Introduction video: my new Trading Video Series for Steemit

in trading •  7 years ago 

I deleted my old YouTube Channel

As most of my followers know, I deleted my old YouTube Channel because of some Internet security issues I was having. So all the previous videos on my steemit blog no longer play. I apologize that this was necessary, but I'm going to make it up to everyone by starting a fresh new trading video series on my new, more secure, YouTube Channel.

I was being bombarded by tons of questions on YouTube everyday,

all day, on my old channel. Well now I will no longer answer questions on YouTube. Anyone with questions will have to post them on Steemit. This will funnel all my YouTube followers over to Steemit, and make it easier for me to answer questions, by having them all in one place. That's a Win Win..

I would also like to thank everyone for their understanding and support.

After I deleted my previous YouTube channel, people were messaging me everywhere, on every platform I ever signed up on. I still can't believe there were so many, finding creative ways to get in contact with me. And everyone has been very understanding and accepting. All this positive feedback has motivated me to continue sharing, my methods of trading.

Whats in it for me? Am I planning to sell a package/course to all the new traders out there? NEVER. I am the real thing, I make all my money trading, everyday in the markets. I just feel blessed to do this for a living and am happy to share my knowledge and experience, to help others and grow Steemit.

Thanks for watching, and supporting my efforts with your comments and votes.

Although the next few videos will be the basics on how I trade, please feel free to ask questions and suggest future video topics.


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Awesome to see that you are back! I cant wait for the next video :)

Hi Luc
If you have any need for your old channel's videos, just say so. I had downloaded them off Youtube and can upload them anywhere you like. I think they're in 720p, the whole .zip file is about 2.7GB.

Hi andreas, as others have said, (only) if Luc is ok with that and you dont mind sending the link it will be great to have such a treasure for a newbie trader like me, ( [email protected] ) , if Luc don't like that don't worry, Thanks for making the backup and the offer anyway!

I think his goal is to upload a new course, disable youtube comments with a link to steem in the description so people come here from youtube, upvote his posts, and he makes more money. Good idea. So he will probably try make the course even better than before. In case he does give you permission to share all his old videos I would like to see them too.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Id still watch his new ones. But his old ones would be great in the lapses between the releases of the new ones, I had just started making my way through them when he pulled the channel

Luc's own words in this very post: "I am the real thing, I make all my money trading, everyday in the markets. I just feel blessed to do this for a living and am happy to share my knowledge and experience, to help others and grow Steemit."

He doesnt seem like the type of guy to withhold them just to make some steem

hello sir,Can you send to [email protected] please...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Can you send me a link to download the video series, that would be awesome

I guess i didnt see the replies from others, hoping Luc chimes in and says its ok!

Hi Andreas, would there be any chance that you could send a copy to me please? ( im hoping Luc puts them back up on his channel, but until then id like to rewatch... they are really good. cheers, paul

I would certainly love a copy of them if there is a way to get them shared?

I'd also love a link, provided Luc is ok with it. [email protected]

can you send me the vidoes would really love to watch them.
email: [email protected]

As many others have said. I would love to see the old videos if Luc is ok with it. I can't wait to learn more. My email is [email protected]. Thanks.

If it's still cool to download them, send em my way at [email protected]

Hi. I'd be interested in viewing the content in Luc's old vids. Please send a link to [email protected] .

@quickfingersluc would you mind if she sent them to me as well? I mever got a chamce to see them.

Andreas, I had downloaded one of Lucs's videos and upload it as unlisted in Youtube. Then I shared the link in the Luc's post here in his steemit blog related to that video. Maybe you could to the same with the other older posts where the old videos don't work anymore.

I can easily do that if Luc gives me the approval.

Andreas as all above would like to see these videos's also.. [email protected]

if there is any opportunity, it would be a big help for me if you (@andreaskrieger) can send me his old videos. here is my email [email protected]

thanks a lot

Me too, if Luc will be ok with that. Thx.

Yeah, it's Luc's decision, he made them so I'll respect whatever he decides to do.

Hi Andreas
Regarding the videos of the previous Lucy channel that you could download, I would like to know if you can share the link with me to see them, I am anxious to see them, thank you in advance cordially [email protected]

Hi Andreas, can you kindly share the old video with me too, email [email protected] ? Many thanks Karen

Any chance you're still willing to send a copy of those videos for a new trader? My email is rmsmining(at) if you are willing to send. Thank you! :)

Would you please send me a link? I would be very interested in watching any of lucs older videos.
Thank you very much!

