Travel with me #122 : The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall!

in travel •  5 years ago  (edited)

Dear Steemit Friends:

Good day to you all. I am so glad to be here presenting a new adventure. Today we will explore some of the impressive and beautiful cultural sights to be found in Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan. You will know from previous blog posts that I have a long history of visiting the country of Taiwan and I am always still amazed about how much more there always is to see. Taipei is an extraordinary capital city. It sits at the cutting edge of modern industry, boasting a skyline of impressive modern skyscrapers and record setting buildings, while maintaining much of its cultural heritage and 'local' feel of its many food markets.

If I had to choose just one capital in the world to spend more time in, Taipei would definitely be high up on the list of possible choices. It is quite easy to get around and feels very accessible to a tourist like me - though I am starting to feel at home since I have spent quite some time there in between my explorations of the country. In the past I have often returned to the capital having explored the more rural areas of Taiwan but don't always have much time to relax. So in this post, let's take a bit longer to get around town and have fun! Are you coming with me?

National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

The National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall was built in 1972 in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen who is the founding father of the modern nation of the Republic of China. He was a man of many talents, being qualified as a medical doctor but also being considered a great writer, calligrapher, philosopher and revolutionary! He is quite unique because his memory is revered in both mainland China and in Taiwan - seen as a strong uniting force of good.

The National Sun Yat-sen Memorial is used for a number of purposes which include cultural, social, historical and educational pursuits. The main building is huge, covering 29,464 square metres and has space for many different activities, exhibitions and tourist attractions. You can see here, some people even found some nice space to exercise together in the shade!

Within the main hall there is an extensive exhibition about Dr. Sun Yat-sen and his life. It has many artefacts and relics of his life as well as details of his contribution to the revolution that eventually became what we know as modern China. The huge statue of him shows the importance of his legacy. Within the Memorial Hall there is also a fascinating museum with more details of his life and times.

The impressive Taipei Dome on show

Located just next to the National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is the massive Taipei Dome. The Taipei Dome was begun in 2011 after a 4 year delay in the construction's start. The goal for the building is for it to become a multi-functional arena and venue. However, it has suffered from much controversy since the start of its construction. All work on the project was halted in 2015 due to concerns about the safety of the structure.

The Taipei Dome reminds me of the 'Bird's Nest', the national stadium build for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, which shows how impressive the dome is as a structure if it even comes close to that giant structure. Maybe some of you will remember the Bird's Nest stadium?

Before going to explore the interior of the Memorial Hall I was struck by the juxtaposition between these three buildings. Taipei 101 was the tallest building in the world for a short period of time, before being knocked off the top spot by the Burj Khalifa in Dubai in 2010. The Taipei 1010 was a crowning achievement and source of much national pride for Taiwan and its people - and it still is! It represent's Taiwan's modern achievements as a small nation who can compete on the world stage with even the largest and most influential powers in the world.

The National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, on the other hand, celebrates the past rather than looking to the future. It memorialises many of the people and acts that took place over the last century of more to get the country to where it is today. It's beautiful being able to see both buildings, in clear view of each other, with such different messages about the nature of Taiwan's capital and its values.

Venturing inside to the exhibition halls, there is an overwhelming amount of information and relics about Dr. Sun Yat-sen and his life. It's all quite fascinating. I was very impressed by the level of detail presented as well as the knowledge of my guide who gave us a tour of a large part of the hall.

They had everything from hand written documents to old photos to timelines of his life. I imagine you could have spent hours here if you read every piece of information but after a while I felt I was getting information overload. It was most interesting to learn about his early life and I really enjoyed being able to follow along with the time line that eventually lead to the development of what we now know as the Republic of China. For one man to be so influential on our modern world is quite humbling!

Many fragile documents have been painstakingly restored and are now well preserved behind glass for future generations. I think it's quite fascinating to imagine the person who wrote these words. Handwriting is so personal to each individual and seeing ink put to paper helps you imagine how his hands once touched this parchment as he took time to sit and write down his thoughts and ideas. Parchment that we now look at today, his legacy remembered and recorded.

From the outside, the Memorial Hall has quite an archaic design. It looks like old fashioned architecture that you might not imagine was built in the 1970s. However, inside the exhibition has seen refurbishment and is impressively bright and modern. It shows that Dr. Sun Yat-sen's memory is still revered and honoured here in Taiwan.

Exploring the grounds of the Martyr's Shrine

Next stop, the Martyr's Shrine. This grand shrine was built to honour the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who died in the history of the island both during Japanese occupation and during upheaval between Taiwan and China. The architectural style is quite reminiscent of the famous Forbidden City in China. It is of course, a lot smaller, but beautifully impressive non-the-less.

