RE: Canadian Rockies: Preserving a landscape and safety reminders for a memorable vacation

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Canadian Rockies: Preserving a landscape and safety reminders for a memorable vacation

in travel •  7 years ago 

Unfortunately you are very correct. I find it hard to believe that people need to be told of these common sense things but either people are quite dumb or ignorant. I have a hard time believing people would act this way in their own house or backyard so these behaviors shouldn't be present out in a National Park, land that is protected so that our wildlife has a safe place from humans. The garbage people throw on the ground, parking in the middle of the road and the chasing of wildlife is the most disturbing to me.
With the Pine Beetle killing lots of the trees as well as the dry conditions over the last several years, the other huge hazard is fires. People need to fully extinguish their campfires when they go to bed at night as well as have them only in designated areas! You should also check to see if there are fire bans or fire restrictions, and properly dispose of your cigarette Smokey the Bear would say, "Only YOU can prevent forest fires!"

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lol of course the reference to Smokey the Bear!! You bring up some excellent points also very important., thank you!