus of my entire approach… which is how I developed a method that’s been unusually successful…

What Really Drives Up Gold Stocks

Take Bre-X, for example… once a tiny gold explorer.

In the early 1990s, Bre-X was one of the most discussed stocks in the mining industry.

There were rumors it’d made a discovery of massive gold deposits in the jungles of Indonesia where other companies had been successful.

Did I know Bre-X would make money? No. But by using my method, I didn’t need to know the outcome…

So I bought Bre-X at $1.

Well… Bre-X soon gave an interview to Fortune magazine, in which the VP claimed the company owned about a million ounces of gold. Later, the estimate reached 100 million ounces… which implied the company had billions of dollars’ worth of gold.

The excitement drove shares to over $100... and I sold for one of the biggest profits of my life. But it’s what happened next that shows you the unusual nature of how my gold method works…

It turns out Bre-X was a massive fraud.

The company had been “salting” ordinary rock with gold… and the real value of its land was zero. The fraud made headlines in The Wall Street Journal.

In reality, Bre-X was total garbage. But it didn’t matter… because by that point, I’d made 50 times my money.

Now, don’t get me wrong…

I’m not suggesting you buy fraudulent gold stocks. I would never, ever recommend you buy a company I knew was doing anything unethical. In the case of Bre-X, I’d never have touched it if I’d known the truth.

But my point is this: My experience with Bre-X (and dozens of other gold stocks, going back to the 1970s) taught me a valuable lesson about how the gold market really works.

In short: To make huge gains on tiny gold stocks, it’s NOT enough to simply look at the geology.

It’s NOT enough to read the press releases… the 10K reports… or even the 43-101 government disclosures, requiring miners to have their gold deposits vetted by a third party.

Instead, my method does something a lot different…

233% gain on a “Worthless” Stock

Take Golden Queen (GQM), for example… a gold company developing a gold prospect near the Mojave Desert…

Back in 1996, it drew a lot of attention.

At the time – it had just submitted an environmental impact study to the U.S. government’s EPA Department to begin its mining project… and a lot of amateur investors foolishly paid attention to the following three things:

The Mojave prospect holds an estimated 1.5 million ounces of gold

The company owns 100% of the mine

The stock was just $2.50 per share

So people rushed in.

But personally, I didn’t touch it.

Here’s why. Watch what happened next…

In less than a year, the stock dropped to 60 cents, wiping out thousands of people who’d rushed in. To many, the company now looked worthless.

And here’s the kicker…

There was no major news to explain the drop.

The company still owned the mine… The gold discovery was still genuine… And plans to begin mining were unchanged.

So, what happened?

At a glance, it was a mystery. But personally, I knew exactly what the problem was, and that’s why we waited 5 YEARS before my team finally marked Golden Queen as a “buy” on March 22, 2002…

Within days, the stock began a 233% jump… and we rode it all the way.

Here, too, you might think it was just a “lucky accident.”

But the truth is – we isolated the perfect window to buy and sell Golden Queen by simply looking BEYOND the numbers… in this case, at something that almost every gold stock has in common…

The 1 Thing That Really Matters

You see – you have to understand one thing about gold mining…

All the high-grade, easy-to-find gold deposits have already been discovered. The days when a couple of guys with some picks and mules could venture out and find a mother lode are over.

The reality is, today’s mines are usually large-scale, industrial earth-moving operations next to a chemical plant.

And that creates certain very predictable situations... which could make you a great deal of money if you understand them.

Take Golden Queen (GQM), the company I just showed you, for example…

The numbers looked great… it had all its permits… and it was all set to begin mining the Mojave Desert…

Then – at the last second, on the verge of opening what promised to be the greatest new gold mine in California – the company was halted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service… with an order to shut down the mine.


Because it was “a danger to snails.”

Yes, you read that correctly. An environmental group was concerned that Golden Queen would decimate the local population of snails.

This might sound ridiculous, but watch what happened when this news was released on January 31, 2012…

You see – gold stocks are the most volatile securities on the planet.

