WORLD TRAVEL PLANNER - 12 Top Reasons To Travel The World

in travel •  6 years ago 

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I have always been blessed, with the vision to see the world and the money in my pocket to do it.

You can do much that same!

Save some money, put your stuff in storage and fly away!
Even borrow some money to do it! Put it on credit cards, and pay it off later!

Anybody can pay off a balance on a credit card, few put their foot down and see the world...

SURFYOGI's - Top 12 Reasons To Travel The World

1 - Travel opens your eyes

Life is full of societal norms. Everywhere you go, those cultural norms will be different. One of the best things I ever did, was expose myself to these things as a young man, so I would not feel like I “had it all figured out” and instead, I “remained open to other’s ideas” for the rest of my life afterward.
Travel made me incredibly more well-rounded as a human being. To be willing to see from others' perspectives. For me I felt it helped me learn empathy.

2 - Traveling helps you learn who you are

All the challenges and opportunities travel lays at your feet help you discover who you are in a way that’s only possible on the road. Traveling is something everyone should be able to do at least once in their lives. Whether you choose to spend a few years or just a couple months traveling this beautiful planet, it’s important to see what’s out there.

3 - Travel creates meaningful relationships

People you meet while on the road become some of the most valued names on your contact list. These folks give you a glimpse outside your hometown circle of friends, and force you to take in new and refreshing perspectives, and ultimately realize that everyone is the same.

4 - Traveling develops skills you didn’t know you had

Travel helps you realize you’ve got skills you’ve never used, and brings them to the surface, and makes you smile, satisfied to have ordered a meal at a rural Chinese restaurant.

5 - Travel helps you learn new languages

There’s something satisfying about being able to throw around a few words of Greek, knowing how to say thanks in Thai, pulling out that long dormant Spanish to book a room in Santiago, or simply hearing a language you didn’t know existed just a few weeks before.

6 - Traveling gives you perspective

Seeing the world for yourself will improve your vision and your grip on reality. Meeting people from other cultures will teach you that the way you’ve been looking at the world isn’t the way everybody else does. In fact, your point-of-view might have some major blind spots...

7 - Travel means adventure

People are hardwired for the excitement of adventure and travel may just be the best way to tap into it. Zip-lining over the jungle canopy in Peru, successfully navigating the maze-like streets of Venice, bartering for the best price in the traditional markets of Marrakech, taking a speedboat ride in New Zealand, or hopping in a Land Rover and heading out to watch animals grazing in Tanzania: these are adventures worth having.

8 - Travel is education

Seeing the world provides an education that’s absolutely impossible get in school. Travel teaches you economy, politics, history, geography, and sociology in an intense, hands-on way no class will. Fortunately, the school of travel is always taking applications, no entrance exam required.

9 - Travel challenges you

Travel is full of moments of joy and challenges. Overcoming the challenges gives you some of the greatest joys of all. It certainly beats the alternative! (Staying home 😉)

10 - Travel shakes things up

It sucks to be stuck in a rut. A big trip can be your perfect solution. Fly around the world, stopping over in all of the places you’ve always wanted to visit. It’s actually easier than you think! Go ahead and plan your ideal route around the world.

11 - Traveling proves that dreams do come true

You imagined it, daydreamed about it, envisioned it. It can be done. Around the world travel is possible, you just have to decide you’re willing to take the first step and start planning your itinerary.

12 - Travel is literally food for thought.

You’ll be constantly surprised at the flavors the world has to offer. The way people in other cultures and countries prepare food, and break bread together (not that all cultures even eat bread) will astound you.


How much does it cost to travel around the world? - PART 1

How much does it cost to travel around the world? - PART 2

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And the food you gets to eat. I'm a man who loves the try out different dishes. Nigeria is a multi cultural country, though I haven't travel far outside Nigeria, but I have travel widely in Nigeria. Man the food is always my best part.

yeah man, we all need to get surfyogi a documentary film crew so when he does come you guys can have one guy follow with camera, i also want to come to visit but it will just be a very planned out event and ill have to really make it so that when i am theer i get the most out of it id wanna make sure we set up a sort of festival or something a small confrence with food and drinks and afterwords some sort of nice pool party or something relaxing i wanna make sure eveyrone can come relax who can, i really wanna have a super chill steem conference where basically i make sure everyone who is there gets a nice $20 upvote via upvote bots so that i can garuntee everyone is in a good mood. maybe ill buy delegation to do it, i just wannahold events in Ghana and Nigeria where we have @ned skype in from the USA and wheer we invite local business leaders and just have something really special where we show the local business leaders in Ghana and Nigeria that we mean business!

