ADSactly Personal - Can I Make a Living on the Road?

in travel •  7 years ago 

Can I Make a Living on the Road?

Is it Possible to Make a Living in a Few Minutes Per Day?

Ummmm, no. Not even remotely possible. Is it possible to combine optimum leisure with making a living? Certainly.


Is it even remotely possible to earn a living while travelling?
It can be done. Probably not unfettered luxury for most of us, but earning a living on the road is very possible.

3 Sure Ways to Earn Your Living

1. Win the Lottery. Don't forget to buy tickets.
2. Choose your parents carefully. A nice fortune can go a long ways.
3. Hard, consistent work and perseverance.

Numbers 1 and 2 are fairly self explanatory. For those of us who failed at them we will proceed to number 3.

Hard, consistent work and perseverance.

You have to be willing and able to work hard at least part of the time. Very probably much harder than your friends who stay at home. Why? Because you will be wanting to do things while your employer expects you to be working. So you better be ready to hustle.

You have to be consistent. Absolutely no "I'll do it tomorrow" is available to the traveller. Once you let the pipeline dry up even a little it takes a long time to refill it. Trust me on this.

You have to persevere. Everyday. There are going to be days that don’t go as planned. Perseverance is how you overcome that piece of the puzzle.


What to Do?

The first piece of the puzzle in my case became “How to work from home?” I’ve struggled with that over the years, but have managed to do so. I started by taking a job online through one of the many providers of jobs. If you can’t find something to do online that you can live with and get paid for you haven’t looked hard enough. There are literally millions of jobs waiting for someone to do them. Millions.


At first I took specific length contracts for a specific amount of money, planning to ride in between contracts. The problem being with that solution is that in order to keep the money pipeline running I had to be two to five contracts out. They all overlapped and I was never, ever done. There was no way I could take that act on the road.

Then I caught a job. A real live 7 hour per day 6 days per week job. Doing online support for a medium sized player in the market. It paid enough, but they really sort of expected me to be available for a specific period of time almost every single day.

I could do the work of that job in 4 hours. Easy. I had to scatter the hours pretty carefully, but I didn’t have to be on site all the time. At the same time I discovered that bit of knowledge I expanded my role to include some rewriting projects for the company. Didn’t pay any extra, but absence from the support desk became expected. The last bit of making that job work for me instead of the other way round was swapping some hours with a coworker. It seemed like I took the bad end of the stick, but it made her life better and put my required hours in the very dark early morning hours. Eureka!


I was soon travelling. At one point I did 6 weeks without being home. Much of that was spent with friends and family, but my employers didn’t even realize I was not manning my desktop. The only one that knew was my friend that I swapped hours with. I could do my four hours of requirement with a solid 2 hours in the early AM and 2 more one hour stretches at a coffee shop or restaurant. The writing was done in the early hours and I really twisted myself to keep up. It was heavenly.

That job ended abruptly with the company spinning off part of itself. They canned 4 employees and offered to keep me on. For several reasons, I refused. Fortunately, I was at home and in pretty good shape money wise.

Remember those rewrites? They came in handy as reference points for a clickbait reblog site. I soon became the automotive/motorcycle guy and they gave not one rip where I was on earth so long as I gave them a minimum of one rewrite per day. I was soon back on the road making $100 to $500 per day. I was on the road and had a savings account.

But it was so scummy. I was ‘repurposing’ press releases and others researched articles for the simple purpose of getting people to click on the boxes. I never had a single copyright complaint, but I didn’t like it. Even my wanderlust couldn’t make me justify that life.

So I decided to try actual writing. A lot of self doubt in that. I’m a motorcycle junkie. I’m a mechanic. Not exactly qualities that endear you to the Pulitzer Prize Board. But if I were going to travel…

I studied. I polished. I learned some things by doing them incredibly poorly. I wrote millions of words and published (mostly on my own blog). I made bumpkis. I wrote for a Motorcycle Blog. Made a little and learned a lot. Maybe. Just maybe.

