London - Travel with me #8 Harry Potter Studio (1) 【倫敦- 跟著Susan去旅行 #8 哈利波特攝影棚 (1)】steemCreated with Sketch.

in travel •  7 years ago 


Hi my Steemit friends!! I'm Susan! Hope you're doing great! Last time I shared my travel experience in Greenwich. In Greenwich, not only can you interact with contemporary technology, you can also experience what was like living in the 1800s. This time, I'd like to show something's MAGIC !!!!!

You're right! I'll share my experience in Harry Potter Studio!!! Are you eager to find out the how the film makers brought the magic to life? If your answer is "YES", let's start our journey right now!!! ❤️

親愛的Steemit朋友們大家好!我是Susan哦! 上次我跟大家分享了我在格林尼治的美好時光。在那裏,你不僅可以與最尖端的天文科技來個零距離接觸,還能感受活生生的歷史。今天,我想跟大家分享一個與眾不同的東西——魔法!!!




You might borrow a digital guide at the entrance :)

你可以在入口處借一個電子導覽器 :)


You could find some interesting things even when you're in the queue. Look!! The Cupboard Under the Stairs Harry Potter used to live!! It looks just the SAME, isn't it?

就算你在排隊的時候,也一定不會等得無聊哦。看!哈利波特曾經住過的樓梯下的儲物間 !! 看起來一模一樣哦!!



Before going in, the staff would tell you what to expect in the following adventure. Feeling excited!!!!!




1. The Great Hall 大禮堂


The Great Hall was built for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in 2000 and was used as a key set for 6 more films. This is the table where the Professors sat!

大禮堂首先在《哈利波特 - 神秘的魔法石》中亮相,後來在6部同系列的電影中出現過。這就是教授們坐的桌子!



INTERESTING FACT: The House Points Counter (see above photo) barely appeared in the films, but rumour has it that when it was first built, it caused a national shortage of Indian glass beads!!!

You can find costumes of students from each Hogwarts House! Which house is your favourite? ;pp Also, 2 large tables where the students sat during dinner can also be seen :)

你可以見到霍格華茲不同學院的院服哦!你最喜歡哪個學院?;pp 另外,2張給學生晚飯用的桌子也可以在這裏見到哦:)





Speak of the Great Hall, every Harry Potter fan would think of the Sorting Hat!!!! Wait, you have no idea what it is? Haha, it's a magical hat at Hogwarts which determines which of the 4 school Houses should each new student belongs to. "Oh, another Weasley! I know just what to do with you. Gryffindor!"

提起 大禮堂,每一個哈利波特粉都會想起分類帽 !!等等,你不知道這是什麼?哈哈,它是一頂巫師帽,可以決定來到霍格華茲的每位新生更適合4個學院中的哪一個哦。「哦,又一位韋斯萊!我知道你該去哪兒。葛萊分多!」



The door was really huge!! Harry Potter fans, have you noticed some interesting things?...Yup, the House mascots of the 4 Houses: Hufflepuff (badger), Slytherin (snake), Gryffindor (lion) and Ravenclaw (eagle) !!





2. Yule Ball 聖誕舞會


Yule Ball is a formal dance held on Christmas night of a tournament year. Let's see how stunning the characters looked like in these customs!!


Hermione and ViktorParvati and HarryCho and Cedric


And some other amazing decors and food you can see:


Beautiful centre pieces sat on tables around the hall, inspired by the architecture of the Brighton Pavilion

Brighton Pavilion


Look astonishing, don't they? Actually, the ball was film in the Great Hall mentioned above. I was amazed by the film makers' efforts in changing the hall to a wonderful and wintery ball room!!! The Harry Potter filming team stated that the Great Hall was too "stolid " owning to its brown masonry. Even painted silver, it would still look dull. Then, they came up with a great idea: pasting shimmeringLurex silver fabric everywhere!!! And for ice, they used clear-cast resin with great architectural castings on top. See what it looked like after one month of hard work:


20747622_10207701880743271_1665786108_o (1).jpg

And this is what is looked like in the Goblet of Fire. STUNNING!!!!



And this is the model of the ball room: ;ppp


2016-10-08 10.04.47 拷貝.jpg


3. Hair and Makeup 假髮及化妝


Wanna see the wigs and makeup used in Harry Potter films? Here's your chance!!!


Wig - Snape (假髮 - 石內卜)

Wig - Sirius Black (假髮 - 天狼星·布萊克)

Wig - Bellatrix (假髮 - 貝拉特里克斯)

Harry Potter's scar (哈利波特 - 疤痕)


Wanna know how it's like walking in this magical studio? Let's watch my video!!