Hello, with Luc's approval of course, could you please send a link to the old videos to: [email protected]? It'd be much appreciated!

Hello Andrea,
I too will like the videos if Luc approves of it. I am just looking to learn like everyone else. My email address is [email protected]. If Luc approves, please send to my email. Thanks. Its good that you saved his stuff and didn't use it for nefarious reasons. You're an individual of good character.

Hi andreaskrieger, I'd love to get a copy as well if there's a link somwhere where I can download it. Torrent maybe? Cheers! :)

Hello, I would like to ask for sending me ([email protected]) a file with videos as I found only this one video and I am keen to learn more from Luc. Thank you

Wow that is fantastic. Could you please send me the videos if that's ok. My email is [email protected]
Thanks in advance

andreaskrieger , Did you upload Luc's old videos somewhere? If no, can you and send me the link for download? Thx in advance...

Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is really valuable for me and, as i think many others.

Hi Luc! Thank you for these videos. I'm getting started and I'm hoping your advice will be sound. Is there a feature where I can trade imaginary money for a month before I take the plunge?

its, cryptocurrency.. so you can trade with any amount of money.. $10 even... Just sign up at an exchange, fund it with a few bucks and you can practice.. it will be just like a paper account.

Awesome. I always asked myself: if someone is making a lot of money trading... Why are they spending so much time and energy promoting his or her course? Very clear, very informative and right to the point. Thank you very much for your work.

I always felt the same way.. You have to wonder, if there selling you some amazing indicator or system, then why isnt everybody using it, and why are they selling it??? Why do they need the money??? Cuz they rathar teach then trade.. lol.. yeah sure..

Theres a guy on youtube- tradersfly- he doesn't even trade, lmao, and makes so much money selling trading courses. Someone sent him an email asking to see his results, and he said outright "I don't trade" haha.

This is exactly what I was looking for and glad you are starting your videos again. Thank you for your post, I look forward to the next videos in the series!

I am very grateful for your willingness to share with us!

Can't wait for more updates! Invaluable knowledge for a new trader like me.

As everyone has pretty much said in here already, thank you for taking your time in making these videos. It is very appreciated. Looking forward to the next one.

This is great information! I was super bummed when I found your old blogs and the videos didn't work!!!! Super excited to follow you!

Finally a video that plays :-). Wooohooo!!! Luc, it may be a good idea to take down the previous posts that contain unavailable videos that have been deleted? It will save people that are new to your Steem the hassle I just had to go through, of opening every post only to find dead videos. Not much point keeping them, imo. OK, now I can finally watch the Master teach. I have many vids to cover, so here I go...

Excellent video Luc,

Great to see you creating content again, I look forward to watching all of these as they unfold. Thanks, most appreciated.

You created a group of followers, Luc. We are part of your life now, even if you don't want so... Thank you again for coming back to us. You should turn the comments in your Youtube videos off, then more people would come and comment only here. ;)

Well Im glad there are people who want to learn to trade my style.. It's been so long, just making money on my own, so if i can help a few people to get some confidence and start trading safe, thats worth it to me...

If only there were more people like yourself around, sharing with others what they have learned in live and has helped them. That is the main problem the world is facing today: people have grown cold to one another and don't help others much. And thus they slide down the lonely path of selfishness and egotism. You are a beacon of light in times of darkness, my friend. You share abundance and thus abundance multiplies henceforth and helps others become that little bit more giving, more open-hearted. Stay blessed and keep sharing.

Hey Luc, i think you are doing a fantastic job and i follow your concepts and hope to master trading like yourself. Thanks keep up the great work !

H Luc, I would love to learn from you. I am new to crypto, but have some knowledge from forex.

Hi. Thank you for considering be our teacher again. For sure you'll have a ton of follower in any social network you try. I have a question is there any price action book do you recommend? Thanks.

Honestly I cant think of any that teaches anything even close to how I trade.. My favorite book is "Rule The Freakin Markets" by Micheal Parness... But only because of his story, and the types of trades he took to make millions. But I would not try to trade the setups he writes about.. its just a good read

Thank you for your help. I'll stick to you rules.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Awesome. Thanks for sharing! I will be subscribing to this new channel for sure and following your posts here.

Awesome video, Luc!

I'm glad to see you back so soon. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your informative videos. You do an incredible job at simplifying trading which makes things so much easier to consume obviously.

Anyways, I can't wait to watch the rest of your valuable videos!