A gold stock can rise or fall 50% on little more than a rumor, no matter how far-fetched.

In other words… making money on small gold stocks is a lot more involved than simply analyzing the data.

To be successful in gold stocks, you have to have a method that takes into account the dozens of uncertain factors surrounding modern gold mining and the unlimited numbers of ways a gold operation could fail… which most people don’t have the means, patience, or expertise to do.

My method will show you exactly how to do this.

Plus… you have to do it one particular way, which I’ll explain.

For example – analyzing mining situations like that of Golden Queen’s is how I knew to invest in a “placer” Alaska gold deal in the early 1980s, which made me 1,000% gains in dividends alone…

Or how I once invested in a resource hedge fund, and doubled my money in dividends… then made 10 times my money in capital gains.

Let me show you in more detail…

Why Some CEOs Hate Me

Consider Sanu Resources (SNU), for instance…

Back in 2005, it was a tiny gold explorer trading for 75 cents… with various promising projects in Africa.

So on January 18th, we marked the stock as a “buy.”

And sure enough, in just under 2 years, the stock went up 106%.

But here’s the thing…

The company never mined a single ounce of gold.

In fact, the company didn’t come anywhere near mining any gold ore… and later plummeted to 32 cents per share and disappeared.

In other words: Sanu was nothing special – yet you could have doubled your money on it by following my method.

Was it a matter of simple timing?

No. I’m not a mathematician. I don’t only rely on technical chart patterns… I don’t rely on economic indicators like the talking heads on TV do… and though I often time market cycles, I don’t necessarily pick gold stocks using financial data.

Instead, I act on a simple reality geologists hate to admit, but which has helped me make a lot of money over the years.

In short: Most gold NEVER gets out of the mine and into production… no matter who discovers it.

Trouble with indigenous populations… local bans on the mine… raised taxes and royalties… new regulations… political inference by the regional government… The number of threats facing a gold miner are endless.

It’s a terrible business… which is why I developed the Casey Method to take advantage of this uncertainty and profit from it.

Nowadays, a gold company probably pays its lawyers more than it pays the geologists and engineers…

As the CEO of Golden Queen described the situation: “Sue first, ask questions later.”

For most people – this makes gold investing a financial dead end. And that’s why most “good” investors avoid this sector entirely. How do you know which of the 2,000 or so gold companies will actually produce gold?

Well, for me… it just doesn’t matter.

That’s because I’ve developed my own way of analyzing the gold sector that goes far beyond the useless information 99% of investors pay attention to… for a wholly unique approach to speculating on gold.

Now, don’t get me wrong…

There’s no question you could make good money buying a mineral developer before it puts a mine into production.

For example, when the David Bell Mine went into production, Corona Resources went up 5,445%.

Golden Sceptre went up 7,650% and Goliath Gold went up 7,011% when the Golden Giant deposit went into production.

But those are extremely rare and historical examples…

The reality is, if you “gamble” on companies putting gold mines into production, you’ll probably lose a lot of money, quickly.

Instead, you should consider doing what I do… buying very small gold stocks with the method I’ve used for 45 years… especially today, at the beginning of what I predict will be the biggest gold bull market in half a century.

The first step is simple…

Look for Burning Matches

Look for burning matches.

By that, I mean you should NEVER own gold companies for the long run. With enough time, gold stocks always burn out their potential. What I’ve discovered since 1971 is that it’s far more profitable to find a company with a single piece of good news behind it, and get out as soon as you can.

Especially if you have the advantage I do… which very few others in the industry have mastered.

Take Alberta Star (ASX), for instance…

In 2006, this miner announced it would begin drilling Contact Lake, which geologists had named as a promising new gold region.

We marked the stock as a “buy” on February 1st.

But here’s the thing…

My team knew right off the company was a “burning match.”

In other words: Aside from Contact Lake and a few other resource projects, it had very little going for it. Over the long run, I knew this company (like all the companies in this sector) would burn out its potential… collapse… and be worthless.

