Forced into living in a VW CamperVan and traveling boo-hoo (update), getting rich rich on cryptos and why the war on drugs is a scam which includes terrorism and money laundering...steemCreated with Sketch.

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

The van is not ready to live in yet the motor conversion from the 1900cc to Subaru 2500cc is taking some amazing engineering. Here is a picture of the engine core and transmission in:

Here is a picture of the upgraded drum brakes to state-of-the-art disc brakes:

I was laid-off from the finance and IT department of the largest company in the world and since there are not many jobs out there and I remember the ads on TV saying freedom 55 I decided to try not to work anymore and cut all my fixed overhead costs to under $200.00 CAD per month (cell phone/van insurance/property tax) food and gas will be a variable cost. I am moving into my camper-van and trying to live within my means of under $750.00 CAD per month an early pension revenue.

Here I am laying down on this beach my friends front yard in beautiful Nelson British Columbia Canada and thinking it sure is nice to be retired:

Tried an expensive hotel - the bed was extremely comfortable:

Tried a cheap hotel as I no longer own a condo or renting a home could not get bed bugs out of my mind:

Not gonna make it to the greatest music festival on the planet because my ride and living space is not ready. I am a bit relieved as the dust last year was hurting real bad but I was prepared to wear the dust mask more often this year. Oh well, my lungs will be better off. I miss my tribe though. Here are the 10 principles of this festival - burningman:

  1. Radical Inclusion
  2. De-commodification
  3. Radical Self-reliance
  4. Radical Self-expression
  5. Communal Effort
  6. Civic Responsibility
  7. Leaving No Trace
  8. Participation
  9. Gifting
  10. Immediacy

The war on drugs has been proven to be a fraud and I believe it continues as it is a great way for the financial holding companies that own the world to keep control of your money by scaring people with media attacks on money laundering and terrorism. This allows the banks to inflate your money away in order to pay for government mismanagement and aircraft carriers to keep them in power. The second half of this Keiser report talks about the banks kingdom really well. This Abby Martin report shows clearly how big corporations control government for those interested.

Now I may have lost many of my readers talking about a small group making big decisions for the masses to usually benefit themselves while not caring at all for your well-being or even life. I am 35 years in finance specializing in following generally accepted accounting principles and this document proved to me that we no longer have free enterprise or capitalism we now have a world under corporate capture - sorry if that sounds harsh. Most of my readers won't be able to understand that document created by 3 PhD's; Dr. Stefania Vitali, Dr. James B. Glattfelder, and Dr. Stefano Battiston all from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. It identifies an "Economic Super-Entity" 149 companies hold 40% of the shares of 43,000 of the largest trans-national corporations. This makes for near monopolies in every industry.

Crypto-currencies are not growing rapidly just because I think they are a great technology, (a way to describe blockchain or crypto-currencies is it is a new accounting method allowing for the ease of 100% auditing. I like the term triple entry accounting an improvement on double entry with a computer-generated time stamp notarizing all transactions i.e.; debt, credit and time it occurred via witnesses) it is growing because the current shaky investment environment is diversifying into the blockchain space as they are worried. They are rightly justified to be worried as I think the worlds biggest banks and some companies are insolvent (bankrupt). To prevent the pending recession you will see lots of money printing - the inflation or dilution of your monies worth.

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Dear @greenman really nice photography good post love your work resteemed

yeah right :)

I agree with you.

I'm stoked to see you working on your van. That's really inspiring. We just bought a little sail boat and my wife and I are talking about escaping the scene to rid ourselves of winter and work also. Travel, trade crypto, blog, and fight the monetary industrial complex. Haha.

Cheers man. I'm a big fan of what you're doing. Thanks for referencing your portfolio distribution. I like your style.

Nice photography!!
its cool!!

awesome post and very beautiful photo , glad to see your post again thank you so much for sharing resteemed
great portfolio , 14% steem , its very interessing:)

Nice job Hossain trying to spam.

Thanks I appreciate you exposing this activity.

You are welcome. Its interesting to note that all such users are coming from India or Bangladesh.

resteem your publication, Thank you for sharing documents I will take the time to read them, Yes and yes and yes terrorism (terror) And a weapon used by government (bank,religion,mafia...) So that the people do not ask for their right, is easily dominated. There are 2 war in the world "The rich against the rich" and "The rich against rebellious.
"For the bastards to take power it is enough that the little people stand at a distance, in silence."
Besides that has beautiful photo, sadly for music festival

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I agree with you Concerning banks but i think the crypto Money In the future, it will help banks to become stronger And controlling masses more easily As the electronic chip is integrated into the human body?

Yes, I agree but we have time to be on the right side of the crypto trade. Thx for reshare!

thanks to you too sir

So sad that you are going to miss the burningman festival this year. But there is always next year.