Simple Question, Simple Answer

So, this whole rambling account boils down to a simple answer to a simple question. Yes, it is possible to make a living and travel. You to have discipline and dedication, you need to work hard. But it can be done. Others are doing it just fine. It’s just like most anything else, if you want it bad enough you can get it.

I came to Steemit. I see people all around me making money honestly. Can I do it? Time will tell. I have a start and a place. I’ve fallen in with some incredibly good people that have helped and nurtured me. I believe in my heart it is possible. You will know for a fact when I post from on the road.

Authored by: @bigtom13

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I will always choose 3 and I will accept the surprises and opportunities of life
We just need patience
Thanks for sharing

step number 3 is the main step and finest step ever. The key of success is actually the hard work. And I believe every failure is a step towards more hard work.

Thanks for sharing your story! It's truly inspiring..........
I am sure if we are together and help each other ,, surely we can solve this problem together ,, .. let's get up and fight ,, we must be ready in any condition ,,, never give up.!!!!

nice post thank for shearing

NIce post.. I am looking at making a living while I travel around Australia in the next 3 years.. I have ideas on how to make money while travelling, and will be sharing them here and on a blog I will create.. it will be blog about my journey and what I get up to.. should be a lot of fun..

You got it! Hard work always pays off!

Thanks for sharing your story! It's truly inspiring.

if you want it bad enough you can get it.

-I absolutely agree! It usually takes a lot of courage and preparation before one can leave the 9-6 office world but it comes to those who have enough reasons to be free.

Brilliant..! How about online travel consultancy to the destinations you've already been to?

You got a 1.40% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @jmehta!

That sounds like a great idea!

I am living, breathing proof that you can. Makes me giggle every time I think about it.

I'm doing it. This year I'm working away. . . Living cheaply working at a bar guesthouse, Playing music gigs, teaching movement, making videos. . . Getting small income from all these skills. The exciting thing is that the more I can share all that on steemit then it will grow my earnings here, perhaps I can make it work!!LRM_EXPORT_20180219_185601.jpg

That's the spirit! Write about your everyday experienced and challenges in life on Steemit and watch your fortune grows! Cheers

In fact, what is freedom of choice? In a broad sense, it is a human right to determine one's destiny according to one's own desires, tastes and beliefs. The complete antithesis of freedom – slavery. A situation in which a person can not choose anything at all. Eats, that would give, lives, where will allow, makes, that will say. Even such a seemingly natural right to love, the choice of the person you want to be a slave is missing. And the further a person goes from slavery, the more opportunities he has to choose. Seven times. Residence. Work. Lifestyle. Religion. Politics. Freedom of choice in no way means permissiveness. It does not abolish discipline, does not cancel responsibility to society, does not cancel the sense of duty. Moreover, it implies full awareness of the consequences of his act.

That is really well said. I really don't have anything to add but I certainly want to acknowledge what you said there.

Thank you!

Really, thanks. In the internet we often see only talanted entrepreneur who never struggle to find their path. They were born with money in mouth or get millions $ after X months of work on their first startup. Your post is different - it's real and people can relate to this.

Thank you. It's been a long slug, but it's been fun, too.

Can you do it?

You sure can, because....

Can anyone do it?

Hahahah. Good one :)

Thank you. Made my day.

I honestly think that if I can that the window is pretty big. There are a lot of really talented people around.

nice post shear thank you


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yup it's pretty much comes down to 3. But with much perseverance and thanks to a book from David J. Schwartz many years ago i gained my freedom :)

  1. Winning a lottery is like shooting the moon with your pellet gun. It's almost impossible to win that game due to its high probability amounting to million. Its just a luck if you win in lottery.

  2. Choosing a Parent is totally impossible! LOL

  3. Choosing a Good Job and Working Hard is somehow gives hope to be at least average in living and can buy things that you need. And very few that were successful to achieve financial freedom. Firstly, If we were an employee, we are like prisoners in the four corner of our office with the boss will be our jail guard. We are not free to move or have a vacation whenever we want, it needs permission from our boss.