That’s why 11 months later – after visiting the site – we closed the position for a 154% gain and walked away.

Holding any longer would have been a pure gamble, especially given how unlikely it was for Contact Lake to actually produce gold.

And sure enough, the stock has since collapsed to 20 cents.

But because we were out of the position, it didn’t matter. Whether or not the gold companies we find ever mine an ounce of gold makes no difference to us, as long as the stock makes money. I’ll let the CEO worry about production.

The bottom line is that we’re not trying to capitalize on a company’s growth, which most people find bizarre when I explain the Casey Method.

What we’re REALLY doing is simply capitalizing on the enormous volatility of the gold sector when the gold market goes up. And by buying small, risky companies like the one I just described, we position ourselves to profit from the enormous spikes that inevitably occur in this sector.

That means we focus on the most marginal gold businesses with the greatest potential to take off. We don’t care about the companies themselves. You can’t be sentimental in this business or consider these stocks “family heirlooms.”

For example, when gold had hit a bottom in 1976, I used the Casey Method and bought 3 of the riskiest gold miners in the world.

These were the highest-cost, shortest-life companies I could find… all located in South Africa… which, at the time, was going through severe political riots. These are the kinds of stocks no sane investor would ever touch.

But I bought 3 in particular: Grootvlei, Bracken, and Leslie.

By 1980, I was getting several times what I paid for them in annual dividends alone.

If I’d been like 99% of other investors, I’d have considered holding the stocks and even passing them on as a “legacy.”

But I knew it was time to take my profits and dump them.

That’s the second step of my approach… As I said: 1) You buy the most marginal companies. And then: 2) You sell when people get really excited, which happens at the height of a gold boom.

Remember: Gold stocks are “burning matches.” In the long run – they all burn out their potential and collapse.

Like any burning match, if you hold them too long, eventually they singe your fingers. That’s why the conventional Graham-Dodd way of investing will never work in the gold market.

The simple reality is no matter how profitable a gold mine is, the stock is at the mercy of many uncontrollable factors, including:

The gold price.

Sentiment… which means that even a simple rumor can send the best stock plummeting overnight.

Depleting resources. Remember: A gold mine gets less and less valuable every day it’s mined, no matter how big it is.

That’s why you have to approach gold as a speculator – not as a long-term investor. And even more important, you have to go “behind the scenes”…

And that brings me to the heart of the Casey Method…

686% gain on a Nevada Mine

Take a look at this photo…

At a glance, it’s nothing special. Just a snapshot of my team at a mining site.

But as I’ll explain, this photo holds the key to what I do… the biggest component of why I’ve found so many 100% gainers in gold, silver, copper, nickel, platinum, oil, you name it…

You see – in the mining business, there’s a saying:

“In the room… in the deal.”

What that means is, you’ll NEVER get in on the ground floor of ten-bagger companies unless you’re in the room where decisions get made.

And very often… the room is an actual gold mine – where the best way to make money isn’t to analyze the published data or wait for Uncle Sam to approve drilling, but to tour the place and make a few friends.

Take my friend Ron, for example…

Most people have never heard of him. But he’s credited with the discovery of more than 20 million ounces of gold in Nevada.

Well… in 2005, Ron started poking at a “worthless” piece of land in the desert. It wasn’t on any of the main gold trends in Nevada, so no one else was interested.

But Ron thought it had potential.

“What if the gold dips into the earth at an angle?” Ron wondered.

Ron raised some capital… hired a drilling crew… and this time, hit in every single hole.

Well… my firm has ridden around in a pickup with Ron many times and seen the gold in person. So, my firm didn’t hesitate to mark Ron’s company (AuEx) a “buy” in 2006 at $1.32 per share.

Since then, it was bought out, and we’re up as much as 686%… Enough to turn every $5,000 investment into $34,300 on a single speculation.

Thanks, Ron.