Applause.....Applause.....totally agree with your every word!!! We will win at this game if we play it right and everyone will have a peace of the pie.....peace and love brother!!! Enjoy!

beside your portfolio with shows that you stick to the big players and do not waste time and energy to some Icos I like that you make this huge change in your lifestyle and make this experience with your Van.

The biggest fraud are the big banks. They compare nothing to the drug war.


here are todays scammers.

They come and respond to all posts at the same time.

Resteemed and upvoted. This is a good portfolio for all the new comers to start accumulating instead of wasting time partying on credit cards.

This my dream. To live wherever in want, go wherever the heart tell, Independent and work remotely from bed.


your publish its undervalued angry,like you said "You lose readers", Because you tell the truth.
And this means that the people accept to be robbed and raped.
In our world says a thief a (respectable man,nobility,aristocracy).
good continuation, resteem For more visibility I hope

Agree whole-heartedly with your last paragraph. IMO a correction will likely stem from developments in the public bond markets / sovereign debt.

More and more are catching onto this and deleveraging out of exposed bond/equity positions into markets with asymmetric payoffs: nowhere better than crypto. Best to you and the van build-out!

wow dear your looking so nice and amazing post.

Applause.....totally agree with your every word!!! We will win at this game if we play it right and everyone will have a peace of the pie.....peace and love brother!!! Enjoy!beside your portfolio with shows that you stick to the big players and do not waste time and energy to some Icos I like that you make this huge change in your lifestyle and make this experience with your Van.

@greenman i like your investment portfolio :) I agree that you need to increase ETH , think also DASH deserves a little more trust ! If you have any views about any other currency 🚀 please share with me.💜

nice pictures "Nelson Colombie-Britannique, Canada".
The people who live in a world of Care Bears
The reality and that we live in a world of

Portfolio is well thought.
I would have added some Gold stock.

I stay away from any paper promise to pay items like gold stocks - even though there will most likely be an extreme upside when things crash but problem is you could get locked out of your accounts by banks saying they need things to cool down.

Very nicely said. Paper gold and ETFs are controlled by big banks.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yep. Better to be prepared with crypto's and physical gold/property when things fall down.

The truth is always been very hard, good to read you daily!!!

It is clear you know about the world @greenman. I am very happy to see that my money diversification is similar to yours except for the land, still didn't find a place, still travelling around... have a look at my blog, same situation, cheers

The photos are really beautiful and i love the idea of buying more gold.

I love the idea of buying more gold and ethereum.

@greenman interesting, Very nice post!!!

Dear @greenman
Great article nice photography thanks for sharing your thoughts I really appreciate your work well-done keep it up.

who are you mr?
your account is fake i am real Rashid Minhas
check here my details

Are you doing the conversion of the VAN on your own?

Its a nice portfolio to afford a luxurty hotel bed.

Penthouse soon...

wow congrats. Keep us posted.

images (5).jpg


Never let those big 149 to take control of the crypto world.

What kind of political events will take place in September and October?

A big one is the US debt ceiling...history shows September and October to be the traditional spooky market months.

Yes but those in Washington will raise the limit by hook or crook. I always go long market and short volatility after that event.

How much longer before the world realizes that this is not sustainable?

The world is extremely dumbed down with alcohol, prescriptions, media, TV, movies, education system so they won't notice the inflation any time soon.

Brother All your favorite posts are social development, I will be with you,
Great job brothers

The distribution of coins is good, I recommend Neo. You generate Gas, then you sell the Gas and you buy more Neo, and thus an excellent ecosystem @greenman

Have a great day ,your posts always is on top . Respect

Amazing photos! I think your portfolio will fly to sky! I have similar: ethereum, bitcoin, steem!
Follow you!

Respect, for taking the step.. Didn't know you took this choice.. I think the less stress makes you more comfartable.. what was the biggest company you worked for...?

hey its nice to be free and be able to travel with your van, have you considered world trip or move to another country? because for example in thailand for 750 $ you can be a king :D Why you want to invest more in etherium, dont you think its good to invest now in eos ? do you think government in future will control crypto ?

Yes, I will be traveling the world this winter looking for a winter home. Getting rid of work and winter. I don't have time to comment to deeply on these posts or study all cryptos, I know nothing on EOS. Yes, corporations will dictate to government what currencies are used at banks and company cash registers. The crypto guys will create nice shapeshift through different cryptos to handle it.

hope to see reports around the world from you in this winter:) yea its tough to research new cryptos because they appear thousands per month. I just hope government and banks will not destroy anonymous of crypto

They seem to pop every time you goto shit. lol

Eos vs ethereum, very interesting topic. There are so many ugly big corporates bound to ethereum now, investment-wise ethereum is a good decision although eos has so much more to offer here and now

I also wish to live freely one day... As long as I pursue my dream it will come true for sure!
Love how good hotels have extremely comfortable beds. It makes all the difference when it comes to quality sleep time :)

Very interesting thoughts on the financial markets around the world.

