Immigration blog. Old country ,new memories

in travel •  7 years ago 

After 16 years in USA 🇺🇸, it’s goid to be back in my little town of Ostersund. In northern Sweden.
I am meeting my childhood friends and getting to know the Swedish system again.

For instance I almost got a heart scare when I got told that my daughter is not Swedish citizen, it was faulty, cause since me and my wife is married she is automatic Swedish. But I have to apply. I also found out that my wife can apply for green card from Sweden and become a permanent resident from her.
In Sweden every child under 16 has the right to have a minimum amount of about $153 dollars that goes to the parents and month and a minimum of about $900 for parents to be with kids for the first year. It’s a amazing deal and supports parents and fosters growth and closeness. I for one don’t want to miss a single moment. 4612C482-8A5B-4916-968D-17E320D93069.jpeg
I am actually slowly experimenting with moving my personal business online more and more to be able to stay in Sweden and work from here.
According to the book “Outliers” if I read it correct and based on my own findings, fostering early closeness among parents and kids and a society that supports that development. According to the book and theory ( mostly mine based on the book) Sweden’s focus on family development has a created higher GNP, less crime and more education. Would this work in USA ? Paid parental leave for a year ? Basic child grants until 16 years for every citizen ?
USA is the richest country in the 🌎 world. In some ways the most advanced, in others the most conservative.
I will keep you posted on how it goes as me and my family acclimate to Sweden and if we manage to fit in.
One thing is a sobering fact, sure is colder than New York City.

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