Travel with me #83 : Turkey, here I come!

in travel •  7 years ago 

Dear Steemit friends:

After spending quite a resort based vacation in Bahamas, it was time for me to travel somewhere with some more historical heritage. Prior to setting off on my next travels, I made sure to get some good rest and time with the family. As a frequent traveller, it can get quite tiring moving from one location to the next without taking a break to do absolutely nothing. Thankfully, I had ample time in the weeks after returning from Bahamas to recharge my batteries and prepare for my next trip.

My trip to Bahamas was for my birthday to celebrate being a quarter of a century old. And this trip is to celebrate my 1 Year Anniversary on Steemit!

So, without further ado, I present to you.. the country named after a bird! Yes, that's right, I'm in Turkey!
There are so many reasons to visit Turkey, and over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be showing you in detail all the wonderful places I've managed to visit, including the Hotels I've stayed at, the restaurants worth visiting, the ancient monuments and even the places to go shopping!

These are pictures from my very first day in Turkey, many of you might have guessed that I would visit Istanbul and you are absolutely right, how could you visit Turkey and not visit Istanbul?

Looking outside the window of the plane is becoming one of my favourite things to do on the plane. I used to request an aisle seat to make toilet trips convenient but foregoing the view from a window seat really was not worth the slight inconvenience and I decided on staying by the window.

Some of the best times to take pictures are at sunrise and sunset. As you can see, the sun projects a haze of pink across the vast field of clouds in view. It's like waking up to a baby's dream, surfing across pink clouds.

I had no idea that Istanbul would be quite so big. But after flying over it in a plane, I could really get a feeling of it's size.
It's suppose to be one of, if not the largest cities in Europe (I know technically half of it is in Asia but we'll get to that later). From the comfort of my seat, I can only agree because the city seemed to spread out endlessly in all directions right up to the edges of my vision.

After landing, it was the normal case of passing immigration with my Visa which I had prepared online prior to leaving. It's surprising how accessible Turkey is and in fact, is one of the few countries in the world that I can travel to without having to send my passport off for a Visa.

The airport is tidy, but seems to lack the usual manic "Duty Free" shops and last minute luxury retail stores. This is very welcome, because all I want to do is get out from there and see Turkey as soon as possible!

At the time of taking these photos, I had no idea the significance of Pigeons but later on I realised they are an integral part of the history of Turkey.

No wonder they are featured in this abstract piece of art on the wall. We'll talk about Pigeons and how they relate to Turkey a little more later on.

And finally, after getting an Uber from the Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen International airport, it was about 1 hour before I arrived at my first hotel in the "old city" part of Istanbul.

I was completely blown away by the architecture as I walked around nearby my hotel on my first day of arrival. Even though this part of Istanbul is geographically in Europe, it really feels much more Asian (the non oriental kind) at the core. There are Mosques in every direction you look, and only a short walking distance between them.

The mosaic designs are also subtly everywhere. Look at the side of the stools.

I was also happy to see many local snack stalls selling things like breads and sweetcorn. It's almost like a Chinese style night market stall except in the middle of the day, and with Turkish delights instead.

People here are extra friendly, the ones that do speak a bit of English - and that accounts for a small minority believe it or not, are always curious about "where I'm from" and it seems that is the common way that locals start conversations with tourists.

"Excuse me! Where are you from??"

Just a few minutes away from my hotel, the infamous Hagia Sophia Mosque. We'll have more time to visit this in detail in a later post.

This is my dear friend Tania, who is one of the best photographers I've ever had the opportunity to travel with.

For those of you who are familiar with the area and have visited before, you will know that just a few steps away from the Hagia Sophia, is the infamous Blue Mosque.

The Blue Mosque architecture is equally formidable as the Hagia Sophia, in-fact, the exterior seems a lot more "preserved". It also has a beautiful courtyard.

Many would say that the Blue Mosque is prettier on the outside than Hagia Sophia - which is prettier on the inside.

So we spent the first few hours just walking around the outside, enjoying the sheer scale of the ancient building and it's undeniable beauty.

In one of the entrances to the courtyard, there was a dog happily sleeping outside as if guarding the entrance.

He seemed to be woken up by my presence but wasn't too bothered about me being near him!

The entrance here is beautiful, I don't understand a word of Arabic but it looks so fitting with the Mosque's domes and spire in the background.

