My holiday in Thailand: part #2

in travel •  8 years ago 

The other day I told you about part of our holiday in Koh Samui about a tour with snorkeling today you can tell the rest. And I'll start from the second tour — a sightseeing trip around the island by jeep.

When I read that the trip will be on a military jeep, then imagine a normal car. I was surprised when it turned out that to go on, we will here such things:

All of them had their "names" on the windshield, ours was called Michael Jackson. Our first stop was the viewing platform — it is a pity that at this point it was overcast, the day before, passing by on a Sunny day and return at sunset, we appreciated the beauty of the view.

Leads down a long staircase. Incidentally, we almost chose a hotel near this place; can you imagine what it would be like to get every time to the sea? Yes, we would be further easy.

Then they took us to a well-publicized, but questionable Koh Samui sights: the so-called "grandparents" (Hin Ta and Hin Yai). It's actually just the stones, but their names they got for that resemble the reproductive organs. What a joy for pupils, ha-ha!

Here it is — "Grandmother":

And this is — "Grandpa":

According to another version, however, there are two "Grandfather" — in addition to sprang, and even more tired:

Honestly, this place is weird, I don't even understand why it is so popular (and tourists there, just a cloud) — well, rocks and stones, there are more shapes, in my opinion. Swimming here is also not particularly interesting — until you get out of these bays to the open sea...

There are, of course, and the legend, but extremely vague about how a certain elderly couple went to look for whether the groom's granddaughter, or grandson of the bride, and, moreover, impatient to look for it somewhere outside of Samui. And then, to avoid the demographic crisis, the local sea gods their boat turned over, and the hapless two men drowned. Well, they couldn't on the island no one found? Anyway to the mainland didn't even the Olympic team in rowing, a strange idea.

Well, according to legend, from grandparents stayed here such cultural heritage. What to do: great minds live on after death in his books, and if instead of the brain you thought something else, then this is about you will remember. In short, my dear, do not overreach before you travel, download the muscles of the shoulders and don't listen to vague local legend.

Next destination we had a coconut farm, where the collection of coconuts employs monkeys. As we have explained, are used to collect coconuts only males and females to work not involved. This one, for example, "working beauty", in the words of our guide: digging yourself in the remains of coconuts.

We have demonstrated how the male monkey coconut unscrews and drops to the ground, but I was under the impression that he does this once a day for excursions, no more. He is so persuaded!

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While on a nearby palm tree a couple of men much faster threw down a whole bunch of coconuts. Without coaxing with rewards banana, mind you.

There we were treated to coconuts and I drank a bit of his (though generally not a fan of coconut water, to be honest).

Then we went to Wat Kunar, the main attraction of which was samomoderirovanie monk. Say there was such a moral and enlightened Buddhist monk, and then once said something like — "I Feel I will soon die", and told him to build his glass sarcophagus. Sat there and meditated what is assumed and died, and the body began to mysteriously mummified.

Dark glasses it is not for beauty, but because the eyeballs when mummification is not saved. Excuse me, if someone now had lunch.

The temple itself is cute, but nothing from the rest of Buddhist temples is no different. And this is the sample of "Golden-painted" churches, which last time I compared a cozy and quiet temple in the jungle near hin Lada.

For me, who loves elephants, the most awaited part of the tour was a trip to the elephant farm. There we waited for two events: baby elephant show and ride an elephant.

What can I say — it was the most terrible in the whole of our trip. Before the show, the elephants could feed, what we all did; most people held out a banana and waited for the elephant took his trunk, but I just laid the pieces in their mouths.

It is much more interesting because you feel their soft lips, you little slobbering — but if the elephant takes a banana trunk, then you feel nothing at all, it goes almost without contact.

However, in the photo you can see that the taskmaster controls the elephant, sipping something behind the chain and right behind the ear. I couldn't see it because they are trying, of course, to do it quietly for visitors.

But okay, the food is food, but the very idea had shocked me. Yes, elephants walking, waving flags, twist Hoop, throw a ball, bow, balancing on a stool...but quite quite a bit closer look to see how hard they forced to do so.

To the elephant bowed, his pulled down over his ears. In the palm of the trainer hid a pointy metal "hammer", which he surreptitiously pokes the elephant. On the neck — chain, which is pulled in as the mildest mode of action. For any desired reaction (take a banana from him, lift your leg, turn around there and then) — at least pulled and pulled behind the ear. I doubt that the elephant is like water off a duck, otherwise they would not listen.

All the shows I sat with tears in your eyes, so the photos didn't even do, and I want to tell you about it, I want as many people as possible learned about the bullying.

Amazing — I've never been opposed to circuses, though, because information about taming animals is very contradictory: some people talk about sleeping on straw with sick Pets trainers, neuro skacelova to give them medicine on time and to wipe the sweat under the blanket, others describe beatings and abuse. But here I saw with my own eyes a very cruel and harsh treatment of animals, and no doubt I about this no.

