If you could have a SUPERPOWER for one day, which one would you choose? And what would you do in those 24 hours?

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)


Today I indulged myself in an after-lunch nap. While dozing I was dreaming of how amazing it would be to finally be able to beam myself instantly to all places I wish, even if it would just be for a day.

Actually if we all would be able to perform this skill permanently it would not hurt either, especially considering that it would reduce pollution caused by cars and air-traffic etc. drastically. Looking at https://www.flightradar24.com/ always scares me.

But anyway, if I could beam myself, I guess my first destination after getting up, would be the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza. They fascinate me and I've never seen them in real life.


After a good breakfast in Kairo I would head over to the Himalayas, jumping from peak to peak to enjoy the best views from the top of the earth. I was there a couple of times already, but even in a month you see so little of this amazing , seemingly never ending mountain-range. And considering to be able to go everywhere there. Wow! So much fun!


Since I kind of like the idea and I always wished to be able to tell this to my grandchildren, I would beam for a couple of minutes to the south pole. Yeah.


In the afternoon I would hang out in Palau, my dream sandy-beach-crystal-clear-waters-beautiful-tiny-islands-exotic-paradise, where I unfortunately never went so far, too.


Last but not least, I would head over to the Tianzi Mountains China to watch sunset and contemplate about this amazing day. They remind me so much of those mountains in the Avatar movie. I love this.


What SUPERPOWER would you choose for one day? And what would you do in those 24 hours?

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i would want to heal people of serious illness and save loved ones

The power to instantly learn whatever i wanted

good answer :) that would include having superpowers for more than 24 hrs :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Cmon :) Nobody any visions? It is such a creative and inspirational topic :)