What I really like about the area is that there are so many home grown businesses / shops. Here is just one little street of merchants selling their carpets.

Drinking tea, or çay as the Turks would call it, is second only to breathing for the Turkish people. I love how deeply rich the colour of the tea is, and how petite the glasses the çay is served in.

Where 👥 / 🐱 = 10 Million

Population of Turkey = 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥 (80 Million)

Population of Cats in Turkey = 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱

Yes, there is almost definitely a cat or two just about anywhere you look. I'm obviously overjoyed by this because as you know, I love cats and any country that adores cats, I automatically adore too!

This street leads to the Grand Bazaar, another place we'll have a look at together later.

I thought the multi-coloured houses were very pretty, it kind of reminded me of the multicoloured houses in Bahamas, except deeper in colour.

And that wraps up my first day in Istanbul, Turkey.

What adventures will I get up to whilst I'm in Turkey? Follow me to find out!

As always, I appreciate your upvote if you liked my post, follow me if you wish to keep up with my activities, and leave a comment to let me know what you think!




蓝色清真寺,圣索菲亚大教堂遥遥相对,很多人都说建筑里面的样子更加漂亮。在蓝色清真寺的门口,一直可爱的狗狗躺在台阶上休息,我不忍打扰它,只好远远和它合个影。最让我兴奋的应该数在这些景点周边,一条条小街上布满了卖各种土耳其工艺品的可爱小店,增添了老城的魅力。来到土耳其,更惊叹于他们一天6杯茶的习惯,无可否认他们对于茶的喜爱甚至超越了中国人,等候check in来一杯茶,逛街前来一杯茶,饭后又来一杯茶,我非常喜欢这鲜艳的红茶颜色,还有精致的茶具,这小小的杯子碟子十足展现了这个国家的神韵。好吧,说起土耳其的第一映像,另一个最大的特点就是猫了。如果土耳其人口 = 👥👥👥👥👥👥👥👥,那生活在土耳其的猫= 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱。在这里还有一个热闹的集市看不见尽头,那就是大巴扎,汇聚了土国个大小特产,艺术品,工艺品的地方,之后我会带大家走进大巴扎好好探索一番。希望大家享受土耳其行程翻开的第一页,之后还有数不尽的有趣故事在等着和大家分享。

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Turkey is a very interesting country. I spent some time there many decades ago. Unfortunately I was broke and I forgot to bring a camera with me :-)

But I will be back, better prepared this time lol.

That means you experienced it pure and likely before any social networks existed to lure travellers. Bravo!

I was wrong - I really thought it was in Piazza San Marco
so it's actually in Turkey
I hope you're having fun and safe out there
Thanks for taking us there through your beautifully taken pics!
WOW that's a lot of cats out there!
I hope you enjoyed the tea, I find it bitter but like you I like their tea glasses
so cute right?

hi my dearest sweetsssj..1st of all we thank you for taken your personal travel with us which the places you showed is wonderful like Istanbul Turkey and very nice place to visit it's amazing..""i love it..and most of all i like your white t-shirt with steemit look so cute.we love you always.its wonderfull you have a friend travel with you also. the cats and dog photoshot was perfect.10000 million thumbs up and upvoted..BY:::

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You mean with a better camera (Blackberry) , or not

Thanks for sharing your travel experience with us. Hope I can travel to Turkey in the near future. If you ever visit Singapore pls let me know and I can be your tour guide. Cheers.

What about me? :-)

haha together lor buddy buddy right

I dont travel a lot but will sure like a good tour guide once I surface in Singapore. Cheers!

I lived there for some time, but would be back in a heartbeat. I lived on Toa Payoh road, in the old buildings that housed staff for the hospital. It was a little piece of paradise/jungle in the heart of Sing. Great times!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A refreshing read compared to all the Atlantis info we've been getting.
It would have been nice to see the inside of the Mosques. Maybe taking pictures of the interior isn't allowed?

Thanks, the mosques are truly beautiful inside. I've taken quite a few pictures inside but I will feature them in their own post soon! (They are simply amazing)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

:O Then I am very much looking forward to seeing those!