Though the shrine here looks like it could be set in the middle of the countryside, it is in fact quite accessible from central Taipei via either train or taxi. The natural surroundings add an extra sense of solemnity to the location. In a city where space is at a premium and new buildings are constantly being built, the preservation of nature to surround the Martyr's Shrine makes it feel and look incredibly special. The greenery contrasts beautifully with the bright coloured roofs of the pavilions.

The dramatic entrance to the shrine

The shrine is guarded out of respect be ceremonial soldiers

Following a similar tradition to the guards posted around London in the United Kingdom, the ceremonial guards stand statue still during their guard duty in their impressive ceremonial dress uniforms. There is much respect given here to the shrine and those who fell in the various military battles. Every single hour, on the hour, there is an impressive changing of the guard ceremony which gives a certain gravitas to the duty. It is quite a tourist attraction, though of course very solemn too!

When I arrived at the shrine, I had just missed the important changing of the guard so walked around the grounds to pass the time. The grounds are beautifully maintained, with many little shrines dotted around which give memorial to many different people and soldiers. The designs are quite beautiful and classical. Since most tourists aim to arrive for the changing of the guard, and leave quite shortly afterwards, it was very quiet! Such a beautiful place to walk and reflect and think and enjoy nature.

The main shrine holds over 390,000 tokens that each represent a soldier killed during action. Their memory is honoured not only in the building of this shrine in 1969, but in its continued maintenance is touching.

Watch the changing of the guard with me!

I can't well describe the accuracy and occasion of the changing of the guard at the Martyr's Shrine so I took a lot of pictures for you all to enjoy and follow a long! Space is cleared of tourists for the guards to perform their march to relieve their colleagues but we were allowed to watch and even take photos - which is lucky!

As you look through these pictures with me, look at the ground. This changing of the guard has been going on the hour, seven days a week, for decades. And as you look at the floor you'll see that the guard's route is so accurate and well drilled that their boots have worn away the brick in three lines at their feet! That is really quite amazing to think of the long term dedication and history of this practice. Much respect to them and those people whose memories they guard.





The historic Grand Hotel of Taipei

The iconic Grand Hotel of Taipei is a landmark that can be recognised all over the world. At 87m high, it is one of the tallest Chinese Classical Buildings and was the tallest building in Taiwan for 8 years following its completion in 1973. First conceived in 1952, the goal was to create a high class hotel that would serve as a place to proudly accommodate foreign dignitaries and other important guests - this level of hotel was completely lacking in Taipei at the time. Though various parts of the hotel were built and used before 1973, it was 20 years until the iconic grand building was finally finished.

'Grand' is the right word. The goal of impressing visiting politicians must have been truly achieved with this incredible hotel. I felt completely dwarfed even in the entrance hall. There are 490 rooms spread across eight floors. Each floor is decorated differently, each done to represent a different Chinese dynasty.

The dramatic red decor, Chinese lanterns, lion motifs and ornate carvings and massive pillars make the Grand Hotel a true wonder. According to rumour, their top presidential suite costs over $5000 per night to stay in. I suppose since the entire hotel is designed to impress presidents, it would a most amazing room!

Wow, I have to say even looking back at that time I'm tired! It was such a special trip to explore the different cultural locations of Taipei and nice to find some time to finally see some of the amazing places that I've seen and heard about but was too busy to see. Today, we saw a lot of quite classical Chinese architecture. From the large halls of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, to the solemn and well respected beauty of the Martyr's Shrine to the extravagance of Taipei's Grand Hotel, each was built in similar styles but with different purposes in mind.

The Memorial Hall was built to honour the life of one man, who so shaped modern China and Taiwan's futures. A testament to the time one man spent on earth and the large impact it had. Martyr's Shrine honoured the often nameless thousands who lost their lives, partly in pursuit of that very man's dream - the respect given them no less than given to Dr. Sun Yat-sen with the beautifully kept shrine to their sacrifice. Finally, the Grand Hotel is a nod to Taiwan's past and its future. A commitment to staying relevant on the world stage - while keeping traditions a central theme to its grandeur.

I always like to try and pick a favourite part, you know me! And for me, it was the part I spoke least about here - the changing of the guard. There was something so fascinating that after all of these decades, honoured soldiers still stand vigil over their fallen comrades. Their dedication never wavers. Each changing of the guard is just as sharp. Just as important. Their dedication and professionalism to respect the fallen is literally worn into the stones they walk on. Perhaps I had so few words to say because descriptions would fall short - you can see their duty on their faces in the photos and in their posture in every single picture.

