State of the Market; June 28th 2017 (% Gains & H/L Spreads)

in trading •  8 years ago 

 June 28th, 2017

TOP 5 GAINS AND LOSSES - Past 24 Hours

  1. Obits; CR = $2.69, up 31.2% 
  2. LuckChain; CR = $0.0341, up 26.47%
  3. Aragon; CR = $2.97, up 21.97%
  4. Etherroll; CR = $4.38, up 20.86%
  5. AntShares; CR = $8.38, up 20.71%

TOP 5 CRYPTOS BY VOLUME - Past 24 Hours (Excluding BTC, ETH, XMR and LTC)

  1. Ethereum Classic; $181,000,000
  2. Tether; $129,000,000
  3. BitShares; $93,500,000
  4. AntShares; $73,000,00
  5. Zcash; $29,000,000


  • BTC; HIGH = 2,588.93, LOW = 2,579.25, 24 Hour Change: +0.37%
  • ETH; HIGH = $316.19, LOW = $239.70, 24 Hour Change: +24.19%
  • XMR; HIGH = $47.50, LOW = $42.39, 24 Hour Change: +10.75%
  • ZEC; HIGH = $343.47, LOW = $314.24, 24 Hour Change: +8.51%
  • LTC; HIGH = $42.64, LOW = $38.95, 24 Hour Change: +8.65%

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