in travel •  8 years ago 

1- The Suicide Forest, Fuji:

For the last 50 years, people started going there to commit suicide for no reasonable reason. There's no estimation number for the commited suicide there, so the government started doing a yearly campaign to search for dead people.


In 2003, there were just 105 suicide cases in this horrifying forest.


2- Mummy Caves, Philippines:

In the Philippines, there's some caves full of mummies. The mummies there, are considered the best mummies conserved till the present. The estimation date for the mummies is about 1500 B.C


There's a long pass to the caves, with no lights, endless place, you can get lost.


3- Island Of the Dolls, Mexico:

This place wasn't a tourist area, it had a sad past. There's only one person who lived on that small island named Don Julian Santana. Stories tell that there was a small girl who drowned on the island, and dolls started to show on the water surface where the girl drowned. There's some people who says that the dolls can move their legs and hands.


Don Julian kept hanging the dolls on every wall of this island for 50 years, for the death of the little girl.
Nowadays this place is a touristic place, but SCARY.


4-The Mysterious Bridge at Overtoun House, Scotland:

The strange thing about this bridge that there's no human beings that commit suicide, it's the dogs that commits suicide.
From the 60' till the present there's around 600 dogs that commited suicide from that bridge in the same location.


In 1994, there was an accident there. a father killed his son from that bridge aged 2 weeks. He said that his son was a 'thing attached to a demon'. He also tried to suicide more than one time from the same location on that bridge, he also cut his veins.

There's no explanation for the suicide of the dogs.

5- Stanley Hotel, Colorado:

It's located in the USA.
The place is haunted by ghosts, especially room 418.

Guests and room maids, say that they hear voices of children playing in the alley of the hotel. Plus the piano voice playing in the dancing area of the hotel.


But the hotel works 24/7 without any problem.

6- Jatinga, India:

The strange thing in this place, is that birds fall dead without any reason. The birds are the ones that commit suicide.
This happens only in September and October from 7:00 pm till 10:00 pm.

This accident took place 100 years till present.


Research has been made to understand why but no one can understand the reason yet.

Towers have been built to see if there's any birds coming.

7- Catacombs of the Dead, Paris:

Paris is known for food and for the touristic pleasure and fantastic places to see.
But the past of Paris was full of darkness and death.

There's a place called Catacombs of the dead in Paris full of skeletons and bones.
It contains more than 6 million skeleton.
It also contains tunnels made in the 18th century.

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This was the graveyard of Paris.


It took 80 years to arrange the skeletons, as they are today.
In the 20th century they opened these catacombs for tourists.

8- Hoia Forest, Transylvania:

The people that enters this forest suffer from dizziness, headache and sweat. When they comes out they get burns on their bodies.
Some people saw Hoai as a ghost.

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There's also screams that comes out of the forest without any reason.
The trees there are weird, some trees grow up burned.


People there tell that Satan himself lives there.

9- Humberstone and Lanoria, Chile:

In 1878, Humberstone and Lanoria were two mining areas for stones. These two places were rich in the content they provided till it fell down year 1958. Citizens abandoned this place.


Myths says that dead bodies in Lanoria, becomes alive at night and walk in the street, photos of ghosts appear daily in Humberstone. It is a horrible place, even the states across Humberstone and Lanoria get scared.


People who entered the graveyard of Lanoria found out that the tombs are opened.

10- Bermuda Triangle

It is located between Florida, Puerto Rico and the island of Bermuda.


Everything that enters this triangle, vanishes.
No one knows what happens inside.

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