Here’s another example…

59,000% gain from a Helicopter Ride

Consider my friend Ross…

He’s a billionaire with over 30 years of experience as a geologist… and has been called a “broken slot machine” for his consistency at making shareholders of his projects rich… like the 1,467% gain you could have made on Pan American Silver – which he founded in 1994.

Well… I’ve known Ross for years.

When he speaks, I listen. That’s why in 2005, when Ross asked us to have a new look at his copper project in Peru, we did… eventually flying out in a helicopter.

It turns out the company had doubled the original copper resource estimate, delivering 10.8 billion tons of copper ore, which also included 3.5 million ounces of GOLD. On June 1st, we marked Ross’s recommended company – Northern Peru Copper Corp. – a “buy” and booked gains of 290%.

That’s enough to triple your money on a stock that’s not even considered a gold miner!

Thanks, Ross.

Or consider my friend Ian…

In 2003, I had a meeting with Ian at his office. He pitched me an idea for a new type of precious metals company… a way of “streaming” profits from gold and silver mines, like a royalty collector.

“Sounds good,” I told him. “Count me in.”

Well… he did, and that’s how I became an early shareholder in Silver Wheaton (SLW), a stock that went on to rise 1,242% by 2011, enough to make you 13 times your money.

Thanks, Ian.

Or consider Robert, another friend of mine…

Robert is the billionaire founder of Ivanhoe Mines who, curiously, was friends with Steve Jobs in college.

Well, one day, Robert proposed an outlandish idea…

He wanted to mine diamonds off the coast of Africa. It was a highly risky speculation… but I joined him in Namibia as an early investor.

A couple of years later, Robert’s offshore diamond business floundered. They were planning to shut down the operation… when a “lucky accident” took place…

A couple of Robert’s geologists were flying in a helicopter over Labrador, Canada – when one of them looked out the window and noticed a discoloration in the soil...

They landed the chopper… sampled the soil… and found what is now Voisey’s Bay nickel discovery, a world-class deposit.

Robert’s company – Diamond Fields – owned the full rights. I was already an investor… which made me 60 times my money on a single discovery.

Thanks, Robert.

Are you noticing a pattern here?

To put it simply: My experience with Diamond Fields confirmed my method: You should never look at mining stocks as a “normal” investment.

Instead, you should invest in the most marginal, highest-potential companies… where uncertainty lies behind the biggest gains and “lucky accidents” happen every year.

And for me, there’s only one real secret to doing this…

How I Changed My Life

In short – I discovered early on that the best way of finding winning speculations is to simply follow the most successful people in the mining industry… with a proven track record of making big gains.

In fact, knowing the right people in the gold business is so important that I’ve spent 45 years building a network of geologists and entrepreneurs.

To name just a few, my list of contacts includes:

The former CEO of Fronteer Gold (FRG)…

The former CEO of SNK Resources, who sparked a gold rush along the U.S.-Canadian border in 1965…

A self-made billionaire…

Plus, dozens of precious metals entrepreneurs, like:

A man named “The World’s Greatest Explorer” by The Australian Journal of Mining…

A geologist who discovered the Eskay Creek gold-silver deposit, now the world’s 5th largest silver mine…

In fact, I did something you might find hard to believe… but it’s absolutely true. I went out and made friends with every single one of these folks.


Often, I just picked up the phone.

It took years. Decades, actually. But since I began – I’ve managed to make a connection with executives at all the following companies…

Virginia Gold Mines

Princeton Mining Corp.

Jinshan Gold Mines

Orsu Metals Corp.

Pacific Rim Mining

Silver Standard

Lundin Mining

BP Minerals Exploration Manager

Hunter Dickinson

Keegan Resources

Radius Gold

Hidefield Gold

Almaden Resources

And many more…

That might not sound like a big deal to you… but 40 years’ experience has shown me that having the “eyes” and “ears” of top mining executives is critical…

For example, you could have made a 193% gain when we marked our friend’s firm, Brett Resources, a “buy” in November 2007…
You could have made a 146% gain in a year when we marked West Timmins a “buy” in December 2008 after we spoke to the former CEO…

The takeaway is that knowing the smartest people is a major component of the method I’ve been using since the 1970s.