Anyway here is some info i thought was interesting man,

Travel also helps one learn about and appreciate the resources in other parts of the globe. There is an adage in Africa which says that a child who has not seen another person's father's farm thinks that his father's own is the largest.
This is self explanatory.

a priority in my to-do list is to travel around the world. I hope to have enough money to do this soon.

Travel also helps one learn about and appreciate the resources in other parts of the globe. There is an adage in Africa which says that a child who has not seen another person's father's farm thinks that his father's own is the largest.
This is self explanatory.

a priority in my to-do list is to travel around the world. I hope to have enough money to do this soon.

This post is re igniting the fire in me to travel. Sometimes, when I am bored, I look up pictures of different places I wanna visit. I visualize myself and just dream away.

A girl can dream right? LOL

Thank you for reminding me that there is more to life than this rat race!

Travelling around the world... would some day, be a dream come true... It just a matter of time. And having an unbreakable faith in the possibility.

Not giving up on SteemIt and steemjet making it, a reality for me and my family. Nice one giving me a positive dream of a better tomorrow @surfyogi

I do believe we MANIFEST that which we dream of and bring into our daily reality...
There is an incredible power there I respect so much.

I also have a vision to see the world but no money yet in my pocket to do it. Hahaha 😂

But it's just a matter of time, with steemit angels like you, I know my vision will come true.

I predict:
FF will be a rich, powerful man whom helps many thousands of his peoples...

Thanks boss. I say amen to that

wow,just amazing post of travelling. travelling is one of them main part of enjoying human life..your 12top reasons of travelling really very right..i don,t know this reasons matter before. but to seen your post i am really learning alots of new reasons of travelling matter..this pucture just excellent and your explantation obvioysly perfect..thsnks to sharing for your great post.its your knowledge high quality creativity. my dear friend.. @surfyogi very well done.take care yourself and best of luck of your great work..

Every single point is so true! Especially the fourth one. You wouldn't know about your hidden talents unless you explore them.
Great blog @surfyogi!

Wonderful reasons you have explained about travelling. I think travelling is the most important part to be a successful man. Yeah we can learn a lot from travelling like others culture, foods, language, natural beauty as well as communicate the world. Thanks a lot sir @surfyogi for the beautiful content.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Great 12 top reasons to travel round the world, let me also quickly add too that we equally travel so we learn other people's culture and tradition, which involves the way they dress, their kind of food and their way of life. Thanks @surfyogi for this wonderful 12 reasons to travel round the world, it has added to my knowledge.

Hello @surfyogi
Wow, thank you for sharing yet another sub-topic on travel-reasons to travel around the world.
I cant even remember the last time i travelled out of my country..lolz quite a long time:)
The reasons you listed go a long way, travelling is indeed an adventure...

WOW! what a great intro ! Upped and Resteemed ! I cant believe your not getting more up votes , hopefully they will come now !! Glad to be also now following you , best of luck on Steemit and in life !! 👍👍👍

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I too am a travel blogger, I invite you to have a look at my travel hacks and posts on Steemit to see if I have earned a spot on your list (hurray for the edit function!)
Thanks for share !!!

Very cool, yes will have a look!

Very interesting post. I agree with you on all points. We are traveling not to escape from life, but that life does not run away from us. There is nothing more useful for nerves than to visit there where I have never been. Thanks for sharing...

Travelling is hobby i so much enjoy. I love travelling especially when it's fun trip with friends who will make it worthwhile. You came up with nice things and i so much share the same school of thought with you. Africa is a nice place to visit, come and enjoy yourself.
You can take me along with you

This is educative @surfyogi gained alot from this think I too should be planning to do some tour

I am finding I could easily spend a full year just studying where I want to most go, what to see, how to speak a few different languages basically, and how to plan the route, and what friends I will see ;-)

You're very much right
Travelling is an adventure
Travelling is an experience that comes with fun.
Thanks for giving us this piece

Going far and wide is the most intriguing, adroit, edifying, useful and educative activity, since it will influence you to have the information distinctive individuals.

