Octopus Intelligence

in travel •  7 years ago 

A behind the scenes look at filming with a French film crew as well document and study the intelligence of Giant Pacific Octopus in the wild on coast of Vancouver Island.

The documentary was shot of 9 days in 11 location in Saanich Inlet and souther Vancouver Island.

Aliens of the Deep-7.jpg

Aliens of the Deep-1.jpg

Aliens of the Deep-5.jpg

Aliens of the Deep-3.jpg

Aliens of the Deep-6.jpg

Early mornings and long days were just par for the course when it came to shooting, it was a great crew to work with and I learned so much documentary film making.

Thanks for reading.


For more stories and images - http://www.scottstevensonphotography.ca/

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I tend to think that the difference between artificial intelligence and actual intelligence is an algorithm which obeys a set of rules, while actual intelligence can obey or disobey rules at will. An intelligent being can understand that it's bad to push someone but good to push someone out of the way of a bus. Humans have this ability as we condition an ego from our experiences and choices. Our egos give us an alternative to choose from, which allows for our complex behaviors.

It's quite complicated I guess.

I do not agree. I think, we have an illusion of choice, which is predetermined.

I agree with that. Whatever path we are meant to travel has been determined before the first moments of our universe began to play out.

However, the path our mechanical algorithm carves out for us is influenced by this belief. For example, believing in free will will make a person choose more ethical options. Likewise, believing your agency, your ability to perceive and choose your path, is a skill will in return open more doors for you moving forward. If you believe you can do the impossible, you are more likely to attempt and therefore succeed. It may be predetermined if you achieve this awareness or not, but there is no doubt that once obtained, a person becomes far more unpredictable and able to do more than otherwise.

In this, my statement about the octopi pertains to that animal's ability to override its programming with other programming. Maybe they do have the ability, I'm not an expert on the neurological prowess of animals, however I do have an extensive understanding of the human mind and what makes it what it is.

Really glad to see your post. you are really a professional photographer. good wishes for your work.

Hey man! I love your work!

I sent an email to you, not sure if it went through or not.

This behind the scenes shoot is cool, and the octopus are extremely intelligent, and some scientists say that they will be the next "human" on this planet (true story).

However, some also say that they are so distint from the animal kingdom that there is a possibility that they are from "elsewhere" (another true story).

this is nice.. you will be able to strengthen your skills in photography and filming indeed.
this is good for you. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT.

octopus are known to adapt and camouflage itself to a surrounding in order to hunt or hide from prey, they have been around long enough to be able to learn

Looks beautiful.

Nice behind the scenes photography, looks like a very exiting project. I read somewhere that some octopuses build small houses and communities on the bottom of the ocean, not sure if this is true but it would be cool to see a documentary about this...

Nice job @scottdphoto follow you please follow back

Good pot

Where's the Octopus???

Well that looks like so much fun.
I bet you had a blast,
I'd love to get to do that someday

Glad to see your Post have Fun! Please up vote Thanks

Wow highly educational and inspirational

@ scottdphoto all the photographes showing very hardwork and professionalism:)
its just all about your passion ..
keep it up.
i just followed you to see your articles more like this in the #Future ..!

kindly visit my blog and share your thoughts.
Cheers :)
have a great day Dear :)

surely it's an incredible camera, which we never see in our place. at what price and where I can get it

Can't wait till you have photos and video of the Giant Octopus, they are mythical creatures for sure with capabilities that are other worldly.

Octopus are definitely intelligent I've seen them open a mason jar, I don't even think monkeys can do that.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

The water in the last picture looks so beautiful and peaceful. Must have been really fun travelling to all those different locations in 9 days

thanks for showing us behind the scenes :)

look awsome

I've always thought about it, photography is an art and scott has just shown it with this photo, great work continues like this

As a child I always enjoyed venturing under the sea with Jacques Cousteau, albeit through a tv screen :) I can only imagine all the preparation that must go into underwater shoots. Safety first!

I love your photos @scottdphoto, keep up the amazing work/sharing!

Many types of intelingences in the world . Specificaly this one is an interesting one due to the principles it has for each topic .
There is one thing i care about inteligence : Healthy lifestyle . All integligences provide a healthy lifestyle .

Good job guys!! Amazing team !!!

Gracias por compartir tan hermosa experiencia, muy lindas fotos!

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful experience, very nice photos!

Octopi are aliens! 👽

thats so cool

Awesome! Looks like fun! We are in the neighborhood in downtown Victoria! I actually just shared my painting of an octopus. I think they are so fascinating! Did you see any big ones?
Great post! Will follow! Cheers!

so loving

Is it your first scientific documentary? I'm so much interested in that kind of things. Intelligence of octopus is one of the most exciting things, I believe, in neuroscience, because it's completely different from higher organisms, yet advanced and sophisticated.

I definitely love all of your articles! This is an other good post from you. I like the content, your explications and pictures. I just followed you to see more good articles!

wow that's really cool! I wanna work on a documentary about octopus intelligence! nice one!

Shooting on the water! Nice work! Octopi are so strange and interesting... can't wait to see it!