Good comment. Atlantis was getting more than tiring. This isa nice fresh post in a news series. Well done on getting on to a new series

Your photos are always awesome @sweetsssj

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I flagged this. Hate to be rude, but WTF is minnow support project doing providing an upvote on this post for. @sweetssj is #14 on estimated STEEM value, and has a very high reputation

I'll call out the names listed for minnow support.
@aggroed, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem, @theprophet0, and @someguy123

Not sure how your algorithms are working for minnow support, but they are clearly seriously broken.

I suspect that may be why we see @dan with a big flag on the entire post.


My bad, I guess I misused @minnowsupport on my comment on discord. Please flag my comment instead. I take full responsibility. If I was the reason also, @dan should flag me instead as well. btw this wasn't used on @sweetsssj's post, it was on my comment.

Dan flagged this post directly. Sweetssj is typically getting $1000 per post and with 30 posts per month is clearing about $360K per year. Nice job if you can get it.

But dan carries enough weight, that when he flagged this sweetsssj post, he cratered the payout down to below $100.

Sweetsssj could starve if we are not careful. At $100 a post that would only be $36K per year. How could she afford to travel to so many cool places on that small of a payout?

Hope you're not trying to starve her sweetness?


Sweetsssj could starve if we are not careful.

Well I don't hear you concerned for actual starving Steemians, so I feel like your efforts might be misplaced.

Sweetsssj looks kinda scrawny. Not a lot of meat on those bones. She MIGHT be starving .........

Wow, congratulations for you next trip @sweetsssj. Turkey, my dream is also to be able to visit, this country helped us a lot during the devastating earthquake and tsunami disaster in Aceh - Indonesia a few years ago. Aceh and Turkey have long been in a relationship since aceh's work was still in the spice trade, the spreading of Islam, etc.

We wait for the next post the result of your trip trip in that area.

Always keep health and success continue. Keep steem on @sweetsssj. Have nice trip. Thanks

You are the steem model


You are a star in steemit @sweetsssj, and your beauty can vibrate the world. I love you very much and love you. All your works are an inspiration to me. But to this day, I have never received a vote from you ..
From your followers in indonesia

Lmfao. Wow

thanks owner99 I would love to vote for your posts, do you write any in English that I could have a read?

Thanks princess @sweetsssj ,I will try to write it for you in english even though i can not afford, but i will try.

Princess please you see my new post. special for you

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Why buddy

aww I voted for you. sorry I don't have much steem power though :(

Hahhaa... Zonk

Can I go with you on your next trip? How about we go to Croatia? Let me know when you're ready! :)

I'm sure she just hasn't seen this offer yet. I'll help you out in case she doesn't know how much fun you are! No thanks necessary it was my pleasure to help on this one.

I know it's not likely but I'd absolutely love to meet you face to face one day. I'm guessing you don't blog because your life is just that dull? I did see a picture of you, and it does suck that you're very very unattractive, but just cause you you have to pay a girl to want to be around you, doesn't mean you should be as rude as you are. You're truly quite a cunt, and I'm sure you've gotten the shit beat out of you before because of it. Guess you just don't will one day I pray. 😢

So if you don't blog your life is dull? Your blog is about your dog Eleanor I guess because we wouldn't be able to handle the excitement if it was about you.
You have never seen a picture of me and I have never paid a girl to be around me.
You are calling me rude in a post where you are literally calling other people pathetic and laughing at them for doing exactly what you did.

@sweetsssj middle east is thebest know in worl for their architecture ,food ,fashion and hospitality and turkey is the country am gonna visit one day .. inshallah! It will be like a dream come true to be their and enjoy the views and smell of the air there. It is one of the must go places in my list and i hope to visit it oneand till then i will see turkey through your lens.. thanks .. @naseerbhat

This is one of the most beautiful country in the world. Rich with culture and history. You gotta see lots of thing from different kind of culture and so on.

What make even better, it's a country with Visa on Arrival (in my case) , I don't have to worry about applying prior leaving , just book the plan and buy the visa when you arrived. Enjoy your time. Try their coffee / the with their sweet

Thank you, I agree it's so rich with history that the whole trip seemed to be a history lesson so far! I love how convenient it is to get a visa and that is one of the reasons why I chose Turkey.

Nice comment.
I followed you and voted
Have a look to my blog

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You always amaze me with posting your trip results.
I always wonder, when will you visit my area?
In my area you can see some of the relics of ancient times.
Who has not been touched by irresponsible ignorant hands.
You will also see the beauty of the ancient mosque.
And there are still some other natural beauty that you will meet.
I'm sure you'll love it.
If you climb the mountain to the top, you can see the beauty of the sea you can not imagine.
I will wait for you to visit my area.
Hopefully you can consider suggestions from me.
thank you my friend...

