Pinmapple & Haveyoubeenhere now exclusively on Hive 🍍🥳🌎

in travel •  4 years ago 

This post will likely be censored by Steemit Inc. You can always find it on We stand with the community, if any of you travelers need help with the move to Hive jump in our Discord and we will help.

Pinmapple is a collection of the best travel content on the Hive blockchain shown on a map.


How does it work?

As an author on Hive, you can get an auto generated code snippet containing the location of your post on Pinmapple. By adding this code snippet to your post (it will be hidden using markdown), our crawler can find the location of your post and pin it on the map within minutes. This works on any front-end for Hive!

How do we guarantee quality?

We have a team of curators (@livinguktaiwan, @choogirl, @itchyfeetdonica and @lizanomadsoul) who read through every post pinned to Pinmapple. After the curation process, they make a post with a summary of the best travel content of the day from the @pinmapple account. Only the posts selected by the team show up on the default interface of Pinmapple. Of course we do allow the option to view all posts as well!

What's in it for travel authors?

The posts selected by the curation team are guaranteed an upvote from @pinmapple. The top three posts of the day receive a 100% upvote, the remaining voting power is spread out over the honorable mentions. In the past we had voting support from @blocktrades, 25k+ HP in delegations and a strong voting trail. We will engage in conversation with whales on Hive over the next few days to see if we can once again count on their support to reward amazing travel content. Curation starts tomorrow.

At the time of writing we are still in the process of transfering our Hive from @steemitworldmap to @pinmapple. Until all Hive is transfered you can expect an upvote from both accounts.

What have we achieved so far?

Before being one of the first projects to fully migrate to Hive we were running Steemitworldmap on Steem. The project has been up and running for nearly 3 years now with close to 50,000 posts pinned to the map and over 8,000 rewarded. Over the years we have been one of the key factors in keeping travelers around and making sure that their content on average is way higher quality than other topics.

Anyone up for a little contest to start it all off? 🥳
  • Write a post about taking Mr. Pinmapple on a trip. Don't forget to tell us how Mr. Pinmapple enjoyed it! 😁
  • At least 3 of your post images must include Pinmapple. Here's the image you can use!
  • Multiples entries are permitted but you must go to a different place with Pinmapple each time
  • The title of your entry post must include Taking Mr. Pinmapple on a trip
  • Use the tag pinmappletrip, it doesn't have to be the first one
  • Pin your post on
  • Entries must be in English but you can post in bilingual if you wish
  • The contest ends at 31st of March 2020 UTC at midnight.

There will be 200 Hive prize pool split as follows

  • Winner - 75 Hive
  • First runner up - 50 Hive
  • Second runner up - 25 Hive
  • 5 x Honourable mentions - 10 Hive each


Haveyoubeenhere is the social media platform for travelers.


How does it work?

Using a photo at a location, you can check in and review places (we call these waypoints). From these waypoints you create posts for your followers and you can automatically summarize your entire trip on a map. All waypoints you create also show up on a map on your profile. In summary: Haveyoubeenhere can save your travel memories, share your travel memories and help you discover new places!

Do you have a demo?

Ahh, yes we do! 😄

Who can use Haveyoubeenhere?

Here comes the best part. You do not need to have a Hive account to log in to Haveyoubeenhere. There are three options to log in: Hivesigner, Facebook Login or Apple Sign In. So until you are able to convince your friends and family to get a Hive account (which you should), they can still use Haveyoubeenhere with more traditional ways of logging in! 🥳

Haveyoubeenhere is available for iOS and Android.

Important sidenote: at the time of writing the Hive update is awaiting approval for iOS to be listed on the AppStore. So please check regularly for updates in your app store in the next few days.

Posting from Haveyoubeenhere to Hive?

The content on Haveyoubeenhere is not automatically stored on the Hive blockchain. However if you are logged in with Hivesigner, you will have the option to share your post on Hive. Every post shared from Hive will be automatically pinned to Pinmapple and curated by our awesome Pinmapple-team! 🍍

If you are curious on what a post shared from Haveyoubeenhere looks like on Hive. You can check out this post, it was made on Haveyoubeenhere.

Why is the whole app not on Hive?

Haveyoubeenhere was made for all travelers. Whilst I dream of a world where the entire world has a Hive account, we are not quite there yet. In a few years here is what I hope a common conversation between travelers that just met in a random hostel looks like:

😎: "Hey you awesome travel person, let me follow you on Haveyoubeenhere! What is your username?"
😇: "Oh yay, thanks! It's angelface!"
😎: "Awesome! What did you do with your Hive? I just booked my room here with it!"
😇: "Hive? What's that?"
😎: "Ooooh, are you in for a treat!"

What does the future hold?

Haveyoubeenhere has the potential to be on every travelers smartphone. When those users start creating Hive accounts, it can easily boost real life adoption of Hive and blockchain in general in an unprecedented way. We are ready for it, and hope you are too!

Do you like us or you just want to... 😁

For those who missed the joke

Hive Proposal

We will set up a proposal for the HiveDAO in the near future when everything is a bit more stable.


A big part of what we do is curation, delegations are the lifeblood to support our curation effort. We would also like to ask all users who delegated to @steemitworldmap to retract those delegations (and preferably delegate to @pinmapple after of course)!

Voting trail

As far as I know none of the services that provide vote trailing are currently live for Hive. But the same here as for delegations. Please stop following @steemitworldmap and start following @pinmapple.

We are ready for Hive. Hope you are too!

Massive shout out to @livinguktaiwan, @choogirl, @itchyfeetdonica, @lizanomadsoul, @oroger, @sjennon, @fynemiene @roelandp and @blocktrades. Seriously ❤️ you guys and everything you have done to help Pinmapple and Haveyoubeenhere.

Also massive shout out to everyone working around the clock to get Hive going.

Yours truly,

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