Statue Of Brothers In Korean War Memorial And The Tragedy Of The War

in travel •  7 years ago 

It was long time ago when I had visited the Korean War Memorial last time.
Suddenly my friend and I stopped by the Korean War Memorial for looking around

Whenever visiting the war memorial, it was weird for me to make the architecture for the memory of War.
War, itself, is nothing but the massive killing between humans.

So to memorize the war would mean the admittance of massive Killing.
In my opinion, where war is just or not, war itself is the result of the Devil’s whisper.

Especially the Korean war is different from other wars.
Korean War broke up in 1950 AD between North and South Korea.
It means that Korean War was a Civil War.
Civil war is the cruelest among all kinds of war, because the civil war means killing each other between brothers, sisters and relatives.

What I saw first was the statue of brothers at the entrance of the Korean War Memorial.
It seems that nobody concerns on the statue. But this statue is the most appropriate example to explain the characteristics of Korean War.


This statue of brother was made on the basis of real story.

Elder brother had joined in South Korean Army as an officer ,lieutenant. After the war breaking out by the North Korean Invasion, younger brother was conscripted with force by the north korean army in 15 years old.

They met at the battlefield, elder brother found his lovely younger brother after the fierce warfare.
They hugged each other in the battle field.


The round dome means one ethnic, and the broken part means the division of Korean peninsular.



The story of brothers was so touching. So they made the state in the War Memorial.

I tried several shots to show you their faces more in detail.


Inside of the dome was decorated with some artworks on war.



There were wires inside of the dome. It seemed to be needed to sustain this dome structure, but I'd like to interpret as the meaning that links together between the south and the north.


More than 3 million people were killed during 3 years war.

There exists the war criminal’s grandson in north Korea as an unprecedented dictator through human history.
Now they threat whole world with the nuclear bombs and ICBM.

The tragedy of Korean War is still continuing.

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The Korean war is really a tragic part of human history as it divided the Koreans, families are separated and it was so sad to learn that @slowwalker. I hope that the people in the North would be liberated soon.

My dad fought in Korea. A909B591-3D78-4777-A04A-DCC7CE3E48D3.jpeg
My dad on the right.

it's really awesome

very nice photography,,,thanks for sharing

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( Keiko Agena )

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I am an history fan, and have seen this statue countless number of times but trust me I never knew it's real meaning.. Thank you @slowwalker for knowledge which is priceless. You will live long

Thank you so much

Oh wow I did not know that, thank you for sharing it with Steemit. War is a terrible thing lets hope it doesn't happen again.


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제가 더 감사할 따름입니다~^^
좋은 밤 보내세요 ㅎㅎ

@slowwalker, your post deeply affected me. Your last sentence says it all. The ultimate solution is that the older and younger brother nations, North and South Korea, need to settle their family differences between themselves, together, with mutual respect for each other. I grieve for all those broken families that have been denied the basic human right of living together as a family, for all l those years.

The rest of the world should welcome the recent moves, such as at the Olympics and the talks between the Presidents of North and South Korea to start on the road, no matter how tentatively, of brotherly reconciliation.

As a United States citizen for my entire life, I am ashamed that my President, even as a sad joke, is thinking about a Nobel Peace Prize. He should do everything in his power to let the brothers make peace and stop this unnecessary and wasteful family feud.

Ira - upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you for your comment

waauuu is very pretty slowwalker i really like, hope you slowwalker success always in sharing about old history and history of yore, you are awesome slowwalker, slowwalker kindly please visit my blog once wrote, i need help from you friend, uvpot me friend once wrote a big one today @slowwalker

The effects of war will make one generation to bleed up to the next generation, because of the fall of great men and women during the war in Korea, the strength of Korea today lays after the Koreanwar , great post my friend @slowwalker thanks for taking us down memory lane!

amazing @slowwalker, this is a learning for the world, I am very impressed, I support you, success is always for you

Thank you so much

Awesome post @slowwalker. One of my favorite subjects/topics is war stuff. Love to learn about history :)
Thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much

Never happen again!!

