Warsaw - day 2 part1

in travel •  7 years ago 

So for the second day I've decided that I will start with a walk through the old town section and will flow from there.

But when I walked out I forgot I still didnt bought a local sim and I had no internet. Why dont they sell it on the airport?

I bought a sim from a kiosk near by my apartament but it turns out that you have to activate it physically somewhere and I couldnt understand where because everything was in polish and the saler at the kiosk also spoke only polish.

So i just continued walking to the Centrum Metro station near by and past through without knowing where I was going (Im like a blind person without google maps :)) and suddently I saw an Orange station! The massayah ! They connected me to the world and I was on my way to Old town.

Past through a nice garden on the way:

Old Town is quite amazing place to have a walk. Warsaw was totally crashed during the war and They managed to reconstruct it while keeping the charm of the old style Houses before the war.



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Lol these shots are amazing last picture the hourse look so great...I hope you enjoy your walk...

The garden is the Saxon Garden:) I hope you liked Warsaw!

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