Lima, Peru & Machu Picchu Steem Fiesta Oct 9-13, 2018

in travel •  7 years ago 


Hi Everyone. Announcing Steem Fiesta. A gathering of like minded Steem Users, Developers, & Investors.

This just started as a lot great ideas with a conversation among @frystikken & @steemcafe. I mentioned that my business partner was going to Lima in a few months. Fryst said for him to say hi when in the area. I said I'd never been to Peru. Fryst told me all about Lima.

So @larrymorrison & I decided to go meet Fryst & go to Machu Picchu. Which by the way is one of greatest attractions in the entire world. The 3 of us decided to invite others to come to Lima. An important member is @instructor. He instantly said he was in. Steem Fiesta was born.


Steem Fiesta!!!! Oct 9-13, 2018. This is a FREE event. No cost. You need only pay for your travel, lodging, & food. We invite anyone who loves Steem to join us. We plan on having in-dept discussions, presentations, & open forums about Steem. If you have a product or service. Come; present them at Steem Fiesta. Any qustion feel free to contact me at anytime. or @steemcafe#9459 on discord. We will also go to Machu Picchu; it is only a 1 hour flight away. Go see and walk through one of the greatest wonders of the world.


The Party will be in Lima, Peru for October 9th - 13th so Join us for Steem Fiesta with @instructor & @steemcafe in an awesome international party for Americas & Friends! - Miraflores & Barranco are great places to AirBnB with walking distance to our events! Make sure we know you are coming so we can adjust for the size of meetup places! Casual and Social! Bring Sunscreen!


Thank you everyone for your support. You all helped make this possible.
Thank you to @elgeko for designing cool flyers.

Steem Creators Conference: SMT Summit Sept 5-8, 2018 Toronto, Canada. It will be amazing. Tickets only $149.00
Do you have a new app, product, or service for Steem? Would you like to speak at the conference. Hit us up.


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Sort Order: is your friend! It's Airbnb but with crypto.

I may possibly hit this up 😎. Hope to see y'all!

I be there for sure.


when i saw the flyer thumbnail, i thought
"DJ Fiesto"

@web-gnar and I made this

me encantaría poder ir...que buen lugar...muy buena próxima que sea en Mar del Plata jaja...saludos

If you guys make it to Cusco, make sure to try Cicciolina! It's a great restaurant with some of the Best Tapas, and a great wine selection!

Oooh this looks EPIC!!

wow how cool I hope you have had fun.

This is great!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @cryptospa Hope all is well. International travel for Steem. You know me. Take care my good friend.

Posted using Partiko Android

@steemcafe, yes, I know. Husky ;). Good luck!

I love to see how you enjoy your friend, the joys and laughter feed the soul
good night

Wow, fantastic! My brother went there and said it was awesome 👊🏻

Posted using Partiko iOS

I would love to be there and meet @fyrstikken and all of you guys, I think 2 years of anonymity was enough

Heck yeah. Email me with questions. This is going to be an amazing experience & time.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hola yo precisamente estoy en lima, si pudiera colaborar con algo me encantaria, saludos :D

Awesome man. Come, help out, and hang out. Sounds perfect. The more Steem users the better.

Posted using Partiko Android

But do you need any help? Do not know something that can help you do or have everything planned? hehehe, well you tell me

Yes. Let's work togthwr to make this a good time.

Posted using Partiko Android

Vale esta bien

Greetings steemcafe!

I would like to go, a great idea!

Thanks and good luck!

@steemcafe what should i do to join this?

Email me Please join us. It will be a great time. Where do you live? Lima?

Posted using Partiko Android

INCREIBLE!!!! Me encantaria ir!!! #crypto #yeaaah

So nice dear amazing post.


I have desire to be there and met to wonderful and amazig personalities of steemit specially @fyrstikken, but unable to do so. My best wishes for all.

Ps... you guys are gonna need someone to teach a salsa dancing class right?? It is a fiesta after all! 😜 💃

Peru love :)

Que chevere! I went a little over a year ago! It's amazinggg!! So exciting!

Beautiful pictures well done! Great content. Pity I cannot be in Toronto this Year.
Next year perhaps.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Pasen por Arequipa - Perú, esta a una hora de vuelo desde Lima y de paso prueben este delicioso combinado de rocoto relleno, ocopa, pastel de papa y soltero de queso acompañado con una chicha morada en el restaurante "El Montonero", 100% recomendado.

An incredibly lovable region. you beautifully choose places to your rest, I love. the dish you have got tasted appears heavenly and mouth-watering. I believe that their look is completely encouraged via the taste further as scrumptious as it's miles lovely. Based on your depiction, it's extremely tasty. exceptionally else, I loved crabs and fish within the closing picture.

saludos desde mi querida VENEZUELA

Hello sir
Your blog is very nice.

Sir I am a new user
I don't know how do you vote..
Plz tell me
Thank you

Great info :)