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Great travels!

Thanks to @paradigmprospect, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Thank you and @paradigmprospect

Nice to see that even my lesser posts - in my opinion - actually get valued.

Have a great weekend!

Thanks for sharing these incredible photos! It encourages me to travel more, although it can be tiring.
spain is the best place in the world.@vincentnijman

you're welcome and yes, it can be tiring but ' al fin, vale la pena '
it's worth it.

I´m discovering Spain with you! Ronda looks really beautiful.

You're not the first Spanish person who tells me that (s)he has seen less of Spain than I have :>)
Actually, I - for instance - have never been on either one of the 7 islands at the North of the Netherlands.

You're touring ex-Morrocan lands, see the difference from the northern parts already?

Their impact was great, this was a caliphate for some time....

Si señor!

I have been in this part of Spain before, back in 2009 (Cordoba, Seville, Granada, Malaga) but never before in Ronda nor have I visited - my next destination - Tarifa.

I love this mix of styles, how you can literally see the layers of history, culture and religion, sometimes even in one single building.

Buen fin de semana, amigo!

Mr Worldwide :P

Jejeje! I have only been in Europe so far, even though the Canary Islands didn't feel that European (except for the tourists).

Those cliffs... I am afraid of heights like that, get vertigo and everything. While very pretty, i would probably instantly evolve octopus suckers on my back and cling to the side of a building LOL


Says the guy who climbs on ladders all the time ;>)

I am slightly afraid of heights myself but not when there's a gate and all.
I once went for an extremely scary 10 to 15 minute walk, over an arching cliff , dozens of metres above a wild and rocky sea (in November 2016) on El Hierro, Canary islands. I should still have some GoPro footage of that. I was literally glad I survived that walk. Sometimes I tend to push myself.

Adembenemend zicht... Het doet me een beetje denken aan de "casas colgadas"(de hangende huizen) van Cuenca.
bron foto
Hopelijk volgen er nog meer zulke foto's en verhalen. Geniet van je reis.

Komt voor de bakker ;>)
Muchas gracias y buen fin de semana!
En ja, ik begrijp de vergelijking.
Ziet er heel cool uit die hangende huizen.

Looks like an amazing place!

It is pretty pretty but also very touristic. It's hard to take pictures without people on it.