Is Nepal safe to travel to?

in travel •  2 years ago 

Yes. Nepal is a safe destination for travelers. It is not safe only to travel but incredibly posse natural beauty as well as stunning Himalayan sceneries and cultural diversity. If someone asks about safety concerning travel in Nepal, we can provide more detailed information. Nepal is certainly a safe travel destination as there are many policed areas and special tourist police in major tourist areas.


It was a miserable situation during the war between Maoist and Government -20 thousand people were killed and many people’s lives were paralyzed. Thankfully that era has long since finished. We are confident that while you travel in Nepal you won’t experience any major problems, however, there are still some basic things you can do to ensure your safety: avoid being near demonstrations; come back to your hotel on time; if you can, do not carry expensive goods while traveling; avoid wearing jewelry and other extravagant items; use a guide or porter from a trusted trekking or travel company. These are should be common sense for every traveler and should be undertaken while traveling anywhere.
Nepal Mother House Treks is an established adventure company offering safe adventure trekking, travel, tours, and other activities for our valued guests from all over the world. We are proud to report that no one has ever been injured while undertaking adventure packages with us.

After Earthquake in Nepal??
As you know; the massive 7.9 rector scale Earthquake on 25-April-2015 at 12:56 AM center at Gorkha and other many aftershocks has desperately destroyed ancient historical monuments of Nepal, many houses in Kathmandu valley, and countless villages in the countryside. Many villages have been completely damaged. More than 8000 people have been killed, more than 25000 thousand people have been injured and more than two hundred thousand houses have been totally damaged according to the latest data.

Life here is trying to come back to normal condition after 25-April- Devastating earthquake and its aftershocks. Life here is trying to come back in normal condition right now, except for Langtang Trek, other trips (Annapurna, Manaslu, Mustang, Everest, etc) in Nepal are safe for the coming season (Fall). If you are confused about the Nepal trip plan, I would like to inform Manaslu is safe for the trek. If you are planning to travel, you may travel to Nepal. This will be a great support for Nepal and all Nepalese who are suffering from the Nature disaster. This will greatly contribute to providing jobs for jobless porters who are victims of the devastating recent earthquake in Nepal. This will great support for his family, rebuild the house, and his school children for a bright future indirectly.

Travel Safety Tips in Nepal
According to the Global Peace Index (GPI) 2016 conducted by the Australian and American-based institute, Nepal secured the “2nd peaceful country” after Bhutan in South Asian countries. The first-time traveler question mark “Is Nepal Safe to travel to?” Many testimonials proved that Nepal is safe to travel to; all you know is that natural calamities are not accrue often. While you are traveling in Nepal we advise you to follow the topic which you should note down.

Get travel and medical insurance:
Before traveling, Nepal Mother House strongly recommends that you obtain comprehensive travel insurance which will cover all overseas medical costs. You should double-check any exclusion and, in particular, that your policy covers you for the activities you want to undertake.
If you’re planning to trek in Nepal it’s extremely important that your insurance must cover you for the altitude that you are like to be trekking at. Normally the trekking goes through up to 5,500 meters elevation and the Peak climbing and expedition up to 8,848 meters with high passes in remote areas. Please, ensure your travel insurance policy is with a trustworthy company, which should cover emergency rescue evacuation, legal costs, and hospitalization according to your trip. We have some recommendations about international insurance companies after our practical dealing with them. Provide Nepal Mother House with a copy of insurance and home address details before starting your trip. We wish you a successful trip and we do our best to make it an enjoyable trip. Even if in case you need any assistance in any emergency case, we are ready 24 hours for your help. And counsel your insurance company for your safety evacuation.

Update Massage to your Family:
While you are traveling aboard, you are away from your family, friends, beloved, and relatives. They are always concerned about you and your safety. As the trek goes in a remote area without regular access of commutation for a week to several, in this situation we are glad to update your message to your family and friends. Our Guide has a Mobile phone; most of the trekking area is covered. If not Nepal Mother House often updates your massage using the local telephone. Every village has telephone services even in the remote Himalayas.

Take Guide and Porter while Trekking:
Always use a reputable trekking company as there are a number of rogue guides who have reportedly robbed trekkers. Hire a guide and ensure that your trekking guide or company is registered with the Trekking Agency Association of Nepal (TAAN), that they have registered your trek with the Trekkers Information Management System (TIMS) and Nepal Government.
You may follow a street Guide or Tourist vendor while walking in Kathmandu, Pokhara and other tourist cities, beware them. Sometimes they are luring you talking about trekking, tour, or any activities. They are working for commotion rather than providing you with quality services. You will hassle them indirectly.

We strongly advise you to remain on established routes and to walk in groups. Don’t trek alone and avoid becoming separated from your group. If you like to solo trek spicily female at least hire a Guide or Porter through the trusted Trekking Agency.

Health fitness:
Counsel with your doctor before travel. You should seek medical advice before traveling to Nepal from your local health practitioner and ensure that you receive all of the appropriate vaccinations. As a guide Diphtheria, Tetanus, Typhoid, Hepatitis A, and Polio are strongly recommended. You may also be advised to take anti-Malarial medication. Follow your doctor’s prescription and advice.

