How to Find Excuses to Travel Spontaneously

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)

When we think of traveling, we tend to imagine months of planning searching for perfect destinations. However, going on an unplanned holiday can be the best plan, actually. Being spontaneous opens the doors to all kinds of possibilities and can turn out to be a fantastic travel story.

Most of us dream about the nice little vacation to recharge our batteries or just to see the world. Today, it is possible to hop on the plane and go to the dream destination without much planning, but we often find ourselves struggling to take the next step. As a result, the little vacation becomes a dream vacation over a period of time. 

We create this obstacle ourselves, but it can be quickly overcome with the help of a few excuses. The excuses can be the basis for the spontaneous vacation that has been on the mind so much. They are:

Meet Old Friends

A great reason to plan a spontaneous vacation is the prospect of meeting old friends and family. This becomes a priority when Facebook and Twitter no longer cut the mustard. It would be a great way to revive the old contacts, while the added benefit of a vacation can also be part of the same.The old friends and family might have gone out of touch due to distance. Bridging the gap with a surprise visit, while managing to explore the new destination is a great way to hit two things at once. The presence of family and friends in a new destination can also help explore the place much better than travelling alone.

Lack of Time with Family

It is common for many to spend less and less time with their family due to career commitments. This has become the way of life in many parts of the world, and it is detrimental to our society. Choosing to spend more time with the family is a great excuse for rewarding yourself with the vacation. During such a vacation, career takes a back seat – even if it is only for a couple of days – with focus returning to the joy of family life. While it is possible to spend time with the family even at home, it might never be the same with plenty of distractions around.

Stress Relief

Almost everyone is affected by some kind of stress – whether it be career, relationship, or even education. The vacation is a great stress reliever, as it takes the mind away from the points that have been pondered over a lot. The spontaneous vacation can be of any way in order to relieve stress. It may be an adventure, romantic, or family themed vacation.After having dealt with the hassle of daily life, taking it slowly for a couple of days is a great excuse for taking a spontaneous vacation. While any good vacation does the job, a spontaneous one can be a truly welcome addition in times of great stress.

Ridiculously Cheap Deals

A great excuse to plan a spontaneous vacation is the sudden availability of cheap deals. This may be in the case of airline tickets or the hotels. The former is much more common, and it is possible for someone to get a vacation at a fraction of the cost since airline tickets often swallow most of the vacation budget. Being signed up for the offers is a great way to be aware of good deals when they come up. Some of the ridiculous offers even come up as a result of human or computer error, while there are plenty of apps available today that help take advantage of such mishaps.The accommodation can be really cheap during the off-season. If an individual manages to find time just around this period, then the extremely low prices on hotels is a good reason for making the trip. A truly far-sighted individual might even google around local healthcare prices and consider using this spontaneous vacation to get cheaper medical treatment and, thus, save even more. Taking advantage of the suggested approach you can significantly cut these expenses down.

Huge Task Coming Up

The spontaneous vacation can be planned just ahead of a huge task. Imagining it to be like the calm before the storm, an individual can hope to get some wind in the air by making a trip just before the big task begins.
This may be a project at work or home. If the person expects this project to take up a considerable chunk of time for the next few months, it is important to devote some time for themselves by taking up the vacation. As said earlier, this trip can also be a great stress reliever, while it can help increase the energy levels required for the big task ahead.
While most vacations are planned, it is advisable to head out for an unplanned trip just to spice up your life. The majority of HR managers agree that employees who take vacation are more productive in their jobs than those who do not. Taking time off to recharge before a new project leads to higher levels of job satisfaction and increases engagement at work. Researchers from Alertness Solutions found that the rejuvenative effect of a vacation can increase performance by 80%. So whenever you feel like it’s time to get away, go slow before scrapping this idea. Maybe, this time going with your guts will be the perfect option.

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Thanks for sharing! It was very interesting to read it, I even had a desire to travel more often