Steemit will wipe these three out in terms of achieving financial freedom! In this platform, we are free and we can do what we want, work whenever we want and we are the boss! We will just keep learning and keep steeming and soon $$$ will just knock in our doorsteps :)

Yeah, but how to make it if you are completely newbie? I myself just started couple of weeks ago, post only rich, original content and...nothing happens (except 1-3 votes worth of pennies).

Need your advice: how to crush it on Steemit?


Just keep on keeping on. It isn't going to happen today or tomorrow, but it's there. Really.

When you are brand new I think the very best thing you can do is write good comments and get your self known. But it looks like you might already know that.

Thank you man! Upvoted, because your advice is not one of those stereotypes I see all over the place!...


We all know having nice legs makes it much easier to live on the road, so do not exclude this secret in the future.

Carry on - an inspiration to those who are foot loose and fancy free!

Dream life

one can make a living anywhere and any part of the world and all he needs is laptop and net connection and get connect to steemit

Excellent post and you describe very nice three points to make a living and i believe that the first two points won't stay with us for the whole life and in the end the only correct way to make living is point three hard work consistently, i think hard work is a great course and by adopting this course we surely see great results in the end. thanks for sharing you nice thoughts with us friend, Stay blessed

I agree. In the end, it's up to me. I still buy lottery tickets on occasion :)

I quit IBM, got an around-the-world ticket, and went on a solo nine-month, 13 country trip.
Best thing I've done. I'm back to working for MS.
You'll learn to trust your instinct, intuition and judgment.
You'll learn to read small prints
You'll achieve new levels of open-mindedness and humility.
You'll learn what really matters to you.
You'll learn to challenge authorities
You'll learn how strong and weak you are.
You'll learn about loneliness and how to make friend with it.
You'll learn it's awesome to be completely alone.
You'll learn to be grateful for little acts of kindness
You'll learn the world is big and beautiful
and people are kind and generous.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm personally not so sure this is the one thing I would like to learn: "You'll learn it's awesome to be completely alone."
With the rest I perfectly agree! & upvoted for that reason
Congrats for taking this bold step in your life...I wish I could have your strength and do it day...


Now that's the kind of story I like hearing. Good on you!

Love the advice and picture my friend!

very beautiful & different thought! 😎

This comment has received a 0.02 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @abhisteem13.

Perseverance is key when one decides to work for themselves.
Dedication is another. As you said that pipeline can easily close , working for oneself can be great, but it’s not as easy as just showing up to a 8 hr job with benefits.
But you are your own boss and you can succeed, and one thing I’ve learned is the best part is, you are free from a lot of BS that goes on in the workplace these days, but make no mistake and I applaud you for working hard to get where your at, it’s not easy to do.

You are right. It's simple but not easy. If it were easy everybody would be doing it.

I like not having to deal with headaches at work haha!

Great post - I like the metaphor about never letting the pipe run dry because it will be harder to fill up. I am trying to reach a reputation of 58 so I can submit steem fundraising proposals. I actively post about precious metals, cryptoassets and the law. Any advice on reaching a higher rep? Thank you!

You can make a lot of money on the stock market, millions. But, do not dream too much, it's not given to everyone. The stock market reports on average, per year, 7 to 8% according to some studies.

Well, I didn't meet the average when I tried the market. I like that I can exceed market cap on the Tom market here at Steemit.

Thanks for such an inspiring story. I'm struggling to write a good content but you're right, nothing comes easily without a hard work. But if I were you with such a great writing like this, I'm pretty sure, everything is possible

I choose going back in time and buying bitcoin at .50 cents instead of $1000 like I did. But choosing parents or winning lottery works too👍

On a serious note love this!
Good advice and information!

Thanks. I really appreciate it. And buying BTC at .50 is a great strategy, too!

never say might get the chance to buy it at 0.5 in the future...crypto is sooooo volatile...who knows??! (i.e. if Goverments decide one day to make it illegal? or ban it completely?)

This is a nice piece and I like it because I am in that line. I started freelancing from home some months ago and i can tell you for sure, its heavenly. You get to choose working hours and have fun. Its a dope life.

Absolutely. It's a good life if you don't weaken.

Super inspiring!!