I hope you all enjoyed visiting some of the classical architecture of Taipei with me today. I have really enjoyed being able to revisit it and hope you'll join me in the comments below for a good catch up with each other! If you've enjoyed my blog then do make sure you've got that follow button pressed and give it a like so that we can share it with others too. All my best!

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good to see you back sweety!

thanks kingscrown, good to be back!

i miss you a lot

Should replace
<center> </center>


<center> [![](](</center>

Click for full effect.

That's a good suggestion which i'll put to use in the next posts!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

wow, it is nice to come back, my dear. thanks for this historical tour of yours, what amazing place.


excellent publication I will follow you I hope you keep me happy day


  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

You are back?

Never left!

You were active 2 hours ago!!!!!!!! Do you remember me??????? :)

Dr. Sun Yat-sen is a fascinating character. There’s even a memorial to him in Vancouver, Canada, if I recall correctly.

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Amazingly, he is mutually revered by the people on both sides of the Taiwan strait. It wouldn't surprise me if there was a memorial of him in other parts of the world!

This was quite impressive, sssj, and by the way, welcome back :)

Your stop action shots of the changing of the guard were quite impressive and I agree that was the highpoint of your photo essay. Respect and honour are sadly missing from much of our modern world today and it grieves me when world leaders will even disrespect the memories of deceased rivals regardless of what differences separated them in life.

The Martyr's Shrine with its open space is very reminiscent of China's Forbidden City and does have a more traditional feel.

The Grand Hotel incorporates many aspects of traditional Chinese architectural design and is very impressive although I must say my tastes are much more pedestrian (thankfully) considering my humble writer's income, lol.

Once again, you overwhelm with a plethora of images and a polished text that aptly places the reader is situ. An excellent post that leaves me waiting for more.

john, I can always rely on you to leave a thorough review of my own little review and might I say, I appreciate that very much so!

I'm glad to have you as a reader, and as always, wish you all the best!

Thanks, sssj - I always enjoy your posts and I know how important it is to have a substantive response - after all, that's why we post and it's what makes Steemit a community :)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)


PS. 好巧,我剛剛發的文章跟孫老先生做的事有異曲同工之妙..... lol


  ·  5 years ago 


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It has been a long time since I have seen a post from you.

It was worth the wait. You make it sound fantastic and your photos are beautiful!!

Thanks for letting us come along with you.

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Thanks for coming along!




  ·  5 years ago 


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It's good that you're back, after so many years without publishing ...

I am impressed by the few people I notice in those amazing places. Are there few tourists?

haha, not a few years.. just a few months. Sometimes we have to step back and take a breather, but also it's good to actually travel for the sake of travelling and not worry too much about documenting it all.. still, i'm glad to be back!

Actually, i'm just picking the shots with the least amount of people. There are many many people and often it's hard to actually see anything particularly if you're small like me..

Wow then you did a great job and you spent a lot of time. That is appreciated, thanks for your passion to make things so perfect


@sweetsssj is back!

Missed your travel blog girl!

I look forward to your next stop Martyr's Shrine.

P.S. Would mind telling us what your favorite drink is in that Stylish Water Bottle?

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good to be back and lovely to see you! Haha the water bottle is.... a bag!

Lol, OMG it looks so real!

Stupid me...


Love your style girl, keep the photos coming!

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Haha yeah! Even the security said no drinks allowed.. I said its a bag..

Glad to know I am NOT only one!

Enjoy enjoy the rest of your day @sweetsssj


XOXOXO (hugs and kisses)

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Hello @sweetsssj, thank you for sharing your experiences in Taiwan, I had no knowledge about the Sun Yat-sen National Monument, it is something that should be made known in other languages ​​so that other cultures know of its existence.

Thank you acostaeladio, my pleasure and hope you find time to visit in your life time! :)

Always as beautiful.. You make travel more than beautiful. Thanks for sharing such a live exciting moment with us.

my pleasure mcsamm, good to see you alive and well!

Wow! Beautiful Taipei Excellent and very complete your post. Beautiful place. I am struck by the color of its buildings and the rigorous ritual of changing the guard at the Sanctuary of the Martires. And you look very nice showing, like a whole Tour Guide, the whole place. Thanks for sharing.

thanks marynet! In Taiwan, these memorial halls are held with the highest regard because of the person they are built to commemorate, that's one of the reasons it stands out so much!

Really beautiful! The color red and green seem to dominate the decoration, surely they have a meaning too. You did an excellent job, very complete. Greetings friend. Happy journey.

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The Taipei Dome is gorgeous! Good find!