Hi friends, i like your appearance on this post photo, simple, graceful but modest.
You are very adept at adjusting to the situation and condition where you are.
This is not a compliment to get a reward, but I really admire you as a smart young girl and friendly.
By the way, it would be very nice to have a good friends who always faithfully accompany in every your trip.
You guys are really a true traveler.
Enjoy your trip in turkey.

I will wait for your travel story in the next post.

Turkey seems calm and relaxed now, a few months ago it was a chaos and many civil clashes.

You're getting closer to Italy, it is present in your destinations?

Hi @sweetsssj, Is it like a bird on a "one piece" movie character ?

It's a bird on the island of arabasta.
A bird that accompanies the daughter of raka alabasta, and if the movie "one piece" is made with the original manusai characters, as you are very suitable to be the daughter of king alabasta, hihi ...

I haven't actually seen that movie before!

Animated film from japan, rubber man, gomu gomu noooo..
Did you start to find out?

nice post

U r going to love it
I visited the city for a couple of days and i really loved it

Enjoy each streat and place and building !

And the place around Hagia sophia is ancient and the Hagia Sophia itself is going to AMAZE U !

And dont forget to eat doner kebab lol

Istiklal street and Taksim square also u can find almost everything to buy there !

Enjoy ur trip to the max

Turkey is the best place I ever been to!!

Congratulations on your steemit anniversary and summer birthday, @sweetsssj. I celebrated my birthday in July, and they actually declare an annual holiday for me in France, called Bastille Day. I don't like the fuss but what can I do?

I love the fact that you deliberately chose a less touristy spot to visit. Turkey is steeped in history and I'm looking forward to your tours inside those famous/infamous(?) mosques and your reports on the street life, cultural and historical aspects of this intriguing country.

I have to admit my curiosity is piqued by your previews and hints of what's to come. I imagine Turkey to be a darkly romantic place, a setting where James Bond would feel quite at home.

Just think, a country that adores tea and cats! Never mind James Bond, I'd feel right at home. I import tea for my personal use and my Muse is a grumpy tabby cat.

Thomas in fedora.jpg

Quite the International Man of Mystery, don't you think?

Your photos are exceptional in this post and my compliments to your new photographer.

I am looking forward to seeing a different side of you - the intellectual side few people see, but I recall some of your past posts and contrary to what some of your fans might know, you have real depth and I think we'll catch glimpses of that.

I see this post as a teaser, a prelude to a new adventure to come.

John! Thank you for that! I now have two birthday's to look forward to each year, isn't that great? It seems your birthday wasn't too long ago either so happy belated birthday :) I actually didn't know about the Bastille day, what's the story behind that?

Unlike my trip to Bahamas which focused mostly on one place, my recent visit to Turkey has been all over the place and I'm really excited to show everyone how different Turkey can be moving from one place to another.

Thank you also for the observation about the depth I like to put into my work, although travelling has been my main theme as of late, this is the usual thing for me during the summer but in the colder winter months, I tend to do more of the thought provoking posts. Not too long left till winter :)

Beautiful! Enjoy your stay and love your shirt!!! :)

Great post @sweetsssj I was in Istanbul, Turkey about 4 years ago. Beautiful place! Thank you for sharing your adventures and please keep up the good work and inspiring us to post here on Steemit! I posted my Production Video #1 @joeparys and am 1/2 way finished with my Cali production video! Lots of editing but it is worth it in the end :)

I can't believe you came here and didn't call me.

Yay! a few days ago we were also in Istanbul! Unfortunately, we cannot met.. Are you visiting Budapest in the next 2 months?

imagine with a population of 20+ million if we accidentally met! Budapest is somewhere i'm thinking of visiting, but not in the next 2 months, it'll be part of my "Europe" tour sometime next year :)

That would be fun :D

Hope you will visit the Philippines also and would be featured in your "Travel with me posts". God bless you in all your trips @sweetsssj you're always awesome in your photos.

