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Captivating photos! I particularly like the night shots and the boy drawing with pastel. Excellent work!

Thank you for the compliments!
However the artist drawing the Basilica is a woman ;)

Beautiful pictures! Thank you for the tour!

You are welcome :)

It's time for celebration @theaustrianguy !

I like my Posts well done and yours is written to perfection. You earned this 0.27$ Upvote!

PS: You can earn 30% Vote-Cashback by upvoting this comment and all other post/comments by @therealwolf


The pics were awesome makes me want to visit this summer.

You should, Paris is definitely worth a visit :)
If you like lakes and mountains, I can also suggest Austria!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

SchΓΆner Post und das Konzept vom bilingualen Post gefΓ€llt mir. So kann man in seiner Muttersprache schreiben in der man sich besser ausdrΓΌcken kann und hinterher ΓΌbersetzen um mehr Leute zu erreichen :)

Freut mich, dass dir die Darstellung gefΓ€llt - garnicht so leicht, einen bilingualen Post ansprechend zu gestalten ;)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Awesome post about Paris :)

Thank you very much :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Sehr schΓΆne Bilder - erinnert mich an meine eigene letzte Parisreise...danke! folge jetzt Deinem Kanal!

Freut mich dass ich (hoffentlich positive) Erinnerungen wecken konnte! Danke :)

Paris ist so schΓΆn, freue mich schon auf meinen nΓ€chsten Besuch dort.

Ist wirklich sehr schΓΆn :) Schon geplant?

2013 war ich ja bereits in Paris, wann ich das nÀchste Mal dor hin fahre weiß ich noch nicht, vermutlich kommt jetzt mal London zuerst. Aber auch mal ein Paar Wochen nach Asien würde mich reizen, Japan wÀre sehr schân zum Beispiel.

London ist auch sehr fein ;) Aber beim aktuellen Wetter wΓΌrde es mich eher in wΓ€rmere Gebiete ziehen!

Damn! That breakfast looks serious! How expensive was it, if you don't mind my asking? :) Great article and photos of course :)

It was delicious ;) Don't remember exactly - probably around 10€ including coffee.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Wow! That's not so bad... I'll keep that place in mind next time I go home :)

You live there? ;)

no, I live in Spain, but i'm French

Oh right, your profile says Granada ;)
But you really should try out the bakery when you are back in your home countries capital!

definitely! Spain is great for many things, but bakery is not their strong point :P

However woman are :D

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Amazing and beautiful photos!

Thank you - Glad you like them :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Richtig tolle EindrΓΌcke aus Paris Bro, danke fΓΌrs Teilen!

Sehr gerne - war echt lustig eine Reise so zu rekapitulieren :)

I really like your writing style, you guide me through Paris! And the pictures you added look very nice too. I like the composition in them, especially the one of the lady drawing the Sacre Coeur and the cityscape shot from up in the church. Great post!

I do a series called #photofeedback. In this series, I give detailed feedback on the photos that people take. I would really like to review one of these pictures for you in a post on my feed. If you have some time, do you maybe want to check the series out and tell me if you'd like one of these reviewed? Would love to hear from you.

Cheers, keep it up!

I would love to have one reviewed :) However they are just iPhone pictures, keep that in mind please ;)

Perfect! I'll choose one of these and review it in my next #photofeedback, thanks a lot!
And, iPhone pictures or not, I really like the overall quality of them.

Have a nice weekend man :)

Amazing photography and great post. Looking forward to more.

Glad you like it :) There is sure more to come - especially now that skiing is starting soon in Austria!

Awesome! I will definitely watch out for those post.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Beautiful photos. I'm French and I live near Paris, but I never had Time to see it.... Nice ;)

You definitely should spare some time and visit your capital - It's a beauty!

Nice to meet you! It is my first few days on Steemit community! Excited getting to know new friends ❀️

Then welcome to this platform and my post :) Hope you enjoyed it and will have a nice journey on this amazing platform :)

Amazing gallery!
Thanks for sharing it really remind me how much i love my country!

You definitely have many loveable things in France :) Glad you like it, means much from a local!

Heya, just swinging by to let you know you're being featured in our Daily Travel Digest!

Great, thank you very much :)

Coole Fotos! Paris habe ich fΓΌrs nΓ€chste Jahr im FrΓΌhjahr geplant.
Freue mich schon drauf!
Ein Geheimtipp, den du geben kannst, oder die Hauptattraktionen mitnehmen und weiter durchforsten?
Liebe Grüße :)

Sehr cool, da freust du dich zurecht drauf ;)

Hm, kommt drauf an in welche Richtung. Bzgl. FrΓΌhstΓΌck findet sich was in Teil 1 z.B. Was interessiert dich besonders?

Liebe Grüße zurück ;)

Na FrΓΌhstΓΌckstipps hΓΆren sich fΓΌr den Start schon mal gut an!
Da werde ich mir die anderen Posts auch mal anschauen.
Das Bitcoin GeschÀft sieht auch Àußerst interessant aus, ich hoffe dass ich da mehr Glück habe als du wegen des Vortrages.
Bis dahin werde ich noch etwas an meinem FranzΓΆsisch arbeiten :-P

FrΓΌhstΓΌck kann ich wie gesagt die Location aus #1 und aus diesem Post sehr empfehlen ;) Vor allem aber das Bananenbrot ΓΌber das ich in #1 schreibe :)

Wow das ist aber ein toller Artikel ΓΌber eine meiner Lieblings StΓ€dte ! Parisssss c’est Magnifique!

Freut mich, dass er dir gefΓ€llt ;)
Paris ist finde ich in gewissen Aspekten eine große Version von Wien! Aber in Punkto Γ–ffis hat Wien finde ich klar die Nase vorne. Vor allem was die Sauberkeit betrifft!

