Last day in Amsterdam ...

in travel •  7 years ago 

This is my last day in Amsterdam and as you can see I am exploring the surroundings and doing fun activities.


Yes going to museums is possibly the ultimate fun for me.

Yesterday was the second and last day of Blockchain Expo. A small event that didn't make me much wiser to be honest. This photo summarized the state of the industry as of now. Very early but also very promising.


In my spare time I walked around and took photos.


This is the Law Univerity as I understand. I met an old friend from Thessaloniki.


Of course, these are the famous canals.


Where I had some unexpected models ...


I have to admit that I've put my life on the line for this photo. I am lucky that I wasn't viciously attacked by this savage beast. You can notice the baddass look it gave me. But, I care not. These are the lenghts I can go for a good Steemit post.

Then I needed a peaceful place to rest ...


In order to enjoy the art of the masters ...


And contemporary works...


I have one more museum to visit. Thankfully the major museums are in one place...

And off to the airport to return home...

Be Healthy , Smile and Steem On !!!

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Hello! Excellent portraits, where you are and where the seagull) turned out well, fun!

When you are a photographer you have to look out for opportunities and be ready to shoot.

Yes, the original cadres and the idea - the main thing in photography, when many people own technical capabilities ...

Hopefully you can come home safely after completing the journey!!

I am able to report that I wasn't attacked by anything ... :)
thank you

welcome :)

It's a great city :)

I liked it , but I will have to return to explore more.

there is indeed so many more to see, but you have seen the Musea, they are great..
Did you see the Anne Frank house?

no, I run out of time.

Τα μαγαζάκια με της παστούλες ήθελα να δω αλλα τελος παντον ...αρκει και αυτο!!!

τι ακριβως εννοεις με το παστουλες ... :)

Stunning shot with a "wild beast"! Perhaps he wanted to invite you to come more often? Yes, it was a wonderful trip!

I am afraid I am on its victims list. BUT I am a brave man and I will return to confront it ...

In your courage and perseverance, I am absolutely sure!

Φαίνεται ότι πέρασες ωραία . Σου έκανε και καλό καιρό οπότε σε διευκόλυνε στις μετακινήσεις σου. Βλέπω τις φωτογραφίες και σκέφτομαι , πως από την εικόνα της πόλης μπορείς να συμπεράνεις και την ποιότητα ζωής που προσφέρει στους κατοίκους της..
Καλή συνέχεια !

Ναι οντως εκανε πολυ καλο καιρο. Δεν ξερω αν μπορεις να βγαλεις συμπερασμα περπατωντας το πιο τουριστικο μερος της πολης. Παντως πρεπει να πω οτι μου φανηκαν πολλλλυυυυ χαλλλαρα . :)

Βοηθάει και η κάνναβη ίσως... lol !

Δεν περασε απο το μυαλο καθολου αυτη η πιθανοτητα...

θελω κι εγωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωωω Amsterdam :)
Καλή επιστροφή!

νασαι καλα , ευχαριστω . :)

Τα μανιταρια μην ξεχασεις πριν φυγεις!!! ;)

Δε κανω γω τετοια ... :)

Ohh, Ilias, your photos are beautiful. I'm traveling with you!

That was the indention . Thank you. :)

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