Why did Dan flag this post?

wow this is a very beautiful post, you and Tania look great (extend my greetings to she on steemit?) .
I guess that you landed in a small Turkish airport..because the airport I landed in Istanbul is very big and busy with loads of top duty free shops. Turkey is a very beautiful country especially its tourist cities and am sure that you will enjoy your time there and constantly send us updates. I am glad too that we travel to Turkey without Visa (German) and can always visit the country. Keep steeming to more success, you always have my upvotes.

Do you use bots , and what is your opinion about bots ? feel free to see my latest post about the subject and send in your comment. I wish you more success and hope that we stay in touch. Wish you a blessed weekend

Hello, dear friend! Very cool post! I've never been to Turkey. Thanks to you, I visited there :) thanks! You are well suited with a friend of Tanya :)
Good and strong friendship to you! Forever;)
You as always on top. Beautiful!
Love, andrianna

best girl on Steemit.

@sweetsssj - Wow - Turkey!! I was in Turkey in September 2015 in Instambul and Ankara. Istambul airport, as you correctly mentioned has very few duty free shops. It's up and down levels are a bit confusing depending on your flight terminal though. I also have the same picture of the mosaic with pigeons!!. From the first few photos of your blog, I recognized that you are in the Asian part of Istambul, very near to Blue Mosque (because of the tram rails) and sure enough, it turned out to be correct. This is the best part of town to stay for visiting the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia. The Islamic heritage of the mosques is just breathtaking as you correctly mention. The dogs and cute cats are ever present and I loved to pet them (though my wife kept scolding me). Oh and a very cute Steemit T-Shirt by the way! I especially like the anime girl picture on the back - looks like you? I think you will have a grand time in Istambul since it is a mix of European and Asian culture, separated by the Bosphorous. Please do take a cruise on the Bosphorous. Wishing you a great time in Turkey and Istambul in particular.
Cheers. Upvoted.

If you find time during your busy schedule in Istambul, I request you to visit my recent blogs - You may like one with Elephant encounter GIFs and a Double Rainbow! As always, your comments and feedback will be very welcome. Thanks

thank you vm2904, it's so nice to hear about your own travels to Turkey, with so many mutual experiences, it's a sign that Turkey truly is a mecca for travellers and accessible to all people!

As you said, I do love the mix of European and Asian culture, and it's also the reason why I decided to stay near the old town next to the Hagia Sophia, I seem to remember however that it is located on the West side of the Bosphorous and therefore is the European side and not Asian side. Do correct me if i'm wrong though!

As always I have time to visit the blogs of my favourite people, you being one of them :)

@sweetsssj - I remember that we stayed very close to blue mosque called Lamp Hotel. A Sweet, very small and cozy place. Then we had to cross the channel on the bridge to go to European side. I could be wrong since it has been 2 years. I will check.
Do visit the Cistern and the places where several James Bond movies were filmed. Also - Taken 2 was filmed at a location in Istambul. You may want to see if you are interested.
Thanks for your encouragement as always to my blogging efforts. I look forward to your visits.

from luxury to turkey! Not exactly a luxury place but yes, traveling is nice ;)


You're beautiful all the time, but when you smile like that, I swear my world stops.
I like the way you reason, I really like you.
The best thing about you is that You’re different from other women.

Your heart stops?! Lmfao. Wow

Turkey is no longer the country that joined NATO, or that was a close ally of the United States until the end of the last century. It is an increasingly Islamic state, with a shrinking secular minority that is having ever greater difficulty keeping the Kemalist flame alive. Because that minority happens to be Westernized and to speak Western languages (especially English), it tends to be the source of interviews and analyses by Western journalists and to mix most freely and often with Western elites. As a result, many in the west continue to believe that Erdogan’s authoritarian, indeed repressive policies, and his witch-hunts against both journalistic critics of his regime and suspected supporters of the exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen, do not reflect the “real” Turkey. In fact they do.

I do not know if you've ever come to Turkey. On the basis of what is my beautiful country and behind our support of more than half of our people, you can find these accusations about our President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. You westerners can not learn the truth from the televisions and newspapers broadcasting there. If the presidents of the europeans say something against Turkey, it is known that Turkey is doing the right thing. In addition, the growth and development of the Turkic countries will not like the European states in this way, our president is attacking.
I'il ask you a question. What is growing in Europe, is there any mine in Europe? I go even further, the more the world is exploited, the more blood, tears, persecution, hunger and death are known, there are Europe and America behind it.
Dear @ SoniaJeson the truth is painful.