@greenman liked your post always!!! :)

Nice style of life investor in crypto technology and living in campervan .
Why you was forced into living in a van? is it becase of pension?
I prefer comfortable bed than to live in car or hotels , less stress more stable life.
Even photo of cheap hotel is cheap low quality haha.
What you think is best investment of new upcoming coins in ico stage?

Tired of work and winter especially because of government mismanage of taxes and inflation. I will build a home in a few years and get the good bed.

The Goverments need to start making money instead of just relying on taxpayers money.

are you planing to build home in Canada your hometown or while traveling with van found another place?

I am very open to both ideas. I do have a nice piece of land in Canada but it is so small of a community it becomes pretty boring but maybe a great summer place.

come and check out europe when you can! we have a lot of amazing places over here!

But I like to live in van most of the time

Nice pics. I am happy for you that you are able to live a life away from this corrupt bankers and government's.

We gonna be rich and fat if we follow this guys advise.


Good post, thanks for sharing! :)

The 1% on top of the 1% as "Mr. Robot" so well described. I can truly find myself in ur sayings. Just by looking around you, the consumerism behaviour we all fallen into. The "capatilistic" system that is totally bend towards the current elite in power. I think we are in some really interesting times though, the technology might help us become totally free, or trap us in even bigger damnation (let's aim for the first one shall we :P).

P.S. Love that forest area!!

great idea. Thanks @greenman

Sir i am taking your advice to diversify my crypto. And nice photo too.

hahah awesoooome! keep it up!

upvoted and followed sir, I have a similar situation in where I am living in a furnished shed. I am also invested in crypto but I didn't have much money so my returns are still fairly small. I agree with your points. very nice!

This is one of the most awesome posts I have read in a while! I can't believe I haven't been reading your posts but I surely will now!

First off I love BC and have spent a lot of time there doing pretty hard core camping and living off the land, hunting, fishing, foraging etc. I have even lived out there for months on end with NOTHING but a knife!

Secondly its so great to see that you are having so much more success as an individual investor than all those big operations. I am so tired of all these huge mega corps and groups running the world and sucking it dry. It seems like you have a very wise and successful investment plan. Good on you!

Thirdly I see you have linked a lot of other articles in this post of which seems like its going to lead me to hours of reading now! I will check them out and let you know.

Finally thanks so much for a great post. I will check out some of your other stuff as I am quite interested now.


Oh I also forgot to say yes the war on drugs is such a scam, successfully deployed to consolidate more power and money. I won't tell you about all I know as it appears you seem quite educated on it your self. What I will say is that I know first hand how and why it does NOT work as the Sustainable Eco Village I founded 9 years ago was raided by a BLACK OPS SWAT TEAM 4 years ago like I was Bin Ladin or ISIS.

They didn't find a single thing or make any charges for anything they said was the reason they raided. On top of that they cut down our crops and held us at gun point all day.

I have been on a lot of shows and what not because of it but I made a Steemit Post a while back from my interview with Ron Paul if you want to check it out.

Thanks again for the post. I am really happy to have found you here. Going to look at some of your other stuff now!


really nice photography good post love your work ..upvoted andresteemed

Very good post ...
Nice Travel ...
Good photography @ greenman@

Nice post and good photography @greenman

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing this important information.

@greenman It is the first virtual currency issued by a hedge fund and one of the first released by a company (rather than a group of developers or a non-profit).
Craib says the Numeraire helps solve a fundamental problem in finance. “Finance is totally competitive right now. There’s no reason why you’d want to help your friend with a hedge fund if you have a hedge fund,” he says. “But if you both held the same cryptocurrency, and it went up in value together, maybe there would be more collaboration.” He believes the currency will incentivize the data scientists to make better stock market prediction models, thereby improving the hedge fund’s performance and returning more wealth to its anonymous workforce.
Global banks including Bank of America, RBC and UBS are also customers. While bitcoin is the more established cyptocurrency, it's primarily used today as an investment vehicle and has run into big latency problems with handling transactions.
Ripple and ethereum have emerged as the early leaders in enabling business arrangements, with Ripple trying to build the digital payments standard for the financial sector.

Way too complicated for this kid. I would not touch ripple with a 10 foot pole as well. Can't stand anything centralized as I am not a suit and don't plan on being one. They will have fun with their nice bullet proof server to serve themselves with. I am more interested in a store of wealth right now nothing else really. Everything else I play with beside BTC is me hedging against movements of my store of wealth in BTC.

This guy copy pasted this comment from the internet. Source:

(Will be making a post on this guy soon.)

