How to change an iconic travel & tourism experience … for good

in travel •  4 years ago 

Making things better rarely necessitates tearing everything down and starting again. Josie Major of GOOD Travel (no relation) describes how research and a little imagination can turn a quintessential New Zealand travel experience — the road trip — into something potentially much better for everyone. Thanks to “Good Tourism” Insight Partner Second Look Worldwide for inviting Josie to contribute this “GT” Insight.

Despite our remoteness, Aotearoa (New Zealand) has become an incredibly popular tourist destination. Our industry has grown rapidly in recent years. Our little country of 5 million residents welcomed nearly 4 million visitors in 2019. But now, with border restrictions in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these international arrivals have come to a halt, and we are having to rethink what travel & tourism should look like in our country.

First, know more
At GOOD Travel, we are currently working on research that will help us establish an image of what sustainable and responsible tourism should look like in New Zealand. We’re taking this time of reflection to ask questions about the future:

When visitors return to Aotearoa, what do we want tourism to look like?

What forms of tourism should not be welcomed back?

How can we use tourism to help rebuild our economy, our regions, our communities?

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