Agreed! Traveling around the world is the most interesting, insightful, enlightening, informative and educative thing to do, because it will make you have the knowledge different people, culture and traditions with that you will appreciate life better and also learn how to do new stuff! Great post @surfyogi hoping to see you in Nigeria 🇳🇬

@surfyogi, all the points you have listed here as the reasons to travel all makes so much sense. I have always appreciated the few times I've had to travel. It has opened my mind to new ideas, opportunities, relationships and connections. I have also appreciated the cultural diversity i see in people from different cultural backgrounds, and the chance to learn a new cuktyre is so thrilling.

Now, on the issue of using credit card or borrowing money to travel, well that's only obtainable in tge western world and not where I come from Nigeria. Nobody will borrow you money just because you want to travel to go see the world. And since we don't have credit cards here, that's not an option to explore. If this was feasible, I guess I would use it to travel a lot because traveling is my serious hobby.

Thanks for the tips. I'll keep them with me to keep reminding myself why I really need to travel more.

That's a good point. I don't understand the banking system in many countries, only my own. When I was 26, I think my Mom and Dad helped me get a credit card (did not always have a stable job) and I borrowed some money on it to travel. I saved some, borrowed some, traveled for 6 months, with my stuff in storage. the ticket cost $2000, so when you don't have to PAY RENT< then travel becomes much more feesable as far as cost over time.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Oh, I see. Yes, when you don't have much responsibilities in terms of paying rent and taking care of others, it will be very easy for you to use the little money you have just to travel.

The banking system in my country does not support the use of credit cards. And sincerely, it's difficult for a bank to loan you money just for travel. First of all, you need to have a collateral like land or something worthwhile to lay on the table to get a loan. It's not like the western world where people can live on credit cards.

You see, I schooled in the UK for one year. and that was my first time of being exposed to a system that is totally different from where I came from, Nigeria. I mean, life is easy there with access to loans, properties, etc. Sincerely, I wish the system was better in my country too.

Anyway, I'll keep your tips with me because I'm a travel-freak too. Thanks.

Absolutely, ACCESS to MONEY is what separates various social classes on this planet.

Steem is one first attempt or experiment, about how this might be reorganized.

Access to crypto store of value, can take this place soon for many, with few barriers to entry?

I believe it's an incredible opportunity right now!
Time to buy into the opportunity of your lifetime in cryptocurrency today.

On my part, i have really want to surf the globe but the fund is the issue. Travelling exposes us to the outside world and again it exposes us to other culture. It wont be easy to travel around the entire world but at least you can travel aNd visit the key places.

Will truly be a privilege embarking on Such adventure But cost is the limiting factor @surfyogi

Just do it mon, borrow the money and pay it back later dude!

What will happen if i cant pay back?

You are so right @surfyogi, your 12 top reasons for traveling the world are so right. Ill add one more;

Travelling makes you appreciate the wonders of creation.

Although i agree that sometimes its good to pack your bags and leave but not so much about borrowing to travel....Lol. you wouldnt want to have that at the back of your mind while havimg fun.

Hi Zizy!
People borrow money constantly to go to school?!
Same thing dear.

As much as I dislike travelling because of the motion sickness I face each time this post just motivated to visit a part of Nigeria before this month runs out.
Thanks for this dear

This is educative @surfyogi picked up alot from this think I too ought to plan to do some visit

I'm back mon, doing much better now. Let me know what you are up to, maybe I will see you in Jamaica!

I have always wanted to travel the world though it looks like a far fetched dream, I believe one day I will. I want to experience other people's culture, lifestyle and maybe see the world through there own eyes (if possible). I believe there is so much we can learn through visiting other places other than one's own country. Thanks for always breaking it down, I believe we all can achieve that dream someday. Its definitely isn't as hard as it seems!

This is educative @surfyogi gained alot from this think I too should be planning to do some tour

I love to travel but unfortunately I have never been to anywhere beyond southern part of my country. Main reason being financial issues. But when we speak of financial issues as a reason, I think we are betraying ourselves. I have heard anecdotes of explorers who haven't had enough money but accomplished seeing the world just because of their passion!

Elderly women living in the villages of my country are the most unfortunate beings I would say. Their birth, life and death everything happens in the confinement of their small village. When compared to them I'm very fortunate atleast to see the sea!

