You have a rare opportunity to trade with us, our chatroom has over 1,740 members.steemCreated with Sketch.

in trading •  7 years ago 

Understanding this rare opportunity in trading..

This post is to try to help motivate new traders. New traders put out alot of effort to try to make sense of the market. I know, because I have a huge collection of trading books that are completely useless. I have never paid for trading courses, but I have been given a few, and thats yet another avenue that new traders take. Everyone is looking for the perfect system, or that majic indicator that will tell you exactly when to buy. Others actually want to have a computer program trade for them, a trading bot that is able to catch quick moves, perhaps faster than a human could. There is endless strategies out there and still 95% of traders lose money.

Well, I am glad you stumbled upon my unadvertised, completely free blog. I don't want to sell you another useless book or trading course. I also don't want you to blindly follow a set of indicators that you cant understand. You don't need some complicated system, or education to trade very effectively and grow your starting capital into a massive account. You just need some basic rules to follow, that come from an understanding of how a crowd of people that make up a market react as a group.

Is it possible to trade very actively and never lose a trade?

How fast would your account grow if you only take profits over and over again? Compounding your money so that your profit taking was continually getting bigger and bigger. So that next year, even though you are making the same trades as this year, your profits are 10 times the size. Maybe, you used to take a $100 profit, but now you take a $1,000-$10,000 profit, for the same trades and the same amount of screen time.

Well I'm here to suggest to you that is is very possible for you to acheive this success. That it is actually EASY to make very safe, profitable, and big trades, if you understand the basics I outline in my videos.

The most important skill/quality that you will have to develop as a trader is Patience.. “PATIENCE YOU MUST HAVE my young padawan” – Yoda ... Once you know the rules, then you just have to wait for a trade to present itself. Learn to avoid taking trades just to trade, but wait and buy in the "safe circles".

What are safe circles???

Watch my videos and join our community, everything is free. We have market scanners and a great Slack chatroom with over 1,740 members. Everyone willing to help out each other making these types of safe trades. I would also ask that you Upvote my posts so that my blog reaches more new traders. Please, do not be concerned if your vote doesn't add a penny to the steemit curation reward on my posts, I do not care about that. I'm not interested in financial reimbursement for my blog posts.

We need your upvotes..

I do appreciate every upvote, because it will make this blog more visible to others, and a bigger audience will have a chance to profit and join our community. With almost 2,800 followers on my blog, I often dont even get 200 upvotes. So please everyone upvote, and grow our community. (no matter how small your steemit bank balance is, every vote counts)


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Thanks for the post! Its a great motivational read. I have been following your posts for around a month now. Made some little mistakes at the beginning but am slowly recouping. I would rather make mistakes with only a little money than a lot thats why I only started with a small bank roll.

Recently I joined the slack channel and I am finding a lot of great information. Today I started looking at the base_scanner. Reading some of the replies I am realizing that everyone is trading on different time intervals some on 5 minute charts. Is this worthwhile? I mean last week the major coins tanked and unfortunately my full time job had me out of town and I missed out on some serious cash because all of my set alerts would have been ringing off of the hook. In this post you mention patience which is I can defintily do but on 1 hour charts I might not get a trade for days! Trying to achieve the goals you talk about in this post I find hard waiting for those bases to crack.

Looking at some of these 15 minute charts I can see how you could make quick 10% jumps but you really have to be on top of it. If we look at charts with quicker time intervals do the same rules apply (looking for a high buy volume base)?

I appreciate any feedback and thanks for your time with this blog and the Slack channel. There really aren't many people willing to share info without some sort of compensation.

The guys who are trading 5min charts are daytrading, not position trading.. I often daytrade also with very small sizes, because its is less predictable.. but it can keep you occupied while you wait for those big trades.. Then I go in size on the bigger position trades, because that is where the real money is.. The traders with real size (whales) are trading mainly the 1hour and 4hour charts.. Like you they dont sit infront of the computer all day.. But they do have areas that they plan to buy in, and that is why you will see prices panic drop to an area and receive support then bounce.. There is much more money to be made taking the big trades, but is slow and dull for the average trader.. I like action, therefore I daytrade to kill time.. and position trade to make the big bucks.

Thanks for the reply! I am definitely in the "small bucks" but I actually work at home (most of the time) and could day trade very easily. Its just a little scary. Do I treat the 5 minute charts like the 1 hour charts if I attempt this? I am just trying to build an account but it could take awhile waiting for the big trades. If I could slowly accumulate then I can go bigger on the position trades (like you said). I have alerts set on the major coins that aren't ICOs (which is what I missed out on last week). This is exciting and I really like the action as well. By the way the Slack channel is awesome because I have a spot to test my knowledge! Really enjoying this.