Wow!!! What a wonderful monument to the struggle of the Korean War. War has no winners. Everyone loses something or someone. I think this domed structure is a great symbol of how then country has been broken by this conflict. They brothers symbolizing the strength and courage of the people fighting and the love that comrades share. It is very sad that this struggle continues still today. Thank you so much for sharing such a meaningful piece of history. Here in Ottawa we have a huge monument downtown called the War Memorial. It commemorates the soldiers struggles through war and it is accompanied by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier which is a Memorial to all soldiers who lost their lives in wars. 80C09556-D960-4ED4-A7F3-EC35152AD67B.jpeg

Thank you for your photo and comment

yes, war between brothers is the most violent war in the world. just like war incident in indonesia a few years ago, aceh people at that time felt unfair towards indonesian government, so aceh ask for independence and separation from indonesia, there is beginning of war between aceh (GAM) and indonesia, until now aceh is the richest province with natural products in indonesia. but after the stunami disaster yesterday in aceh there was peace between the people of Aceh and Indonesia.
I had read the news a few days ago that the hostilities between south korea and north korea had ended, they had agreed to peace and even wanted to cooperate in advancing the country. may war never again occur in the world, it is time to live peacefully and peace without fear of weapons due to war ... !!!

Thank for sharing friend..

Thank you for your kind comment

As always great photographs! 📷

So touching, hope Both sides can really work their differences.
But why the hell does the world seems so happy about brother states diversity. Sudan is their, NK and SK is their.
We should really work out our differences and nail for peace.
We really need it


Pemandangan yang luar biasa bagus @slowwalker, saya sangat suka dengan pemandangan seperti ini, dan saya sangat suka dengan postingan anda @slowwalker..

What a war


More than 3million people were killed during 3yes war!!!!

So sad, war is never a good thing to happen to any country.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey @slowwalker, I'm not sure if you remember me but it's been a long time since I've been on one of your posts. I've just been busy busy busy making posts and getting on with life but it is great to see you are still posting!

As beautiful as the statue is you do feel this ominous eerie feeling of something is wrong and something is truly wrong. It is tragic that so many people lost their lives which in a war purely for the US and the Soviet Union to spread their spheres of influence.

I wish we were not as imperialistic but once someone is power they will always bite off more than they can chew. They don't care if anyone else is caught in the crossfire. They only want to come out on top.

What are your thoughts on these 'peace' talks and summits between both the Koreas? Many have said that they think it is just a ploy by North Korea to get relieve from sanctions and potential foreign aid.

Well I hope you have a great day bud! :)

Thank you for your comment.
Of course I remember you.
About the summit, I wish this summit to be a chance to the real peace

What a statue. This is my favorite post from you. I almost cried when I read the story about the brothers. The thought of going to war all of a sudden and even killing your friends and families under military law is the absolute horror. An incredibly sad fact that there is war. I live in europe and I don't know if our media report the complete truth, but there should have been a good conversation between north and south korea. is that right? i wish your countries a wonderful peace :-(

Sir @slowwalker. I a gree with you. War is the worst incident for humans. War to kill both sides and harming everyone.

I see the statue of brotherhood of soldiers on the monument of war is very meaningful as an inter-army brotherhood.

I hope there is lasting peace between north korea and south korea because in fact the two korean ancestors are the same .. the two korean are the same territory. It is very sad when there is another civil war between the two Koreans.

We hope the dictator in north korea no longer carries out his ambitions for war. may they be aware of their brother in south korea.

Thank you very much for sharing our valuable information with us all.

May peace and happiness always be ours in our lives.

Success is always for you sir @slowwalker.

Peace greetings from me @rijalaronaceh.

Thank you so much

That looks like an amazing memorial. I can feel the energy just with the photos. Visit places like this must be amazing. Just thinking about all that it symbolize. Are You o Twitter?

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Yeah, Civil War is the worst. And I agree, it's like the Devil is the one playing us against each other. So unnecessary and cruel :(

Thanks for sharing @slowwalker

They made the statue in a perfect way. Good to be memorialble.

Thank's for your sharing, adding new knowledge for me

This is heartbreaking. The story you have told along with your pictures makes one very sad. The two brothers embracing on top of the cracking ground says so much, the detail in their faces, the anguish. It is truly still a tragedy that these crimes against humans are still going on. Amazing post. Thank you for sharing

Thank you for your comment

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I enjoy how thorough your posts are. Always plenty of explanation and photos. A beautiful story of brothers represented by the equally beautiful statue. Even better that its true! As far as the war goes and the state of things today, I have no words.. truly saddening.

yes, it is saddest thing in the world.

so beautiful Statue and nice history.
thanks for sharing nice post.
have good time.

unremembered history repeats itself

Very nice pics dear

wow, so impressive

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이 느낌은 뭐죠?