Address 地址:
Warner Bros. Studio Tour London
Studio Tour Drive
WD25 7LR


We spent a fruitful day in the Harry Potter Studio. As it is HUGE, I'll introduce more of it next time :) In the Studio, you can really feel the magic around you!!! Therefore, it's DEFINITELY worth visiting:):) If you visit London, don't forget to visit the the Harry Potter Studio!!! I guess I'd stop here:) Thanks for reading!! If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please feel free to tell me! I'll share more about this amazing city in the future!! :):)

我們在哈利波特攝影棚度過了充實的一天。因為大實在太大了,我下次會向大家介紹更多關於這個神奇的地方:) 在這裏,你絕對可以感受到魔法的魅力!!所以,如果你來倫敦,一定不要忘記到哈利波特攝影棚來哦!哈哈今天就寫到這兒吧:) 謝謝你的耐心!如果有任何的意見、建議或問題,都請在留言中告訴我哦!我會分享更多關於這座美麗的城市的故事給大家的!:)

Please follow me @susanlo! Thanks a lot for your support! ❤️

請追蹤我 @susanlo!謝謝你的支持!❤️

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Show me the magic : )

Haha! >v<


對呀!!他們的周邊做得超棒的!只要哈利波特這個形象不過時,這些周邊就不會沒錢賺!其實裏面的紀念品很貴的TVT 不過做為超級粉,難免自願被搶錢......TVT


謝謝O哥一如既往的支持😢😌 我會保持水準為中文區加油的!!



I am very happy with your story is very entertaining because before reading your story I do not know much about harri poter movie, and your story makes me very impressed thank you for this story, @ iswandiaulia

Thanks very much for your appreciation:) I'll bring more in the future!

Check out some Steemit gear for your travels!


Wow, that's some magical place to visit.

Yup it really is!! :)

Screaming! The series "Harry Potter" have always been my favorite! Wanna go there in the near future! Thanks for sharing!😄

Haha it IS wonderful!! Enjoy yourself there! Cheers:)

I am interested in your art of susanlo ..

Haha thanks!


LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!! Have been in LOVE with Harry Potter since my 30 & 27-year olds were kids, and after they fell asleep while I was reading Harry Potter stories to them, I snuck and kept reading lol GREAT POST!!! THANK YOU FOR SHARING THE MAGICK!!!!!!!!!!

Wowww you're really a BIG fan of Harry Potter!!! It's like an old friend of yours!!! >v< Haha it would be nice to recall the good old days :):)

Thanks SOOOO much for your support and may the magic be with you!! Cheers!!

Oh man such a breath taking article really.. It seems you really did put in the efforts to get this up.

Cheers for the amazing share, it really made me feel involved :)

All the best


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks sooo much!!! I'm glad to you like it!! :) Yup I've put many efforts, wishing to make the readers feel like 'traveling with me' :)) I'll keep and bring more articles like this to you!

Thanks a lot again :)

@susanlo it is well appreciated, thank you very much

Thanks very much :)

Amazing pictures!!! Thank you for sharing!

Thanks a lot!! I'm glad you like it :)

It is very nice place you wanna be there someday. Thanks for sharing with us.

Yup it's really nice!! I can feel the magic around me!! haha wish you can! It's my pleasure sharing my joy with you. Cheers!! :)

what a lovely article , keep it up !

Thank veryyy much! I'll keep up and bring more quality articles to you! Cheers :)


Thanks very much :)

I really love your photos!

Thanks soo much!! haha I'll share more pictures like these in the future! :)

Harry Potter Studio


Yup it's nice!

Hey @susanlo , great post, I have never been to that WB. Will in the future! I am following you now!

Hey @simonsayz! Thanks very much!! Yup please do visit there ;p

Thank you for sharing and have great time.

Thanks for your support!:)

You welcome.

Thank you for your sharing

Thanks sooo much for your appreciation @slowwalker :):)! Cheers!

Great article!

Thanks a lot!!! :)

great post :) you looks awesome . pictures are awesome. keep it up.
see u soon.

Thanks very much!! haha I'll keep up and bring more in the future! Cheers:)

You're very welcome ☺☺

Heyy really nice post:) It was verry useful.Please check my little journey that I made soon. I hope you enjoy my photos. @nakedchef89


Support me and enter here your collaboration is important @gr3g0r Follow Me!

Hi my Steemit friends!! I'm Susan!
Good post!!!


Your trip must be very happy of course you have found new things that meet in your journey, hopefully you can always do the next journey and hopefully your success always and get the achievement as you expected

Thanks so much for your kind words :)

Great article - more pictures of you please because you're really cute.

Haha! Thanks so much for your compliment:) I'll try to do that next time!

great post - 支持支持!

