Traditional Korean House of famous Writer's

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

There are several places you could see the place in where they had lived. Through those places you could estimate how Koreans had been living in the past.

Among those places, Seongbuk Dong is very excellent place you can visit easily. There is not far from the downtown. Besides there are plenty of restaurants of the locals’ favorite.

In this posting, I’d like to introduce you the traditional house of famous writer.
This house had been estimated to be built early 1900 years.
It shows the traditional architecture of the novel family.

This house have been preserved well, and it turned into the traditional tea caffe.
I dropped by this house with my younger brother.
He is half specialist on the traditional culture in Korea.
He recommended me to stop by.

At the entrance, it was something special. The gate was so beautiful. It showed the beauty of the traditional view of point. In Choson dynasty, even the novels could not built the extravagancy architecture.



The name of this house is Soo Yeon San Bang.
In Choson Dynasty each house has had it's own name.

The novels needed to enjoy the moderate beauty. The luxury house could be blamed.
In this respect the writer’s house would be believed as the representative architecture of early 1900 years.


As passing through the main gate, you can not see the main building directly. The road to from the gate to the main building was not straight, it was bend over. Indirectness is a key concept of the traditional architecture in Korea. You could notice this tendency of indirectness in Buddhist temple. I hope to explain this concept of Buddhist architecture next chance.


So you could see the side of the main house , when entering into the house.



In front of the main building, there is a small garden. The Garden in Korean Architecture is nature friendly style. In Japan, the garden is apt to be artificial than Korean.


The one characteristic of the novel’s architecture is the pavilion. The paivilion had played very important role in the past. The novels had used to enjoy the poem and the brush writings together in the pavilion.




So for the novels, the pavilion was very important to show their level of the culture.

We sat in the room and ordered tea. I took some photos of inside



There were windows having interesting patterns.





I hope you to understand the korean traditional architecture with this posting.

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just dont post food anymore or i will eat my screen!


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👍 just followed you

All very restful!

Beautiful pictures and a cool story!

Amazed to see such a stunning pictures

Love the images.. wants to make me get into Photography... Thanks for sharing

Nice to take us to the house and show it with your pictures @slowwalker
And that you give us so much info about the house of the famous author.
Enjoyed this so I would like to share with my followers. Re-steemed

Thank you so much

Would you please upvote me and give me some Steem power.

This is amazing, thank you so much!

Really amazing sir, i totally agree with you on this one

Amazing !

Interesting places to see and visit.
i like it :)

okey up..


Beautiful place and beautiful photos! Visit my post, a nice tourist place in Venezuela and tell me what you think and vote! Greetings.

This is amazing indeed!

Your post are to good and attractive <3 keep sharing :) you are amazing

This is amazing indeed!

Thank you



looks so picefull

lol.....Exactly @lasper

wow i wish i could experience something like this!

What an attractive decoration!

Amzing post sir i like photography


nice pictures~

Thank you for sharing this @slowwalker, it is very interesting to see how this house of famous writers has transitioned in to a traditional tea cafe - it's always great to see historical places being used like this.

I am fascinated by Korean (and most of Asia's) architecture - having studied engineering, and having worked in modelling structures too, I have always had an interest in architecture. Thank you again for sharing this excellent piece.

I thought that I would let you know that I have just started a project called the "Steemit Success Initiative". It is a project that aims at growing Steemit, growing the amount of daily active users on the platform, and of course helping beginners grow. This is how we plan to do it:

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Thanks again for the great post!



You had written nice post with amazing photos ,nice content

visit me @hansal Life Hacks and simple tricks for easy life

Beautiful Korea! Thanks for sharing.
I also traveled to Korea 2 times and like to take photos.
Share with you some my photos in Vietnam, if you like them, please follow and upvote to me! ^^



This type of structure carries and hold cultural values and tradition years after years. Appreciate you for sharing your in-depth thought.

Should not be surprised that the author lives here,this house is a complete inspiration.Thanks for this beautiful post.

Agree+ dream of living there

thanks a lot @slowwalker your jobs are professional look forward nex one

Hi @slowwalker 🙋🙋you've had a beautiful ride..a different community, but I like architecture very much..
thank you for showing us this place 🙏🙏

Thank you for reading

I like to follow the post @slowwalker

The style of decorating is what i find the most impresive!

Interesting and romantik places.