I am currently edging the same sword myself and have found steemit as a place to keep up with inspiration and hopefully generate a little as well...

Hearing of others in the same boat and mega-inspired about it is very helpful!

I think you are already doing it.Your income is very high through steemit.You have created the field for you now you dont have to worry at all.Wherever it is if you want your income you have to work hard.There is nothing comfortable income.If you wanna earn then you have to work hard.I recently quit my job started working in steemit and still learning.I am working really hard.I hope some day i will be successful here.@upvoted and resteemed

In full disclosure, I am retired and have a small pension. Not enough to travel like I wish, but pays the bills.

I think you can do it. There is a way, you just have to find it.

Wow, I hope I can do that too. That I will quit my job maybe soon. I will. Just a newbbie here in steemit and learning everything here slowly.

Just stay. Find your place and stay. It will come.

Im not going to say the most obvious one as everyone else is doing in here... You need to make the right decision at the right moment...

excellent your post dear..

Thank you

Great palace

nice post great effort

I took out my time to read all your words one by one. It is encouraging . At least there is still hope on this Internet. Thanks for the writing.

Your time is the most precious commodity you own. I seriously appreciate your expenditure.

Best reply ever! wow

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Absolutely, you can make a living on the road! ....but by working "just a few minutes a day", this would be the REAL challenge. It's certainly possible, but I would imagine that you would need at least 6 months to a year of dedicated hard work to set-up a solid passive income for yourself.

However, if you're looking to work on the road, have a laptop with a stable internet connection and you are a native English speaker, you could check out my post about how I bring in an extra $1000 US a month working from home a few hours per day, teaching English online to Chinese students.

Thanks for posting, always good to read another persons perspective!


See there? That's something I'd have never thought of in a million years.

Where there is a will there IS a way. Thanks for the kind words.

Thanks for reading!

Great autobiography till now.
Hope your dedication and perseverance will take much further in life :)

Thank you. I hope so too. I have a couple of trips in the hopper. The Maritime Provinces in Canada, and Alaska. I want to GO.

El paso numero 3 es el que me ha tocado en mi vida. y creo que lo mas gratificante son los resultados y lo que puedes obtener al final del camino. Por ahora no me alcanza para viajes internacionales pero soy feliz conociendo cada rincon de mi pais

Gracias. Te deseo lo mejor en tu viaje.

very beautiful view of comrades

Can i make a living from free steemit upvotes?


oh si!

Traveling is one of my dreams. i plan on visiting at least 3 awesome places before this year runs out. And steemit has made it even more great that i can do so and earn some money. So here i come ....

nice post you are upvoted

nice one

Thank you for the post , very good

Too good to be true.
But I believe that happened with some expansive cost for a traveler.
Keep smile and make it happen right...
Let upvote and follow mine at @bujang88
Thx for growing together

an important lesson, thank you for sharing

Your remarkable point of this post really impressed me . Thank you dear for spreading your great words to make a new world as a human. You have great quality and creativity which is expressed in your writhing. Thank you very much for sharing this post with us .

Great photos and a great blog with excellent information. I will definitely go to this
place one day. This is the first post of you which I read and I loved it. I am going to read every past and future posts of you. I hope every
post will be as good as this one.

Can I make a living on the road?

Yes, I can.

Previously, I thought about setting up a travel blog, starting a youtube channel & popularize my twitter channel.

Now, I have changed my plan. I will blog on Steemit. I will publish videos on Youtube & Use other Steem platforms like Whatapp.

With the help of Steemit, I can do it all.

I will travel & share my travel stories n pics with Steemians. That's how I can make my living while traveling.

There are countless other ways to earn your living online and continue traveling. I will combine those options with Steem n I will be living that travel n work life.

  1. Win the Lottery. Don't forget to buy tickets.
  2. Choose your parents carefully. A nice fortune can go a long ways.
  3. Hard, consistent work and perseverance

These three points are absolutely required to be followed by ignoring the curse and for living a good life.

splendid & fantastic!

yes i agree with you we can earning a living on the road is very possible
Life is an adventure that has no limits, there is no impossible
i love the big motorcycle :)

Thank you. I love the big motorcycle too.

beautiful, really nice photo style for you @adsaktly

"You to have discipline and dedication, you need to work hard. But it can be done. Others are doing it just fine. It's just like most anything else, if you want it bad enough you can get it"

thank you for your support above. i am @nadiasteem

Hello @adsactly, i am voted for you!

