Ever been so extra ... ?

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

Not a fiction story, not a science post. Just something that went through my head while looking through some pictures I took. Enjoy!

When in Paris, you'll quickly notice how extra everything seems to be. But with the title of this post, I'm not referring to the usual things like this:


Or even this


No, I'm referring to what this guy


Felt necessary to do with his garden - the gardens of Versailles. For those who don't recognize him, this statue depicts Louis XIV of France, also referred to as the "Sun King". He liked fancy stuff. And he was so, so extra. When you approach the castle of Versailles, the first thing you'll notice is the super golden, super shiny gold fence, surrounding it.


Now imagine you're a poor peasant, seeing this ...I would have started the French revolution a lot sooner. But maybe they didn't usually get that far? Or they didn't care. Royalty was something special back then, after all. More special than what's going on today.

Upon entering the gardens (saving 1.50€ on the entry fee if you're a student, yay! The still unfinished degree is worth something after all), I encountered the "Orangerie", a place where they grow oranges and lemons. It was very, very tempting to just take some with me. But most were still very green, and I can't imagine oranges grown in the middle of France taste very good.


The fun thing about these gardens is that they just go on and on and on and on and...


And if you find the right spot, you find artistic depictions of ... well ... rape.


The statue is called The Rape of Persephone and looks similar to The Kidnapping of the Sabine Women. Guess rape culture goes way back? Why would you want that in your large garden? Your large garden with ... a lot of plants ... and places to hide ... hmm.

This statue was also the spot where I met the woman with the most boring job on earth: Keeping people off of the marble on the floor around the bust. She was continually shooing people away. Wouldn't it be easier (and cheaper) to just close that part off? Probably. But ... it wouldn't be as extra I guess. Hire someone just for that ...

You weren't impressed by the golden gates? Well, how about this:


So much gold. Golden turtles too! So unnecessary! Probably what I'd end up doing if I had unlimited Steem money. Although I'd include more dragons.

Then, some people manage to come up with the greatest lies during life and are still hailed as revolutionaries hundreds of years later. I'm talking about the father of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann.


Seems like you just need to come up with bullshit that sounds great enough to receive a giant tomb on the (Père Lachaise Cemetery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C3%A8re_Lachaise_Cemetery). So many graves are not even being cared for anymore, and this one still receives flowers ...

Then again, there's the tomb of Oscar Wilde.


Around which a wall of glass had to be erected, because people kept leaving lipstick marks, which ruined the stone.


For those who don't know him, you might know "The Picture of Dorian Gray". That's his work. He also wrote poems like this:

Out of the mid-wood's twilight
Into the meadow's dawn,
Ivory limbed and brown-eyed,
Flashes my Faun!

He skips through the copses singing,
And his shadow dances along,
And I know not which I should follow,
Shadow or song!

O Hunter, snare me his shadow!
O Nightingale, catch me his strain!
Else moonstruck with music and madness
I track him in vain!

In the Forest, by Oscar Wilde

How extra!

All images were taken by me, on my shitty phone.

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Aahhhhhh... It's too beautiful to resist!!

France, particularly Paris is a place I'd love to visit in my lifetime.

It's totally worth it!

Your phone isn't so shitty, these are some nice pictures

Those gardens are magnificent, albeit with very questionable art... Some wtf going on over there. I guess if I was a peasant back then, maybe I'd assume that a king with this grandeur would probably have a big army. At least until the family can't be fed...

Lipstick marks on tombstones is something else entirely... Oscar Wilde quite the lady's man I guess even if he's dead

The power of photo editing software ... ;)

And Oscar Wilde was not just a ladies man...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great photos! I am pretty sure that place is heavily guarded but trust me and I am saying this as a proud African... Most of that gold wouldn't be there if that place was located here :D It looks like heaven, literally.

My bag was checked while walking in but not while walking out ...

The most original tourist guide to Versailles

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And then you can make crypto-analytic posts with partially naked courtesans. Only the best for LuiCoin promotion...

Of course!

I loved everything about this post. <3
Also this

I would have started the French revolution a lot sooner.

