Anarchist in the Jungle

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)

I'm in a massive forest, miles from any sign of civilization.

Situations such as these often inspire deep thought and appreciation. I was struck with a strong sense of amazement after about 10 minutes of our first hike.

I never thought watching a team of ants would impress me so much. The guide informed me that the ants carry the leaves to their nest where they use them to cultivate a special type of mushroom that the ants like to eat. How cool is that? Maybe I'm a nerd and nature just entertains me entirely too much, but to me the fact that these tiny insects are able to essentially grow their own crops to feast on is pretty awesome.

And those were just the ants. I was beginning to fully appreciate the delicate complexities of life in the Amazon forest.
I learned about trees that produce milk that helps heal an upset stomach. I also learned how to quickly climb up a vine to avoid being gored by a wild boar. I saw the massive hives built by ants. I heard the unique calls of the birds. There was one bird that I loved to hear because it's song sounded exactly like a drop of water. I ate bananas straight from the forest and it was the best I've ever had. I felt so content. Even despite the heat, the mosquitos, and even despite the complete lack of wifi.

Why did I want to go to the Amazon so badly?

I grew up the youngest with two older brothers, we played outside every day, got dirty, scraped my knees- still have the scars. Climbed trees, fell out of trees, got stung by bees, picked boysenberries, caught lightning bugs. I loved the smell of dirt and the sounds of the birds and insects outside.

I was also teased all my life by my brothers and I'm glad they did. This isn't some sappy story of how bullying is bad. It taught me to be independent. It taught me to stick up for myself. Both of which are of great help to me now traveling the world 20 something years later.

I was shy, always did as I was told, never did anything unexpected. That was the story of my life for 26 years. Until one day I woke up.

I was exhilarated. I felt in charge of my own life. I felt alive and excited. When was the last time you felt truly excited for your life, or life in general? When was the last time you felt like you weren't taking it for granted? Like you were truly living and experiencing the world?

Going to the Amazon reawakened my childhood self.

I was curious and I climbed vines. I got dirty. I hiked. I discovered. I felt like I was properly experiencing this world the way we as humans ought to experience it. Nature has always had a special place in my heart. I've always been amazed at how the life of insects, plants and animals fit so perfectly together. It's all for a reason. To go somewhere untouched by the industrialization of mankind and witness the life that exists there is such an awesome thing. Hopefully it will inspire you to take a deeper look at how you fit in this world. How you were created especially to exist and how you can and should take full advantage of being alive today.

If you're not quite sure how to get started with this new and exciting life that you want for yourself, here's some tips:

Do something that scares you

Go jump out of an airplane.
Dive with sharks.
Travel to a foreign country.
Hike up a mountain.
Try new foods.
Say yes to everything.
Take public transportation.
Talk to a stranger.
Avoid the status quo.
Be an anarchist.
Get the hell out of your comfort zone.

And Remember This:

The voice in your head isn't always right.
It's fun to surprise yourself.
Expand your perspective and raise your expectations for what your life ought to be like.
Be who you envy.
Embody the adventurer.
Feel your heartbeat.
Get your adrenaline pumping.
Yes it's scary as hell and it's so easy to bow out- but don't, because...

It's Worth It

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Hi Heidi, great advice! I used to be shy and then I did what you did and now I've done everything on your 'do something that scares you list', plus hundreds of others. ;) Let me know if you'd like to come on my show Anarchast ( to discuss. Can email at freedom (at)

@dollarvigilante I want to hear more about your adventures. You've definitely helped me to better understand how the world really works and I'd love to be on your show. I'll send you an email today to get things rollin' :)

ah im jealous! your photos always look so awesome.

really nice @heiditravels !

What a fantastic experience and all the memories your making. I'm so jealous

Another great adventure post by @heiditravels! Love the wildlife pictures!

I like how you've converted Steem Dollars to bring us on an adventure. This is the exact atructure of what I'm setting up for with travel and wildlife education and conservation. Now I just need to make a steemit t-shirt.

Hope you have a backup battery lol

@heiditravels Amazing & beautiful!
Wish I could join you!
On this day a year ago I was living and exploring the woods and forests myself! :)

When I saw the title I thought it was a new Sex Pistols album! Only joking!

I love the sloth (I think it is a sloth). I think they are really cute.

Are you going to take part in any shamanic ceremonies with ayahuasca or anything like that?

Hollidays in the sun))

I heard that you need a shaman with you if you drink the ayahuasca.. to help you from getting lost, and not physically lost. I don't plan on that kind of trip this time, but if I return here again I might be more curious about it.

Absolutely. It should be done with great care. I was just curious because it is a growing trend amongst people who visit this part of the world and I have a personal interest in psychedelics (though I have never used them and never would without medical supervision).