Nice post dear,if only steemians could make use of this principles laid down here, they will earn a good living
Thanks again for this post dear

some day, i go there

I do believe that through perseverance and hard work, you can achieve what you wanted in your life.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I loved this @bigtom13. Thank you 💕

Hey @adsactly , this is awesome post. U received 100% upvote from @gangas. Strikes again.

nice post i will done upvote

Sure you can if you're a whale and vote yourself every time. lol
Giza vote bruv lol

beautiful scenery

I don't think you exactly get this. I'm no whale, I'm a minnow. I found a remarkable society that allows me to perform way above my level. It's available to all.

elle po... ne eka deku peru

I am very impressed with the photo and post.itu is the most beautiful place.policy me who goes there is difficult to forget the beauty

Great post! As a digital nomad, I've wrestled with this issue while traveling the world. It's trickier to do remotely, but very much worth it for the amazing experiences. Best of luck! 🙂

Thanks. Digital Nomad. I really like that phrase. I may use that in my obituary :)

Nothing wrong that you have written but you should not forget that different place reality are different . But we should do this.

Woooowww is the beatiful
I like it


Yes you can do all you want. Setting goals, creating positive habits and having persistence can help you achieve your goals.

I really love this of post,I cant afford traveling so watching the images and reading how the authour express himself about this places is amazing.thanks for sharing this with us ,Im jouy fuul @adsactly

nice one

Wow, that is some story right there my friend!! I wish I found Steemit back in My 2016 like you, but just happy I found it 3 weeks ago. It is such a cool, inclusive, friendly fantastic community. I am looking forward to contributing to the community, and currently try to post 2 or 3 interesting stories or thoughts daily... I'm definitely following you, you seem like a really interesting character. Peace out

Uhhh really can you do it,? Good luck @adsactly

good luck.......

This has given me another dimension.
Thank you.

Interesting article.
My subjective opinion is that in our time of the development of information technologies, humanity has made a big step forward. That is now it is possible to make money without even leaving home. You can buy food even without leaving home, and most importantly get the necessary knowledge - even without leaving home. It is a blow to the entire template system in which a person must work daily to feed himself and his family.
What swings earnings on the road, then I'm completely sure that this is possible. No you can not at the same time not having the knowledge just to take and leave. But you are quite capable of obtaining the necessary skills and knowledge and have the opportunity to earn good money from anywhere in the world. Edinethesno that this requires, a stable Internet, a laptop or other device and most importantly - a great desire.
As the famous saying goes - "the one who does not want to seek excuses - and the one who wants to seek opportunities." Look for opportunities and you will succeed.
Thank you, good article

Thank you. I'm lucky and happy to be living in the age of technical miracles. Lets me do what I do.

must have to won a million dollars lottery😀 then I can think.🤔 but you can boss 🤐 because you have Super steem power💪.
BTW it's really motivational post you share. Ambitions can reach your goal.
Thanks for sharing sir @absactly.
Upvoted and resteemit done.

The blog is so good and inspiring..!!

I always belive that hard work and determination are the key to success. It's true that some are born under a lucky star, but there will always be more of those that are not. Those need to struggle and work very hard to have a life, and those are often the ones who know how to appreciate and value things properly.

I always believe that if we have more than enough, we should help others that have less. In many cases it's not their own fault, it's simply coincidences or fate or bad luck that can turn ones life on worse.

Anyways great post, i appreciate your work and cant wait to read more.

Great job.

Kind regards,
Anna, @arhitekt

That's it exactly. I've been lucky and at times I've even been good.