Thank you and welcome back, Luc! :)

No Problem, im glad to help.. and I love trading, I look forward to it everyday.

Great video... I'm tuned in and locked up!

On what exchange do you trade the most? And do you consider news about a coin when trading or you only use charts?

I like Kraken, Bittrex, Poloniex.. those are the my favorites.. And I do listen to the news and take it into consideration, nothing trumps news.. Bad news that is..

Hi Luc,

Do you have any insight or preference for or against Coinbase? Thanks!

I want to know if you show us to trade to makre more fiat $ or if you also show how to increase certain coins.

Im not sure i understand the question? If you trade anything, and make a profit, you can always turn that into fiat and send it to your banks account..

sorry my english is not the best.
I mean... does it work to keep the coins and grow that amout of krypto coins without turning them into fiat.

Hi Jensm85. Yes, you could keep the coins without cashing out, but try to keep on coins that have a large market cap, like BTC, ETH or LTC, since they are more stable or other that has a good possibility of increase value.


Can I send to regular debit card? One without the bank connected to it?

thanks for doing this series.

When you order new webcam? :)

I dont think its the webcam, I think I didnt have the setting right on the recorder.. Ill try to tweak them for the next video..

A better camera (more dynamic range and better auto-adjustment) could definitely help. Sony are making some great cameras right now. The other thing you can do is decrease the contrast in the scene, either more light in the foreground or less in the background.

lol.. thanks for the tip.. I really havnt given the video quality much thought.. Im so crazy busy trading, i figured my low budget web cam would do.. But yeah I guess i could use a bit of an upgrade :)

Hello Luc, thanks for sharing this video.Henceforth, i shall follow all your trading videos until i am able to master trading all by myself.Posterity will reward you for all efforts.Stay blessed

Yup, im actually thinking about starting to post some of my trades here.. When they are super obvious, so it helps train new ones

I can tell just from this first video that I love your teaching style. Very easy to understand and you make it fun too!

Great to see your back with videos! Been watching a few. Still having trouble my exact strategy so far, even with some small successful trades under my belt. The last few trades i have put in at the wrong time, coin hadn't stopped dipping in price.

Any tips for strategy?

Master is back! I've just seen first video and going for the second right now. Thanks for sharing this with us Luc, i really appreciate (sorry if i say something incorrect I'm not native english speaker)

fuck yeah. Glad to have you back Chief

so fortunate to came across your article and the information got me interested in cryptocurrency..looking forward to more videos

I'm so glad. I'm currently lost and don't know how to get going with crypto. By the way, will you do a video on ICOs or are they too risky?

Thanks for everything!

Hello and Thank You sir. I was wondering if you could do a video on How to setup a wallet and exchange account? Or point me to a good one. Whenever I search google for one I get a bunch of stuff that either tells me how to build a miner or is written by someone who obviously is English as a Second Language and I get lost. I want to get into trading Crypto but have no idea where to even start buying in.

Setting up paper wallets is important so you have somewhere safe to store some bitcoin for the future and to just get bitcoins off the exchanges sometimes.. I used a long time ago and made many wallets.. heres a good explaination:

then there is that has many safety features and is used alot.. from either of these locations you can then transfer them to your exchange of choice

I would love to apply your techniques to a higher time frame because I don't have time to be a full-time trader. It would be awesome to have videos about long trade positions using daily or weekly charts instead of hourly charts.

the higher the time frame the easier the trades are... a 4 hour candle chart is super easy to draw bases on.. if you can get used to the 1hr charts, you can very easy do the 4hr charts or 1 day charts..

Am really very new to this and wanting to know more found your wonderful post and will be following you. Did not of coingy either Well done

hope to learn something.. :)

YouTube may not like the way you intend to channel all your followers from YT to Steemit, and find a way to retaliate against you. Find a way not to lose your 'social' capital.
I'm looking forward to learning how to trade from your next video series.

Perhaps, they might in the future.. But im still a small fish to them, I think.. so were probably ok for now.. I just started the channel a few weeks ago.. I really don't plan on using Youtube past uploading for steemit purposes...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I wouldn't particularly worry about youtube, unless u get like 7 digit viewer numbers on each video and get their attention, and even then I never heard about a case of youtube against linking.
I wonder about the impact of trading like this on the market, I am sure there is a huge space for people trading this method still, but I wonder if one day the market will switch totally rendering this system useless. For example, if tons of amateurs start trading like this, or if more insitutions and proffesionals turn to crypto, then wouldn't it push the need for more advanced TA & trading to make profit? If it relies on the clueless people in the market to make bad trades to profit. Though I think you mentioned trading similar method in the stock market, so maybe my thinking is wrong.

