Always trending : what spell has sweetsssj brought over steemit?

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)

With a heading like this you know I'm going deep into analytical territories.

sorry for the blur, but rest assured, those pics which arnt blurred are trending posts of sweetssj

Trend I say

greetings and salutations to all steemians, I've been working on a few projects for a while now, how to get a youtube channel running, how to set up a streemian accounts and all that stuff, I even downloaded the esteem app, and its quite fun and enjoyable.
But this isnt a review into esteem or my personal works, this is a post talking about the continuous and never-ending trends which;


seems to always do.

But why!?

Ever since I joined steemit, and even before that , I knew who sweetsssj was, as I assume most of yall like me already did.

plastered on the front page of any newcomer to the steem community, you'd most definitely run into a post by sweetsssj boosting no less than $1000 in sbd.

This may seem normal to the average steemian, but then you have to realise that;

she is neither a programmer,nor a developer on steemit, she didnt come in as an investor, neither did she come in as a moderator, she doesnt work as hard as @pfunk or @abit does,

Yet she is most definitely one of the highest paid authors on steemit.

@papa-pepper pales in comparison to the amount she makes on a weekly basis.

The spell

I dont know whether it was sheer luck or a calculated strategy, or a likeability im yet to uncover, but there is one thing for certain, @sweetsssj has a spell over the top guns of steemit, and that spell isnt going away anytime soon, I mean take a look at the pic below;
blocktrades vote ssj.jpg
with a list like this, no wonder she trends


With over a thousand upvotes, and definitely more than a hundred resteems, we start to see the reason why @sweetsssj may be the richest steemian on steemit(ok @dan, @ned and @ben are undoubtedly way richer, but come on, im talking of average steemians).
Another major important thing to note about that picture above is the fact that the @blocktrades account, the official blocktrades account and the;

sixth most powerful and eight richest account(worth $5m+)

also seems upvote as well, not only that, but @abit, a top witness is also on her post, and seems to be giving a 100%
this of cause is probably due to interaction with the community over the past year.


The truth about this is that sweetsssj has become a de facto ''face of steemit'' , being instantly recognisable on the front page or on the trending page of steemit. Her posts also pulls in a lot of money, which is essentially used to showcase to newcomers the possibilities of using steemit to make a living.


Despite the fact that her posts pulls in a lot of cash, this may in fact bring a bad reputation to steemit, The average steemian DOES NOT make even 1/8 of what she makes. She is one of a lucky few who makes quite a good buck from steemit, while the average users make peanuts. This is exaggerated by the fact that she's also a traveller, in essence just posting pics of her trips in scantly clad outfits or irrelevant locations(honestly how many of you remember the places she went to last week, dont lie, y'all are just voting for the curation rewards).


The fact that sweetsssj travels a lot does not make her the only traveller!
Other people who travel have good stories to tell as well, but unfortunately get left behind while the majority run towards sweetsssj in order to gain the curation reward. Others such as @firemeibegyou, @infidel100, @milanademort also posts about travel once in a while, so its always a good idea to promote great travel contents whenever you see them, not necessarily only looking for sweetsssj.

Now Im not castigating sweetsssj, she's been on steemit a long time , and now reaping the fruits of her labour, continuously posting for months on end, while other slumbered. 7000 posts, including comments isn't something to do in a day, and I appreciate her efforts to continually move forward on steemit.

In fact, its ALWAYS a good idea to promote great contents whenever possible, dont go looking for the leaders or top earners in a category, don't be lazy, source for great content, people source for your works as well.

Pardon my chinese, but

支持好內容. Thanks

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