Wow.....excellent article about architecture......lovely shots of the house and interior......really enjoyed reading it....keep up the good work...:)

Nice post

Thank you for sharing. So helpful

Nice post friends good luck 💪

Thank you

one one word, peace.

This looks peaceful!

@slowwalker I am inviting you to Pakistan and specially to my city Larkana. We have an archaeological site near to Larkana Sindh Pakistan. A few days ago i visited it. Today i have posted few images of that. If you are in asia then must visit it. Thanks

Always fascinating to learn about different cultures especially things like this :)

Beautiful Pictures and I like the designs of the architecture. It would be nice to see a contrast of what a newly built property in Korea looks like versus this 1900 century property.

great ..
information that is worth reading for steemit users

This very nice photography i like it travel thanks for sharing this history carry on..

Thank you for stopping by

nice photos!

Interesting article @slowwalker and pictures are out class.

Great post.I never visited japan or korea,but I still feeling the environment.

Great Pictures! I'm looking forward for your coming posts!

Another wonderful journey into the past. Thank you for sharing your journeys.

Thank you stopping by

your photography is very beautiful and you know how to and when to capture. This post is very informative. Thank you for taking us all to this magistic tour.

Hi slowwalker. This is very beautiful place. You visited this place. Thanks for sharing.

Wow this is superb and quality in Korean. But my question is, did you pay for this before they allow you to enter those houses?
Please in last post when you visit kang kyeong city, what is the name of this museum? Thanks

Really nice write up @slowwalker. Thanks a lot. Interesting to see the difference between Japanese and Korean architecture. I learnt a lot. Keep up the good work and travel safe :)

I wish to have a chance to study comparative architectures between Korea and Japan

These photos and story gave me an impression of Korean culture! Drinking tea and chatting is a great pleasure for me, friend @slowwalker!

Wow wow wow... All shades of beauty. This is lovely. Beautiful Korean traditional architecture. The culture is simply amazing. I see you enjoyed your travel @slowwalker

Thank you so much

the korean traditional architecture is amazing and the shoes outside the house make me respect the korean people .


woow is very very goods

Korea has always been a fascinating place to me. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for visiting

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

ERRGGGHHH, can't see images coz of slow net :@


Thank you friend. this is fun for me. Seongbuk Dong is one of the places I admire. so far I'm dreaming someday I'll go there. thanks also for information about the famous author. do not forget my post

beautiful photo

소개해주신 전통집이 너무 아름다워 수연산방으로 검색해보았아요~ 해방전후 소설가 이태준의 고택이군요 우리나라의 전통집은 휘황찬란 화려함이 아니라 고즈넉한 자연과의 조화로운 어울림에 가장 큰 멋이 있지요~ 성북동이라하면 성북동비둘기밖에 모르고 살았는데 굉장히 멋진 동네였군요 ! 한지를 투과하는 은은한 햇살 그 문이 참으로 아름답습니다

아름다운 곳 많이 있습니다 ㅎㅎ

please help upvote my post

The arcchitecture in this house is so stunning. I bet the vibe insede was so good. One day I would love to see a Korean house in person!

you will like it

nice place and still good, looks calm and comfortable for writing and drinking hot tea

Yes, exactly

Hi @slowwalker you've had a beautiful ride..a different community, but I like architecture very much.
thank you for showing us this place

It's so interesting! Thank you for sharing that dude. Cool!

The house looks so cozy and it reflects the humbleness of the writter.

Very interesting architecture and history!

Cool post. I love old architecture. Cheers!

Reminds me of home. Far away.

the writing is very good

One of these cultures that I love, because it is almost the same as our culture in aceh, the culture of opening shoes when wanting to enter the house, in honor of the host.

It is because of the concept of inside and outside in case of Korea.
Japan has the same concept as Korea in this point

Great history friend, amazing..
Would you like to visit my blog friend?

Wow. That place is absolutely beautiful and it is so wonderful to see that it still holds it's history and is still used as a wonderful place for people to enjoy and learn about it.
Love it and thank you for sharing it with us.

Thank you for reading

Nice.... 👍👍👍

I love it!


it is an additional customary place,the put regard unwind, you got the best choson caffe to unwind..

I agree, I love the gate, its been constructed with alot of passion. I admire hardwork. Great post.

I am really amazed to see these kind of historical posts which provide us more knowledge about the history of different regions.With photo it looks like a documentary .Great job done, i always follow your post to learn something new.Thanks a lot.