In the stock market, there are tons of panic drop. Exactly like here, only sometimes there is manipulation, where the company itself will be diluting its stock and it goes into a complete death spiral down.. in those cases, you need to be prepared not to buy more, and accept a loss... The difference is here we are seeing the crowd move price, we are watching the back and forth argument over ETH (for example) try to discover its value. So there will be panics and they will be bought up, and it makes for such easy trading.

Hi Luc, very cool vid. Such a coincidence I started doing the same thing last week! My question is: how do you set and determine the values up front? I now look at the 7d chart and manually set a stop limit buy at the low and a stop limit sell at the high.. But is there a better way? Thank! Greetz from Belgium

hi,luc. I watch every single video you uploaded evryday.Each time i got something new.With that guy's mind set of trading one stock.I was trying to get every single percent of bouce in ETH.But.....the fee is 0.3%in 0.3%out...that means if I trade with a size of 4000$ each time 1%bounce in and out cost around 20$ and income = 40-20... luc I am I wrong? That guy trade 150$ stock,every 1$gain is ...less than 1%....ah.. I was dreaming of I take 10 times 1% in ETH a day is easy....means every week i can almost double my account...but now...that dream wont became real....if you have time..pls reply this major problem I have , Thank you sincerely.

I'm still new too but doesn't that mean you simply want to make more than a .6% gain to make a profit? (A trade in and out of .6% would break you even) or in your analogy if you consistently traded a 1% gain then your account would grow by .4%

yeah, I know, that makes a little bit harder to day trading.

That's exactly why I've been only day trading on GDAX using limit orders, which have zero fees. I'm new to this, also, and have to learn if there are other ways to trade other coins cheaply.

How do you determine which coins to trade? As you mention that your alarm goes off - do you set alarms for every coin possible and just wait for it or do you have some strategies of how to pick coins?

I set alarms for every coin that has a good chart.. If the chart respects bases, then im setting alerts

Feeling like this is likely to be one of those "stupid" questions, but here goes anyways. Buy Low. Sell High. Buy Low. That's my pattern. The second instance of the Buy Low.. I always make sure that it's lower than that High I bought at, right before it. Mathmatically that seems to be best but it can get sticky. I'm only doing limit orders, also. So the question is: Is that pattern the proper way to do this or do you buy dips/sell on the uptick without paying attention to you last buy/sell? I hope that makes sense...

I don't understand, what kind of internet security issues did you have since you needed to delete your videos? :o

HI Luc, thanks v much for the excellent videos. Please could you let me know which software you are using as in how the actual trading screen looks?

He is using Coinigy. You can get it free for 30 days at After that it's about $15 a month and you can pay with bitcoin. I freaking love it!

I'm just starting into world of day trading. Thanks for your sharing Luc!

Hi Luc, a big thank for your your informative videos. They are very clear and understandable even to layman such as myself. I will be putting the theory into practice starting right away and am excited to see the results.

Just started and looking fwd to some insights in crypto trading. keep it up

Unrelated question what recording software are you using? I really want to make videos in that style showing the screen and me. Picture in picture I believe its called.

You can do that with Open Broadcast Software, OBS

You are a champ thanks a bundle.

yeah, i use screencast-o-matic.. I cant remember what it cost, but prolly like $30 a year or something.. and free if you want to make videos less than 15mins

Wonderful videos for us beginners thank you from us all...

Hi Luc, great to find you on youtube and Steemit. I already saw some videos and you are doing a great sefless job. I am learning from you. Thank you for helping the new traders!

Nice video ! For those interested about another important skills in trading. I share daily technical analysis for free on #cryptocurrency, check out my account @cryptodaytrader

I bookmarked u some time ago. Glad to see you starting the video series. I'm really looking forward to your next episode. I cannot believe how precise u predicted the dips of ETH. Tell us more about it 👌

Hi there, love your videos Luc
Just wondering what exchange do you use and do you trade in USD or BTC, does your strategy still work using BTC to trade? The only option I have is to use binance and I'm a bit confused as to how that works with BTC and ETH fluctuating all the time.

I love this approach. How do I get the tool and add diffrent coins to it?

Thanks for the video. I decided I m gonna watch all your vids.
What's the name of the guys you follow? I d like to further look into their videos or articles or experience in general.

Hi, Luc why not open this video?tell me