Of course you can! And anyone can also do it. As long as you will do it passionately, with perservance then everything will be in placed according to the plan! Great!

nice writing post

wow very nice

I think you will make it happen. Why do I have confidence in you making it and yet doubt myself?

very admiring and motivational story

it is a remarkable post because without hardworking you cannot do anything.It is a spirit which boost our life.

nice traveling man

Excellent publication, I think the keys to success are never surrender before adversity and always go with God taken by the hand thank you very much for always publishing content of such good quality .... continue so never change

Thanks for sharing

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Thank You! ⚜

Amezing, i like

I love the way you write! Im new to this and you've inspired me to start writing my first blog! You're very talented in the way you express your words! Hard work and preserving is definitely a KEY! Keep it up!

good post

You always 'kill' it with pleasant pictures... see @adsactly see me

I agree with you that Hard, Consistent work and Perseverance come a long way in having success in your life. Good luck on your journey on Steemit and we will celebrate success together when the day comes. Upvoted!

So.. how does @ADSactly work? Do the authors get part of the payout?

We can do anything if we put our minds to it!
There is universe within ready to be explored.
Take a deep breathe in and know,
You are an infinite being of love!

Nice article, and yes there are many ways to make a living on the road. It's easier if you travel with your home. Me and my family live in a truck and have been traveling for a few years. We are currently in Spain as our truck needs some work and we are trying to raise funds to fix it, but we found lots of ways to support ourselves being nomadic. I actually wrote a post about it 2 days ago. If you really want something you can make it happen, it depends really on what your needs are and how you live your life too. We are hoping to get back out on the road soon. we love that way of life. Thanks for sharing your experience.

This is a wonderful piece and I must say good job to you @bigtom13. Steemit, for example has made it easy to make a living from the comfort of any place we are - the room, the office, the road, etc... Of course, thee are a number of other ways of making a living on the road.

There are people who travel for a living. @crytoctopus posted something related to this yesterday. This kind of approach however leaves room for procrastination, laziness, inefficiency, and other such vices. All these must be dealt with appropriately and strict discipline (including hard work and persistence) be instilled in one's attempt to make a living on the road.

I read that post yesterday. And I agree. You have to dedicate yourself to the idea before you can see the reality.

Great sharing. Upvoted and resteemed

Thanks for sharing. It really reminds us that their are many options in life. We have a free will to do something for ourselves and not for the others. Living in 9-5 cycle won't take us any further.

Well good luck there BigTom! I'm looking to be able to do the same thing that you are here on steemit. It seems like as long as you're consistent on here things tend to work out. The only thing I worry about is how the platform will do if the overall market begins to go down again and drags cryptos along with it (again). So, it's important to hedge yourself with what you have here.

Thanks for posting. Not many Indian travelers earn money online but they do other stuff to survive. Doing much the same thing working while living in an RV. Doing some painting, doing some hand lettering and calligraphy commissions, making hand stitched leather journals beats 9 to 5 any day of the week ;-)

I have just joined Steemit and enjoying it to fullest by reading some of the amazing real life experience based articles. Long love Steemit!

Man I really hope I get to even half of your level. I'd quit my job and steem fulltime

Each of us has our own level, we need the differentiation of level to support each other. The life wouldn't be interesting if all people are rich, conversely..there would be no mutual need if all are poor. So we need the poor to help the rich success and we need the rich to support the poor. The higher level of steemians need the lowers to keep them superior.. conversely the lower level need the higher to help them improve. So... be grateful of what level you are. That's the nature of life.

Really amazing

Voted you for steem witness. Thank you for sharing your story. You inspires me to step out of my comfort zone. more power

Great is very useful post
Amazing article
I just love it
Well done you have done great job

thanks for sharing

3 formas de ganarse la vida , trabaje mucho en sistema de multiniveles y créanme es agotador , a unos le ha funcionado pero a mi no, estoy probando esto desde el 08 de este mes y espero lograrlo , soy madre soltera y el tiempo que pase con mi hijo es precioso , creo que esto me va a dar la libertad que necesito, tengo fe , y si invertí tiempo en empresas que no me genero nada , espero y creo que con esta plataforma voy a lograrlo , fe y perseverancia , y ahora tengo mi segundo aire

It makes you free away from stress ...... Nice one