That’s why I’ve visited 145 countries in my career as a gold investor. In fact – I travel so much, the government added extra pages to my passport.

My top metals and mining analyst, Louis James, has been to 60 countries… 500 mines… and often visits two to three mines per month.

To get the right information – I have contacts on the ground in Canada, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, the Congo, South Africa, and many other countries… who all feed me vital information.

How to Buy These Stocks Yourself

Now, if I wanted to… I could stop right here and lay out the entire 8-step method I use to find the best gold stocks.

The first step is “people.”

But the other steps are a little more involved…

That’s why I recently did something I’ve never done before to show you exactly how big the coming gold mania opportunity is… and how to use my method yourself right now to potentially make a fortune.

In June – I held an urgent meeting with my entire staff at a small private resort on Chesapeake Bay.

I asked my top research analyst, Louis James, to put together a report in which we explain the 8 steps we follow in the Casey Method, and to make it available for anyone to access online immediately – including you, if you’re interested.

Our report is called: The Doug Casey Method to Investing in Gold Stocks.

Inside, you’ll learn:

9 gold stocks my research team and I believe you should buy as soon as possible… Gold companies so small, they’re not covered by Wall Street analysts.

Full details of the 8 factors we always consider before recommending a gold stock.

Why the Casey Method could make you 5 to 10 times more than gold bullion – in a fraction of the time. (Sometimes these types of gold stocks double in a matter of days.)

How we spot the top or bottom of any gold market… and more.

Of course, you might be wondering why I’d bother to share my method with you at all…

Well – it all goes back to the life I left behind decades ago…

It might sound unusual… but back in 1979, I printed my P.O. box address on the last page of my bestselling financial book. And I invited readers to write me to learn which stocks I thought would go up over the coming months.

I intended it to be a “thank you” for buying the book.

But to my surprise, the letters poured in…

And gradually – my little “mailing list” became the basis for a company, Casey Research, which made the Inc. 5000 list of America’s fastest-growing private companies.

I began sharing my top recommendations with readers around the world… a habit I’ve maintained throughout my career…

On the one hand, I do this because I love seeing people succeed. But more importantly, it gives me a reason to stay connected with the top experts in the gold business. The fact is – gold experts are a lot more willing to share their information with me if they know I have a large list of readers…

The more readers I have – the more my contacts can spread their ideas throughout the industry… which creates more opportunities for everyone...

As a result – over the last 30 years, I’ve helped thousands of investors become very good speculators using the Casey Method.

Bob O., for one, wrote:

Your picks have made me tons of money over the years, enough so that I’ve been retired since 1992. I “work” at home sitting in a recliner... My life consists of enjoying myself to the max, and part of that is buying and selling these “risky” stocks. You showed me the way to do it.”

William M. told me:

I owe much of my retirement security to buying a small stock at $0.27 per share and watching it climb to about $16.”(A 5,800% gain.)

That’s why, decades ago, I took it one step further…

What We’ve Created for You

Beginning in 1979, I began publishing my best gold stock recommendations every single month. And we still do it today, almost 40 years later.

I call this monthly research letter International Speculator.

I have a staff of experts behind the scenes of the gold market… and each month, we put together detailed notes on small gold stocks with 500% to 1,000% potential, which you can easily buy on the North American exchange.

We describe how we found the stock using the Casey Method, including any pertinent information from our network of contacts.

Some days, the idea might come from a CEO friend of ours with a project. Other times, it might be a trip to Mozambique, Venezuela, Kurdistan, or any of dozens of other faraway countries we regularly travel to.

The important thing is that we build valuable relationships with experts all over the world to find the next ten-baggers in the gold market.

And although I don’t care much about publicity or what other people think, I’ve been profiled by Forbes… Time… People… US Weekly… The Washington Post… The New York Times Sunday Magazine… NBC… and CNN.