Dangerous, ayahuasca can really, REALLY fuck you up.
Google Glen Lee Roberts, and ask for some advise from him before "trying" anything.

Wow, what an amazing experience that must be

Awesome pics...that seems to be quite an enjoyable and adventurous vacation :)

You are very excellent writer
I can feel what you felt, english is my second language though.

Great experiences and pics! :)

Are you planning on seeing a currandero?

cool post, cool pics and cool video. Loved the roach

Really very awesome indeed! I like to think that less than 00.01% have the time or desire to spend time alone in nature like this. That is some high level stuff to be in such a natural place like that. Great to see. Keep on enjoying yourself! :)

You had me at anarchist.
Only one R in forest though ;)

Those were some wicked bug bites. I noticed the long sleeves the day after. Good choice - but did it help?

You made it to the jungle! :) Iquitos finally or different jungle?

Love your stories, I wish you tell us more about what you did to that wild boar. God I hope he's ok ;)

Don't worry about that cockroach, in the jungle they don't eat trash. There's barely any time for any organic material to start rotting in there, without being eaten by something.

On top of the fact that you are sharing your amazing and inspiring stories, you're also a very courageous girl. I believe not that much guys are willing to go to the jungle for even a day.

You are constantly proving that there is nothing to be afraid of in our life. We have to try all that exists out there, while we still can.

The sounds of those beautiful songs of the birds, the feeling of watching the army of ants and overall excitement of being in wild nature will be one of those unique beautiful memories.

I truly believe that you're going to become a very different person after all of this. Not physically, but rather mentally.

I wish you all the best and great traveling.

Thank you for sharing the joy of your travels and the lessons of you past!

Soundtrack for part 4 tooks Grammy.
Sean Bean tooks a part in narration for part 6.
So I want to ask - From which part of the Civilization you are away? :-)

great post and photos...

Awesome life experience. Love your writing. Felt like I was there in the jungle too.

Thank you for sharing your life with us!

This was entertaining, and inspiring.

Yeah, all of nature really is special. I fear for it with the new technology generation. Most kids cannot identify a bird species, or plant growing in the wild these days

Wish I could have such an adventurous spirit! Living vicariously through your posts

Hi, could some ppl spare some money, I've tried to make money here but I've been unsuccessful. Thank U very much

I so love this article!
Welcome to the jungle, we all got fun & games!

That's an amazing travel!

The jungle is rich. Looks absolutely pure. Enjoy it to the maximum.

"Do something that scares you

Go jump out of an airplane."

Yes, but don´t forget to get a parachute before the jump and open it before your feet touch the ground :)

Just a joke, your post is great as always, thank you for sharing your travels with us, it´s like if a part of us would be there enjoying it too.

But that takes away all the excitement! I knew a guy that tried cordless bungie jumping once...

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Cute Anarchist

um... you are crazy... i am jealous.. and there.. we found the truth... :)

Wonderful as always @heiditravels! Thank you for the great advise. Will start going by this as I want that exciting life as I know is worth it!

Lovely eyes you have ;)

Thanks for that.

I had a very similar experience myself. Shy, never did anything unexpected, low self-esteem. Travelling changed that for me and always makes me feel the alive. I've never been to the Amazon though! Looks like an amazing trip!

Thanks for the beautifull Sloth photo!
Have a nice ongoing journey!

Girl we are two of the same! So cool what your doing, just started following you and upvoted! Please continue to share :)👏✌

The sloth's so cute!

What kind of DSLR do u use?

Go steemit GO Amazon

please help and share Family in need about to loose everything

Is that Inshwarmi?

Is that Inshwarmi?

Doing something that scares you is great advice! What was it like getting close to a sloth?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Anarchism, tits and travel? Nice, you combined three of the hottest topics on steemit.

I'm just amazed people are still upvoting this stuff, though. Anarchy, boobies and travel have been on the front page for weeks and it's getting a bit tiring.

How cool (or hot probably) is your adventure

Simple, and to the point! Sound advice, and well put! Thanks!

YES!!! I feel like nature is an adventurers best playground. I love your travel stories and hope to do the same as you one day, and maybe meet you!
Thanks for being inspiring and putting it all out there.

I never purposefully do things that scare me but I ended up going zip-lining this summer and though I was a scared I overcame the fear and followed through. It was crazy to think I could die if I fell. My mind went back and forth between that and thinking I was safe with all the gear on and with the help of the guides.

I look back on it as one of the highlights of my summer!

So now I get why you would go to the Amazon and check out all those nasty bugs and spiders.

Thanks for taking me with you on your trip!

Hahahaha great monkey pictures!

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