What are the best ways to earn money while traveling around the world?

in travel •  7 years ago 
Question originally asked on Musing.io - Click here to see other answers

If you love traveling, then try starting a travel blog?

These days travel blogs can make a decent income and you can save some money if you're going to cheaper countries (3rd world).

Most travel bloggers don't earn much, but the top ones make a killing. It also takes time to earn. Give it a few months at least before seeing some traffic.

If you're not interested in a travel blog, why not just earn Steem instead?

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Do you have a travel blog?

I don't have a niche travel blog. I kinda incorporated a travel section like 1 or 2 months ago.. :(

It's messy but whatever.

Haha! It's cool, man. Was just wondering. What's your main blog again?

Oh nice. I wanted to try the whole blogging lifestyle thing as well. Never knew what to blog about and make money.