I believe we all will be away from the computer and come back to see where we could have made more money haha.
That said learning about crypto convinced me to go all, as in some of his videos, yes just watch the hour, then down to 10 and 5 mins charts and play bases, just remember to only take profit.

I was just day trading around and got some great low trades when that news hit about china, I did not know about it yet so I was waiting for profit and then even bought in lower and lower before i realized it was crashing. At that time I was about 80% in but the market kept going down and i did not get bottom. So im waiting for those profits to come in coming days/weeks on the alt coins im invested in, not for minute did I worry, or freak or need to sell, I knew there was some news and just stopped day tading till I got better idea of what was happening over all.
Being new like you, luc has been a godsend for us newbs to get a solid strategy and back it up with such positive motivational words.
I also just got on the slack today and will be getting more active day by day!
Thanks again for a great post and ill be up-voting more often!

Luc, I just want to say a huge thank you for the methods you teach in your videos and the wealth of practical advice. I've learned more from you in a few days than I have reading all the must-read books about trading. I've done six trades already, each of them with a 10-30% return, following your methods. This is just amazing! Thank you so much.

Hey that's an excellent start.. Well done.. You will be moving in and out of big trades before you know it :)

Thank you! I only have a $500-1000 so far so I try to focus exclusively on Penny stocks spikes, or using the base/circle method looking for rock solid bases and panic drops of at least 25-30%. I find the Penny stocks scarier since there's less way of knowing what's coming. But when all goes well... they make money so much quicker!

Hi Luc, still using your method successfully and about to take bigger trades. If you ever have a minute to answer this, it would be great: On top of the base/panic drop strategy, is it a good idea to use the order book to anticipate when big money is coming in?

I sometimes see buy orders for $10k or 20k waiting to get filled at a certain price. Technically they would bring the price up, right? But they can also be cancelled so, is it reliable? I'm curious how often you use this information in your decision-making. Many thanks

No.. Level 2 on the big coins is almost useless for us. It will hurt you to make decisions based on level 2 because there are too many things happening, like large bids and asks that disappear as soon as the market gets close. And the coins are being traded on multiple exchanges with completely different order books.. Best to use the chart for your decision making with the big coins

Got it! Thanks so much!

Hi Luc, hope all's well today! I'm just about to move into a $2k trade and excited! If you've got a minute, I would love to know:

  1. Do you put more trust in a base where the big bounce up is preceded by an equally big drop? Like a "V"? Or is a big spike up from that base enough (even if it is not preceded by a big drop)?

  2. Once you enter a trade, do you immediately place your sell limit order, or do you prefer to watch it go up and sell manually?

Many thanks

how do I make vol (20) to vol (true, 20) on trading view?

Hi Luc, thank you for your contributions to everyone.

I wanted to ask if it would be possible to shoot a video on using level 2 just before taking a potential trade.

So when you have a crack of a base and before you enter, you look at the data and point out the things you woudl take into consideration and what they mean.

Maybe you can spot someone trying to manipulate the data or maybe everyone is selling all at once or maybe more buyers are coming in now.

Can you shoot one of these so we can make better decisions during entry?

Appreciate the help as always,



Just read the reply to your post by @schwmm. You not only have patience for trading, but also in politely responding to other "members".

While I agree that @schwmm (and all investors) should ask questions to try and protect against fraud, etc., I don't like @schwmm tactics by questioning your integrity while at the same time shamelessly promoting his own site. Like the other member on this blog, it immediately led me to "mute" @schwmm.

Keep up the great work quickfingersluc!

Hey Luc!
I have a question regarding bases that is really confusing me.
This is a clear base at 2500:
But is this also at 3576 ?
The difference: the first has a clear downward panic, lots of red bars, just perfect. The second one has not, but you still used similar bases in this Post:
BSD and VOX also have bases that resemble my example at 3576.
thanks a lot for all your great work :-)

Had this wonderful community / series sent to me by a Stanford buddy and have gone through all the videos more than twice. Incredible information. Have been strictly following the rules, staying objective, and tracking the data. The strategy has worked perfectly thus far. Would love to learn how to become more active in this awesome and altruistic community!