My point is simple: If you’re thinking of buying gold stocks – please: I urge you not to touch anything until you see what we’re recommending right now… because frankly, I believe the Casey Method and our due diligence is better than any other gold research in the industry and could make you 5 to 10 times more than any other approach.

As L. C. wrote:

It was a stroke of faith that I came across you. In 1998, I bought a few shares and more than tripled my return. From then on, I have followed your advice. Bought SurAmerica for 5 cents, yes, 5 CENTS – and it went to $1.76. I am now financially independent.”

And that brings me to the good part…

If you’ve been waiting to buy gold stocks, here’s why I believe now is the best chance you may see for the next fifty years…

The Next Gold Boom Has Begun

Gold is soaring this year.

The price is up 20% since January.

Personally, I predict we’ll see gold prices rise 100% to 500% or more over the next few years. And it’s not hard to see why…

Never before have central banks around the world insisted on negative interest rates… which steal money from savers and corrupt the world economy.

China will likely back its currency with gold and is buying significant amounts of gold right now. And…

The Fed has printed an estimated $3 trillion in new money in the last few years alone.

Not to mention, after seeing stocks fall 600 points in a single day this year, it’s finally dawned on investors that something is “not right” in the markets…

Well, that’s fine by me.

Because at times like this, gold thrives and is one of few remaining safe havens.

History has shown time and again that when people lose confidence in stocks and cash, gold is one of the world’s only trustworthy assets. That’s why gold went up 125% in the years after 2008.

The last time we saw conditions like this, in 2009, you could have more than doubled your money 16 different times with our recommendations.

Bottom line: Today is one of the best opportunities to speculate on gold stocks that I’ve seen in 45 years.

And remember, you often make the really, really big gains in this sector at the beginning of a boom… exactly where we are right now. The boom is just beginning… and right now is the perfect time to buy stocks for less than $1 per share, with a realistic chance of hitting $50 per share or higher.

That’s why I’ve personally put over $1 million into gold stocks recently.

Believe me when I say you could make a fortune in the coming months if you apply the Casey Method to the right small gold stocks.

Consider October 2008, for instance…

The market was plummeting – down 35% in three weeks – and reports on the economy were getting worse by the day…

But while most people were panicking, my team and I applied my method and published a list of the best small gold stocks…

The result?

Red Back Mining went up 133%.

Detour Gold went up 182%.

Osisko Mining Corp. went up 260%.

And even more interesting – watch what happened to the stocks we already held in our portfolio during the last financial crisis. In 2009 alone:

Brett Resources went up 193%.

West Timmins went up 102%.

And Fortuna Mines went up 514%.

Frankly – I believe the gains we saw in 2009 will be just a fraction of what happens to the 9 gold stocks we’re recommending you buy right now.

For better or worse, I believe today’s gold boom is the big one we’ve been waiting for… leading up to a future collapse of the world’s financial system.

And when that happens – gold will be the only economic vehicle left standing. In that scenario, it wouldn’t surprise me to see these stocks go up 50 to 100 times in value very quickly.

I don’t know for sure if they’ll go that high, of course…

But whether the stocks rise by 100% or 10,000%, I know for sure that right now is one of the very best times I’ve seen in 45 years to buy gold stocks.

Needless to say… Now you can see why I’ve created this special presentation – and why I’m urging you to get into gold stocks right now.

But before I go on…

Keep in Mind

There’s something you should keep in mind.

The ideas and opportunities I’ll be recommending in International Speculator won’t be right for everyone…

That’s because most people can’t handle the volatility of small “penny” stocks, especially in the gold and resource sector.

These stocks can rise or fall 20% in a single morning, all based on the most trivial news. They are NOT conservative investments you can put your “safe money” into and forget about for several years.

Like I said, these stocks are all burning matches. And you have to be careful or you’ll get burned.

That means you MUST be willing to act quickly, buying and selling… and have an “iron stomach.” If you’re the type who lies awake all night worrying about a small 5% dip in your portfolio… forget it. This is not for you.