After all this, I did not expect anything good from riding on the elephant; and indeed, the mahout sitting on the neck of the elephant, in front of the benches on which we were seated, was armed with a stick with the same sharp tip of the sickle. But I asked to take his place, so he climbed on the bench and I sat on the neck of the elephant (or rather, the elephant), so that at least the head of the animal was in some way under my cover.

Well, generally the point in the trip on the bench I don't see any with the same success it is possible to go on the roof of a slowly moving car. But when you feel the warmth of the animal, stroking his head and ears — then the trip truly memorable.

Want some more to say about elephants. The fact is that in 2009 I was in Sri Lanka where we rode on an elephant. You know, that was a completely different walk. Us tourists put on the back of the elephant, and the mahout went ahead with the end of the chain in his hands, just controlling that elephant is gone from the trails to roam the field.

In Sri Lanka we also fed elephants, but no they are not dragged behind the chain in front of the ranks of spectators; we actually were in the reserve, and elephants there were just doing whatever they want. And like them mostly thoughtfully to stand or lie in the river.

Elephants were rounded up EN masse to feeding crowds of tourists, we were allowed to go (!) besides, he didn't mind to dine. In fact, it was then I was shown how to put the pieces of the elephant in his mouth, so in Thailand I was not afraid and did it on their own initiative.

You know what, for me, was the contrast between Sri Lanka and Thailand? In General, you want to cuddle elephants in their natural habitat — go to sanctuary Pinnawala in Sri Lanka. And not pay those who hurts animals.

But okay, back to the tour. The next item was the Namuang waterfall 2 — as I understand it, he is the tallest in Koh Samui. Drive can to the bottom, but the climb up will still have to walk. And climbing is difficult, but along the path are the cable railings — indeed, otherwise not dolezt, if you don't rock climb.

The waterfall is a big plus — each level is an observation deck with stunning views of the island.

Well, minus the fact that the water in it very little, and swim is simply impossible. Unless you want to undress and gently sit down here in the tray (see levels below):

We, however, explained that after February, when the rainy season, the waterfall is deeper; but hin Lad, for example, copes and no rain, so excuse unconvincing. Just keep in mind that a good Namuang 2 is open with his views, and swimming could be as lucky.

To eat we were taken to a restaurant, located quite high in the mountains, so the lunch we had was as if on the lookout very beautiful.

In the Parking lot near the restaurant flaunted here is such Ganesha:

As well as several sculpted animals, one of which — namely, the turtle — is a hornet's nest, by the way!

Next to the restaurant in the pool of live catfish, which are allowed to feed, for which visitors gain a Fig. Soma is surprisingly brazen, almost popping out of the water, razevaya greedy mouths.

Many of us tried to throw the rice sighting in these mouth, and what do you think — one som very noticeably jumped when I touched the lump of rice, and pulled his...biting my finger! Well, Yes, som also has teeth. Small such as brand-new but scratched me to blood. However, I have known lucky.

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Then they drove us past plantations of durian, the so — called "king of fruits" in Thailand.

We the "king" tried at the hotel, looked at each other and threw everything in the trash. Of course, the taste and color of comrades no, but really, it smells like rotten chicken! And the taste (and we tried a better option) it resembles a rotten onion with a distinctive, nasty sweetness. However, our guide claimed that the taste of durian reminds her creme brulee, and all of us generously entertained — but to the delight came from one of the tourists. The shy spat out the pieces around the corner in the trash.

The next place at which we arrived was so-called "garden of stones". We were told a beautiful story about a man who lived with his family in this jungle and he hewed from the nearby stones of many shapes; and for the family he built here is such a little stone house.

Statues in a garden really are a lot of things. Some of them, the visitors put coins on happiness:

Here's a snake-ladder:

It was not to wriggle!

The bird caught the snake:

Then we were taken up to the mountains, another observation platform:

I will mention, by the way, a couple of things about the journey on jeeps. Thrill-seekers can climb up on the couch above the driver's cab — there's a better vantage point, the ability to fly above, and the head occasionally touches the branches of trees. When the jeep starts to dive from the hills (and there are a lot of places), all the yelling, but sitting on the couch — louder.

Another interesting place — big Buddha (Big Buddha) on the North coast of Koh Samui. More precisely, even not at the Samui temple and statue are located on a separate tiny island that is connected to the main island with the mound.

The temple is a long staircase, which is supposed to take off their shoes.

From the top of the temple overlooking the ocean, and there is a very cool and nice.


Thank you all for watching stay with me! your @googl

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Such cool pics

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nice post. Good pics

Awesome posts, wish I could have a chance to go there too.