OMG this place is so lovely 💖

Hey @sweetsssj nice Post.

I spend a time for 2 weeks in Istanbul. It was a amazing city.
The people are a little bit crazy, but very kind. :) What is your experience with the people?

OMG! A steemit star in Turkey-Istanbul. İt's a lucky and lovely day. I hope you likte the city. If you have time, you should see Çanakkale too. İt's very close to İstanbul. It's a small, historic city. I think you will love it and I want you to see the city's nature view from your camera. It's always a different view in your photos. Enjoy your trip :)

Omg !!!! You came to Istanbul and you did not give a call :( I am pretty disappointed :(((

Lmfao. I'm sure it was an accident. Lolololl

THANKS! With each post you keep reaffirming to steem haters that steemit is a scam. Thanks for doing that! We appreciate it! We really do! THIS IS FAKE! And any high functioning retard could figure that out within seconds. So if you love steemit please ignore this poster because she/he/it is a fraud and will facilitate the devaluating of steem in the future. Seriously... The next time I see this so-called "poster" with hundreds of bucks for fake posts I'm gettin' the fuck outta Holler as soon as I can. I don't care if it's 10% a week, at least it's something. And now I'm goin' over ta reddit ta show 'em what a fraud y'all are. Ha!

Wait, no! If I continue to see fake posts like this, I'll start my own "travel posts." Something like: Bay City, Michigan, Here I come! With all the pics and photo-shopped stuff following.


What a completely different place than the previous stop in the Bahamas!
There is such rich history there In Istanbul & Turkey and it’s great to see your enthusiasm to uncover it.

A HUGE welcome to your friend Tania as well 😀 🙌

Lovely start to the Turkish adventure @sweetsssj, that sure is a big city, but I’m sure you’ve got it covered 😉

Ah!!! We finally in on the "secret" reveal - Turkey!!
My parents have been and they absolutely loved all the history and culture!!! I hope you have an AMAZING time there!!!
And finally we get to meet your photographer, Tania. Is she usually the photographer that travels with you? You both take absolutely stunning travel shots - I'm so jealous :)

My dearest @sweetsssj, finally you have unveiled your new location as promised. Turkey is a good choice. I am happy to know that you have taken enough time to relaxe with your family and recharged your battery. That is very necessary in life. The pictures are very nice. I knwo that seeing cats everywhere will gladden your heart. Nice reporting. Keep it coming. Upvoted

Istanbul is one of those "crossroads" cities that are central to so many different histories and experiences. Byzantium, Ottoman, it so rich and diverse in its history and culture. I'm so envious, I hope you have a wonderful time there and get to see and learn so much. I wish I could see it some day. Thank you for sharing!

i love you @sweetsssj

You're beautiful, I followed you @imamaii

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


Oh. We should date then.

such a shame then... :P

Hello! For a long time you have not seen. Glad you are back with us!

I also missed you

I have missed all of you too!!

thank you, I have been busy travelling around Turkey!

Love ❤️ 🇹🇷... oh and the dog pic is the best, so cute!!

Turkey "seems" like "steem" in pictures.
I want to visit Turkey.

Very good travel madam.You know travel place in Turkey. I 💗 Turkey

BEAUTIFUL and great images!
Really high quality.

That is a big change going from the Bahamas to Turkey. I will be interested to see more pictures from your trip.

Happy 25 years and happy 1 year on steemit. We are so happy to have someone like you here. You are kind, good and really nice. Enjoy Turkish people and food. You will love it. Thank you for the support you give us here. Enjoy everything there. Hope you come back home safe... LOL
support my work [resteeming gospel products] too thank you:

excellent trip, love places

Welcome to turkey @sweetsssj ,have have always at your travel,and God Bless..
images (9).jpg

Amazing photos! Thank you! I also like to relax in Turkey. But I was in Antalya.

Good post . I like photos .

I like you.


I'm glad you didn't get raped or robbed there. Especially İstanbul is ISIS heaven now. It's not safe to travel in Turkey. Westside is better but all other places are very bad.