Glad to have you aboard :) Ill see you in slack.. theres always something happening

Hey luc,

I've been studying trading for a year now And I gotta say...changing my perspective from Dollar signs to percentages has really changed my overall theory on profitability in short-term trading of cryptos. Really looking forward to studying your videos!

Is there a secret knock to get in the slack channel? The invite page appears to be closed at this time. Thanks!

Hey Luc! My name is Zach. I decided to join Steemit and write something before you get too popular to respond!

I just wanted you to know that your videos and advice have really had a positive effect on me. Well, if you consider waking up and studying to Coinigy alerts as positive...

Anyways, to cut it short, while I am far from being as good or as experienced as you, I hope I can keep watching your videos and only get better. One thing I've learned from your videos is that it's all about enjoying what you do.

Your fan,


Thanks, Zach.. Its true, if you love what you do, then its not work, its fun.. This is the best job ever, pays really well, and there is no boss..

But we have a Leader to guide us :-)
That is you...

My sentiments exactly! What an inspiring group of folks we have here! This is going to be exciting for all!! Cheers!

great job @quickfingersluc ! I just followed you ,please be kind to follow me as weel braveheart22 for quality articles too !

see you on the next posts !

Is your slack invite up yet? Been looking forward to joining.

Gateway is down temporarily for new responses...

Hi Luc,

I must commend you on your training videos which I have been watching for a month or so now and for someone new to trading crypto currencies I find the instruction very valuable and I much appreciate the time and effort you are devoting to helping people like myself just starting off. I joined Slack yesterday in order to be able to access the chat room but unfortunately the link is not available, you get this message when going to it :-

QuickFingersTraders Slack
This gateway will be down temporarily for new responses.

Is the chatroom at maximum user capacity at the moment?

Could I also ask, if the base line scanner is available by invitation or freely available on Slack and if so, what is the link to it please.
Thanks kindly.

Thanks, I don't know how I missed it. Been a bit behind lately.

Gateway is still down for new responses...

Want to start our own chat and bounce ideas around and share upcoming trades?

Hey @quickfingersluc and @tizzle - could you please resend the link to slack? It's down for new responses :(

Been following for a month and I'm wholeheartedly addicted!

Want to start our own chat and bounce ideas around and share upcoming trades?

Thanks for posting this. I'm interested.

I just started trading with OpenLedger and my goal is to grow my number of Bitshares. Following your posts with interest!

Hey, thats great.. its quite addictive after you start growing your bank. I celebrate goals achieved, like if i have a huge day of profits, its dinner out.

I just came across your blog last week and was out of town in an area with poor reception. I am interested in your method and was wondering whether you or someone else could point me towards a particular video which would give me a good introductory overview of what you do. Also, before I get too excited, does your method require a lot of screen time? I am pretty limited between day job and young kids. Thanks in advance.

Hi Cannonball6,
This is a really good one that covers Luc's strategy:

Maybe not the absolute best due to him being a little under the weather but I think it's the most comprehensive.

This second one isn't a video but it has a really good walk through about mid way through. It's probably one of my favorites:

Awesome, thanks. I will check them out!

That was the first video I saw of his. Became a follower that day. Can't seem to get enough of those quickfingers..

Hi Luc,

Definitely an upvote from me. I've been following your blog for almost a month. Like the other member, I made some newbie mistakes, but settled down and started following the safe circle route. Just another thank you for taking the time to share your investing/trading methods, and thoughts.

For those beginners who are hesitant to enter the market, what do you think about cryptocurrency simulators/demo-trading? I started to use TradingView Papertrading, then switched over to HitBTC demo to work on altcoins. I use Coinigy to setup my bases and alerts for the HitBTC market, then one when goes off, I go over to HitBTC and patiently wait to make a demo trade, if possible.

I understand that this might be overkill for some savvy newbie traders, but I have found this method to give me more confidence in confirming bases, and seeing actual results prior to the real deal.

What do you think? Good/bad idea?

Thanks again

In the past, I've seen Luc say that a very small real account might be more valuable than paper trading. He has suggested opening an account on an exchange with very little capital, even as low as $20. Then trading that to learn. It will allow you to feel the emotions of having real money on the line. This is what I am currently doing. I started with a small account and after I feel comfortable (I am getting very close) I will add a little more. Then, as I see continued success, I will add more.

I couldn't have responded better. Yeah, thats exactly it, plus you will also get real experience with how your exchange of choice works with Coinigy. Some exchanges like Kraken have some A.P.I. issues and this can get frustrating when things are moving fast.