In order to make large gains in the gold sector, you must be willing to accept the reality that not every stock idea will work out… and you must be comfortable making smart speculations on risky companies.

I realize that volatility is unpleasant for most people…

But remember: The entire secret behind the success of the Casey Method is how we take advantage of the volatility in the gold market.

It’s the uncertainty of these little gold companies that makes the potential reward so big, especially during a gold boom. Consider these historical gains…

38,091% Corriente

10,775% ATAC Resources

2,314% Agnico Eagle

2,114% Agave Silver

1,855% West Timmins Mining

1,745% First Marathon

4,385% Arizona Star

1,675% Kinross

4,448% Brett Resources

3,985% Fortuna Silver

1,588% Impact Silver

1,329% New Carolin Gold Corp

8,987% Goldcorp

15,488% Endeavour Silver

Some people might think I’m crazy for devoting the past 45 years of my career to the most volatile sector of the market…

But the way I see it, what’s REALLY crazy is risking 100% of your capital into so-called “conservative” investments recommended by your broker that will make you 10% per year if you’re lucky.

(Believe me – there are plenty of more corporate bankruptcies waiting to happen… more GMs and Fannie Maes.)

The reality is, if you can make smart speculations on gold stocks… year after year… you could make many times more than you would on the “conservative” stocks everyone else is buying…

Any stock can be risky. The way I see it, if you’re going to take the risk of buying stocks at all, it makes a lot more sense to buy stocks that at least have the potential to go up by 1,000% to 10,000%.

As Dominick G. wrote me: “I started buying gold six years ago with the help of you and your team. My speculations will allow me to retire from my own law firm by the end of this year.”

Most brokers would recommend only a small allocation of capital into gold stocks.

But early on, beginning 45 years ago, I decided to go “all in” when I invest in the gold market. That’s why I invest 100% of my stock portfolio in penny gold stocks. But keep in mind: I invest in 5 to 10 stocks at once… so that even if I take a loss, I can still make it up by 1,000% or more on the winners.

We’ll show you exactly how to do this in International Speculator.

Bottom line: We treat the volatility of gold stocks as an OPPORTUNITY… not as a risk. We’re speculators… not gamblers.

And right now, you could easily make 10 times your money on the next big gold boom… beginning with the 9 gold stocks we just found with the Casey Method… which you can learn about immediately, if you’re interested.

These are the kinds of stocks most other people won’t even hear about until it’s too late, which I’ve used since 1979 to amass a fortune…

Buy This Gold Stock Now

But by now, of course, you might be wondering: How much does it cost to receive International Speculator?

Well… it’s not cheap.

I charge a higher-than-usual price… for two reasons.

The first is the caliber of research we offer is typically only available through a resource hedge fund… which costs a fortune to join. For example, my friend Rick managed a portion of my money for years through his hedge fund… and the account minimum back then was $100,000.

Most hedge funds charge “2 and 20”… a 2% fee, plus a 20% commission on your gains… which really adds up.

And that brings me to the second reason we charge a higher price…

It takes enormous amounts of time and capital to research the gold companies we’ll be recommending. We travel the world.

Just recently we’ve been to the Yukon, Ireland, Quebec, British Columbia, Namibia, Peru, Senegal, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico… the list goes on. We log 100,000 miles per year. I also pay dozens of consultants in over half a dozen countries.

Still, what I’m charging is a bargain in the whole scheme of things…

Consider one of our longtime subscribers, Jim G., for example. He wrote:

I’ve been a subscriber to International Speculator for over 10 years. The first dollar I invested is up over 1,000%! Keep up the great work.”

Or consider Michael B., who heard about our Jinshan Gold (JIN) recommendation after we met the founder, Dr. Rui Feng…

The three years I have owned JIN, we (my wife and kids) have pulled out 7 figures and still have the majority of our shares. Go, JIN, go!”