Lucky u. Enjoy dear

thank you shfaisalsh :)

Wow!!!..What a photos you have taken.
Istanbul the city which responsible for discovery of many new path to the india by many navigator in the history

@sweetsssj Simply beautiful your post

Next summer my first destination is turkey :))))))))) and i will visit you to ;)

Thank you for sharing those amazing photos of Istanbul.You look really pretty in your steemit shirt :) I wish you a wonderful time on your trip toTurkey, keep sharing with us all the beautiful scenes. Cheers :)

Thanks practicaleric! Appreciate it very much! Next few weeks will be mostly turkey stories!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

@sweetsssj dance in you travel all happy

Wow., through your very explicit narrative I saw the country named after a bird" smiled when I read that one", I could literally say I have. Been Turkey, I tasted the çay*, hope you tasted those delicacies? 👏👏👏👏👏

Excuse me @sweetsssj, how do you make the picture next to the text?

Good question!

<div class=pull-right>
put your image here

Hope that helps!

hello dear i m fallow u plz ur fallow me

Did you ever come to Indonesia?

I haven't been yet but I'm planning to!

Hey @sweetsssj ... I always love your post❤ I'm from Jamaica 🇯🇲... You should take a trip here... I know you would have a beautiful experience.... One love ❤

thank you andrewramdas, you're so kind, and greetings to you in Jamaica!

I didn't know that this is such a beautiful place... I've never thought about visiting it, but know I changed my mind :)

Aww well, i hope in the coming posts, you can see more of Turkey to help you make a more informed decision! :)

So glad to read this new series of post @sweetsssj! You will surely have an amazing time in Turkey! The food culture is just wonderful as well as the history of this country! Turkey is on my bucket list for sure, I recently posted on my visit to Morocco which is also rich in culture and heritage!
I'm sure you are going to make us discover this lovely country very deeply with your post! So excited!

Hi, your posts are nice and helpful. Do not forget vote yeah !!

Bonita foto @

Amazing! Good job 😉😉😉

good post!

Lo mejor de este mundo es ser bloguero y gracias Steemit muchos puede vivir felices en este trabajo, gran post el que compartes. Espero seguir leyendo de tus aventuras y viajando contigo a través de las fotos que compartes

good job my friend

I followed you and voted

No words)) just super photo, thanks for the post!

Those are beautiful images

Meet a designer in Los Angeles yesterday who wants to design rugs for a new condo we are looking at, and we may even visit Turkey because of this meeting. Turkey is great. I love to work as a photo journalist

wow !! nice post!!!

great vacation, You really make beautiful photos, you know where to make photos.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey @sweetsssj in that steemit top you could well be a strong contender for the job of steemit ambassador :)

BEATIFul girl lets travell pari

Just WOW! Beautiful place, beautiful photos!
Thanks for sharing! Bless :)

Hi @sweetsssj come to Aceh, here you can Wander around and visit the exciting natural attractions. Exploring the forests, mountains, beaches has its own value of satisfaction. You will enjoy the beautiful natural atmosphere that is around the place.


You are a true motivation to all the young traveller. Love you all posts

Hi sweetsssj. Thank you, finally I am getting to see your travel to Turkey. Please tell me, did you feel uncomfortable not wearing a hijab?

i like your posting.

@sweetsssj This is a nice post. I hope you will make us know more about the beautiful places of Turkey.

you should write an article about how you stay in shape while travelling :)

beautiful country!

Very nice pictures..thank you!

Amazing ! You are doing well,you really inspired me @sweetsssj sorry comes late to know,Resteem & Upvoted Now !


nice posting

I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 1.81 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @kid4life.

great post thanks

Hi @sweetsssj first I would like to Welcome you to Turkey. As a Turk, I can confirm that your observation of çay is spot on. Some people drink more Çay than water :) I wish you a wonderful stay!

I never thought Turkey was coming up! I am tired of hearing about that place!lol I have a lot of Turkish friends here in Bahrain! Infact I am so tired of hearing about it that I am actually looking to move there for work! Believe it or not, I have an interview tomorrow with a Turkish company which has a branch in Bahrain, and I am hoping to gain a transfer from them in a year or so If i get through the interview or otherwise also work visa for Turkey is easily accessible, I guess! Middle east has an amazing culture! Enjoy some Greenapple flavoured sheesha:) You will love it! Internet is down so could not honestly view all the pics, its goin on loading forever:( Anyways! For the couple of them I was able to see;Awesome post!

I have been to Turkey too, love the places and the people from there!! Looking forward to more of your photos