Deoksugung and It’s Beauty in Seoul City

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

In previous posting, I posted Deoksugung having the sad history of collapse of dynasty.
Even thought it had very sad history, it has very important meaning in offering the healing space for people.

Other palaces are located near the mountain BukAk which is the background mountain.

In Korean architecture, the circumstances were exceptionally important.
Especially in building the capital city at the first stage of the dynasty, the Feng Shui was very important.
Background of the palace must be a mountain, and there must be a small mountain in front of the capital and the palace, this mountain was called An san of meaning ‘safe’

There must be a river in front of the capital. In this respect, Seoul seemed the ideal place for the new dynasty.

In fact, Choson is the only dynasty had lasted for more than 500 years since 14century.
It could be thanks to the location of the capital, whether you believe or not.

What I’d like to say in this posting is Deoksugung is so nice place in downtown.

In two respects, the scenery of Deoksugung is special

The first one is the scene of the building from the old palace.
This subtle contrast makes people so comfortable.
I don’t know where this comfort comes from.
But what I could tell you is that I have felt comfort whenever I am staying in Deoksugung.
Of course, this kinds of feeling is very personal. Some one might feel nervous in other hands.





In my guess, the comfort what I have felt seemed to be originated from the distance from the modern building.
Our life in contemporary time is so competitive, while sitting in old palace, you could forget and escape from the tensions forced by outward from me

The Second thing what I have felt good in Deoksugung was the scene of the trees.
In Deoksugung, You could find the beauty of the pine trees.
In Korean novel society, the pine tree has special meaning in Confucian philosophy.
The meaning of the pine tree is the Royalty to the king.
Royalty to the king and the filial piety were the most important virtue in Confucian Society.
In the old village, You could see many monument for the filial piety.



Anyway the Royalty and the Filial piety were recognized having same root.
The reason why the pine tree had been symbolized was it’s green color.
The color of the pine tree have sustained green during color all seasons.
The Royalty to King never had been changed in Confucian Society.





In this respect, the collapse of the dynasty had been caused by the threat from the outside.

The change of the dynasty caused by the explosion of the internal contradiction was rare case.
I don’t know the reason why the pine trees are so nice in Deoksugung.
Actually, it is not easy to notice about the pine trees in Deoksugung, if you don’t concentrate.

It seemed that waning dynasty‘d like to hold the Royalty to King with the pine trees.

Next time I will post relating on the buildings in Deoksugung

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This city is well known for stone wall .History is in it's heart.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

yes, nice post

piedra y pino

Amazing pictures. Thanks for the tour of Deoksugung!

Seoul is my desire place to live...

Great Photographs, Congrats @slowwalker.

Beautiful. The colors look stunning.

I really want to visit Seoul some day.. Thanks for sharing:)

Me too. Because of this photo hehe

Thanks for sharing Seoul with Steem :)

Great post

Very nice. We have a small park like that around the corner from my house. Nice to have a get away in a big city.

soo beautiful post and its picture

Wow beautiful history. Ones again I found myself learning about the Koreans, thanks to Steemit

thank you for reading

very nice photo @slowwalker.

great posts and teaching.
this is perfect.

nice master @slowwalker

Thankyou sir


Qué gran historia Muchas gracias por compartirlo.

I love photos!
Soon I'll post a new photos.
Please, upvote if you liked :D

Photo by: Antonio Marano |

License: Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Really nice Photos and nice article, congratulations!!!

It has a modern and a western style garden and fountain and I also love the pine trees it makes the city so beautiful.

Really nice Photos and nice article

Wow, it looks so nice there. Are those really the pine trees? It looks so different there. But very beautiful. Nice captures!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I can see your love and understanding of history. Great work and joy at the same time! ^^

it's really nice place and I love that structure!

Place where you can smell history))

Thanks for sharing something about the Korean culture. You got many good shots there. excellent photography



Follow us and vote for witnesses @mrs.roy or send 0.001SBD with post link in mamo we give you #upvote and #resteem your post to get more upvotes.

Wow posting is very good and full of inspiration. I want to appreciate some things hehe .. First, photography is very beautiful and skilled. Second, storytelling is very easy to understand. Third, the problem you are very good at. I say this with sincerity and pride without the intent to praise, but it's a smart person's reality. Success always and flow like river water flowing in your language host @slowwalker 🙏🙏

Thank you for comment

Thats really nice of you to show us some history. Its really is lovely.

really amazing city, have a great travel buddy.