Frankly, pricing the International Speculator is almost impossible… because even if we charged $50,000 per year, dozens of individuals and institutions would happily pay for it.

But we’re not in business to serve only a dozen people. We’d much rather our research get into the hands of thousands of people.

One full year of International Speculator costs $2,000.

As far as I’m concerned, we’re practically giving it away at that price.

If $2,000 is too much for you, I’m sorry. This isn’t for you. I’d recommend you stay away from investing in gold stocks and save more of your income to acquire enough capital before you proceed.

International Speculator is meant for folks who are serious about investing in tiny gold stocks and are willing to pay for the best gold research in the world.

Consider: Even a small $1,000 stake in just one investment I shared (Altius) would have paid for 21 years of my research.

As William M. wrote me:

Most readers simply do not have the time to search for the diamond in a mountain of dung. I commend you. One of your recommendations was Gabriel Resources. I made a small investment and watched it go from $0.60 to about $6.10 – probably my greatest coup in the market.”

As the next gold boom begins – I’m confident you could have the same experience that William had in Gabriel Resources. Again, this year alone, we’ve already seen 12 different stocks double in our portfolio… and we’re just getting started.

That’s why it’s crucial you get into these opportunities as soon as possible. It’s what I’ve been doing for 45 years, and I urge you to do the same today.

What You’ll Receive

If you join today, my publisher has agreed to do something we’ve never done before… a special offer worth over $10,000.

In short: You’ll receive our BUY LIST.

This is a one-page document that contains the stock tickers and details of all the penny gold stocks we recommend you buy immediately. It shows you everything you’ll need to get started right away.

By using this list, you won’t have to wade through a 30-page report to get the tickers you need… which is important – because time is critical right now.

The sooner you get into these stocks – the better. Many trade for less than $5 and could easily hit $10 in the coming weeks or sooner.

Remember: We recommend you buy 5 to 10 different stocks at once… which you can do by simply scanning through our BUY LIST.

But don’t worry…

You’ll also receive the report I mentioned earlier – which walks you through my entire method step by step: The Doug Casey Method to Investing in Gold Stocks.

Each month, we’ll update you on our portfolio along with any new recommendations we make in the gold market.

As always, each stock we recommend will be chosen from the very top opportunities we hear about… with potential for 100% gains or better, the same upside as the best-known projects we’ve seen in this business, with historical gains like these…

30,079% Royal Gold

13,821% First Majestic

7,900% American Silver

6,219% New Gold

5,853% Virginia Mines

3,893% Aurum Mining

3,884% Williams Creek Gold


1,300% Wharf Resources

1,293% Wesdome Gold Mines

1,199% Coeur Mining

7,341% Lincoln Resources

1,155% Newmont

1,064% Northern Peru Copper

9,096% Barrick

8,924% Arequipa

But I need to make one thing absolutely clear…

Because we’re sending you our full BUY LIST, there will be NO refunds. It wouldn’t be fair to our existing readers.

The BUY LIST is easily worth $10,000 and gives away the stock tickers of all the penny gold stocks we’re recommending right now.

For obvious reasons, we can’t allow you to join… receive this information… and ask for a refund. Our business model doesn’t work that way.

That’s why I’ll say again: International Speculator is only right for you if you’re serious about gold stock investing… and are willing to pay a fair price for the best gold research in the world.

Again, the price for one full year is $2,000. No exceptions.

Having said that, I think you’ll find it’s more than worth it…

As subscriber Mark F. wrote me:

I bought and sold shares of Brett, Exeter Resources, and Romarco, and made 2-fold, 4-fold, and 6-fold my money respectively. Thank you!”

Another subscriber writes:

When I first joined, I wondered whether [my gains would] pay for my subscription. Then… I closed out my first trade with a $32,000 profit. Looks like I will be a paid subscriber for 100 years!”

Bottom line: We’re in the early stages of a massive gold boom. As the gold price takes off, the Casey Method could make you 5 to 10 times your money on penny gold stocks.

To get started, click the link below.


Good luck in all your speculations.


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