One big thing travel provides us is a broad perspective. People who have travelled a lot tend to show some maturity when it comes to serious issues. One need to travel to space inorder to admit how silly we are!

If i could have my way....i will around the world....but i now that will be fulfilled soon...staying in one place year in and out makes one blind......
I admire you @surfyogi because you have the means of trying new thing out....

To be honest you sure are blessed @surfyogi and the options that you have stated are indeed great and among them is the best and wish someday will be there to make those points and the journey of mi life will come at effect !

Travelling means excitement,exploring new countries,cultures,lifes,etc.Its a wonderful experience to live life differently with different people.Thanks for your most beautiful tips ,which are very practical and dynamic one for inspiring people to explore life.

There is an old popular adage "traveling is living" and it really is, traveling takes you out of the routine, oxygenates you, renews you, you breathe in the world and then when you return you appreciate everything around you, you feel more in love with yours, from your simple bed of food etc, then there is double benefit. Now, if the conditions do not allow us to go far to know other cultures, there is always an opportunity to explore places a few kilometers that seem unnoticed in your eyes but the experience can be really fascinating if we are willing to breathe life. Life on this earth there is only one and we must try to live it to the fullest. So my purpose of travel will be to the next Steemfest, if it's in America, crossing my fingers to make it so and things happen.

Greetings @surfyogi.

Hay un viejo adagio popular "viajar es vivir" y realmente lo es, viajar te saca de la rutina, te oxigena, te renueva, respiras el mundo y luego cuando regresas aprecias cada cosa a tu alrededor, te sientes más enamorado de lo tuyo, de tu simple cama de la comida etc, entonces hay doble beneficio. Ahora, si las condiciones no nos permiten ir lejos a conocer a otras culturas, siempre hay oportunidad de explorar lugares a pocos kilómetros que parecen desapercibidos a tus ojos pero la experiencia puede ser realmente fascinantes si estamos dispuestos a respirar la vida. Vida en esta tierra solo hay una y hay que intentar vivirla al máximo. Así que mi propósito de viaje será al próximo Steemfest, si es en America, cruzar los dedos para que sea así y las cosas sucedan.

Saludos @surfyogi.

Different person thinking about travel in different area... You give us 12 reason..Those are residing one of those area.. Your 12 reasons are actually affect the travelling people... Thanks for giving us such well reason.. I am actually traveled for your this reason sir @surfyogi..

Traveling develops skills you didn’t know you had

That's a great very beautiful.
I appreciate your food photography.
Thanks for sharing life.
@Resteemit this content

@surfyogi, That's nice to hear very educative twelve reasons given for travel around. Seriously it had valuable looking. Actually traveling create opportunity to connect & engage with various tradition's peoples and states. Can learn world around geography things etc...You're a great traveler and have massive experience travel around. Nice you decided to share.

Traveling gives us lot of inspiration and relaxation. If we want to take rest definitely plan to travel. Someone travel for business trips. I don't mention them. Your 12 reasons explanation so impressive.

Travel opens your eyes

Extremely agree with first point. Every traveling gave massive lesson and experience. Another thing is we can learn various languages through traveling. Some states only using native language of them. Not a international language. Thanks to your letter @surfyogi.

You've definitely enjoyed an amazing life, more ups and downs than the proverbial roller-coaster! Happy to see you've found your authentic self and are truly living. Upvoted and resteemed!

Beautiful photography sir
I like it this food.. thanks for sharing your life. I appreciate your traveling..sir your post @upvote and @resteemit done.

Traveling develops skills you didn’t know you had, exactly we really do not know how capable we are, until we widen our horizons and visits places out of our comfort zones well, you've got the dreams and the means @surfyogi to do so, one day, I could do so as well, where's the places you have in mind?

Very nice photography and great content sir
Sir your every Post very amazing.. I appreciate your traveling. thanks for sharing life...@upvote and @resteemit done.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

I have big dream for go abroad for visit most fascinating locations and learn some techniques of architecture some of states. I know, if I travel around those facilities definitely receive in future. I agree with Your valuable reasons. Every offers we can earn via traveling. Great work @surfyogi.

Oh, yes, traveling has always been interesting and an important and useful business, and these 12 reasons are very relevant for anyone who wants to go on the road! Thank you @surfyogi

hopefully his journey pleases my good friend yes. and

Great article.i appreciate your travel.
Thanks for sharing this photography.personaly.
I follow your every content.
All the best sir.