Sounds like a plan. When I first started, I opened an account with one of the major exchanges. To Luc's point, I had problems trying to complete the trade. Thinking of transferring ~$50 to another smaller exchange to workout any issues and build confidence and get real experience.

Thanks to both of you for the suggestions.

Luc, I have been following you with a group of friends. I'll make sure we up vote on every blog. Thanks for all you are doing. Don't be afraid to show stuff you think is obvious and you've shown before.....repetition solidifies the concepts for me and helps me build confidence. Thanks for all you do.

hey Luc have you seen doge coins graph looks ripe for the picking

Thank you so much for all of the videos you've posted, Luc! It's awesome of you to share your knowledge/expertise with us, and to do so for free with no upsell. I've learned a ton already and look forward to continuing to learn more!

For Luc or another trader who's on the trading Slack: I put in a request ~a week ago to join, and got the original confirmation e-mail to say that my request was received, but no follow-up yet to actually join. Should I re-apply/request, or does it just take awhile for requests to be processed?

Thanks again!!

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.. I have no idea why the hold up. I use the chatroom, but besides that I really dont have any dealings with the internal workings. But yeah, I would try again, maybe you got lost in the shuffle.. there have been hundreds of people added in the past few weeks.

Hi @quickfingerluc
I just watched all your YT videos in 3 days. Hahahahahaha.
That was something, but it's definitely worth it. I learn more from you than from any trading video/book ever watched before!!
I'm here on STEEM because of you, didn't even know before.

Just a quick one, is still any chance to get in the chat room or it's closed now?

Anyway thanks for the good work, keep it up.

Hi Luc. You are an inspiration. Can I still start with $300 trading cryptos like you did when you first started trading the coins? Considering the prices of the coins are so different, so high right now is it still possible?

If you had to start again with $300 what would be the best way to start trading and growing the $300 in the cryptotrading market right now? Thanks for your time.

Yup, I have no doubt, that if I had to start again with $300, in two years I would be exactly where I am now.. Crypto is that much of an opportunity, and now there are even more trades to be found than ever before.

you always had my vote Luc, and you will have all the time, your the best

"Traders who teach you to trade and charge you money, they need money because they cannot trade, Thoes who dont charge a penny like Luc , can trade, they are the best

Hi - just a quick question and request for validation of my understanding. I'm trying to figure out if I'm missing some important piece of the puzzle - Luc seems to be saying this - identify the bases, and if the base 'cracks' and there's reason to believe there's buying support, you buy it all the way down if you can, selling for higher as it rises. Or in other words, buy low and sell high. Is that accurate?

I'm wondering if I'm looking at the wrong charts - I've been looking daily when I get home from work (granted not long), but I haven't seen any of the types of dips in the videos. Are people literally waiting for crashes like we had a couple of weeks ago? Or am I not looking in the right places? If I'm just not being patient enough, I guess that's ok but Luc seems to keep himself busy trading ( I know, stocks too) - so where/how are all of these opportunities ? Seems to me you enter a few limit orders and you're done, no?
It basically seems as simple as this - If you believe that an coin/stock/xxxxx will rise in the longer term, wait until it heads South (assuming it's not caused by an valid issue unique to the coin/stock/other) and then buy low, sell high. Rinse, lather, repeat. Is this it or did I miss a bunch of videos?

With so many different coins you're sure to find some Panic sells that rebound in the very same day without waiting days and days for major crashes. If you go to the market watch sort them by price change you'll see the ones that dropped by a hefty amount and then you can check them to see if they're legitimate Panic drops or not. Although the more major crashes you see on the hourly charts are tradable with larger amounts of money. If you have time to stare at the computer for a good length of time you can try Trading the 5-minute chart you'll see smaller opportunities of let's say around 5% - 15% that you can trade with smaller dollar amounts. Checking the daily volume and the live trades sizes will give you an idea of of what size trades you can order and expect to be filled before the price Direction reverses. Waiting for assets you think will go up over the long-term to go down and buying low is not the method taught here. Rather what is is identifying Panic sells in the charts whether they be quality assets or not is kind of irrelevant on the short-term.

Thank you so much for taking the time to make these blog posts and videos. Your advice/method has been the most straight-forward and down-to-earth information I've found about trading cryptocurrency. You're absolutely correct on patience. I'm brand new to trading and I've learned the hard way on a few trades now that patience is key!

Hi Great Luc!!