Inform Itineraries to your friend and family:
Before traveling give a copy of your trip itinerary to a friend or family member, as well as to your Embassy in Nepal. Never venture from your scheduled itinerary without first advising a friend and family member of your new plans. Make sure you’re aware of the symptoms of acute mountain sickness (AMS).

Here is a list of 10 Most Popular Treks in Nepal:

  1. Everest Base Camp Trek -14 Days
  2. Everest Base Camp Trek and Fly Back Helicopter -9 Days
  3. Everest 3 Passes Trek -21 Days
  4. Annapurna Base Camp Trek via Poon Hill -12 Days
  5. Trek to Upper Mustang -18 Days
  6. Manaslu Circuit Trek -17 Days
  7. Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek -16 Days
  8. Nar Phu Valley Trek -9 Days
  9. Langtang Valley short Trek — 7 Days
  10. Makalu Base Camp Trek -20 Days

Road safety and Carsick:
There are good roads in the main cities and town area. Most of the villages have also access to even rough roads. You may drive by local bus or private vehicles. The general standard of driving throughout the country is satisfied. Roads in Kathmandu are very congested with many vehicles. The drivers are carefully driving with obey traffics rules and road condition. There are few pavements outside central Kathmandu and motorists don’t yield the right of way to pedestrians.
During the monsoon season (June to September) many roads outside the Kathmandu valley are possibly interrupted by landslides and floods. While traveling this time you need to put some extra day to get to your destination. While driving on the long journey you might feel sick due to the banding road from long hours, so bring car sick / Motion sick medicine with you.

Keep your Passport Safely:
Keep your passport safely, and do not put your passport and Bank Cards together.

Avoid Illegal drugs:
Penalties for drug-related offenses are severe. Possession of small amounts of marijuana can lead to a prison sentence in excess of five years, usually after a lengthy and expensive legal process.

Avoid Surrogacy:
The Supreme Court of Nepal has issued an interim order to immediately halt commercial surrogacy services in Nepal. We strongly recommend that commissioning parents not consider surrogacy in Nepal.

Emergency Assistance:
Normally, everything will go smoothly during your trip. But if in case anything happened unexpectedly such as a natural disaster (earthquake, flood, landslide, storm, avalanche, etc.) and political causes (strake, border blocked, etc.) you will inform us through our guide to mitigate its effect and to make you safe. Our Guide is well trained in this kind of situation. They have knowledge about high altitude sickness and first add training. We Nepal Mother House suggest you learn as much as you can about Nepal General information before your departure from home. You can get information from travel agents, tour operators, friends, and guidebooks. The best help is often close at hand so if you have problems while in Nepal, try counsel to your local tour operator or representative

Safety and security:
Most visitors to Nepal experience a trouble-free stay. However, you need to be aware of pick-pocketing, bag-snatching, crimes, and theft. You should take sensible precautions:
Don’t carry your credit card, travel tickets, and money together — leave spare cash and valuables in a safe place — never leave them unattended in your hotel room.
Don’t carry your passport unless absolutely necessary and leave a copy of your passport (and travel and insurance documents) with family or friends at home.
Avoid showing large amounts of money in public and don’t use ATMs after dark, especially if you’re alone. Check no one has followed you after conducting your business.
Avoid dark and unlit streets and stairways, and arrange to be picked up or dropped off as close to your hotel or apartment entrance as possible.
Keep a close eye on your personal belongings and hold on to them in public places such as internet cafés, trains, and bus stations.
Consider exchanging money only at banks and hotels.

If lost your passport!:
If you lose your passport in Nepal, most travelers can get an emergency travel document to allow them to travel back to their country. If your country’s Embassy is in Nepal, you will have to apply for an emergency passport at the Embassy in Kathmandu, some countries do have no Embassy in Kathmandu they need to apply for an emergency passport in New Delhi. This can take 7 to 10 days to arrange. If you lose your passport in Nepal, you will have to get an exit visa which can take some time. Don’t forget to backup copies of your passport and visa by e-mail or computer. This can help speed up the process if you do lose your passport.

Serious crime:
Airports, buses, and hotel rooms are targeted by criminals and the number of bag-snatchings by motor-bikers, particularly in relatively quieter areas of Kathmandu Valley, is on the rise. There are also increasing reports of foreigners being injured during these incidents.
Assaults and robberies often take place in the evening in areas that are poorly lit, so you should be very cautious at night.

Tourist scams:
You should exercise caution when entering ‘dance bars’ as some foreigners have been swindled or harassed in some of these places. Always be cautious when accepting drinks from strangers, and don’t leave your drinks unattended.

Reporting crime:
If you’re a victim of a crime while in Nepal, report it to the local police or the Tourist Police in Kathmandu at (+977) (0)1 4700750 or the Tourist Police headquarters at (+977) (0)1 4247041. And you can contact your Embassy if you need help.

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