Nice... In vote me

I have always thought korea was a beautiful country but this is very very beautiful.

cool post friends.
and I apologize in advance I really need your support tonight. for my last post.
thank you
Upvote and resteem

I don't think I got to Deoksugung when I was living in Seoul back in '97. One thing that I loved was that the Korean government made sure old palaces like this into beautiful city parks. Once with in the walls I would always forget that I was is a very large city. Thank you for a great memory jogger.

Thank you for reading

Many beautiful places, I love seeing pictures, my friend, you are happy to travel

Great post :)

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Thank You! ⚜

Great post... Amazing..

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What an awesome collage of pictures. Great post.


Nice place :)

서울시청사도 다녀오셨겠죠?^^ 즐거운 설 연휴 보내시길 바랍니다.


This man is soon to map the whole of Korea. Beautiful.


It's a great post!!!

a very interesting story, and sata also mambaca post before it, and it is very fun, and folklore is very impressive, successful for @slowwalker

Thank you

You are welcome my friend,,my account is now in the plow, and in off @humaidi and now i use suhadi account what you want to follow me, and what is the solution

Things you said above makes me want to visit the peaceful place or i think can make me feel nervous a little , as the capture seen above it should be really soothing to heart,coz i think dynasty has been surrounded by chaoutic city and is the only place left with the pine trees...


Good place, random click very nice :)

Never knew Korea was this beautiful, i expected it to be somewhere in Europe

Nice arsitec

I really like Soul~ really nice city combines cultural and modern well together~

posting a very steady friend,
yes Deoksugung is a very nice place in the city center.

and very suitable to establish something there because the ideal place really,
thanks for the information I admire you

Thank you so much

dimpy limpy..! @slowwalker you post less but post great.. always pleasure to read your content.

Thank you so much

Wow! GREAT! Please introduce Korea's wonderful cultural heritage widely.

Wow just like in korea history drama

Yeah the feeling of being in such place is personal.
Since it’s comforting to u, yes i dont know why the yellowish tint makes me feel nervous !! How did u know that 😦

I didnt know pine trees were a symbol of royalty. Thanks for this post :)


Thank you.
Yellow color... ummm

Yeah , that color in the pictures giving the feel of a yellow desert with bright sunlight ☀️

good picture

What camera do you use? these shots are great. thanks for quality content!

marriage is a divine institution
have upvoted you upvote me also through this link most especially my article the good thing about your anger.

great status

i just love your post. nice photos.


Thank you so much

good story about history, can to add science, success always @slowwalker.

It is still the lovely and beautiful city of the world. Having very nice green garden full of flower and trees. Lovely to visit it and enjoy the beauty of the city.

I've been in Seoul more than 10 years but I haven't been there yet. After I read your post I decided to visit asap. Thanks~^^

Nice post and amazing photos great

good lock

the trees in your images.....capture my heart and soul! thank you!!!!


Great Post! Nice shots :) check out my feed for photo and videography! @finkistinger

como siempre amigo hoy pude visitarlo de nuevo y esta historia se vuelve atractiva.

The pine tree is a testament to the long history of the past in that place. Thank you for the useful history of your post. I wait for the next post. May always be successful for you @slowwalker.

good articles and pictures. This kind of atmosphere makes the soul comfortable, and gives a brightness to our mind

It's really worth reading and the video actually has the same mood as in the digital painting. I remember the instrumental piece: "The Homecoming." Even without lyrics, some words of encouragement and the sweet flavor of victory come to mind. It's an artist's work to trigger emotions and you do it well. Nice work!

Soo amazing post and its pictures

I love photos, always posting quality content

Me encanto tu publicacion. Saludos

memories worth repeating..thanks for this post @slowwalker

Awesome photography appreciate this and thanks for sharing.

Hey slowwalker! I have been a big fan of your blogs lately! I am a new fellow Steemian and would love it if you would welcome me on Dtube!

Love the photos with the pine trees!!!!
One of my favourite trees, for many reasons.

Cooking, decorating, essential oil perfumery!!! All deriving from the pine trees, never knew though the meaning of it, in Confucian philosophy!!

