Members of the Massai tribe demonstrate fire starting

in travel •  8 years ago 

Massai herders.jpg

While I was in Kenya last year, I had the privilege of visiting a Massai tribe village. It was thrilling to learn about their culture and history directly from them. During the men's retreat that I helped staff while I was in Kenya, the seven men that were in the small group that I led were all from the Massai tribe. so getting the opportunity to visit a village was even more personal.

In the first video, one of the men shows the spindle and the fire board that they use to start a fire.

Then they huddle around and take turns spinning the spindle with their bare hands to create the friction between the two pieces of wood to create an ember, which when placed in the bundle becomes a flame.

Afterwards the men invited one of the guys in our group to join them in their jumping contest. The Massai men are known for their extreme vertical leaping ability, developed by years of practice and competing with each other. Our guy was no match for them!

This was an experience I will never soon forget, and I hope you enjoyed it.

Steam on, my friends!

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Excellent work, very good post