Sorry I missed this blog post and just saw it.. Upvoted++ (I always upvote anything you say whenever I see them)
Also this post is so inspiring. Sometimes I feel bit discouraged not being able to find good charts, not much alerts from scanners and etc..

But right after reading your blog posts and comments I feel encouraged again..

I need to grow my account fast and earn a living from Crypto.. My goal is within a year to get to this point..

To achieve this fast, I am thinking of constantly adding funds from my other earnings to crypto so then every time I get a new capital to trade with.. Not just the tarting capital..

Like I start with $200 when I get some money from my other works I add another $100 to the starting capital and so on..

Do you think this is a good plan?

Thanks man..

Yep, that sounds like a good plan.. You really can start with any amount and grow it, thats the best part of crypto, its very cheap to get started..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I started with a very low amount and overtime I added few more.. Soon I will add every penny I can risk :-) Thanks man.. You are a God :-)

Hi Luc,

new to steemit and fairly new to trading and crypto too. I just wanted to say that I'm very glad that I came across your blog and that I am very grateful to you for taking the time to make these videos and share your knowledge.

I have watched all your videos, red many comments, taken lots of notes and started position trading with some success so far! Your method really makes sense to me and I just can't believe the luck I had finding your blog! It's just pure gold.

I'll be having some free time soon so I think i will join the chat room and try day trading to see how it goes, cuz lately the lack of panic dives and base cracking is driving me crazy, but I know... patience is key!

Thanks again and good trades!

Greetings from Spain :D

I'm glad to have you on board.. Everyone in the chatroom helps each other, so Im sure you will like it in there.

Hi Luc,

First of all I wanted to thank you for everything you do. From your videos to your posts and replies, you have been kind, motivational, and extremely educational — thank you!

If you have the time to get to them, I wanted to ask a few questions — feel free to answer any or none of them!

Firstly, how patient are you if a chart is moving against you, and when do you decide to cut losses? Say a base cracks and you start buying in below the base, but the price just keeps on dropping (maybe negative news is about to be released and insiders are selling, who knows). At what point do you say enough is enough?

Secondly, do you primarily trade ***/BTC pairs, or ***/USDT pairs? I've been mainly trading the former as I don't particularly trust Tether, but I'm not sure which type tends to give better charts to trade.

Also, how do you sleep if you are in a big position overnight?

Finally, I started trading on Coinigy with tiny positions in order to practice your method, and was wondering whether I am doing it right. Here are the trades I am in now, with bases drawn in (all buys are 0.01btc):




Am I doing this right?

Thank you so much for all your help, and don't feel the need to answer all of the above — I realize your time is valuable!

Well your bases look good, but you were pretty quick to get in below the base.. you really want a panic under the base, as a result of breaking the base.. In OK for example you bought 9s after you called 10s a base.. thats only 10% chance for profit.. I hope that was a nibble, so that you have plenty more funds to buy bigger lower.. but atleast you did draw a good base and should be safe.

It wasn't just a nibble, it was essentially nonexistent — right now I am trading tiny size just to try and learn. Thank you for your reply!


Upvoted, resteemes, and completed your form. Waiting for your reply!

Hi Luc,

such a great post, it really has me motivated to give it my all for the next 12 months.
I am really new to crypto and found your videos a little while ago & want to just say thank you so much for all the free content you are putting out there. There aren't many gems like you out there so we all appreciate it. I have a couple graph q's. No pressure whatsoever , I know you're busy!!

  1. Is this what you would call a disqualified base? Where there wasn't a bounce after the panic? Does this mean that we should be cautious about buying?

  2. Is it okay to play off of the 1st base here? Or should I have waited until the 2nd base cracks before I buy?

Thanks so much!



From my studies so far, I would say that the base on QTUM at 42 is disqualified since the immediate bounce was weak (only 5%). If anything, that base would be at 45, where we saw a 15% surge, and where we did later see a bounce after the crack.

The QTUM base at 32 looks good (and the price action confirmed it).

The 15 base for POLY was good, but I think was already cracked on the 20th, so the new base like you point out is just over 13. But then the circle you have isn't a safe circle since it doesn't correspond to the lowest recent base.

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong Luc!

Wow such a quick response, thank you danny! Appreciate your insights, really looking forward to being apart of this community & learning together!

I would only add that it may help to scroll out and look at a bigger chart. This coin does make some big bounces, it does show great participation, but I agree that there are better bases on this chart then calling .042 a base...

Thanks for the reply Luc!

Just to clarify,would it be correct to say that if a recent base has a much smaller bounce and lower volume than previous ones, I should only really nibble? And wait for a bigger bounce to go for some size?

For example, here the most recent base has a lot less volume and bounce.

qtum eth.PNG

Thanks again!!!

Hey Luc,

Would you be up for doing a video of you looking for positions? Your analysis is fantastic and informative after the positions have been taken, but if we could look over your shoulder as you enter and see what your thinking live it could be most helpful I think to the community here to tie it all together.

Hi, thanks for the post. I have seen some videos and I am here to learn more before starting trading in real. Hope that I am able to earn some through your help. Thanks

Luc! Thanks for the post! I'm looking to join your #slack! but I can't find any link around? how can I join? Thanks! [email protected]

a few posts back on my blog, there is an invite..

Hey Luc,
You have truly inspired my friend and I to begin our new journey of tradig crypto! Thanks for your insight!! Matt

I just migrated from your YouTube to steemit. Here is a well deserved up vote. Thank you sir.

applied for slack invite, would love to participate and learn from you and the community, thanks for sharing ;)

Hi, luc i have already signed up on the google form for slack? Are there any other steps? Thank you for all you do!

Always better to have a few more eyes on things, liking the vibe so far. A decent balance of skill levels - enjoying it :)

Thank for joining.. I think its a pretty good room also. Well moderated and a real good resource when the action starts and you need to figure out why things are moving.

how do i find the slack chatrrom?

Hi Luc,

I appreciate the simplicity of your method, it lowers the bar to entry and is a lower risk method.

Would you say that a base is established when the bounce exceeds 5% of the ETH?

So if i figured the new base to be at $450, am I confident it’s a true base if the Price bounces up to ~$472+?

I’m playing with limits buys and alerts this why I ask.


the link to the Slack group does not seem to allow more applications. Is it full? or will you allow more soon?

thank you!

Want to start our own chat and bounce ideas around and share upcoming trades?

Is there any way to get an invite to the slack channel? I've tried other links, but none of them are working :/

Want to start our own chat and bounce ideas around and share upcoming trades?

How is your advice for free? And how do we know you don't just give false advise to manipulate the market to fit your personal trades?

Interested in crypto? Check out my channel!
Guides, trading tips, ICO heads-ups and more!

follow me!

I realize that you just want to put in a plug for your channel, but if you watch some of my videos you will see that I don't tell anyone where to buy or sell. Therefore I am in no way manipulating the market.. and yes I don't sell anything to anyone, period...

I followed you and will have a look through your videos. There are just too many people out there nowadays trying to mislead others to sell / buy their own positions, so I am always careful and question where the info comes from.

no harm done.. I agree.. The best things in life are free

Even though i've not met Luc, I must admit he's one of the very few people with genuine intentions to teach crypto trading.He has never asked for a dime, he's so busy trading unlike others who just want to sell ebooks.His teaching methods is just so comprehensive that if you're patient enough, you will learn from him.He's given me the motivation to start trading cryptos.Even though, i'm not yet at the level i want to be, i must say i am making progress every day

I've learned so much myself as well for free by just watching these awesomely intended videos over and over again.

If you would care to spend at least 10mins to watch Luc's videos you wouldn't be asking those stupid question and advertising your channel.

Is it posible to downvote this moron?

you silly human

I just blocked you. don't promote your blog here

You obviously have a channel on steemit. Why should I check out your channel? So I ask the same question: How is your advice for free? And how do we know you don't just give false advise to manipulate the market to fit your personal trades?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Fair enough question which I am happy to answer!
My advice is free as I do this as a hobby to combine my interest in crypto and blogging. Check my introduction post e.g.
I don't give any trading advice at all on my channel, I only point out upcoming projects and factual news.

Luc is the MAN. Pff. Hater.

Why? Becouse if you follow-up his advice you wil see that hè is right... Made some bautifull trades with his techniqeu and it works like a charm!!!

I'll have a deeper look into his other posts tomorrow, cheers

What a shameless plug. This post screams for a flag, but then it would hide Lucs polite response to an otherwise ridiculous and thoughtless question.

I'm still a piker. I actually started doing a sizing routine so that each trade puts me onto a higher bet-size. I'd be stoked to realize one day, while not really paying too much attention, that all of a sudden I'm trading 10K per trade, and realizing I can't get out of some of these smaller coins as easily.

1-trade-at-a-time I guess??!?!?!!?!?