Thanks @travelgirl! :)

聽說大喊疾疾護法現身你就會出現, 害我現在喉嚨有點痛






  ·  7 years ago 



This was interesting. I was supposed to go to the Harry Potter attraction but was busy that day.
After seeing this I think I better go visit. Thanks @susanlo

Thanks!! :) Haha please DO go!!! It's really nice!!!! I haven't put the best part of it yet, I'll do that in Part 2!! Enjoy your time there! Cheers;p

I will give it a visit soon and look forward to your part 2.
I'm going to a medieval event tomorrow. Think knights in shining armour, castles, jousting etc.
I'll post something when I get the chance lol @susanlo

Wow that's FANTASTIC!!!! Enjoy the event tmr!!! Haha I'm sure you'll make a nice post! Cheers ;p

We had a great day at the castle. The videos I shot are epic. Well I think so lol
I hope to get something edited by tomorrow Tuesday. It was so funny too. @susanlo

Haha glad to know that!! Oh video editing is always difficult for me Lol!! Hope you'll make a PERFECT one!

Are you trying to dress up like Hermione Granger. haha... you're too tall.

Haha nawwww I'm not ! I wish I could fit in her dress tho TT

So amazing! Loved your post!

Thanks very much :)


謝謝 @sylvia的讚賞! :):)

Beautiful post. I love the magic it details!

Thanks soo much for your appreciation! :):)

so schöne Bilder🙃wooowwww👍

Danke!!! :):) 💪

@susanlo - That's really a well descriptive post on Harry potter studio. I'm a big fan of Harry potter series and your post just refreshed the harry potter series. I'm quite sure that this weekend, I'll be watching Harry Potter Series all over again 😂

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Wow really!! Haha nice to know another HP fan!! Thanks for for appreciation:) Cheers!

Haha! As I thought, ended up watching Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone last night.

Image Credit :

Wow that's nice!! Young Harry XD

hello ,

please follow me ...

LOVE IT!! Thanks for sharing! Looks like a fun trip, and very magical <3

Thanks veryyy much! :)

you are beautiful though xD watch me get banned now

Thanks:) nawwww LOL!

I will come and visit you someday? maybe make you my wife :) Just joking, lots of love enjoy

LOLLL! have a nice day!

thanks for sharing. its really amazing

Thanks a lot:) !

Very nice place to visit, thanks for sharing @susanlo ..

Thanks very much!

哇 我喜欢哈利波特


我也去過倫敦但不知道有Harry Potter Studio耶!
p.s. 我也是來自香港的,請多多指教


Good Snap
Amazing Post
Thanks for Sharing

Thanks very much :)

thank you for sharing, I feel like I visited it by myself, your pics are awesome ;-)

Thanks veryy much:):)

you are welcome
waiting for new thing from your amazing trips

thanks for sharing your travel tour @susanlo ..i love harry potter movie even i cannot see the all the series.. i think i was there when you share the pictures..

Thanks sooo much!! I'll bring more in the future:)

Hi susanlo

Good post!

I want to go, too

Hii @hokkaido :) thanks a lot!

I really love ' traveling with you' :))))

Thanks veryyy much @kenan1989!! :) I'll bring more in the future!

looking forward to seeing it :)

Cool! Makes you wish you were a wizard! :(

Haha thanks!! I wish I was one too XD

Hi, very nice job, I´m follow you!

Thanks a lot for your support:)



Great magical place

Yup it really is :)

magical place! Loved Harry potter and his magical world since I was 10 years old and still do :) Nice pictures and post! :)

I also really like herry poter since I was 9 years old.

Thanks soo much!! It really brings me to the magical world!! >v<

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Looks like you had a wonderful time. What a great thing to do.

I did! Haha yup I like it so much:)


Thanks so much!

i like it my friend i have posted about travel i happy visit my page and upvote me

👍👍👍👍 一直都好想去 攝影棚真係好正




我依舊是那個渴望成為魔法學校學生的小孩 =P

Haha! 心境還是這麼年輕!

Was fun to watch and read this:) I've been to London many times before, but never been to the Harry Potter studio. After seeing Your post I feel inclined to go there :D Upovted and followed! Have a good day:)

Thanks soo much! :):) haha yup you should definitely go there when you are in London next time!! It'll show you the magic!!
Have a nice day;) Cheers!

Cool stuff!

I also post quality content.
My blog just started so your suggestions will be very helpful.


Thanks and have a wonderful day. 😉

Thanks a lot:) let's work hard and keep up! :) cheers!

Yes, I like your Travel...

Thanks so much!


Congratulations @susanlo.
This is the most beautiful post I've ever seen on the internet!
Success in what you want!
Upvote, Follow and Resteemed

Thank you sooo much @lazarescu.irinel :) I'll keep up!

I think this is your talent and that's how you are @susanlo ...
It will be very easy for you to be as you are ...
I think you will make a lot of money on Steemit and keep your stories that will become immortal!


Ohh wow this is so cool. I definitely need to put this on my travel list of places to see the next time I visit the UK. Love the channel btw. Keep up the good work. follow me @feedmylife for my travel adventures 😉

Thanks a lot!! Haha the studio is AMAZING!! Cheers :)