in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

Once I was done with Ferrara, I moved on to Bucharest, thanks to a 20€ Ryan Air flight. I had always wanted to visit this city, and I was not disappointed. It had everything to amaze me.

After settling down in my new hostel in the city center, I started immediately to investigate the avenues and streets around and was greeted by some of the most amazing architecture I have seen in a long time for individual houses.

No wonder that Bucharest is nicknamed "Little Paris", the French Architecture influence is absolutely everywhere in the city center, especially in the big official builds.

Colțea Hospital

Palace of the Deposits and Consignments

Biblioteca Central de la Universidad de Bucarest

And they even have their own triumphal arch in remembrance of the first world war:

However, sometimes, you might cross some street where you would think that it has just been shelled by an artillery fire, that's how the contrasts of Bucharest work:

Even if sometimes, they find just the right architect to transform the old and bring up the new:

I just spent three nights in Bucharest but i made a point to walk all of them. I heard that Bucharest is actually BIGGER than Paris (even if there are less population) and that's probably true, the capital is criss crossed by huge avenues.

But all this walking around was just a preparation for the "plat de résistance", the Palace of the Parliament, that huge extraordinary, pharoanic, biblical (insert here your own grandiloquent adjective) monument started by Ceausescu in the 1980s, and which is second in size only to the US Pentagon (according the guide).


Side view

Close up

In the visit, we covered maybe only 5% of the whole building (there are more than a 1000 rooms in that palace, so imagine the time one needs to visit it all!) but it was enough.

View from the balcony

It's simply breathtaking and much more elegant than what one would expect from a megalomaniac communist madman.

That carpet rolled up in the right side corner? It weighs 7 tons and need 30 men to be rolled out.

Of course, Bucharest is peppered also with some lovely little churches which are open to everyone:

Stavropoleos Monastery Church

Stavropoleos Monastery Church

Stavropoleos Monastery Church

Biserica Sfântul Anton

All this walking around of course made me very hungry and thirsty and I enjoyed a lot of good food around. Of course, I visited the Cara'cu Bere, the traditional transylvanian hostelery which caters to tourists as well as locals, and is a feast for the eyes as much as for the mouth:

The terrace

It proved slightly better than the Manuc Inn, the old inn founded in the XVIIIth century by an Armenian merchant, which is still a hit with the tourists. It was cheap, rather good, but its interior terrace is probably the best after a long day:

Manuc Inn outside

Manuc Inn inside

Menu du Jour!

And the best thing is that the suburbs are scattered with fancy bars and terraces where to have beers and tasty food, like the M60:


But it's really in the Diana 4 that I enjoyed myself the most, with a couple of lemonades and beers and some light reading:


At the end of three days, it was time for me again to pack up my things and head for the airport, to reach my (almost) final and original goal: CYPRUS.

Multumesc Bucuresti!

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You've got all the goodies of the city! :-)
Only missing Cismigiu Garden, and you have a complete tour of the city!

Oh yeah, I missed that one, but i did the Herastrau Park in the north (briefly) :)

Cold beer after walking around outside all day sounds good!
Have fun on your travels ! 😉

Thanks! Already back :D

@herverisson this city is very beautiful and awesome look I have a friend who is very close too me from more the 7 yesrs she is from Romania ,Bucharest I love to visit this city and I hope one day I will Be there .so have a good travel may God one I will be there.

Oh yeah, you'll enjoy the city a lot when you'll be there, there are even more things to see and do :) I just had 3 days!

Oh Yup....! I don't know when to come but let me try luck to work hard on steemit and earn much to complete my destinations therefore I need your discord account name to get support and get guidance by you Sir.

Nice :)

It's a shame that I live in Bucharest but never really got into visiting all these places. But you've got out the best parts of the city and your post made it look really amazing!
Thanks for this :)

I'm sure you know the "real" Bucharest, and not the one only for tourists ^^ I was recommended to go to the Therme too but didn't have time (or bathing suit haha). Have you been?

Indeed, I do know the real Bucharest :)
I'm not really a fan of that kind of places but I do know how is it Therme. If you love water and relaxing baths you will definitely enjoy it :D

Maybe next time i visit :)

one of the best restaurants in the world!

Oh! es hermoso, ese palacio es realmente grande! yo parecería una hormiga allí dentro.
estas pasando un lindo viaje y no invitas! 😏

waaw really beautiful city photos, have fun amigo and be safe! enjoy your time traveling :DD SALUDOS

haha thanks @viktoriyani, i'm already back ^^

oh alright :DD

  • cool

Wow is a very beautiful scenery, the trip looks fun even the city looks fantastic! I would love to visit, I hope the pass great

They have very beautiful architectures. It was definitely worth the visit. A very beautiful place.

Thanks a lot! This makes us really happy, as we are always trying to promote our beauties and sights. It is also one of the cheapest if not the cheapest EU capital, while the services are good and the nightlife is plentiful :D

It is already on my list to visit next year :D

@herverisson we need contect with you by discord .give use your discord account name to make us easy to vist very soon the beautiful cities of Romania.

It seems like you had a wonderful time in Bucharest :) Cismigiu Garden and Village Museum are also very nice during spring/summer time.

Indeed the House of Parliament is the second largest administrative building after the Pentagon. An interesting fact is that although Ceausescu commissioned it, he never put a step inside as he died before the completion of the works.

I hope you tried papanasi at Caru'cu Bere :)

Enjoy Cyprus!

Hi @alinabarbu! Sorry it took me so long to reply! Unfortunately, no, i didn't have the "papanasi" :-( And yes, I went to Herastrau park and saw the Village Museum a little bit... And what about the Therme park? Lot of ppl told me its' great and relaxing! Have you tried it?,

Hi, @herverisson! Don't worry:) I'm also travelling at the moment, this time in Sicily. I've been once at Therme and it is really cool, however I wouldn't recommend it during weekends or bank holidays as it can become very crowded.

wow... Sicily! Looking forward to discovering your pictures from there, have a great time!

Wonderful post! Glad you enjoyed your stay here. You should add the tag steemromania

Done! Multumesc! :-*

We are glad you enjoyed it here and that you took the time to tell about it to others.
Indeed you got most of the sights, even some of the not so known sights, you must have had a Romanian guide, official or not :D


I had the Visit a city app mentioned by Alexandra and also did a Free tour walk, it's true ^^

Beauty. Thank you for the wonderful photo report on Bucharest.
I really, really liked your photos.
Exquisite architecture. A delightful building.
It's like I walked the streets with you. ))

I'm glad you enjoyed the tour :) haha and I had much more photos, but I had to make a selection :P

The choice is amazing!
Thank you for the beauty and Charm of these places.
Now I was able to see it ))

Such a beautiful architecture) Amazing pictures)

Hermosos lugares recorriste. Las fotos son magníficas. Muero por conocer algún día todos esos lugares que nos estás mostrando. ❤❤❤

Wow .... I'm positively surprised ... that Bucharest is such a beautiful city 😲 So many beautiful and well-preserved architecture... I would not have expected this!
It's time to visit my friends in Bucharest ... now I'm really curious about this city.

Thanks for the many amazing photos 👍

little Paris?
never have heard it before but it really looks magnisifcent!
I even didn't imagine Bucharest is SO magic!

don't understand why such great posts earn so little money:(

Thank you @taliakerch! :) Those comments make up for the low money, don't worry

The city is amazing and your photograpy is best of best.