Yes man agreed you are an genius man way the like you elobarte which which is magnificent I really learned from you as well as shared my thoughts which is helpful for from both of us:))
Big thumbs up

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The Engine looks great from here i hope it revs awesome ;) bytheway very nice photos you took

The war on drugs is a serious issue and i hope it is taken special care of BTW i can't really do much about that i can just write and there will be no impact on that :(

Shop local and take some power away from big corporations.

i will do my bit for sure :) lets do it !

It's sad that there will be no pictures from the current festival of burning people: (But nothing, not the last year we live :)

you are at a great place looks like Mr. Bitcoin President :)

Amazing photographs @greenman sir, looks so attractive and it's really cool idea to buy some gold and eth, unfortunately you miss the festival but i hope you will make it next year.

dude why are you copy pasting comments from other authors?

Hey Paul, thanks for showing us your view on the crypto market and global economy as such. Sometimes I lack knowledge in the financial world and it is very interesting to read different opinions and it does not matter whether I agree with them or not, every point of view means something and can be right under different circumstances.
750$ in a month really? :) is it possible to survive with such a budget?

Yes, I think one could do it so for those thinking about it give it a shot. I have savings I will most likely cheat by dipping into.

The whole life is cheating in something, we always tend to choose a simple way )

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

you are doing great working.

i am the man
who don't get any vote in your comment @sir
i am always try votes

such a luxury hotel hope you had great time there?

Great topic @greenman
Thanks for sharing

I'll buy a little ether. I was just thinking what kind of alcoin is better to buy now.

Such posts play an important role in increasing public awareness

Dear @greenman
Can you make a Post about Dogecoin ?I want to invest in dogecoin. Now I have 193400.574 dogecoin. ... So plz help me.

You are very right about the inflation of money that will come. I have just one question: why just 2% ETH ?

All original parts. As it has survived until today

thanks for sharing.. many good points you make here..
looks like a nice little spread you have there! bitcoin is king yes! and Eth is queen i think! so yes i agree would be good to have a little more Eth.

I used to have a lot more alt coins.. but now I came to steemit i put all my alt coins into this.. Just because its so much more fun, and is already doing amazing things.. rather than potentially doing amazing things.

Oh by the way, if u ever want any advice how to rig up your van with Solar im happy to advise. I've been installing many of my own solar systems and have some good tips to use minimal power (like 20-30 watts) to provide internet and lights..

best to you, hope your home is ready to move into soon!

Looks amazing, can't wait to see the finishd VW

And that Bed was extra Comfy i guess no ??


IS THATH NISSAN GTR ????// @greenman

No bro, It's may be volkswagen.

Your so intelligent "greenman"
58% Bitcoin (BTC)
14% Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
2% Etherium (ETH)
14% Other cryptos (STEEM/DASH)
6% Gold (physical)
5% Land

Great post @greenman sir, Very interesting thoughts on the financial markets around the world. i also love how great hotels have extremely comfortable beds. It makes all the difference when it comes to quality sleep time.

Nice post @greenman sir, It is clear you know about the world, the biggest fruad are the big banks i also really love the idea of buying more gold and eutherium. thanks for sharing

When the VW CamperVan will be completed would love to see it :)

I am waiting for the whole inner view of your van. Hope it looks like a luxury hotel too.

It is really great that you are upgrading your van and amazing photos though. Looks like you have a good diversified portfolio of cryptos. What is your take on BCH? Will it surpass BTC anytime?just curious

@greenman! That beach is super beautiful and PEACEFUL for relaxing! I noted it down for my future destination :D.

I hope you succeed in this way of living i'll be following your journey to living good life while unemployed. If you are in crypto you'll be the one hiring people soon ;)


really nice photography good post .keep it up sir.

Wow really nice that's two way wonder on the powerful car.... dear @greenman really nice photography good post work resteemed......

Wonder car must be double cc that's really like very nice car and doing your job........

Wow, thats some research right there...
Well I am pretty new in all this crypto thing, but I keep a very... so to say, vivid or optimistic point of view on the future. Just by looking at all the new ICO ideas they come up with, the future really looks like a really bright place. I mean, we are just, I think even days from an ICO or a company that is working on a government blockchain, a e-voting blockchain. And if I understand correctly what a blockchain platform is - then the future belongs to the people.
And on a plus side - just by looking at the steemit community, and seeing how everyone is helping everyone, outselecting cheaters and bots - that is just great and this proves that all the crypto "movement", so to say, is the future of the world.

wow dear your looking so nice and amazing post.thanks for sharing..

Nice photography!!

Look like Old engine core and transmission

good post thank's for sharing........and thank to steemit also

Excillent Photography bro...


wow such huge investment in crypto-currencies but @greenman in many countries start banning these currencies! what will be happen if crypto banned in all over the world ?

Could you please share some info about cryptocurrencies being banned?

Have a great day ,your posts always is on top ...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment