Train With Jane: Heavy Leg Day Workout

in trainwithjane •  7 years ago  (edited)


Todays workout was tough but I am super proud of myself for building strength. I know I can make certain improvements on my form and take care of my neck a bit better, but this is a learning process. I haven’t seen much improvement in my physique lately, but I know its coming, patience and consistency when working out is key. Like I said I go heavy around 2x a week and my legs have been getting so strong, I’m going to need a squat rack soon because lifting this weight over my head is becoming difficult, any suggestions please let me know in the comments. Today was my first time adding the booty bands to my squats and let me tell ya…I know for a fact I hit muscles I usually didn’t while squatting. I definitely suggest the banded squats if you haven’t tried them already. I used the heaviest resistance band from bforcebands I would definitely only suggest those who do not have any joint/back/or major muscle injuries to do these exercises. And if you are a beginner I would definitely suggest starting with dumbbells/body weight and working your way up!

1. Sumo Deadlifts x12

I started this circuit, already warmed up, with sumo deadlifts. I love sumo deadlifts because unlike traditional deadlifts these target and engage your core, hamstrings and glutes a lot more!

2. Box Squats x12

I followed the sumo deadlifts with box squats. I love box squats, I feel like they differ so much from just regular squats and target different areas of the glutes and quadriceps.

3. Banded Squats x12

Like I said in the paragraph above, adding bands to an already challenging exercise is so great to change things up a bit. Adding bands to squats causes a fire in your inner quads and makes you really correct your form by pushing your knees out. This definitely has been added to my favorite booty build exercises.

4. Good Mornings x12

I love good mornings because they engage your core, hamstrings and most importantly glutes. Its such a great exercise for posture as well. Definitely give these a go if you haven't already!

5. Finisher: Banded Hip Abductors Until Burnout x 3

Leg day finishers are my favorite. I love pushing myself after I felt like I have already pushed myself to the max. I feel that bands are perfect for leg day finishers. I did these until I burned out and did them for a total of 3 times.

Each exercise was done for 4 rounds, then followed by the next exercise. I don't do my heavy leg days in a circuit, I like to complete one exercise and then move on to the next! If you have any questions please ask in the comments below.

Your Trainer,
Jane 💪🏼

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Been too long since I did any of that... :/ Not sure I have any muscle left to stand up from this chair.

I feel the same..


Hahah start with some body weight movements!

This is really good... When its difficult take it don't push too much ... Just keep going with it easily but steady... In weeks you will find out that they are easier . Nice one .... Keep it up

Thanks for the tip!! :)

Welcome dear.. You look good too

You are really working hard! What effect does That band tied to your thighs have?

THank you!!
The bands provide added resistance. I put them around the knee area and I’m pushing my knees outwards so it’s really working more muscles such as your side glute area and quads ;)

Resistance band around thigh/ knee area will add more tension to the smaller glute muscles (glute medius, glute minimus), this is good for building stability in often forgotten muscles, and also prevention of injury :)
Also good to use these band during warm ups to activate the smaller muscle groups.

Jane, you forgot to add a notice for beginners. That it is not for a ppl with a back problem. As well if you doing it you have to really focus on doing it and overdoing it. Since it might harm your back.

Ps: I'm sorry for meddling. I do this because unfortunately not only I had problems with my back by doing it incorrectly and without proper knowledge. I would advise beginners start from 6. As they will get more comfortable they can increase the number to 12.

It is amazing to see you doing this hard training. They should choose you to be next Wonder Woman for Justice League.

So true thanks for letting me know, I usually include this but I completely forgot!!

As you said, consistency is the key. You will see the results soon enough!

Nice post, like the layout very easy for people follow.