Thank you for reading

Your work is always awesome.Awesome shots.Keep it up

Hello Slowwalker, it is always interesting to see how people lived back in the days, myself I like to go into old and unusual buildings to watch around and to feel old souls. The buddhist temple is great and I like the rule to put of the shoes before going in. The architecture is very cozy and I could imagine to meditate the whole day in it, or also to have such decorations at home, too. The pavilions are nice, we have a spa wellness Hotel in Bavaria that is build like a buddhist temple with such pavilions :)

Thank you for your comment.
There is no bed in traditional korean house.
Room is as same place as Bed in Korean Architecture.

Classic model

You make steemit a lovely place to be because you always let us discover something new. keep it up @slowwalker

Thank you so much

Thank you for your posts as usual!

looks incredible :)) thanks so much for sharing, i really love your photography!!!

Thank you so much

한국의 전통 가옥을 통해 우리 선조들이 얼마나 자연과 조화를 중요시했는지 엿볼 수 있는 전통 가옥입니다. 서양에는 이러한 형태의 가옥이 없기 때문에 굉장히 특별해 보일 것 같네요. 좋은 글과 사진 공유해주셔서 감사합니다.


muy linda tu publicacion slowwalker

Currently I am currently looking for a Steem Power delegate to increase the voting value of projects in budding posts, as well as finding feedback on how to improve projects. I would greatly appreciate the support you can provide, and I will gladly tell you more about the Steemit Success Initiative.
I @adikuala will do some presentations, as well as the latest posts on my page that explain it in more detail.about the posts you post. in this case I will Restim your posts to my posts and will retell to many people about your posts

Thanks again for a great post! and I love to be friends with you

Nice Place

Great view.

Wow very Nice.. I hope i can visit this place someday . If I have enough steam $ to finance my trip ..

you can do it.

Soon In God's Well...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks @slowalker for sharing wonderful photography of traditional architecture of korean history. Realy informative for us specially History students.That's amazing to hear that:

"Traditional Korean House of famous Writer's became Traditional Tea Caffe"

Thank you so much for your comment

Great post! Nice picture too. Upvoted & followed!

Pictures are beautiful ,its awsome to discover that,i hope tradtions will never disappear one day, Im with the idea to protect , remind and share about them,it represent our past, great work , i hope to see more from u well done

Thank you for comment

Korea looks like such an amazing place to visit/live. The architecture is breathtaking and I get the feeling from some of these pictures of just comfort and and being around friends and family. Definitely will be visiting (hopefully this year) thanks for the amazing post dude! Made my evening!

Yes, traditional house makes people comfort.

Nice place. :) thanks for sharing. @slowwalker

This is impressive and really enlightening. I love the attention to details in your posts which is evident in when you said:

"Indirectness is a key concept of the traditional architecture in Korea. "

You really opened my eyes to a culture i knew nothing about. Thank you so much. You are indeed a value adder.

Thank you for your comment

I should say, thank you. 😊

Cool houses!!

it is an extra ordinary place,the place are good to relax, you got the best choson caffe to relax..

Except one problem.
You need to sit down with crossing your legs's really a korean traditional caffe! :) but it's ok atleast you enjoy both place and caffe hehehe

good post friend

I have studied the history of some Asian countries, in particular "Japan", i have not really but have not really relaxed and looked into the history of China, but from the picture, the building is abit similar to the kinds of buildings in Japan and what thrills me most is the enormous and different kinds of "tea" in this part of the world...Am a tea person and would have diffinently loved to visit here..if not for anything, atleast to have a taste of the healthy "tea" this is nice, keep showing us new things about your part of the world...As a historian that i am, am never tired of learning..keep STEEMING.@slowalker

Thank you for reading.
Tea offered in this house is somewhat different from that of Japan.
Korean traditional tea is as similar as medical herbs

waooooo... so beautiful in its kind. great post

some of the pictures doesn't load or maybe because my internet is slow..
I always see interesting architecture of Korean .. I am a fan of Korean Drama Series that shows also the Architectural areas.

Ok I will change the size of photos

one of my follower also said that one of my post.. i thought it is about the internet connection..

WOW this is best example to use unused place.

I think so

wow interest place,korean is my favorit country,I like lee min hoo..
I wish i can visit the soo yeun san bang..

Wonderful place to visit, I am impressed with the excellent photos.

와 글쓰신 거 하나하나 읽고 있어요 :)


Seongbuk Dong worth place to visit in vacations
