The Importance of Going Home (No Matter How Old You Get) | My Hometown

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

I’ve been a little MIA on Steemit + DTube, so I thought I would share why. Life has been full of a lot of moving pieces lately and I am excited to share more with you all on that later, but I have truthfully just been so busy. I went home to Tucson, AZ this past weekend and it was the PERFECT getaway.

Some Reflections

I’ve always been a busy bee growing up and because of that, I have learned when I need a break and when I need to simply just go home. My hometown has a special place in my heart because it holds so many of my loved ones there! Getting to see family calms my soul… they put me at ease in seconds.

I’m a big believer in living life to its fullest and enjoying every second because we only have one life to live and we better freaking live it, not just exist in it. I’m also a big believer in slowing down sometimes. Soaking in those around me and just being present. When I slow down, I reflect and take a moment to think of all my blessings in my life and show some gratitude.

So, for all of you reading this, I just want to remind you that yes- life is short so live it to the fullest. However, make sure you pause and take time to be present with those close to you. It’ll remind you of the important things in life and what is worth stressing over and what isn’t. Live a life of gratitude and spread positivity… you won’t regret it!

My Tucson(Arizona) Trip

I put together a DTube video showcasing a glimpse of my hometown! I love the power of video and actually getting to show you it vs. just sharing pictures (thank you @DTube)! This past weekend was our street fair, an event that my mom and I have gone to since I was little. They shut down a street in our downtown by the University of Arizona and fill it with local vendors. We’ve always loved going because it’s interesting seeing all the items (artwork, food, services) that the locals are selling, it’s fun people watching, and it’s a celebration of all things Tucson. For a homesick girl, it was perfect.


We found this unique item that is made of wood and antique copper Arizona license plates. The extra bonus that sold me on it was that there is a magnet that catches the bottle cap. I’m all about the little details and getting to drink a beer in peace without the concern of stepping on the bottle cap.

In the video, you’ll see some of the booths, a few waves from the locals, you’ll meet my mom, and I take you all inside one of my favorite coffee shops. Tucson is known for its murals, so I gave you a glimpse of a few along the street.

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Also at the very end – there’s a special surprise for those dog lovers out there!

In addition to the street fair, my weekend was full of many family birthday celebrations. My dad’s birthday was a few days before and my mom’s was a few days later, so we were constantly doing something to enjoy time with one another. Saturday night, we all played video games (any Mario Kart lovers out there?) with my brothers and I was SO exhausted from my drive that I was banking on my mom getting tired. Apparently, she decided to be a party animal though that night, and we just kept going until 10:30 PM. Wouldn’t trade anything for family time, so it was worth the tired eyes.

Welp, here’s a glimpse into my life. Sorry for being inactive this past week, but I am refreshed and ready to share all types of content with you on here. I also am going to periodically share more stories about who I am to have you all get to know me better.

Tucson Outside-11.jpg
My mom and I

Happy to be back and happy steeming everyone!

Memories by Markvard @markvard
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs (

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Great post! Most of us are always so busy we don't stop to reflect enough, so thanks for the reminder :)

Great read! Will watch video when I have a moment but living a life of gratitude resonates with me. Although I do struggle and people have suggested keeping a gratitude journal!

Thanks for the comment, @mdees1 :) That's a good idea about keeping a gratitude journal. That would help on days too that I struggle because I can just look back at previous things I wrote.

I don't blame you, sometimes you just need to hit the reset...I know how that goes...but glad your back miss...and glad you had a great time going back home and with the fam!

Happy to be back and just in time for your competition! ;) Hope you get some awesome entries!!

Lovely.. Ya we always need a break once in a while.
I am a expat from India living in Malaysia and I know how it feels when you go home after a year.. :-)

Right? It's such a great feeling and one that doesn't compare to much else. :)

Hi Girl I'm right there with you, sometimes life gets a little overwhelming and going back to your home and being surrounded by your love ones it's just what you need to recharged and keep going, glad you had such a nice time!

Thank you!! Yeah it's the perfect recharge. Definitely puts what I should be actually stressing over in life in perspective too. Fam is the most important thing!

that smile, that charming face, little wonder you got it from your mum. very nice post dear. quite an interesting narrative. keep it coming.

Thank you for saying that, she's a beautiful woman! And thank you most of all for the comment on my post -- happy you enjoyed the read!

Sure I did and my regards to your cute mum. Keep such coming. Let's keep in touch 👌

Great post. I see where you get your looks from. You sure look like your mom. You watch "The Last Man on Earth"? It takes place in Tucson for a bit.

No I've never seen that movie! But I will have to check it out especially if it reps Tucson in it :P & thanks for the kind comment! I like to say she's my older sister haha

you should come to see turkey istanbul bosphorus city :)

One day I would love to! I haven't traveled much but hope to change that. :)

I was thinking I hadn't seen any posts from you for a while. Really glad to hear that you were just taking a break and hadn't deserted us!

I totally get what you're saying about sometimes needing a break. My hometown in Birmingham in UK, but actually I never go back there now because my close family has all moved away. So nowadays, "going home" for me means visiting the people that are important to me. Most commonly my mother, who now lives in Portugal. It's just another benefit that visiting her means spending time in that beautiful and warm country ;)

Your hometown looks vibrant and welcoming. Glad to hear that you had a good weekend and looking forward to more of your posts. On a side note, I like the way you arrange your posts with both text and video. I'm not always in a place where I can watch videos so it's great to have the option just to read as well.

OMG I would never desert you all! I love it here so much. Just had to take a little break from life in general which meant Steemit. :)

I also completely get what you mean about home changing. I am lucky that my parents have stayed where they are but if they ever move, which who knows they may, I will be in a similar position as you! I agree though that the benefit is getting to travel/visit to unique places. I hope you find time to go to your hometown sometimes at least!

Thank you for the kind comment though about my home -- it truly has a piece of my heart! & good to know about the text/videos! I wondered if people enjoyed that or thought it was redundant so I tried to make the text or video different somewhat!

I really appreciated this comment and the time you took to write it.

Great Read!! Video was also cool.

Thank you! And the United States!

hhmmmm.... which country??

Pretty cool modern town. Really like the murals, are they spray painted?

Compliment you look great :)

Thank you, sir! That is kind of you to say