Also, I would leave my lipstick on Oscar's Wildes tomb too tbh.

Oscar Wilde would certainly have appreciated that

Amazing photos! I especially like the golden turtles and golden fences

So much gold!

If a phone with such resolution is "shitty," then I'd love to see pictures from your HD camera when you take one :)
Someone should give that gardener an award. Dang! Such dedication! This palace is gorgeous. Wow, I'd kill to visit such a location :D

I'm sure there isn't just one ... Although I did picture an old main with some nail clippers trimming the trees when I walked by.. :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I wouldn't be surprised if they actually used clipper due to the level of precision evident in the cut :)

It reminds me my first time in Paris! I was all the time like woww and woww :D how did they do it? Paris is just amazing :)

You shitty phone is actually way less shitty than mine ;)

Surprisingly many people say that. Guess my phone isn't as shitty as I thought!

Actually really nice photos. Remember to keep your horizons level though, your Eiffel Tower looks like it's going to fall over 😂

That's art

My wife's phone looks equal to yours ;)

That statue is what they call STATUE-tory rape :D

You just had to make this joke, didn't you :P

Well I am not sure if hades is per-se-fon(d) of her :D

Back in the days when being a king meant something.

When you rode over a peasant with your horse the biggest issue was did you get blood stains on your horse (as they are a pain to wash off) or did the smell of peasant stick on your horse.

Nowadays we have all this equality and stuff. Terrible.

Or even worse, break the horse's leg!

Oh that would be terrible. Luckily peasants are so skinny so the horse just cuts through them. Wham, wham, wham!

Sometimes I get worried about us

Same here, with all the mass unemployment and political unrest.. I too worry about the US.

I was there two years ago in June, it's beautiful and the food was amazing! They had a little cafe in the garden and I tried cafe gourmande there.

But related to your thoughts, I think some powerful indoctrination was going on there to keep the peasants from uprising.

Wow so beautiful place I like it

Poetic gardens and great shots! I haven't seen these gardens by naked eyes, but can imagine their beauty with the help of these photos much more better. Hope to see more somehow.

I love your pictures, France looks pretty awesome

I love this. Keep it up.

hummm, looks so good!! congratulation

Beautiful photography. Thanks for sharing @suesa

Versailles castle is such a wonderful place. One can spend hole day there, so huge it is ... inside and outside.

I find the picture of the Effiel tower super amazing and crazy looking.
I have never seen a picture of the Effiel tower at night when the lights are shining.

Truly beautiful

Considering the fact that I had to crop out about 20 hands holding phones, I can hardly believe that :P


I really like that photo still, it is a masterpiece

Thank you xD

Nowadays it is getting impossible to take a good picture due to these mobile phones. Many seem to indulge in taking pictures rather than enjoying the actual sight.

It's ironic to complain about people taking pictures with their phones while taking a picture with your phone tho

Yes. But I don't take too many pictures though. Some people come to these places only to take selfies. They never live in reality. I think it is some kind of syndrome in medical terms!

I have been to Paris and according to my opinion, Paris is one of the best tourist destinations, everywhere you go you can see and sense the art and culture atmosphere. And true, when I was there i was thinking about The Rich and The Poor, too scary to imagine.

Wow thats great 👌
And the images that are taken are so amazing

Beautiful views of the nature of the pictures of him from the artist who took these pictures and added your explanation gave us a beautiful spirit Thank you for the wonderful effort

Hey @suesa, I wanted to talk with you about growing on this platform like you have done. Can you please help me out. Where can I talk with you???

I'm sorry, I currently don't have time to mentor someone. The main "trick" is to consistently produce good content and be an active part of the community.

Ummm....ok thanks. Just so in case, producing good content won't be a problem, but I really need some chat rooms where everyone helps out everyone. Can you at least tell me that @suesa!?


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

So your name is Sebastian Voortman and you posted this image on pexels?

Somehow, I doubt that. Don't claim that other people's work is yours.

@suesa : You reverse searched this image :o ??

Yes, I am that petty ... :D

If you're using google chrome, it's pretty straightforward. Right click -> Search image -> Check results.