Incredible 12 top motivations to movement round the world, let me additionally rapidly include too that we similarly travel so we learn other individuals' way of life and convention, which includes the way they dress, their sort of sustenance and their lifestyle. Much obliged @surfyogi

Diverse individual reasoning about movement in various territory... You give us 12 reason..Those are dwelling one of those territory.. Your 12 reasons are really influence the voyaging individuals... A debt of gratitude is in order for giving us such well reason.. I am really gone for your this reason. @surfyogi.

nicely present it dear @surfyogi
thanks a lot for sharing such a precious post.
photography is also outstanding.
love you @surfyogi

Please invite me! I also want to travel and be rich!

Amazing Photography.
Thanks for sharing this travel.i like it
Upvote resteemit done

You are right to travel at every opportunity. Otherwise, in 20 years you will regret more about what you did not do than about what you did. Thank you for sharing.

You are right travelling is education, you get to know things you don't know before. It's love travelling too

1 top reason to visit Finland: You won't see a country so fair & beautiful anywhere else! FACT! Welcome. :)

I agree, going to different places in the world, seeing new things, meeting different people, really making us grow and think forward.
Like @surfyogi. Thanks to share

Indeed, travel is my best teacher... crazy about traveling..😃

Just amazing photo shoot sir

Such a beautiful and interesting place and moment thanks for sharing this deal

You know, i was actually thinking up my own personal reasons why travelling the world is important but as i was reading through, it felt like you were reading my mind and writing along my line of thought.

By the time i was done reading, i couldnt think up anything to add as these were just sufficient reasons enough to make anyone wana travel tye world.

But there is this funny meme i aaw one day which reads

My mind ia directing me to travel the world but my bank account balance is directing me towards my village... Hehehe

It means that i am ever willing to travel the world ny no money to do so. And dis you say borrow to travel the world? That sounds ridiculous to me.

Have a nice travel!!!!
Good photography!!!

Nice captured.

wow! This post is helpful!! I personally dont really like to be on the road! But with few reasons gotten from here? I am ecstatic

Wonderful photography sir

I love this post congratulations @surfyogi

Hello friend what good that this back sharing with us a very inspiring post to travel I like that image very beautiful no doubt there are too many places to meet I want to know and travel a lot but the economic situation of my country does not allow me there is a crisis very bad here greetings and many blessings and success for you @surfyogi

What I think about travel is, it helps to create moments, which is the most valuable thing you can have.

Travel does a that, I agree. Travel is life.
But I don't have the money to travel yet.

That photograph is seriously good. What place is it of?

Awesome work sir i love travelling a lot,this will helps me a lot.

Well said sir almost i love all your reasons sir,this is great time to travel across the world.

Fantastic photography.

You have made valid points sir thanks for sharing all your experience.

superb stuff sir thanks a lot i really apriciate your work.have a great day sir.

Wonderful edition of traveling tips from you sir,thanks a lot for your support.

Some great points to consider and travelling gives you a new refreshing feeling which is out of this world :D

Traveling will give you enough material for steemit too. Can’t wait to see what you share.

Yeah, travelling makes us open our minds, I hope I will have enough money in the future to start travelling. ☺

Awsome photography.

My favorite is 3, travel creates magical, fun, relationships, for me when I was in Vietnam.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

i would love to travel around the world and gain all experience you wrote about them , <3

I went to Europe twice as a kid, and to Colombia as an adult. But most of my travels have been within the U.S., finally got to go to the Grand Canyon last year. Getting close to retirement, looking forward to more foreign travel then.

If Steem moons, I’ll be able to travel a lot.

I totally agree with you or this point...(.Travel helps you learn new languages).just like us, Can not see the dream of a job seeker. your all points are correct but it depends on money.Your information is quite useful and beneficial.
best of luck

Travel and Explore one of the best thing to do while your active.

Exceptional publish of traveling. Traveling is one in each of them fundamental a part of playing human existence..your 12top motives for traveling honestly very right. I don,t recognize these reasons be counted earlier than. however to visible you submit I am really mastering ala lot new motives of journeying count number..this pucture just super and your explantation obvioysly ideal..thsnks to sharing in your outstanding postJourney additionally allows one study and admire the sources in other components of the globe

so glad sir you have brought it back again.great work sir it will make my life so easier.