Waw what a place. i've been living in Maldives since i was born as i belong here. many foreigners come to roam here but i want to experience something different. something like this. Check Out my blog to see how my Maldives is.

wow beautiful information shared for us

These images make me feel like I'm there with you @slowwalker. Vortex vibes.. This is awesome man. Like better than T.V.

realy nice post.good job.

writing is very useful, I have vote and resteem your writing
very nice...

Once again brilliant masterpiece by You. The way u related your travel to history and provide all the information is fantastic. Love the way you keep the ancestors in mind and the dynasties which has done breath taking art works all over the world. And that pine Tere we have that here in Kashmir too. Its evergreen plant and humongous in size. I got a direct connect with seoul . Pine tree actually got it for me. Thanx for letting me know this :)

Thank you for comment

Follow you as if I've traveled all over Seoul!

nice pleace

It’s a great city. I love seoul and i hope can living there

plz fallow me.

NIce post @slowwalker...... Read my post on Chinese opium war.

Conflict between Britain and China arose in 1839. At this time, the Chinese port officials prevented the British from distributing opium to Chinese port workers. Britain was upset by the refusal of the Chinese emperor to grant them the right to free trade. The emperor was not in favour of opium being smuggled into China. Thus, a huge consignment of opium in a British warehouse in Canton was destroyed in 1839. This provided the provocation the British needed to declare war against China. This came to be known as the First Opium War.
After the British victory, a treaty known as the treaty of Nanking was signed in 1842. Under this treaty the British got possession of Hong Kong on a 99-year lease. They were also allowed to open five ports, including Canton, to trade with China. In 1997, Hong Kong finally reverted to China.
A year later, the British got the 'most favoured nation' status under the 'Treaty of the Vogue's. It was also granted the right of 'extra-territoriality', which meant exemption from arrest or prosecution or any kind of search or seizire of British nationals. Soon, other colonial powers like the United States, Belgium, France, Norway, Sweden and Portugal sought similar concessions from the Chinese and signed their own treaties. In the unrest that followed, there were violent anti-foreigner disturbances.

In one such incident, a minor insult to the British flag - and also the more serious incident of the murder of a France missionary - led both Britain and France to declare war. The Second Opium War(1856-60) led to the singing of the Treaty of Tientsin (1858). The Chinese later refused to ratify this treaty. This led the Anglo-French War against China. Beijing (Peking) was occupied as a consequence of this war. By the end of the 19th century territory including Hong Kong and the part of Kowloon.

Thank you for posting

Welcome my friend @slowwalker.

Beuty city..
wwoooowww AMAZING..

Deoksugung is a very beautiful place, a thick old-fashioned feel. As if we were in the choson dynasty. The building is still neat, as at the beginning of its establishment. I was impressed with the pine trees that existed between the buildings, not the same ones I have seen in my place.

Is the age of the tree that is old, not straight, or a different type of pine?

One more, the photos you share in this post in the daytime. I am curious how the conditions at night?

Korean pine trees are not straight

Korea has such a rich history. I've never known these facts before. At one time in my life I was very passionate about the teaching of Feng Shui. It's quite interesting and makes sense. Many theses of Feng Shui are scientifically confirmed. Everything is interconnected in the universe. And every detail, even the smallest, matters. Lovely photos and an interesting story. Thank you, you contribute to my historical education.

Thank you for reading

please vote me brother😢

Nice pics as usual yooo

beautiful very beautiful, like in the movie saja.dengan so quiet scenery and leaves are falling and twigs are dry, how it feels if I was there, hmmm would be fun

if friend the pines reflect years of life and demonstrate the tradition of that time without those pines the site I do not think it looked the same, well I tell you something I learned that in those times the pines were placed to eliminate the humidity of the land, in france they use them so that the rosé of the breezes do not humidify the roads and thus prevent the accidents, for that reason they are placed next to the roads, I imagine that at that time it was to enhance the greatness of the kings as you say in the post.

Oh, interesting.
I didn't know the pines of absorbing the humidity

I just followed you, this post is great, I love seeing so many beautiful pictures of one place. Exited to see what else you post!

Thank you

Such an informative and attractive post. Thank you.

I really like the scenery and wish I too was there to see this amazing scenery.

Love the post, keep the good work

great story thanks for sharing it with us

It is really very nice.
Thanks for sharing the content.