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I'm impressed you caught it! It's a tiny little picture!

Hello, my dear and honey sweetsssj

I miss you.
It's been a long time since you wrote the steemit.

Your pictures are beautiful. This trip was wonderful.

I wish you a happy Easter!

gosh julisavio, good to see you're alive and well, how have you been!?

WOW! Those are some really cool shots! I think your one post is always worth the wait! Such a great job! Speaking of waiting, why don't you ever consider putting some creators on your auto voter @Sweetsssj? It pains to see you sitting on all that Power without utilizing it :D
Will you consider it?

With Love , Elsie.

Happy to see you again, I was just thinking of you the other day.
Still knocking them out of the park, I see,....

When do you come to North America?
We have a lot of culture, but you got to get away from the flashylight box crowd to find it.
It's slowly dying, has been for years.
Our's comes in the people you will meet and not so much the buildings.

Don't miss Silver Dollar City!

hey freebornangel, that's a good question and one i've been thinking about for some time. I thought about my value proposition as a bridge between Asian Culture and Western Culture and it makes a lot of sense for me to bring asian culture to the table as it incites a lot of curiosity, possibly quash some preconceptions in the process.

North America on the other hand I don't know that much about, and I don't have much contextual background associating it to anything that I know culturally either. That said, I do believe you are right in that it's probably more about the people and for that reason, I will probably visit and try not to force a blog out of it. Maybe it'll take multiple passes as well.

Are you saying that the culture is slowly dying? How so?


Freshness came back with you @sweetsssj :)

Hopefully fresh as ever! :D

Like this, forever. :)

Good morning @sweetsssj
With much pleasure we invite you to our Community for support.
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Will you ever come back again?

Of course! Don't know when, but maybe sooner than you think!

I am pleased that you replied. I hope that you have been able to keep safe and the current events haven't had a bad impact on you, your family or your friends.

Hello dear @sweetsssj. Good day to you and pleasant regards from here.
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Thank you very much !!!

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Great reportage!

thanks luigi :)

Great to have you on steemit back. You have posted this after a long time keep posting so that we can get more such type of awesome articles on steemit. Keep up the awesome writing on steemit. 🙂

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago 

嘩!😲 這恐怖的點贊數量

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oh hey, welcome back!

Thanks teamhumble~ good to see you're still here as well!

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Back right in time for the bear market.. just like ssj to seize an opportunity. zZz

love Taipei

me too!

great pictures - I love the guards shoes :) @angrytwin

they are so funny right? Almost a bit goofy and big..

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Thanks for sharing.

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My pleasure!

  ·  5 years ago 


目前你总共有: 1枚SHOP币

查看或者交易 SHOP币 请到

无聊吗?跟我猜拳吧! **石头,剪刀,布~**

Hey @sweetsssj

Looking so beautiful, white skin and sharp eyes beautiful mam.

Hello mam,

This is @alfazmalek and I would like to ask you some question. So do you have some little time for me?

It is a great post and I bet you had such an amazing experience whilst your visit in Taiwan. Welcome back. :) To see the guards are not a new thing for me as I live in the UK and I have been to London several times. I am always fascinated by them. They must have a hard life. I really like the Martyr's Shrine in your post. It reminds me to the Hero's square in Budapest which is the capital City of Hungary where I come from. Have you been to Hungary? If not I recommend to visit Budapest in the Summer. It is a beautiful City. Anyway see the Hero's square here.


That looks amazing! I will have to check it out!

Hey Sandia, great to see you back blogging again. I am impressed that you can always find somewhere new and interesting to post about in Taiwan.

Also nice use of gifs. Brings some life to those guards. It's also cool that they can always keep to those little track marks they have made.

Thanks Wayne! You're still alive and well I see. It'll be hard to find somewhere quite like Taiwan in terms of its unique cultural mix between the west, Chinese and Japanese. I guess that's why I like it so much!

Welcome back to my beautiful friend, I have been waiting for your trip writing for a long time, today I can read your travel writing again. glad to see you again in Steemit.

Glad to see you back too :) Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for the next one! :)

Thanks for using @edensgarden!

Wow, the beauty and the discipline is so stunning - everything is so clean and beautiful. So much different than my country

I am sure there are amazing places to visit in your country too, where are you from by the way?

O yes we do have a beautiful country, just a lot of issues at the moment and people not caring - I am from South Africa

You are a top most class. Is not it?

Don't understand what you mean?

I mean to say your photography is top class. The place is top class and your attitude is also a top class. Keep steem on..

Understood, thank you!

welcome madam.

