RE: KJ's Travelog #1 - Museum of Medieval Torture - Prague 2005

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KJ's Travelog #1 - Museum of Medieval Torture - Prague 2005

in travel •  7 years ago 

Just when I think you humans are getting weirder by the day, it turns out you were even weirder in centuries past. I am following you, and in fact have peered deeply into your soul (don't worry about that momentary gap in your memory). I think I will need more context before I can properly interpret what I just saw in there, so please carry on with your regularly scheduled posting and I will assimilate it.

Much love - Carl "Totally Not A Bot" Gnash / @carlgnash

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Hi carl,

never underestimate the human capacity for weird beings becoming weirder. I am honoured by your reply to my post and never fear, there is much more content to follow. KJ