The 16 Disciples Sculptures Of Buddhism I Saw In Bongwon-sa Temple

in travel •  7 years ago 

It was on occasion that I could find out the 16 Disciples sculptures in Bongwon-sa temple on the way to my home.


The 16 Disciples were located near the entrance to the temple though, I couldn’t noticed them when I entered into the temple.
Those sculptures were covered by the trees, so it was not easy to notice those sculptures at once.


When I saw those sculptures, it was somewhat weird.

There were many similarities between Christianity and Buddhism.
What I'd like to introduce one of those similarities is the Disciples and the Apostles

There are 12 apostles in Christianity.
And there are 16 apostles in Buddhism.

As long as I know, the role and the function between Buddhist 16 Disciples and Jesus’s 12 Apostles was not so different.

They had played decisive role in theorizing and propagating their teacher’s teaching.

There were many 16 Disciples sculptures in Buddhist temple. But it was first time where I saw those Disciples sculptures outside.

I am not a Buddhist, so I don’t know well about those 16 Buddhist Disciples.
So I could not introduce each Disciples in detail.
But if you looked at those Disciples carefully, you could imagine the atmosphere of those Disciples.
Those Disciples sculptures were so vivid.

I took each faces of those 16 Disciples.
The first one seemed the most important figure among all Disciples like Peter in Christianity.



Each sculptures seemed to have their specific characteristics.





Below looks like Dharma



Most of the sculptures looked like to show the extreme practice of asceticism.






Their appearance looked scarcely at first, but those looks seemed results of the strict self-mortification.

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They are so pretty status I like to watch them

Yes, it was interesting

They are very expressive! Some reassuring atre much less reassuring. Beautiful. They deserve a better context though ...


Very interesting travel blog!

there is many types of religion. all the religion have same motive. any one have slide differnce.the way is different but they all reach same place..buddism is also not a religion it is a theory. so christianity buddism have the is way difference , same thing in my idea..

Interesting, thanks for sharing!

Wow, this is unbelievable. I can't believe the detail with each sculpture. Interesting some look terrified...I'm wondering of what? I would love to hear more details about this museum. I like your comparison between buddhisma and christianity, very interesting. Great post

Thank you so much

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

저는 @slowwalker 님이 봉원사 스님이신 줄 알았어요 ㅎㅎ
봉원사 볼거리가 무궁무진하네요
오늘 조각들은 흥미진진하네요 처음보는 조각들입니다.
꼭 한번 가보고 싶네요
재료가 대리석인가요? 특이하네요. 한국에선 흔치 않은 재료입니다.
화강석으로 저 정도 표현이 거의 불가능해보이거든요
I thought Slow Walker was a Buddhist monk.
The Bongwon Temple is full of things to see.
Today's sculptures are exciting -- they're the first pieces I've seen.
I really want to go there.
Is the material marble? It's unique. It is a rare material in Korea.
It looks almost impossible to express that kind of thing.

봉원사도 천년의 역사가 숨쉬고 있는 곳입니다

every sculpture face reactions is totally different and all of these doing the different tasks. Last one is look a like very tired and shocked may be.
@slowwalker thanks to share and you also ask someone about every sculpture and share with us we want to know about these history also.

Thank you so much

You are wellcome bro

@slowwalker sorry for that but i have mentioned you in my new post tag so please check this thank you..

@slowwalker sorry for that but i have mentioned you in my new post tag so please check this thank you..

So interesting that you pointed out the similarities between the two religions. I also love each sculptures unique features and characteristics. Great post, thanks for sharing ✌️

Thank you so much

Wonderful information !

Wow are amazing those statues and think that each represents a part of the culture of those monks, it's a wonderful job you do in fact the photos are great I loved it! Thank you for sharing this with us :)

I love their expressions but it almost look like a satire. Once again thank for the history lesson here :)

Thank you for dropping by

For some, these may seem terrifying at first, but to the trained eye - the beauty in meaning is undeniable.

Respect for all religions, that bring you thinking and peace!

Very interesting @slowwalker. I didn't realize that Buddhist had these Disciples similar to the 12 in Christianity.

I am a Christian but I have adopted a number of the teachings and disciplines of Buddhist including mindfulness and other meditation techniques. Really so beneficial

Always so interesting! thank you..

what a great art

This is a really exciting journey! Thank you for sharing a friend @slowwalker !

thank you olga

오호... 괜히 보는데 섬뜩섬뜩 한건...
그냥 제 느낌이겠쬬...?^^;;
표정도 다양한게..
어떤 표정을 짓고 있는지 한번 쯤은 궁금해 질 것 같습니다..^^

What a remarkable and very expressive face for these sculptures! I visited Vietnam this winter. There are statues of Buddha all over the world. But they are very serious or in a state of nirvana. In addition to the Buddha, I was struck by the whole cult: dragons, pagodas, lotus, gong, bell in temples and much more. This is a very interesting religion, which is called a way of life, because Buddhism is glad to all visitors to their temples.

Every religion has a difference and I am amazed with you ..
You are not a Buddhist but you know a lot about Buddhists

I find it amazing that you share the variety of culture we have in our world, keep it up friend!! This is the first post i see from you but definitely not the last one !

Thank you so much for your interest

the statue is very pretty, cute, and funny friend, I really like, my friend is always there in your friends comments and blogs, please visit my blog once @slowwalker

I think the trees obscured the sculptures a lot too.

Very interesting and pretty, enjoy your travel!

Nice Travel Pic's
Love it !


yes I love the thoughts of Buddhism if can also check our post related to buddhism I hope you may like it .

I haven't seen photos of statues like that before @slowwalker and I mentioned your post in my last post.