Ich habe in Paris gelebt in meinen 20’s und meine Sturm und Drang Zeit erlebt. Ich finde es etwas aufregender also Wien 😜

Klar, wenn du die Stadt mit persΓΆnlichen Erinnerungen verknΓΌpfst, ist es natΓΌrlich was anderes ;) Aber td, Architektur usw. hat schon sehr viele Γ„hnlichkeiten. Aber gerade die DenkmΓ€ler sind ja im selben historischen Stil gehalten großteils.

Ja schon aber irgendwie ist das feeling ganz anders

I love that Breakfest ;)

I did so too :)

Thanks for taking and showing me the Paris 😁

Glad you joined me :)



Thank you :)

more than wellcome

Ich kann dir auch sehr empfehlen die Katakomben zu besuchen :)

Muss ich dann das nΓ€chste Mal machen, danke fΓΌr den Tipp ;) Waren eh viel zu kurz dort!

the breakfast looks YUMMI ^_^.

It doesn't just look so ;)

Chemtrails over the tower...

Hopefully not :O

French is the most beautiful language in the world, wish I could speak this lovely language. 😍

Yeah, at least if you know how to speak it. Out of my mouth it doesn't sound anything like something beautiful :D

Specially when a french woman speaks French, it sounds magical.

I want to visit Paris now .
That's great dude!

Great I made you feel that way ;) It's definitely worth a visit!

I like it your post. I Love Paris...

Thank you :)

Oh Paris! Too bad its only a figment of my mind right now. Wish I could visit the place one day!

Maybe Steem will help you to raise funds in order to visit it - It's quite expensive :(

I know, long distance airfare are always expensive.

Sometimes you get lucky and get them at a huge discount though :)


Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I have shoot more photo in paris check my blog ;)

I will check them out :)

I had been in some of the locations mentioned above.
I can really remember all the fine article and beauty of that places.
Plus, you took some beautiful pictures..resteemed!

Great you like it - where have you been from the above places?

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Photos are awesome. And you have given such a vivid descriptions!

Glad you like them :)

your post very good, i love travel. i am never been to paris. i want to go there

Glad you like it! Maybe STEEM will help you go there :)

i am new in Steem, how long time to go there... :)

I'm interested to go on there....😊

You definitely should do that ;)

I'll try my best......😌

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Hey it looks awesome . Nice post ..Its good place .I think paris is very beautiful place one has to see that place once...And nice photography..

Thank you very much :)

I would rather need a flight from Vienna to New York then from NY to Paris :P

@theaustrianguy No Problem. You want the following route? Vienna, NY, Paris? in which month? How long want you to stay in NY? Paris is your Home country?

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Now is dangerous in Paris, I can't visited, I am scared cause a lot people agressive, I don't how you make for make beautiful picture a lot picpocket .

Fortunately we did not encounter aggressive people ;) Are you afarid of terror like from ISIS or what do you mean?

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

yes that and people agressive who steal phone and other .

Paris is so beautiful Place

It really is :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I enjoyed it :) it took me there, thanks for the post

Great, that was the goal :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Yes, sure :) I am very excited about Steemit, it's revolutionary idea when create some value from our hearts to others, we get valued as well :)

You should be :) Good luck on your further journey on steemit!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Thank you very much :) It will lead lots of users to freedom I think, I want to make it as a work from home too for me and do my best posts because when we concentrate on one thing, we do it the best

Sure, multitasking is just no human gift ;)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Yeah :) and thanks for upvotes

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

The sky in the Eiffel tower pictures look absolutely disgusting. Covered with chemtrails. The rest of your pics are amazing. thanks for sharing

Actually I don't believe in Chemtrails - do you?

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

there is nothing to believe in. If you don't know then you are just ignorant and not informed. and under the influence of their propaganda.Read up on Geoingineering and haarp.they don't even hide it any more.
also the most obvious thing

Beautiful pictures by writing very beautiful artworks

Thank you :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

From Paris with Love




That's so cool

Glad that you like it :)

Superb Clicks!!
I simply love your articles, what great content and quality of posting you offer the community here on Steemit and abroad.

Thanks a lot :)

Unfortunately I can't say the same thing about spam comments like this one :(

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

good post.

Awesome post... , delighted to UPVOTE and FOLLOW...check me out..and if you like my posts or videos, delighted if you can return the compliment.
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Thank you for sharing, I follow you with pleasure

Thank you for posting lots of content and effort in all the posts you do on steemit πŸ‘ŒπŸΌlook forward to the next post ....... Keep up the good work from @devosdevosi

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Awesome article and great photography.... delighted to upvote and follow may be interested in looking at some of my video clips I will be posting soon on Dtube , if so delighted if you could do the same for me

Nice, really lovely shots! It's such a beautiful place, nothing quite compares to it

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

What an exceptional post! I wish I'd have seen it sooner! :)

Calling @originalworks :)
img credz:
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@theaustrianguy also wie geht das nun hahaha 52% ist ja irre. I need to try this out

Gibt ne Whitelist, wo ich es dankbarerweise raufgeschafft habe, die es erlaubt, bis zu 100 SBD pro Tag zu benutzen :)

Unglaublich was es alles gibt. Ich habe gerade versucht 5000 zu schicken und es kam wieder zurΓΌck. Ich verstehe das nicht

Geht einfach sehr schnell im Internet! Wenn man mal ein paar Tage offline ist, versteht man gleich vieles nicht mehr.

5000? :D

Ich meinte 5 SBD

Glaube es gibt gerade sehr wenig verfΓΌgbare Upvotes fΓΌr 5$ :(

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