It's been so long while since I've heard from you! Good to see you are back with a new adventure and hope you are alright :)

I know right! But you know sometimes we all need a long hibernation, and some self reflection time! Other than that I'm very well and I shouldn't be disappearing this long moving forward. Hope to see you more often!

Oh, I know exactly what you mean and I completely agree. It's just good to see your posts again, in my feed! :)


You look so pretty! 💖 The place is beautiful too! 😍

Thank you dear!

@sweetsssj missing you after returning back few months ago.

Good to see you posting again. Excellent post and nice photos.

thank you betterthanhome, will try to be more regular! :)

Whoa... been a long time. Welcome back.

Good to be back ace108~ and nice to see you here!

:-) Still surviving.


Yes, a long time break but glad to be back and good to see you too!

I was missing you! :)

Welcome back! Excellente blog like always!

Beautiful week @sweetssj :)

thanks supernova55!! :D :D

You're Welcome!

Lovely day beautiful @sweetsssj :)

Staning beauty

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Aww thanks :)

Good see you. Welcome back!😀

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thank you jozef230, good to be back!

You got a 30.04% upvote from @spydo courtesy of @steemium! We offer 100% Payout and Curation.

That is an incredible publication. I really liked the photos.

eventar15, thank you, more to come soon!

You got a 33.31% upvote from @bid4joy courtesy of @steemium!

If this is 4 years ago and you were active 1 hour ago... is there a reason why you aren't posting anymore???

Good read @sweetsssj. Great to see your post again. Wonderful pictures of yours are very exciting to see.

hi hiroyamagishi, pleasure to see you and thank you so much!



我做的有点模糊也 什么程序呢

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原来如此啊 👍👍😇谢谢分享

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Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is a beautiful scenery, so that Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary base in the South Ocean can re-emerge its historical glory in nearly a hundred years.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Finally @sweetsssj is back I have missed your travel Blogs a lot. I haven't even read the Post yet but couldn't help but welcome you back. I will read the post and comment again.

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Thanks my dear, it's good to see you commenting, I always appreciate that!

Hello @sweetsssj

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  ·  5 years ago 




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  ·  5 years ago 


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  ·  5 years ago 



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I love your blog. Its really intresting and awesome pictures. I upvote you and I will follow you. And your Steemit Shirt looks great.

Awesomely detailed post! Asia is soooo different. I wish I xould go there at some point. Im a photographer and there is so much to take photos of lol. Taipei is definitely an interesting destination but its so far away from me( im from Estonia, northern Europe) and even flying there costs a fortune already :D

Hey! Glad to see your back at it again! Don't leave for too long again ;-)

Also, I love your posts...its like a mini vacation :-)


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  ·  5 years ago 


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  ·  5 years ago 

好久没看到甜心发帖了~ 欢迎回归~


  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Just amazing,wonderful

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来自于WhereIn Android

Oh My God after waiting almost 4 months I see your post again.... Welcome Back @sweetsssj

Very good content !

The shrine itself is so pretty classic I want to visit that historic place too

Hey here @lizanomadsoul swinging by.
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Welcome back to this great platform. It's great to see another of your interesting, informative, and attractive posts.

Looking forward to more excellent travelogues from you!

Great to see you back posting again Sandia, great post as always. I love the culture and history you uncovered and shared.

Princess Sweet, have you been to America yet?

Hope some how you will fisit bali, we will make steemit rise in bali,

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How are you @sweetsssj it's been a while you are being quite..most of the people i follow on steemit when i first came here was slowly gone.. :( i miss you all😥😥

Hello how are you sista?? You good? I see you very silent now

I'm just loving your travel! The Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall is amazing..

Hello @sweetsssj, would you be so kind as to give me a up vote to help my steem blog grow. Thanks

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  ·  5 years ago 



@elizacheng Eliza 在晴空万里 骑着共享单车 念着软哥金句:"你以为四海之内皆你妈啊,处处都得让着你。" 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


  ·  5 years ago 



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Hey there @sweetsssj !! .. Wow, your travel post are sooo amazing. There is really a lot of nice pictures and information in them ^^ .. It lets me rethink if I should just elongate mine too :) .. it looks so nice how you combine several pictures into one. This inspired me to try this feature out for myself one day ^^

One of the building looked like the forbidden palace. TLDR, but I enjoyed the pictures.

You're really most beautiful princesses @sweetsssj

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Very interesting your post! I am living in Hong Kong where there is also a Dr. Sun Yat-Sen.

Is he as revered there as he is in China and Taiwan?

Thank you for sharing your views. Hope to travel like you someday and sharing my views too ♥️

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