WOW. very nice captures. Thnx for sharing. Upvoted en followed!

Hi slowwalker, thanks for all you do for the community. I've started a new blog where I summarize BTC TA Analysts. Would love for you to take a look. Hopeful that you find it meaningful. Cheers

Always the best of you

I agree with your opinion you are about war.
it is a whisper of the devil and it is evident when the war in Indonesia was clearly evil whispered at all high-ranking officials.

what a war

war between indonesia equals aceh.
War between brothers.

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냉큼 달려와서 댓글남깁니다 ㅎㅎ^^
더 열심히 커 가보 겠습니다..

It is very sad that this happened.
I was very impressed with this sculpture.
Thank you for the photos and their detailed description, @slowwalker.
Let peace and prosperity reign in every family in Korea!
My best wishes to you, @singa.

What an interestimg history. I have always heard about the korean wall but i have never read about it. Thank uou @slowwalker for sharing. I wonder whar could have caused this war and oh the story of the two brothers, im glad to know it didnt end in tragedy.

a very touching story @slowwalker

Thank you

Interesting and educating

This Korean war museum is interesting to visit because it displays a lot of war transport such as airplanes, tanks, ships and others, This place is perfect for those traveling carrying children. In addition to learning history, it also adds knowledge about all kinds of war tools. Interesting!


It's sad how almost forgotten the Korean War is in the United States. I guess it's over looked because we always seem to be starting a new one. :(

I really wish they would just end this split between them. They would both be much better off. Can’t believe how Trump canceled the meeting.

wow! a piece of art... i have not words

The monument has great significance! Your photos are perfect @slowwalker , I hate wars and
I do not find the reason for having one, many times they divide families and that is unfortunate, that by choosing one side, so to speak, everything collapses, the war is bad in every sense, it only destroys and affects many that do not have nothing to see in that!
I'm sorry you've been through that tragic moment!
here in my country there is a government which says that everything is perfect and that you are with it if you do not think like that you are an enemy! a stateless one! and the people who follow the government do not care if their son or mother or father thinks differently the same is bad and they get to confront what sad that things like that happen. here there has not been a war of such magnitude but that a country is divided by some people who do not accept that the others think differently is very bad!


Thanks for sharing! I lived in South Korea for a year and made sure to visit the War memorial myself. It was surreal in the moment knowing that both sides were still technically at war with no progress made over the 62 years leading up to my visit.


There is hope on the horizon that both sides can come to a peaceful resolution after the meeting between the North and South Korean leaders. Let us all pray for a positive outcome especially for those who are currently suffering.

Thank you for your concern

I am not sure why there is war in korean and what they
need from korea,i love peace always in the world so people will have love for each other, for no reason we have hatter in our mind for people from different regions,

How much i believe the peace is always better ,I am not getting the idea why people like war, and after war we do not need to make there architectural structure of any war moment even Good Or bad.

The reason is that many people have different mind set for every things like some one will think differently,

For example in my country we had a war Between India and pakistan, So when sometime the people talk about the killing it generate hatter in the new generation mind and for no reason they start hatting each other, even their is piece now, But when they see the architectural structure that some one died this way so they think that it was really cruel and we must take revenge when life give us a chance ever.

Mostly the structural made for inspiration and the love for the land to show how people passed away before us was very strong and they love their place and they died for this , but this new generation get wrong meaning due to lack of education mostly. @slowwalker

Thank you for your thoughtful comment

I'm looking forward to it. I will follow you!

very good explanation, and interesting information and theory about the statue, I really liked the truth, good post.

Nice Pic ................... How It This .... Upvote and Follow

This is a really touching story..

Thank you so much

I feel really touch by the brothers history. It makes me feel sad Korea is technically at war, and I feel really disgusted North Korea is under a cruel dictatorship, I really hope they free themself sometime soon.

👍 nice articals! Love hearing about history.

Thanks you so much to share with us this part of history about Korea. This is very important especially to show how a war distroyed values ! Keep going ! Very good article , really !!

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